UIKeyboardHandler.cpp revision 04b02ffb8824a60fd37777bc1f7d2f35104a274c
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
* UIKeyboardHandler class implementation
* Copyright (C) 2010 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
/* Global includes */
#include <QKeyEvent>
/* Local includes */
#include "VBoxGlobal.h"
#include "VBoxProblemReporter.h"
#include "UIActionsPool.h"
#include "UIKeyboardHandlerNormal.h"
#include "UIKeyboardHandlerFullscreen.h"
#include "UIKeyboardHandlerSeamless.h"
#include "UIKeyboardHandlerScale.h"
#include "UIMouseHandler.h"
#include "UISession.h"
#include "UIMachineLogic.h"
#include "UIMachineWindow.h"
#include "UIMachineView.h"
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
# include <QX11Info>
# include <X11/XKBlib.h>
# include <X11/keysym.h>
# ifdef KeyPress
const int XFocusOut = FocusOut;
const int XFocusIn = FocusIn;
const int XKeyPress = KeyPress;
const int XKeyRelease = KeyRelease;
# undef KeyRelease
# undef KeyPress
# undef FocusOut
# undef FocusIn
# endif /* KeyPress */
# include "XKeyboard.h"
#endif /* Q_WS_X11 */
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
# include "VBoxUtils-darwin.h"
# include "DarwinKeyboard.h"
# include "UICocoaApplication.h"
# include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#endif /* Q_WS_MAC */
/* Enums representing different keyboard-states: */
enum { KeyExtended = 0x01, KeyPressed = 0x02, KeyPause = 0x04, KeyPrint = 0x08 };
enum { IsKeyPressed = 0x01, IsExtKeyPressed = 0x02, IsKbdCaptured = 0x80 };
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
UIKeyboardHandler* UIKeyboardHandler::m_pKeyboardHandler = 0;
#endif /* Q_WS_WIN */
/* Factory function to create keyboard-handler: */
UIKeyboardHandler* UIKeyboardHandler::create(UIMachineLogic *pMachineLogic,
UIVisualStateType visualStateType)
/* Prepare keyboard-handler: */
UIKeyboardHandler *pKeyboardHandler = 0;
/* Depending on visual-state type: */
switch (visualStateType)
case UIVisualStateType_Normal:
pKeyboardHandler = new UIKeyboardHandlerNormal(pMachineLogic);
case UIVisualStateType_Fullscreen:
pKeyboardHandler = new UIKeyboardHandlerFullscreen(pMachineLogic);
case UIVisualStateType_Seamless:
pKeyboardHandler = new UIKeyboardHandlerSeamless(pMachineLogic);
case UIVisualStateType_Scale:
pKeyboardHandler = new UIKeyboardHandlerScale(pMachineLogic);
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
/* Its required to have static pointer to created handler
* because windows keyboard-hook works only with static members: */
m_pKeyboardHandler = pKeyboardHandler;
#endif /* Q_WS_WIN */
/* Return prepared keyboard-handler: */
return pKeyboardHandler;
/* Factory function to destroy keyboard-handler: */
void UIKeyboardHandler::destroy(UIKeyboardHandler *pKeyboardHandler)
/* Delete keyboard-handler: */
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
m_pKeyboardHandler = 0;
#endif /* Q_WS_WIN */
delete pKeyboardHandler;
/* Prepare listened objects: */
void UIKeyboardHandler::prepareListener(ulong uIndex, UIMachineWindow *pMachineWindow)
/* If that window is NOT registered yet: */
if (!m_windows.contains(uIndex))
/* Add window: */
m_windows.insert(uIndex, pMachineWindow);
/* Install event-filter for window: */
/* If that view is NOT registered yet: */
if (!m_views.contains(uIndex))
/* Add view: */
m_views.insert(uIndex, pMachineWindow->machineView());
/* Install event-filter for view: */
/* Cleanup listened objects: */
void UIKeyboardHandler::cleanupListener(ulong uIndex)
/* Check if we should release keyboard first: */
if ((int)uIndex == m_iKeyboardCaptureViewIndex)
/* If window still registered: */
if (m_windows.contains(uIndex))
/* Remove window: */
/* If view still registered: */
if (m_views.contains(uIndex))
/* Remove view: */
void UIKeyboardHandler::captureKeyboard(ulong uScreenId)
/* Do NOT capture keyboard if its captured already: */
if (m_fIsKeyboardCaptured)
/* If such view exists: */
if (m_views.contains(uScreenId))
/* Store new keyboard-captured state value: */
m_fIsKeyboardCaptured = true;
/* Remember which screen had captured keyboard: */
m_iKeyboardCaptureViewIndex = uScreenId;
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
/* On Win, keyboard grabbing is ineffective, a low-level keyboard hook is used instead. */
#elif defined(Q_WS_X11)
/* On X11, we are using passive XGrabKey for normal (windowed) mode
* instead of XGrabKeyboard (called by QWidget::grabKeyboard())
* because XGrabKeyboard causes a problem under metacity - a window cannot be moved
* using the mouse if it is currently actively grabbing the keyboard;
* For static modes we are using usual (active) keyboard grabbing. */
switch (machineLogic()->visualStateType())
/* If window is moveable we are making passive keyboard grab: */
case UIVisualStateType_Normal:
case UIVisualStateType_Scale:
XGrabKey(QX11Info::display(), AnyKey, AnyModifier, m_windows[m_iKeyboardCaptureViewIndex]->machineWindow()->winId(), False, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync);
/* If window is NOT moveable we are making active keyboard grab: */
case UIVisualStateType_Fullscreen:
case UIVisualStateType_Seamless:
/* Keyboard grabbing can fail because of some keyboard shortcut is still grabbed by window manager.
* We can't be sure this shortcut will be released at all, so we will retry to grab keyboard for 50 times,
* and after we will just ignore that issue: */
int cTriesLeft = 50;
while (cTriesLeft && XGrabKeyboard(QX11Info::display(), m_windows[m_iKeyboardCaptureViewIndex]->machineWindow()->winId(), False, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime)) { --cTriesLeft; }
/* Should we try to grab keyboard in default case? I think - NO. */
#elif defined(Q_WS_MAC)
/* On Mac, we use the Qt methods + disabling global hot keys + watching modifiers (for right/left separation). */
/* On other platforms we are just praying Qt method will work. */
/* Notify all the listeners: */
emit keyboardStateChanged(keyboardState());
void UIKeyboardHandler::releaseKeyboard()
/* Do NOT capture keyboard if its captured already: */
if (!m_fIsKeyboardCaptured)
/* If such view exists: */
if (m_views.contains(m_iKeyboardCaptureViewIndex))
/* Store new keyboard-captured state value: */
m_fIsKeyboardCaptured = false;
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
/* On Win, keyboard grabbing is ineffective, a low-level keyboard hook is used instead. */
#elif defined(Q_WS_X11)
/* On X11, we are using passive XGrabKey for normal (windowed) mode
* instead of XGrabKeyboard (called by QWidget::grabKeyboard())
* because XGrabKeyboard causes a problem under metacity - a window cannot be moved
* using the mouse if it is currently actively grabbing the keyboard;
* For static modes we are using usual (active) keyboard grabbing. */
switch (machineLogic()->visualStateType())
/* If window is moveable we are making passive keyboard ungrab: */
case UIVisualStateType_Normal:
case UIVisualStateType_Scale:
XUngrabKey(QX11Info::display(), AnyKey, AnyModifier, m_windows[m_iKeyboardCaptureViewIndex]->machineWindow()->winId());
/* If window is NOT moveable we are making active keyboard ungrab: */
case UIVisualStateType_Fullscreen:
case UIVisualStateType_Seamless:
XUngrabKeyboard(QX11Info::display(), CurrentTime);
/* Should we try to release keyboard in default case? I think - NO. */
#elif defined(Q_WS_MAC)
/* Reset keyboard-capture index: */
m_iKeyboardCaptureViewIndex = -1;
/* Notify all the listeners: */
emit keyboardStateChanged(keyboardState());
/* Current keyboard state: */
int UIKeyboardHandler::keyboardState() const
return (m_fIsKeyboardCaptured ? UIViewStateType_KeyboardCaptured : 0) |
(m_bIsHostkeyPressed ? UIViewStateType_HostKeyPressed : 0);
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
bool UIKeyboardHandler::winEventFilter(MSG *pMsg, ulong uScreenId)
/* Check if some system event should be filtered-out.
* Returning 'true' means filtering-out,
* Returning 'false' means passing event to Qt. */
bool fResult = false; /* Pass to Qt by default: */
switch (pMsg->message)
case WM_KEYUP:
/* Check for the special flag possibly set at the end of this function: */
if (pMsg->lParam & (0x1 << 25))
pMsg->lParam &= ~(0x1 << 25);
fResult = false;
/* Scancodes 0x80 and 0x00 are ignored: */
unsigned scan = (pMsg->lParam >> 16) & 0x7F;
if (!scan)
fResult = true;
int vkey = pMsg->wParam;
int flags = 0;
if (pMsg->lParam & 0x1000000)
flags |= KeyExtended;
if (!(pMsg->lParam & 0x80000000))
flags |= KeyPressed;
/* Check for special Korean keys. Based on the keyboard layout selected
* on the host, the scancode in lParam might be 0x71/0x72 or 0xF1/0xF2.
* In either case, we must deliver 0xF1/0xF2 scancode to the guest when
* the key is pressed and nothing when it's released.
if (scan == 0x71 || scan == 0x72)
scan |= 0x80;
flags = KeyPressed; /* Because a release would be ignored. */
vkey = VK_PROCESSKEY; /* In case it was 0xFF */
/* When one of the SHIFT keys is held and one of the cursor movement
* keys is pressed, Windows duplicates SHIFT press/release messages,
* but with the virtual key code set to 0xFF. These virtual keys are also
* sent in some other situations (Pause, PrtScn, etc.). Ignore suc messages. */
if (vkey == 0xFF)
fResult = true;
switch (vkey)
case VK_SHIFT:
case VK_MENU:
/* Overcome stupid Win32 modifier key generalization: */
int keyscan = scan;
if (flags & KeyExtended)
keyscan |= 0xE000;
switch (keyscan)
case 0x002A: vkey = VK_LSHIFT; break;
case 0x0036: vkey = VK_RSHIFT; break;
case 0x001D: vkey = VK_LCONTROL; break;
case 0xE01D: vkey = VK_RCONTROL; break;
case 0x0038: vkey = VK_LMENU; break;
case 0xE038: vkey = VK_RMENU; break;
/* Win32 sets the extended bit for the NumLock key. Reset it: */
flags &= ~KeyExtended;
flags |= KeyPrint;
case VK_PAUSE:
flags |= KeyPause;
bool result = keyEvent(vkey, scan, flags, uScreenId);
if (!result && m_fIsKeyboardCaptured)
/* keyEvent() returned that it didn't process the message, but since the
* keyboard is captured, we don't want to pass it to Windows. We just want
* to let Qt process the message (to handle non-alphanumeric <HOST>+key
* shortcuts for example). So send it directly to the window with the
* special flag in the reserved area of lParam (to avoid recursion). */
::SendMessage(pMsg->hwnd, pMsg->message,
pMsg->wParam, pMsg->lParam | (0x1 << 25));
fResult = true;
/* These special keys have to be handled by Windows as well to update the
* internal modifier state and to enable/disable the keyboard LED */
if (vkey == VK_NUMLOCK || vkey == VK_CAPITAL || vkey == VK_LSHIFT || vkey == VK_RSHIFT)
fResult = false;
fResult = result;
/* Return result: */
return fResult;
#elif defined(Q_WS_X11)
static Bool UIKeyboardHandlerCompEvent(Display*, XEvent *pEvent, XPointer pvArg)
XEvent *pKeyEvent = (XEvent*)pvArg;
if ((pEvent->type == XKeyPress) && (pEvent->xkey.keycode == pKeyEvent->xkey.keycode))
return True;
return False;
bool UIKeyboardHandler::x11EventFilter(XEvent *pEvent, ulong uScreenId)
/* Check if some system event should be filtered-out.
* Returning 'true' means filtering-out,
* Returning 'false' means passing event to Qt. */
bool fResult = false; /* Pass to Qt by default: */
switch (pEvent->type)
/* We have to handle XFocusOut right here as this event is not passed to UIMachineView::event().
* Handling this event is important for releasing the keyboard before the screen saver gets active.
* See public ticket #3894: Apparently this makes problems with newer versions of Qt
* and this hack is probably not necessary anymore. So disable it for Qt >= 4.5.0. */
case XFocusOut:
case XFocusIn:
if (uisession()->isRunning())
if (VBoxGlobal::qtRTVersion() < ((4 << 16) | (5 << 8) | 0))
if (pEvent->type == XFocusIn)
/* Capture keyboard by chosen view number: */
/* Reset the single-time disable capture flag: */
if (uisession()->isAutoCaptureDisabled())
/* Release keyboard: */
/* And all pressed keys including host-one: */
fResult = false;
case XKeyPress:
case XKeyRelease:
/* Translate the keycode to a PC scan code. */
unsigned scan = handleXKeyEvent(pEvent);
/* Scancodes 0x00 (no valid translation) and 0x80 are ignored: */
if (!scan & 0x7F)
fResult = true;
/* Fix for http://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/1296:
* when X11 sends events for repeated keys, it always inserts an XKeyRelease before the XKeyPress. */
XEvent returnEvent;
if ((pEvent->type == XKeyRelease) && (XCheckIfEvent(pEvent->xkey.display, &returnEvent,
UIKeyboardHandlerCompEvent, (XPointer)pEvent) == True))
XPutBackEvent(pEvent->xkey.display, &returnEvent);
fResult = true;
KeySym ks = ::XKeycodeToKeysym(pEvent->xkey.display, pEvent->xkey.keycode, 0);
int flags = 0;
if (scan >> 8)
flags |= KeyExtended;
if (pEvent->type == XKeyPress)
flags |= KeyPressed;
/* Remove the extended flag: */
scan &= 0x7F;
/* Special Korean keys must send scancode 0xF1/0xF2 when pressed and nothing
* when released.
if (scan == 0x71 || scan == 0x72)
if (pEvent->type == XKeyRelease) /* Ignore. */
fResult = true;
scan |= 0x80; /* Re-create the bizarre scancode. */
switch (ks)
case XK_Print:
flags |= KeyPrint;
case XK_Pause:
if (pEvent->xkey.state & ControlMask) /* Break */
ks = XK_Break;
flags |= KeyExtended;
scan = 0x46;
flags |= KeyPause;
fResult = keyEvent(ks, scan, flags, uScreenId);
/* Return result: */
return fResult;
/* Machine state-change handler: */
void UIKeyboardHandler::sltMachineStateChanged()
/* Get machine state: */
KMachineState state = uisession()->machineState();
/* Handle particular machine states: */
switch (state)
case KMachineState_Paused:
case KMachineState_TeleportingPausedVM:
case KMachineState_Stuck:
/* Release the keyboard: */
/* And all pressed keys except the host-one : */
releaseAllPressedKeys(false /* release host-key? */);
case KMachineState_Running:
/* Capture the keyboard by the first focused view: */
QList<ulong> theListOfViewIds = m_views.keys();
for (int i = 0; i < theListOfViewIds.size(); ++i)
if (m_views[theListOfViewIds[i]]->hasFocus())
/* Capture keyboard: */
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
if (!uisession()->isAutoCaptureDisabled() && m_globalSettings.autoCapture() &&
GetAncestor(m_views[theListOfViewIds[i]]->winId(), GA_ROOT) == GetForegroundWindow())
#else /* Q_WS_WIN */
if (!uisession()->isAutoCaptureDisabled() && m_globalSettings.autoCapture())
#endif /* !Q_WS_WIN */
/* Reset the single-time disable capture flag: */
if (uisession()->isAutoCaptureDisabled())
/* Keyboard-handler constructor: */
UIKeyboardHandler::UIKeyboardHandler(UIMachineLogic *pMachineLogic)
: QObject(pMachineLogic)
, m_pMachineLogic(pMachineLogic)
, m_iKeyboardCaptureViewIndex(-1)
, m_globalSettings(vboxGlobal().settings())
, m_fIsKeyboardCaptured(false)
, m_bIsHostkeyPressed(false)
, m_bIsHostkeyAlone (false)
, m_bIsHostkeyInCapture(false)
, m_fPassCAD(false)
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
, m_iKeyboardHookViewIndex(-1)
#elif defined(Q_WS_MAC)
, m_darwinKeyModifiers(0)
, m_fKeyboardGrabbed(false)
, m_iKeyboardGrabViewIndex(-1)
/* Prepare: */
/* Load settings: */
/* Initialize: */
/* Keyboard-handler destructor: */
/* Cleanup: */
void UIKeyboardHandler::prepareCommon()
/* Machine state-change updater: */
connect(uisession(), SIGNAL(sigMachineStateChange()), this, SLOT(sltMachineStateChanged()));
/* Pressed keys: */
::memset(m_pressedKeys, 0, sizeof(m_pressedKeys));
void UIKeyboardHandler::loadSettings()
/* Global settings: */
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
/* Initialize the X keyboard subsystem: */
initMappedX11Keyboard(QX11Info::display(), vboxGlobal().settings().publicProperty("GUI/RemapScancodes"));
/* Extra data settings: */
/* CAD settings: */
QString passCAD = session().GetConsole().GetMachine().GetExtraData(VBoxDefs::GUI_PassCAD);
if (!passCAD.isEmpty() && passCAD != "false" && passCAD != "no")
m_fPassCAD = true;
void UIKeyboardHandler::cleanupCommon()
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
/* Cleaning keyboard-hook: */
if (m_keyboardHook)
m_keyboardHook = NULL;
#elif defined(Q_WS_MAC)
/* We have to make sure the callback for the keyboard events
* is released when closing this view. */
if (m_fKeyboardGrabbed)
/* Machine-logic getter: */
UIMachineLogic* UIKeyboardHandler::machineLogic() const
return m_pMachineLogic;
/* UI Session getter: */
UISession* UIKeyboardHandler::uisession() const
return machineLogic()->uisession();
/* Main Session getter: */
CSession& UIKeyboardHandler::session() const
return uisession()->session();
/* Event handler for prepared listener(s): */
bool UIKeyboardHandler::eventFilter(QObject *pWatchedObject, QEvent *pEvent)
/* Check if pWatchedObject object is window: */
if (UIMachineWindow *pWatchedWindow = isItListenedWindow(pWatchedObject))
/* Get corresponding screen index: */
ulong uScreenId = m_windows.key(pWatchedWindow);
/* Handle window events: */
switch (pEvent->type())
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
/* Install/uninstall low-level keyboard-hook on every activation/deactivation to:
* a) avoid excess hook calls when we're not active and;
* b) be always in front of any other possible hooks. */
case QEvent::WindowActivate:
/* If keyboard hook is NOT currently created;
* Or created but NOT for that window: */
if (!m_keyboardHook || m_iKeyboardHookViewIndex != uScreenId)
/* If keyboard-hook present: */
if (m_keyboardHook)
/* We should remove existing keyboard-hook first: */
m_keyboardHook = NULL;
/* Register new keyboard-hook: */
m_keyboardHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, lowLevelKeyboardProc, GetModuleHandle(NULL), 0);
AssertMsg(m_keyboardHook, ("SetWindowsHookEx(): err=%d", GetLastError()));
/* Remember which view had captured keyboard: */
m_iKeyboardHookViewIndex = uScreenId;
case QEvent::WindowDeactivate:
/* If keyboard is currently captured: */
if (m_keyboardHook && m_iKeyboardHookViewIndex == uScreenId)
/* We should remove existing keyboard-hook: */
m_keyboardHook = NULL;
/* Remember what there is no window captured keyboard: */
m_iKeyboardHookViewIndex = -1;
#elif defined(Q_WS_MAC)
case QEvent::WindowActivate:
/* If keyboard event handler is NOT currently installed;
* Or installed but NOT for that window: */
if (m_iKeyboardGrabViewIndex != (int)uScreenId)
/* If keyboard event handler is NOT currently installed: */
if (m_iKeyboardGrabViewIndex == -1)
/* Install the keyboard event handler: */
/* Update the id: */
m_iKeyboardGrabViewIndex = uScreenId;
case QEvent::WindowDeactivate:
/* If keyboard event handler is installed exactly for that window: */
if (m_iKeyboardGrabViewIndex == (int)uScreenId)
/* Remove the keyboard event handler: */
/* Update the id: */
m_iKeyboardGrabViewIndex = -1;
/* Check if pWatchedObject object is view: */
if (UIMachineView *pWatchedView = isItListenedView(pWatchedObject))
/* Get corresponding screen index: */
ulong uScreenId = m_views.key(pWatchedView);
/* Handle view events: */
switch (pEvent->type())
case QEvent::FocusIn:
if (uisession()->isRunning())
/* Capture keyboard: */
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
if (!uisession()->isAutoCaptureDisabled() && m_globalSettings.autoCapture() &&
GetAncestor(pWatchedView->winId(), GA_ROOT) == GetForegroundWindow())
#else /* Q_WS_WIN */
if (!uisession()->isAutoCaptureDisabled() && m_globalSettings.autoCapture())
#endif /* !Q_WS_WIN */
/* Reset the single-time disable capture flag: */
if (uisession()->isAutoCaptureDisabled())
case QEvent::FocusOut:
/* Release keyboard: */
if (uisession()->isRunning())
/* And all pressed keys: */
case QEvent::KeyPress:
case QEvent::KeyRelease:
QKeyEvent *pKeyEvent = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(pEvent);
if (m_bIsHostkeyPressed && pEvent->type() == QEvent::KeyPress)
/* Passing F1-F12 keys to the guest: */
if (pKeyEvent->key() >= Qt::Key_F1 && pKeyEvent->key() <= Qt::Key_F12)
QVector <LONG> combo(6);
combo[0] = 0x1d; /* Ctrl down */
combo[1] = 0x38; /* Alt down */
combo[4] = 0xb8; /* Alt up */
combo[5] = 0x9d; /* Ctrl up */
if (pKeyEvent->key() >= Qt::Key_F1 && pKeyEvent->key() <= Qt::Key_F10)
combo[2] = 0x3b + (pKeyEvent->key() - Qt::Key_F1); /* F1-F10 down */
combo[3] = 0xbb + (pKeyEvent->key() - Qt::Key_F1); /* F1-F10 up */
/* There is some scan slice between F10 and F11 keys, so its separated: */
else if (pKeyEvent->key() >= Qt::Key_F11 && pKeyEvent->key() <= Qt::Key_F12)
combo[2] = 0x57 + (pKeyEvent->key() - Qt::Key_F11); /* F11-F12 down */
combo[3] = 0xd7 + (pKeyEvent->key() - Qt::Key_F11); /* F11-F12 up */
CKeyboard keyboard = session().GetConsole().GetKeyboard();
/* Process hot keys not processed in keyEvent() (as in case of non-alphanumeric keys): */
else if (!m_bIsHostkeyPressed && pEvent->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease)
/* Show a possible warning on key release which seems to be more expected by the end user: */
if (uisession()->isPaused())
/* If the reminder is disabled we pass the event to Qt to enable normal
* keyboard functionality (for example, menu access with Alt+Letter): */
if (!vboxProblem().remindAboutPausedVMInput())
/* Else just propagate to base-class: */
return QObject::eventFilter(pWatchedObject, pEvent);
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
LRESULT CALLBACK UIKeyboardHandler::lowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if (nCode == HC_ACTION && m_pKeyboardHandler && m_pKeyboardHandler->winLowKeyboardEvent(wParam, *(KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT*)lParam))
return 1;
return CallNextHookEx(NULL, nCode, wParam, lParam);
bool UIKeyboardHandler::winLowKeyboardEvent(UINT msg, const KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT &event)
/* Check what related machine-view was NOT unregistered yet: */
if (!m_views.contains(m_iKeyboardHookViewIndex))
return false;
/* Sometimes it happens that Win inserts additional events on some key
* press/release. For example, it prepends ALT_GR in German layout with
* the VK_LCONTROL vkey with curious 0x21D scan code (seems to be necessary
* to specially treat ALT_GR to enter additional chars to regular apps).
* These events are definitely unwanted in VM, so filter them out. */
/* Note (michael): it also sometimes sends the VK_CAPITAL vkey with scan
* code 0x23a. If this is not passed through then it is impossible to
* cancel CapsLock on a French keyboard. I didn't find any other examples
* of these strange events. Let's hope we are not missing anything else
* of importance! */
if (m_views[m_iKeyboardHookViewIndex]->hasFocus() && (event.scanCode & ~0xFF))
if (event.vkCode == VK_CAPITAL)
return false;
return true;
if (!m_fIsKeyboardCaptured)
return false;
/* It's possible that a key has been pressed while the keyboard was not
* captured, but is being released under the capture. Detect this situation
* and return false to let Windows process the message normally and update
* its key state table (to avoid the stuck key effect). */
uint8_t what_pressed = (event.flags & 0x01) && (event.vkCode != VK_RSHIFT) ? IsExtKeyPressed : IsKeyPressed;
if ((event.flags & 0x80) /* released */ &&
((event.vkCode == m_globalSettings.hostKey() && !m_bIsHostkeyInCapture) ||
(m_pressedKeys[event.scanCode] & (IsKbdCaptured | what_pressed)) == what_pressed))
return false;
MSG message;
message.hwnd = m_views[m_iKeyboardHookViewIndex]->winId();
message.message = msg;
message.wParam = event.vkCode;
message.lParam = 1 | (event.scanCode & 0xFF) << 16 | (event.flags & 0xFF) << 24;
/* Windows sets here the extended bit when the Right Shift key is pressed,
* which is totally wrong. Undo it. */
if (event.vkCode == VK_RSHIFT)
message.lParam &= ~0x1000000;
/* We suppose here that this hook is always called on the main GUI thread */
long dummyResult;
return m_views[m_iKeyboardHookViewIndex]->winEvent(&message, &dummyResult);
#elif defined(Q_WS_MAC)
void UIKeyboardHandler::darwinGrabKeyboardEvents(bool fGrab)
m_fKeyboardGrabbed = fGrab;
if (fGrab)
/* Disable mouse and keyboard event compression/delaying to make sure we *really* get all of the events. */
/* Register the event callback/hook and grab the keyboard. */
UICocoaApplication::instance()->registerForNativeEvents(RT_BIT_32(10) | RT_BIT_32(11) | RT_BIT_32(12) /* NSKeyDown | NSKeyUp | | NSFlagsChanged */,
UIKeyboardHandler::darwinEventHandlerProc, this);
::DarwinGrabKeyboard (false);
UICocoaApplication::instance()->unregisterForNativeEvents(RT_BIT_32(10) | RT_BIT_32(11) | RT_BIT_32(12) /* NSKeyDown | NSKeyUp | | NSFlagsChanged */,
UIKeyboardHandler::darwinEventHandlerProc, this);
bool UIKeyboardHandler::darwinEventHandlerProc(const void *pvCocoaEvent, const void *pvCarbonEvent, void *pvUser)
UIKeyboardHandler *pKeyboardHandler = (UIKeyboardHandler*)pvUser;
EventRef inEvent = (EventRef)pvCarbonEvent;
UInt32 eventClass = ::GetEventClass(inEvent);
/* Check if this is an application key combo. In that case we will not pass
* the event to the guest, but let the host process it. */
if (::darwinIsApplicationCommand(pvCocoaEvent))
return false;
/* All keyboard class events needs to be handled. */
if (eventClass == kEventClassKeyboard)
if (pKeyboardHandler->darwinKeyboardEvent (pvCocoaEvent, inEvent))
return true;
/* Pass the event along. */
return false;
bool UIKeyboardHandler::darwinKeyboardEvent(const void *pvCocoaEvent, EventRef inEvent)
bool ret = false;
UInt32 EventKind = ::GetEventKind(inEvent);
if (EventKind != kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged)
/* Convert keycode to set 1 scan code. */
UInt32 keyCode = ~0U;
::GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamKeyCode, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof (keyCode), NULL, &keyCode);
/* The usb keyboard driver translates these codes to different virtual
* key codes depending of the keyboard type. There are ANSI, ISO, JIS
* and unknown. For European keyboards (ISO) the key 0xa and 0x32 have
* to be switched. Here we are doing this at runtime, cause the user
* can have more than one keyboard (of different type), where he may
* switch at will all the time. Default is the ANSI standard as defined
* in g_aDarwinToSet1. Please note that the "~" on some English ISO
* keyboards will be wrongly swapped. This can maybe fixed by
* using a Apple keyboard layout in the guest. */
if ( (keyCode == 0xa || keyCode == 0x32)
&& KBGetLayoutType(LMGetKbdType()) == kKeyboardISO)
keyCode = 0x3c - keyCode;
unsigned scanCode = ::DarwinKeycodeToSet1Scancode(keyCode);
if (scanCode)
/* Calc flags. */
int flags = 0;
if (EventKind != kEventRawKeyUp)
flags |= KeyPressed;
if (scanCode & VBOXKEY_EXTENDED)
flags |= KeyExtended;
/** @todo KeyPause, KeyPrint. */
/* Get the unicode string (if present). */
AssertCompileSize(wchar_t, 2);
AssertCompileSize(UniChar, 2);
ByteCount cbWritten = 0;
wchar_t ucs[8];
if (::GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamKeyUnicodes, typeUnicodeText, NULL,
sizeof(ucs), &cbWritten, &ucs[0]) != 0)
cbWritten = 0;
ucs[cbWritten / sizeof(wchar_t)] = 0; /* The api doesn't terminate it. */
ret = keyEvent(keyCode, scanCode, flags, m_iKeyboardGrabViewIndex, ucs[0] ? ucs : NULL);
/* May contain multiple modifier changes, kind of annoying. */
UInt32 newMask = 0;
::GetEventParameter(inEvent, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL,
sizeof(newMask), NULL, &newMask);
newMask = ::DarwinAdjustModifierMask(newMask, pvCocoaEvent);
UInt32 changed = newMask ^ m_darwinKeyModifiers;
if (changed)
for (UInt32 bit = 0; bit < 32; bit++)
if (!(changed & (1 << bit)))
unsigned scanCode = ::DarwinModifierMaskToSet1Scancode(1 << bit);
if (!scanCode)
unsigned keyCode = ::DarwinModifierMaskToDarwinKeycode(1 << bit);
if (!(scanCode & VBOXKEY_LOCK))
unsigned flags = (newMask & (1 << bit)) ? KeyPressed : 0;
if (scanCode & VBOXKEY_EXTENDED)
flags |= KeyExtended;
ret |= keyEvent(keyCode, scanCode & 0xff, flags, m_iKeyboardGrabViewIndex);
unsigned flags = 0;
if (scanCode & VBOXKEY_EXTENDED)
flags |= KeyExtended;
keyEvent(keyCode, scanCode, flags | KeyPressed, m_iKeyboardGrabViewIndex);
keyEvent(keyCode, scanCode, flags, m_iKeyboardGrabViewIndex);
m_darwinKeyModifiers = newMask;
/* Always return true here because we'll otherwise getting a Qt event
we don't want and that will only cause the Pause warning to pop up. */
ret = true;
return ret;
bool UIKeyboardHandler::keyEvent(int iKey, uint8_t uScan, int fFlags, ulong uScreenId, wchar_t *pUniKey /* = NULL */)
const bool isHostKey = iKey == m_globalSettings.hostKey();
LONG buf[16];
LONG *codes = buf;
uint count = 0;
uint8_t whatPressed = 0;
if (!isHostKey && !m_bIsHostkeyPressed)
if (fFlags & KeyPrint)
static LONG PrintMake[] = { 0xE0, 0x2A, 0xE0, 0x37 };
static LONG PrintBreak[] = { 0xE0, 0xB7, 0xE0, 0xAA };
if (fFlags & KeyPressed)
codes = PrintMake;
count = SIZEOF_ARRAY(PrintMake);
codes = PrintBreak;
count = SIZEOF_ARRAY(PrintBreak);
else if (fFlags & KeyPause)
if (fFlags & KeyPressed)
static LONG Pause[] = { 0xE1, 0x1D, 0x45, 0xE1, 0x9D, 0xC5 };
codes = Pause;
count = SIZEOF_ARRAY(Pause);
/* Pause shall not produce a break code */
return true;
if (fFlags & KeyPressed)
/* Check if the guest has the same view on the modifier keys (NumLock,
* CapsLock, ScrollLock) as the X server. If not, send KeyPress events
* to synchronize the state. */
fixModifierState(codes, &count);
/* Check if it's C-A-D and GUI/PassCAD is not true */
if (!m_fPassCAD &&
uScan == 0x53 /* Del */ &&
((m_pressedKeys[0x38] & IsKeyPressed) /* Alt */ ||
(m_pressedKeys[0x38] & IsExtKeyPressed)) &&
((m_pressedKeys[0x1d] & IsKeyPressed) /* Ctrl */ ||
(m_pressedKeys[0x1d] & IsExtKeyPressed)))
/* Use the C-A-D combination as a last resort to get the
* keyboard and mouse back to the host when the user forgets
* the Host Key. Note that it's always possible to send C-A-D
* to the guest using the Host+Del combination. BTW, it would
* be preferable to completely ignore C-A-D in guests, but
* that's not possible because we cannot predict what other
* keys will be pressed next when one of C, A, D is held. */
if (uisession()->isRunning() && m_fIsKeyboardCaptured)
if (!uisession()->isMouseSupportsAbsolute() || !uisession()->isMouseIntegrated())
return true;
/* Process the scancode and update the table of pressed keys: */
whatPressed = IsKeyPressed;
if (fFlags & KeyExtended)
codes[count++] = 0xE0;
whatPressed = IsExtKeyPressed;
if (fFlags & KeyPressed)
codes[count++] = uScan;
m_pressedKeys[uScan] |= whatPressed;
/* If we haven't got this key's press message, we ignore its release: */
if (!(m_pressedKeys[uScan] & whatPressed))
return true;
codes[count++] = uScan | 0x80;
m_pressedKeys[uScan] &= ~whatPressed;
if (m_fIsKeyboardCaptured)
m_pressedKeys[uScan] |= IsKbdCaptured;
m_pressedKeys[uScan] &= ~IsKbdCaptured;
/* Currently this is used in winLowKeyboardEvent() only: */
m_bIsHostkeyInCapture = m_fIsKeyboardCaptured;
bool emitSignal = false;
int hotkey = 0;
/* Process the host key: */
if (fFlags & KeyPressed)
if (isHostKey)
if (!m_bIsHostkeyPressed)
m_bIsHostkeyPressed = m_bIsHostkeyAlone = true;
if (uisession()->isRunning())
emitSignal = true;
if (m_bIsHostkeyPressed)
if (m_bIsHostkeyAlone)
hotkey = iKey;
m_bIsHostkeyAlone = false;
if (isHostKey)
if (m_bIsHostkeyPressed)
m_bIsHostkeyPressed = false;
if (m_bIsHostkeyAlone)
if (uisession()->isPaused())
else if (uisession()->isRunning())
bool ok = true;
if (!m_fIsKeyboardCaptured)
/* Temporarily disable auto capture that will take
* place after this dialog is dismissed because
* the capture state is to be defined by the
* dialog result itself */
bool autoConfirmed = false;
ok = vboxProblem().confirmInputCapture(&autoConfirmed);
if (autoConfirmed)
/* Otherwise, the disable flag will be reset in
* the next console view's focus in event (since
* may happen asynchronously on some platforms,
* after we return from this code) */
if (ok)
if (m_fIsKeyboardCaptured)
if (!uisession()->isMouseSupportsAbsolute() || !uisession()->isMouseIntegrated())
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
/* Make sure that pending FocusOut events from the
* previous message box are handled, otherwise the
* mouse is immediately ungrabbed. */
if (m_fIsKeyboardCaptured)
if (uisession()->isRunning())
emitSignal = true;
if (m_bIsHostkeyPressed)
m_bIsHostkeyAlone = false;
/* Notify all listeners: */
emit keyboardStateChanged(keyboardState());
/* Process Host+<key> shortcuts. currently, <key> is limited to
* alphanumeric chars. Other Host+<key> combinations are handled in
* event(). */
if (hotkey)
bool processed = false;
#if defined (Q_WS_WIN)
int n = GetKeyboardLayoutList(0, NULL);
HKL *list = new HKL[n];
GetKeyboardLayoutList(n, list);
for (int i = 0; i < n && !processed; i++)
wchar_t ch;
static BYTE keys[256] = {0};
if (!ToUnicodeEx(hotkey, 0, keys, &ch, 1, 0, list[i]) == 1)
ch = 0;
if (ch)
processed = machineLogic()->actionsPool()->processHotKey(QKeySequence((Qt::UNICODE_ACCEL + QChar(ch).toUpper().unicode())));
delete[] list;
#elif defined (Q_WS_X11)
Display *display = QX11Info::display();
int keysyms_per_keycode = getKeysymsPerKeycode();
KeyCode kc = XKeysymToKeycode (display, iKey);
for (int i = 0; i < keysyms_per_keycode && !processed; i += 2)
KeySym ks = XKeycodeToKeysym(display, kc, i);
char ch = 0;
if (!XkbTranslateKeySym(display, &ks, 0, &ch, 1, NULL) == 1)
ch = 0;
if (ch)
QChar c = QString::fromLocal8Bit(&ch, 1)[0];
processed = machineLogic()->actionsPool()->processHotKey(QKeySequence((Qt::UNICODE_ACCEL + QChar(c).toUpper().unicode())));
#elif defined (Q_WS_MAC)
if (pUniKey && pUniKey[0] && !pUniKey[1])
processed = machineLogic()->actionsPool()->processHotKey(QKeySequence(Qt::UNICODE_ACCEL + QChar(pUniKey[0]).toUpper().unicode()));
/* Don't consider the hot key as pressed since the guest never saw
* it. (probably a generic thing) */
m_pressedKeys[uScan] &= ~whatPressed;
/* Grab the key from Qt if processed, or pass it to Qt otherwise
* in order to process non-alphanumeric keys in event(), after they are
* converted to Qt virtual keys. */
return processed;
/* No more to do, if the host key is in action or the VM is paused: */
if (m_bIsHostkeyPressed || isHostKey || uisession()->isPaused())
/* Grab the key from Qt and from VM if it's a host key,
* otherwise just pass it to Qt */
return isHostKey;
CKeyboard keyboard = session().GetConsole().GetKeyboard();
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
/* Send pending WM_PAINT events: */
#endif /* Q_WS_WIN */
std::vector <LONG> scancodes(codes, &codes[count]);
/* Grab the key from Qt: */
return true;
void UIKeyboardHandler::fixModifierState(LONG *piCodes, uint *puCount)
/* Synchronize the views of the host and the guest to the modifier keys.
* This function will add up to 6 additional keycodes to codes. */
#if defined(Q_WS_X11)
Window wDummy1, wDummy2;
int iDummy3, iDummy4, iDummy5, iDummy6;
unsigned uMask;
unsigned uKeyMaskNum = 0, uKeyMaskCaps = 0, uKeyMaskScroll = 0;
uKeyMaskCaps = LockMask;
XModifierKeymap* map = XGetModifierMapping(QX11Info::display());
KeyCode keyCodeNum = XKeysymToKeycode(QX11Info::display(), XK_Num_Lock);
KeyCode keyCodeScroll = XKeysymToKeycode(QX11Info::display(), XK_Scroll_Lock);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++ i)
if (keyCodeNum != NoSymbol && map->modifiermap[map->max_keypermod * i] == keyCodeNum)
uKeyMaskNum = 1 << i;
else if (keyCodeScroll != NoSymbol && map->modifiermap[map->max_keypermod * i] == keyCodeScroll)
uKeyMaskScroll = 1 << i;
XQueryPointer(QX11Info::display(), DefaultRootWindow(QX11Info::display()), &wDummy1, &wDummy2,
&iDummy3, &iDummy4, &iDummy5, &iDummy6, &uMask);
if (uisession()->numLockAdaptionCnt() && (uisession()->isNumLock() ^ !!(uMask & uKeyMaskNum)))
uisession()->setNumLockAdaptionCnt(uisession()->numLockAdaptionCnt() - 1);
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x45;
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x45 | 0x80;
if (uisession()->capsLockAdaptionCnt() && (uisession()->isCapsLock() ^ !!(uMask & uKeyMaskCaps)))
uisession()->setCapsLockAdaptionCnt(uisession()->capsLockAdaptionCnt() - 1);
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x3a;
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x3a | 0x80;
/* Some keyboard layouts require shift to be pressed to break
* capslock. For simplicity, only do this if shift is not
* already held down. */
if (uisession()->isCapsLock() && !(m_pressedKeys[0x2a] & IsKeyPressed))
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x2a;
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x2a | 0x80;
#elif defined(Q_WS_WIN)
if (uisession()->numLockAdaptionCnt() && (uisession()->isNumLock() ^ !!(GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK))))
uisession()->setNumLockAdaptionCnt(uisession()->numLockAdaptionCnt() - 1);
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x45;
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x45 | 0x80;
if (uisession()->capsLockAdaptionCnt() && (uisession()->isCapsLock() ^ !!(GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL))))
uisession()->setCapsLockAdaptionCnt(uisession()->capsLockAdaptionCnt() - 1);
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x3a;
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x3a | 0x80;
/* Some keyboard layouts require shift to be pressed to break
* capslock. For simplicity, only do this if shift is not
* already held down. */
if (uisession()->isCapsLock() && !(m_pressedKeys[0x2a] & IsKeyPressed))
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x2a;
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x2a | 0x80;
#elif defined(Q_WS_MAC)
/* if (uisession()->numLockAdaptionCnt()) ... - NumLock isn't implemented by Mac OS X so ignore it. */
if (uisession()->capsLockAdaptionCnt() && (uisession()->isCapsLock() ^ !!(::GetCurrentEventKeyModifiers() & alphaLock)))
uisession()->setCapsLockAdaptionCnt(uisession()->capsLockAdaptionCnt() - 1);
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x3a;
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x3a | 0x80;
/* Some keyboard layouts require shift to be pressed to break
* capslock. For simplicity, only do this if shift is not
* already held down. */
if (uisession()->isCapsLock() && !(m_pressedKeys[0x2a] & IsKeyPressed))
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x2a;
piCodes[(*puCount)++] = 0x2a | 0x80;
//#warning Adapt UIKeyboardHandler::fixModifierState
void UIKeyboardHandler::saveKeyStates()
::memcpy(m_pressedKeysCopy, m_pressedKeys, sizeof(m_pressedKeys));
void UIKeyboardHandler::releaseAllPressedKeys(bool aReleaseHostKey /* = true */)
CKeyboard keyboard = session().GetConsole().GetKeyboard();
bool fSentRESEND = false;
/* Send a dummy scan code (RESEND) to prevent the guest OS from recognizing
* a single key click (for ex., Alt) and performing an unwanted action
* (for ex., activating the menu) when we release all pressed keys below.
* Note, that it's just a guess that sending RESEND will give the desired
* effect :), but at least it works with NT and W2k guests. */
for (uint i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY (m_pressedKeys); i++)
if (m_pressedKeys[i] & IsKeyPressed)
if (!fSentRESEND)
keyboard.PutScancode (0xFE);
fSentRESEND = true;
keyboard.PutScancode(i | 0x80);
else if (m_pressedKeys[i] & IsExtKeyPressed)
if (!fSentRESEND)
fSentRESEND = true;
QVector <LONG> codes(2);
codes[0] = 0xE0;
codes[1] = i | 0x80;
m_pressedKeys[i] = 0;
if (aReleaseHostKey)
m_bIsHostkeyPressed = false;
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
/* Clear most of the modifiers: */
m_darwinKeyModifiers &=
alphaLock | kEventKeyModifierNumLockMask |
(aReleaseHostKey ? 0 : ::DarwinKeyCodeToDarwinModifierMask(m_globalSettings.hostKey()));
emit keyboardStateChanged(keyboardState());
void UIKeyboardHandler::sendChangedKeyStates()
QVector <LONG> codes(2);
CKeyboard keyboard = session().GetConsole().GetKeyboard();
for (uint i = 0; i < SIZEOF_ARRAY(m_pressedKeys); ++ i)
uint8_t os = m_pressedKeysCopy[i];
uint8_t ns = m_pressedKeys[i];
if ((os & IsKeyPressed) != (ns & IsKeyPressed))
codes[0] = i;
if (!(ns & IsKeyPressed))
codes[0] |= 0x80;
else if ((os & IsExtKeyPressed) != (ns & IsExtKeyPressed))
codes[0] = 0xE0;
codes[1] = i;
if (!(ns & IsExtKeyPressed))
codes[1] |= 0x80;
UIMachineWindow* UIKeyboardHandler::isItListenedWindow(QObject *pWatchedObject) const
UIMachineWindow *pResultWindow = 0;
QMap<ulong, UIMachineWindow*>::const_iterator i = m_windows.constBegin();
while (!pResultWindow && i != m_windows.constEnd())
UIMachineWindow *pIteratedWindow = i.value();
if (pIteratedWindow->machineWindow() == pWatchedObject)
pResultWindow = pIteratedWindow;
return pResultWindow;
UIMachineView* UIKeyboardHandler::isItListenedView(QObject *pWatchedObject) const
UIMachineView *pResultView = 0;
QMap<ulong, UIMachineView*>::const_iterator i = m_views.constBegin();
while (!pResultView && i != m_views.constEnd())
UIMachineView *pIteratedView = i.value();
if (pIteratedView == pWatchedObject)
pResultView = pIteratedView;
return pResultView;