UIMachine.cpp revision a9b62afc62b28da7a1a77f34259f8013892d9664
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VBox Qt GUI - UIMachine class implementation.
* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
# include <precomp.h>
/* Local includes: */
# include "VBoxGlobal.h"
# include "UIExtraDataManager.h"
# include "UIMachine.h"
# include "UISession.h"
# include "UIActionPoolRuntime.h"
# include "UIMachineLogic.h"
# include "UIMachineWindow.h"
/* Visual state interface: */
class UIVisualState : public QObject
/* Constructor: */
UIVisualState(QObject *pParent, UISession *pSession, UIVisualStateType type)
: QObject(pParent)
, m_type(type)
, m_pSession(pSession)
, m_pMachineLogic(0)
/* Destructor: */
/* Cleanup/delete machine logic if exists: */
if (m_pMachineLogic)
/* Cleanup the logic object: */
/* Destroy the logic object: */
/* Visual state type getter: */
UIVisualStateType visualStateType() const { return m_type; }
/* Machine logic getter: */
UIMachineLogic* machineLogic() const { return m_pMachineLogic; }
/* Method to prepare change one visual state to another: */
bool prepareChange()
m_pMachineLogic = UIMachineLogic::create(this, m_pSession, visualStateType());
return m_pMachineLogic->checkAvailability();
/* Method to change one visual state to another: */
void change()
/* Prepare the logic object: */
/* Variables: */
UIVisualStateType m_type;
UISession *m_pSession;
UIMachineLogic *m_pMachineLogic;
UIMachine::UIMachine(UIMachine **ppSelf, const CSession &session)
: QObject(0)
, m_ppThis(ppSelf)
, initialStateType(UIVisualStateType_Normal)
, m_session(session)
, m_pSession(0)
, m_pVisualState(0)
, m_allowedVisualStates(UIVisualStateType_Invalid)
/* Store self pointer: */
if (m_ppThis)
*m_ppThis = this;
/* Create UI session: */
m_pSession = new UISession(this, m_session);
/* Preventing application from closing in case of window(s) closed: */
/* Cache medium data only if really necessary: */
vboxGlobal().startMediumEnumeration(false /* force start */);
/* Load machine settings: */
/* Prepare async visual-state change handler: */
connect(this, SIGNAL(sigRequestAsyncVisualStateChange(UIVisualStateType)),
this, SLOT(sltChangeVisualState(UIVisualStateType)),
/* Enter default (normal) state */
/* Save machine settings: */
/* Delete visual state: */
delete m_pVisualState;
m_pVisualState = 0;
/* Delete UI session: */
delete m_pSession;
m_pSession = 0;
/* Free session finally: */
/* Clear self pointer: */
*m_ppThis = 0;
/* Quit application: */
QWidget* UIMachine::activeWindow() const
/* Null if machine-logic not yet created: */
if (!machineLogic())
return 0;
/* Active machine-window otherwise: */
return machineLogic()->activeMachineWindow();
void UIMachine::asyncChangeVisualState(UIVisualStateType visualStateType)
emit sigRequestAsyncVisualStateChange(visualStateType);
void UIMachine::sltChangeVisualState(UIVisualStateType newVisualStateType)
/* Create new state: */
UIVisualState *pNewVisualState = new UIVisualState(this, m_pSession, newVisualStateType);
/* First we have to check if the selected mode is available at all.
* Only then we delete the old mode and switch to the new mode. */
if (pNewVisualState->prepareChange())
/* Delete previous state: */
delete m_pVisualState;
/* Set the new mode as current mode: */
m_pVisualState = pNewVisualState;
/* Discard the temporary created new state: */
delete pNewVisualState;
/* If there is no state currently created => we have to exit: */
if (!m_pVisualState)
void UIMachine::enterInitialVisualState()
UIMachineLogic* UIMachine::machineLogic() const
if (m_pVisualState && m_pVisualState->machineLogic())
return m_pVisualState->machineLogic();
return 0;
void UIMachine::loadMachineSettings()
/* Load 'visual state' option: */
/* Load restricted visual states: */
UIVisualStateType restrictedVisualStates = gEDataManager->restrictedVisualStates(vboxGlobal().managedVMUuid());
/* Acquire allowed visual states: */
m_allowedVisualStates = static_cast<UIVisualStateType>(UIVisualStateType_All ^ restrictedVisualStates);
/* Load requested visual state: */
UIVisualStateType requestedVisualState = gEDataManager->requestedVisualState(vboxGlobal().managedVMUuid());
/* Check if requested visual state type allowed: */
if (isVisualStateAllowed(requestedVisualState))
switch (requestedVisualState)
/* Direct transition to scale/fullscreen mode allowed: */
case UIVisualStateType_Scale: initialStateType = UIVisualStateType_Scale; break;
case UIVisualStateType_Fullscreen: initialStateType = UIVisualStateType_Fullscreen; break;
/* While to seamless is not, so we have to request transition on GA capability-change event: */
case UIVisualStateType_Seamless: uisession()->setRequestedVisualState(UIVisualStateType_Seamless); break;
default: break;
void UIMachine::saveMachineSettings()
/* Save 'visual state' option: */
/* Get requested visual state: */
UIVisualStateType requestedVisualState = uisession()->requestedVisualState();
/* If requested state is invalid: */
if (requestedVisualState == UIVisualStateType_Invalid)
/* Get current if still exists or normal otherwise: */
requestedVisualState = m_pVisualState ? m_pVisualState->visualStateType() : UIVisualStateType_Normal;
/* Save requested visual state: */
gEDataManager->setRequestedVisualState(requestedVisualState, vboxGlobal().managedVMUuid());
#include "UIMachine.moc"