VBoxVMSettingsDisplay.cpp revision 21a6f1cfdb5b90401b94e9e5399c9256de929f55
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VBox frontends: Qt4 GUI ("VirtualBox"):
* VBoxVMSettingsDisplay class implementation
* Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
#include "QIWidgetValidator.h"
#include "VBoxVMSettingsDisplay.h"
#include "VBoxGlobal.h"
#include "VBoxProblemReporter.h"
#include <QDesktopWidget>
* Calculates a suitable page step size for the given max value. The returned
* size is so that there will be no more than 32 pages. The minimum returned
* page size is 4.
static int calcPageStep (int aMax)
/* reasonable max. number of page steps is 32 */
uint page = ((uint) aMax + 31) / 32;
/* make it a power of 2 */
uint p = page, p2 = 0x1;
while ((p >>= 1))
p2 <<= 1;
if (page != p2)
p2 <<= 1;
if (p2 < 4)
p2 = 4;
return (int) p2;
/* Apply UI decorations */
Ui::VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::setupUi (this);
/* Setup constants */
CSystemProperties sys = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetSystemProperties();
m_minVRAM = sys.GetMinGuestVRAM();
m_maxVRAM = sys.GetMaxGuestVRAM();
m_maxVRAMVisible = m_maxVRAM;
const uint MinMonitors = 1;
#if (QT_VERSION >= 0x040600)
const uint cHostScreens = QApplication::desktop()->screenCount();
#else /* (QT_VERSION >= 0x040600) */
const uint cHostScreens = QApplication::desktop()->numScreens();
#endif /* !(QT_VERSION >= 0x040600) */
const uint MaxMonitors = sys.GetMaxGuestMonitors();
/* Setup validators */
mLeMemory->setValidator (new QIntValidator (m_minVRAM, m_maxVRAMVisible, this));
mLeMonitors->setValidator (new QIntValidator (MinMonitors, MaxMonitors, this));
mLeVRDEPort->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator (QRegExp ("(([0-9]{1,5}(\\-[0-9]{1,5}){0,1}),)*([0-9]{1,5}(\\-[0-9]{1,5}){0,1})"), this));
mLeVRDETimeout->setValidator (new QIntValidator (this));
/* Setup connections */
connect (mSlMemory, SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)), this, SLOT (valueChangedVRAM (int)));
connect (mLeMemory, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString&)), this, SLOT (textChangedVRAM (const QString&)));
connect (mSlMonitors, SIGNAL (valueChanged (int)), this, SLOT (valueChangedMonitors (int)));
connect (mLeMonitors, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString&)), this, SLOT (textChangedMonitors (const QString&)));
/* Setup initial values */
mSlMemory->setPageStep (calcPageStep (m_maxVRAMVisible));
mSlMemory->setSingleStep (mSlMemory->pageStep() / 4);
mSlMemory->setTickInterval (mSlMemory->pageStep());
mSlMonitors->setPageStep (1);
mSlMonitors->setSingleStep (1);
mSlMonitors->setTickInterval (1);
/* Setup the scale so that ticks are at page step boundaries */
mSlMemory->setMinimum ((m_minVRAM / mSlMemory->pageStep()) * mSlMemory->pageStep());
mSlMemory->setMaximum (m_maxVRAMVisible);
mSlMemory->setSnappingEnabled (true);
quint64 needMBytes = VBoxGlobal::requiredVideoMemory (&mMachine) / _1M;
mSlMemory->setErrorHint (0, 1);
mSlMemory->setWarningHint (1, needMBytes);
mSlMemory->setOptimalHint (needMBytes, m_maxVRAMVisible);
mSlMonitors->setMinimum (MinMonitors);
mSlMonitors->setMaximum (MaxMonitors);
mSlMonitors->setErrorHint (0, MinMonitors);
mSlMonitors->setOptimalHint (MinMonitors, cHostScreens);
mSlMonitors->setWarningHint (cHostScreens, MaxMonitors);
/* Limit min/max. size of QLineEdit */
mLeMemory->setFixedWidthByText (QString().fill ('8', 4));
mLeMonitors->setFixedWidthByText (QString().fill ('8', 4));
/* Ensure value and validation is updated */
valueChangedVRAM (mSlMemory->value());
valueChangedMonitors (mSlMonitors->value());
/* Setup VRDE widget */
mCbVRDEMethod->insertItem (0, ""); /* KAuthType_Null */
mCbVRDEMethod->insertItem (1, ""); /* KAuthType_External */
mCbVRDEMethod->insertItem (2, ""); /* KAuthType_Guest */
/* Initially disabled */
mCbVRDE->setChecked (false);
mCb3D->setEnabled (false);
mCb2DVideo->setVisible (false);
m_bWddmMode = false;
/* Applying language settings */
bool VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::isAcceleration2DVideoSelected() const
return mCb2DVideo->isChecked();
bool VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::isAcceleration3DSelected() const
return mCb3D->isChecked();
int VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::getMinVramSizeMBForWddm3D() const
return 128;
int VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::getVramSizeMB() const
return mSlMemory->value();
void VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::setWddmMode(bool bWddm)
if (bWddm == m_bWddmMode)
m_bWddmMode = bWddm;
void VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::getFrom (const CMachine &aMachine)
mMachine = aMachine;
int currentSize = mMachine.GetVRAMSize();
m_initialVRAM = RT_MIN(currentSize, m_maxVRAM);
/* must come _before_ setting the initial memory value */
/* Memory Size */
mSlMemory->setValue (currentSize);
/* Monitors Count */
mSlMonitors->setValue (mMachine.GetMonitorCount());
/* 3D Acceleration */
bool isAccelerationSupported = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetHost()
mCb3D->setEnabled (isAccelerationSupported);
mCb3D->setChecked (mMachine.GetAccelerate3DEnabled());
mCb2DVideo->setEnabled (VBoxGlobal::isAcceleration2DVideoAvailable());
mCb2DVideo->setChecked ( mMachine.GetAccelerate2DVideoEnabled()
&& VBoxGlobal::isAcceleration2DVideoAvailable());
/* Remote Desktop Settings */
CVRDEServer vrdeServer = mMachine.GetVRDEServer();
if (!vrdeServer.isNull())
mCbVRDE->setChecked (vrdeServer.GetEnabled());
mLeVRDEPort->setText (vrdeServer.GetVRDEProperty("TCP/Ports"));
mCbVRDEMethod->setCurrentIndex (mCbVRDEMethod->
findText (vboxGlobal().toString (vrdeServer.GetAuthType())));
mLeVRDETimeout->setText (QString::number (vrdeServer.GetAuthTimeout()));
vboxProblem().cannotLoadMachineSettings (mMachine, false /* strict */);
mTwDisplay->setTabEnabled (1, false);
void VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::putBackTo()
/* Memory Size */
mMachine.SetVRAMSize (mSlMemory->value());
/* Monitors Count */
mMachine.SetMonitorCount (mSlMonitors->value());
/* 3D Acceleration */
mMachine.SetAccelerate3DEnabled (mCb3D->isChecked());
/* 2D Video Acceleration */
mMachine.SetAccelerate2DVideoEnabled (mCb2DVideo->isChecked());
/* VRDE Settings */
CVRDEServer vrdeServer = mMachine.GetVRDEServer();
if (!vrdeServer.isNull())
vrdeServer.SetEnabled (mCbVRDE->isChecked());
vrdeServer.SetVRDEProperty("TCP/Ports", mLeVRDEPort->text());
vrdeServer.SetAuthType (vboxGlobal().toAuthType (mCbVRDEMethod->currentText()));
vrdeServer.SetAuthTimeout (mLeVRDETimeout->text().toULong());
void VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::setValidator (QIWidgetValidator *aVal)
mValidator = aVal;
connect (mCb3D, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int)),
mValidator, SLOT (revalidate()));
connect (mCb2DVideo, SIGNAL (stateChanged (int)),
mValidator, SLOT (revalidate()));
connect (mCbVRDE, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)),
mValidator, SLOT (revalidate()));
connect (mLeVRDEPort, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString&)),
mValidator, SLOT (revalidate()));
connect (mLeVRDETimeout, SIGNAL (textChanged (const QString&)),
mValidator, SLOT (revalidate()));
bool VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::revalidate (QString &aWarning, QString & /* aTitle */)
/* Video RAM amount test */
quint64 needBytes = VBoxGlobal::requiredVideoMemory (&mMachine, mSlMonitors->value());
if ((quint64) mSlMemory->value() * _1M < needBytes)
aWarning = tr (
"you have assigned less than <b>%1</b> of video memory which is "
"the minimum amount required to switch the virtual machine to "
"fullscreen or seamless mode.")
.arg (vboxGlobal().formatSize (needBytes, 0, VBoxDefs::FormatSize_RoundUp));
return true;
if (mCb2DVideo->isChecked())
quint64 needBytesWith2D = needBytes + VBoxGlobal::required2DOffscreenVideoMemory();
if ((quint64) mSlMemory->value() * _1M < needBytesWith2D)
aWarning = tr (
"you have assigned less than <b>%1</b> of video memory which is "
"the minimum amount required for HD Video to be played efficiently.")
.arg (vboxGlobal().formatSize (needBytesWith2D, 0, VBoxDefs::FormatSize_RoundUp));
return true;
/* 3D Acceleration support test */
// TODO : W8 for NaN //
return true;
void VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::setOrderAfter (QWidget *aWidget)
/* Video tab-order */
setTabOrder (aWidget, mTwDisplay->focusProxy());
setTabOrder (mTwDisplay->focusProxy(), mSlMemory);
setTabOrder (mSlMemory, mLeMemory);
setTabOrder (mLeMemory, mSlMonitors);
setTabOrder (mSlMonitors, mLeMonitors);
setTabOrder (mLeMonitors, mCb3D);
setTabOrder (mCb3D, mCb2DVideo);
setTabOrder (mCb2DVideo, mCbVRDE);
setTabOrder (mCb3D, mCbVRDE);
/* Remote display tab-order */
setTabOrder (mCbVRDE, mLeVRDEPort);
setTabOrder (mLeVRDEPort, mCbVRDEMethod);
setTabOrder (mCbVRDEMethod, mLeVRDETimeout);
setTabOrder (mLeVRDETimeout, mCbMultipleConn);
void VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::retranslateUi()
/* Translate uic generated strings */
Ui::VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::retranslateUi (this);
CSystemProperties sys = vboxGlobal().virtualBox().GetSystemProperties();
mLbMemoryMin->setText (tr ("<qt>%1&nbsp;MB</qt>").arg (m_minVRAM));
mLbMemoryMax->setText (tr ("<qt>%1&nbsp;MB</qt>").arg (m_maxVRAMVisible));
mLbMonitorsMin->setText (tr ("<qt>%1</qt>").arg (1));
mLbMonitorsMax->setText (tr ("<qt>%1</qt>").arg (sys.GetMaxGuestMonitors()));
mCbVRDEMethod->setItemText (0,
vboxGlobal().toString (KAuthType_Null));
mCbVRDEMethod->setItemText (1,
vboxGlobal().toString (KAuthType_External));
mCbVRDEMethod->setItemText (2,
vboxGlobal().toString (KAuthType_Guest));
void VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::valueChangedVRAM (int aVal)
mLeMemory->setText (QString().setNum (aVal));
void VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::textChangedVRAM (const QString &aText)
mSlMemory->setValue (aText.toInt());
void VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::valueChangedMonitors (int aVal)
mLeMonitors->setText (QString().setNum (aVal));
void VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::textChangedMonitors (const QString &aText)
mSlMonitors->setValue (aText.toInt());
void VBoxVMSettingsDisplay::checkMultiMonitorReqs()
int cVal = mSlMonitors->value();
/* The memory requirements have changed too. */
quint64 needMBytes = VBoxGlobal::requiredVideoMemory (&mMachine, cVal) / _1M;
/* Limit the maximum memory to save careless users from setting useless big values */
if (m_bWddmMode && mCb3D->isChecked())
m_maxVRAMVisible = 256;
m_maxVRAMVisible = cVal * 32;
if (m_maxVRAMVisible < 128)
m_maxVRAMVisible = 128;
if (m_maxVRAMVisible < m_initialVRAM)
m_maxVRAMVisible = m_initialVRAM;
mSlMemory->setWarningHint (1, needMBytes);
mSlMemory->setPageStep (calcPageStep (m_maxVRAMVisible));
mSlMemory->setMaximum (m_maxVRAMVisible);
mSlMemory->setOptimalHint (needMBytes, m_maxVRAMVisible);
mLeMemory->setValidator (new QIntValidator (m_minVRAM, m_maxVRAMVisible, this));
mLbMemoryMax->setText (tr ("<qt>%1&nbsp;MB</qt>").arg (m_maxVRAMVisible));
/* ... or just call retranslateUi()? */