UIMachineLogic.h revision 41efb8907f48385457ad2c28f18614d80869fbe6
/** @file
* VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
* UIMachineLogic class declaration
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
#ifndef __UIMachineLogic_h__
#define __UIMachineLogic_h__
/* GUI includes: */
#include "UIMachineDefs.h"
#include <QIWithRetranslateUI.h>
# include <VBox/dbggui.h>
/* COM includes: */
#include "COMEnums.h"
/* Forward declarations: */
class QAction;
class QActionGroup;
class UISession;
class UIKeyboardHandler;
class UIMouseHandler;
class UIMachineWindow;
class UIMachineView;
class UIDockIconPreview;
class CSession;
class CMachine;
class CSnapshot;
class CUSBDevice;
class CVirtualBoxErrorInfo;
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
class QMenuBar;
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */
/* Machine logic interface: */
class UIMachineLogic : public QIWithRetranslateUI3<QObject>
/* Notifiers: Machine-window(s) stuff: */
void sigMachineWidnowsCreated();
void sigMachineWidnowsDestroyed();
/* Factory functions to create/destroy required logic sub-child: */
static UIMachineLogic* create(QObject *pParent, UISession *pSession, UIVisualStateType visualStateType);
static void destroy(UIMachineLogic *pWhichLogic);
/* Check if this logic is available: */
virtual bool checkAvailability() = 0;
/* Prepare/cleanup the logic: */
virtual void prepare();
virtual void cleanup();
/* Main getters/setters: */
UISession* uisession() const { return m_pSession; }
CSession& session() const;
UIVisualStateType visualStateType() const { return m_visualStateType; }
const QList<UIMachineWindow*>& machineWindows() const { return m_machineWindowsList; }
UIKeyboardHandler* keyboardHandler() const { return m_pKeyboardHandler; }
UIMouseHandler* mouseHandler() const { return m_pMouseHandler; }
UIMachineWindow* mainMachineWindow() const;
UIMachineWindow* activeMachineWindow() const;
/* Maintenance getters/setters: */
bool isPreventAutoClose() const { return m_fIsPreventAutoClose; }
void setPreventAutoClose(bool fIsPreventAutoClose) { m_fIsPreventAutoClose = fIsPreventAutoClose; }
/* Wrapper to open Machine settings / Network page: */
void openNetworkAdaptersDialog() { sltOpenNetworkAdaptersDialog(); }
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
void updateDockIcon();
void updateDockIconSize(int screenId, int width, int height);
UIMachineView* dockPreviewView() const;
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */
/* API: Close actions: */
void saveState();
void shutdown();
void powerOff(bool fDiscardingState);
protected slots:
/* Console callback handlers: */
virtual void sltMachineStateChanged();
virtual void sltAdditionsStateChanged();
virtual void sltMouseCapabilityChanged();
virtual void sltUSBDeviceStateChange(const CUSBDevice &device, bool fIsAttached, const CVirtualBoxErrorInfo &error);
virtual void sltRuntimeError(bool fIsFatal, const QString &strErrorId, const QString &strMessage);
virtual void sltShowWindows();
#endif /* RT_OS_DARWIN */
virtual void sltGuestMonitorChange(KGuestMonitorChangedEventType changeType, ulong uScreenId, QRect screenGeo);
/* Qt callback handler: */
virtual void sltHostScreenCountChanged(int cHostScreenCount);
/* Constructor/destructor: */
UIMachineLogic(QObject *pParent, UISession *pSession, UIVisualStateType visualStateType);
/* Protected getters/setters: */
bool isMachineWindowsCreated() const { return m_fIsWindowsCreated; }
void setMachineWindowsCreated(bool fIsWindowsCreated);
/* Protected members: */
void setKeyboardHandler(UIKeyboardHandler *pKeyboardHandler);
void setMouseHandler(UIMouseHandler *pMouseHandler);
void addMachineWindow(UIMachineWindow *pMachineWindow);
void retranslateUi();
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
bool isDockIconPreviewEnabled() const { return m_fIsDockIconEnabled; }
void setDockIconPreviewEnabled(bool fIsDockIconPreviewEnabled) { m_fIsDockIconEnabled = fIsDockIconPreviewEnabled; }
void updateDockOverlay();
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */
/* Prepare helpers: */
virtual void prepareRequiredFeatures();
virtual void prepareSessionConnections();
virtual void prepareActionGroups();
virtual void prepareActionConnections();
virtual void prepareOtherConnections() {}
virtual void prepareHandlers();
virtual void prepareMachineWindows() = 0;
virtual void prepareMenu();
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
virtual void prepareDock();
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */
virtual void prepareDebugger();
/* Cleanup helpers: */
virtual void cleanupDebugger();
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
virtual void cleanupDock();
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */
virtual void cleanupMenu();
virtual void cleanupMachineWindows() = 0;
virtual void cleanupHandlers();
//virtual void cleanupOtherConnections() {}
//virtual void cleanupActionConnections() {}
virtual void cleanupActionGroups();
//virtual void cleanupSessionConnections() {}
//virtual void cleanupRequiredFeatures() {}
private slots:
/* Mode request watch dog: */
void sltCheckRequestedModes();
/* "Machine" menu functionality: */
void sltToggleGuestAutoresize(bool fEnabled);
void sltAdjustWindow();
void sltToggleMouseIntegration(bool fDisabled);
void sltTypeCAD();
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
void sltTypeCABS();
#endif /* Q_WS_X11 */
void sltTakeSnapshot();
void sltTakeScreenshot();
void sltShowInformationDialog();
void sltReset();
void sltPause(bool fOn);
void sltSaveState();
void sltShutdown();
void sltPowerOff();
void sltClose();
/* "Device" menu functionality: */
void sltOpenVMSettingsDialog(const QString &strCategory = QString(), const QString &strControl = QString());
void sltOpenNetworkAdaptersDialog();
void sltOpenSharedFoldersDialog();
void sltPrepareStorageMenu();
void sltMountStorageMedium();
void sltMountRecentStorageMedium();
void sltPrepareUSBMenu();
void sltAttachUSBDevice();
void sltPrepareSharedClipboardMenu();
void sltChangeSharedClipboardType(QAction *pAction);
void sltPrepareDragAndDropMenu();
void sltChangeDragAndDropType(QAction *pAction);
void sltSwitchVrde(bool fOn);
void sltToggleVideoCapture(bool fEnabled);
void sltOpenVideoCaptureOptions();
void sltInstallGuestAdditions();
/* "Debug" menu functionality: */
void sltPrepareDebugMenu();
void sltShowDebugStatistics();
void sltShowDebugCommandLine();
void sltLoggingToggled(bool);
void sltShowLogDialog();
#ifdef RT_OS_DARWIN /* Something is *really* broken in regards of the moc here */
void sltDockPreviewModeChanged(QAction *pAction);
void sltDockPreviewMonitorChanged(QAction *pAction);
void sltChangeDockIconUpdate(bool fEnabled);
#endif /* RT_OS_DARWIN */
/* Helpers: */
static int searchMaxSnapshotIndex(const CMachine &machine, const CSnapshot &snapshot, const QString &strNameTemplate);
void takeScreenshot(const QString &strFile, const QString &strFormat /* = "png" */) const;
/* Private variables: */
UISession *m_pSession;
UIVisualStateType m_visualStateType;
UIKeyboardHandler *m_pKeyboardHandler;
UIMouseHandler *m_pMouseHandler;
QList<UIMachineWindow*> m_machineWindowsList;
QActionGroup *m_pRunningActions;
QActionGroup *m_pRunningOrPausedActions;
QActionGroup *m_pRunningOrPausedOrStackedActions;
QActionGroup *m_pSharedClipboardActions;
QActionGroup *m_pDragAndDropActions;
bool m_fIsWindowsCreated : 1;
bool m_fIsPreventAutoClose : 1;
/* Debugger functionality: */
bool dbgCreated();
void dbgDestroy();
void dbgAdjustRelativePos();
/* The handle to the debugger GUI: */
PDBGGUI m_pDbgGui;
/* The virtual method table for the debugger GUI: */
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
QMenuBar *m_pMenuBar;
bool m_fIsDockIconEnabled;
UIDockIconPreview *m_pDockIconPreview;
QActionGroup *m_pDockPreviewSelectMonitorGroup;
int m_DockIconPreviewMonitor;
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */
/* Friend classes: */
friend class UIMachineWindow;
#endif // __UIMachineLogic_h__