UIDnDMIMEData.cpp revision a3011b448b38c39a7222f2f1eb40c8349023f650
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
* UIDnDMIMEData class implementation
* Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
/* Qt includes: */
#include <QApplication>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <QMimeData>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QTimer>
#ifdef LOG_GROUP
# undef LOG_GROUP
#include <VBox/log.h>
/* GUI includes: */
#include "UIDnDMIMEData.h"
#include "UIMessageCenter.h"
UIDnDMimeData::UIDnDMimeData(CSession &session, QStringList formats,
Qt::DropAction defAction, Qt::DropActions actions,
QWidget *pParent)
: m_pParent(pParent)
, m_session(session)
, m_lstFormats(formats)
, m_defAction(defAction)
, m_actions(actions)
, m_enmState(Dragging)
, m_data(QVariant::Invalid)
* This is unbelievable hacky, but I didn't find another way. Stupid
* Qt QDrag interface is so less verbose, that we in principle know
* nothing about what happens when the user drag something around. It
* is possible that the target on the host requests data
* (@sa retrieveData) while the mouse button still is pressed. This
* isn't something we should support, because it would mean transferring
* the data from the guest while the mouse is still moving (think of
* transferring a 2GB file from the guest to the host ...). So the idea is
* to detect the mouse release event and only after this happened, allow
* data to be retrieved. Unfortunately the QDrag object eats all events
* while a drag is going on (see QDragManager in the Qt src's).
* So what we now are going to do is installing an event filter after the
* QDrag::exec is called, so that this event filter then would be
* the last in the event filter queue and therefore called before the
* one installed by the QDrag object (which then in turn would
* munch all events).
** @todo Test this on all supported platforms (X11 works).
* Note: On Windows the above hack is not needed because as soon as Qt calls
* OLE's DoDragDrop routine internally (via QtDrag::exec), no mouse
* events will come through anymore. At this point DoDragDrop is modal
* and will take care of all the input handling. */
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(sltInstallEventFilter()));
#ifdef DEBUG
LogFlowFunc(("Number of formats: %d\n", formats.size()));
for (int i = 0; i < formats.size(); i++)
LogFlowFunc(("\tFormat %d: %s\n", i, formats.at(i).toAscii().constData()));
void UIDnDMimeData::sltDropActionChanged(Qt::DropAction dropAction)
LogFlowFunc(("dropAction=0x%x\n", dropAction));
m_defAction = dropAction;
QStringList UIDnDMimeData::formats(void) const
return m_lstFormats;
bool UIDnDMimeData::hasFormat(const QString &mimeType) const
bool fRc = m_lstFormats.contains(mimeType);
LogFlowFunc(("%s: %RTbool (QtMimeData: %RTbool)\n",
fRc, QMimeData::hasFormat(mimeType)));
return fRc;
QVariant UIDnDMimeData::retrieveData(const QString &mimeType,
QVariant::Type type) const
LogFlowFunc(("m_enmState=%d, mimeType=%s, type=%d\n",
m_enmState, mimeType.toStdString().c_str(), type));
bool fCanDrop = true;
#if 0
Qt::MouseButtons mouseBtns = Qt::NoButton;
bool fLeftBtnDown = RT_BOOL(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 0x8000);
if (fLeftBtnDown)
mouseBtns |= Qt::LeftButton;
# ifdef DEBUG_andy
LogFlowFunc(("mouseButtons=0x%x, GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON)=%RTbool\n",
mouseBtns, fLeftBtnDown));
# endif
if (mouseBtns == Qt::NoButton)
m_enmState = Dropped;
/* On Windows we only will get into this function if OLE's DoDragDrop
* routine (called by QtDrag) decides that a drop event just happened.
* So just update our internal state to reflect the same as on other
* platforms. */
m_enmState = Dropped;
/* Mouse button released? See eventFilter for more information. */
if (m_enmState != Dropped)
fCanDrop = false;
#if defined (RT_OS_WINDOWS) || defined (RT_OS_MACOS)
/* Special MIME handling. Later. */
/* Do we support the requested MIME type? */
if ( fCanDrop
&& !m_lstFormats.contains(mimeType))
LogFlowFunc(("Unsupported MIME type=%s\n",
fCanDrop = false;
/* Supported types. See below in the switch statement. */
if ( fCanDrop
&& !( /* Regular text. */
type == QVariant::String
/* Binary data. */
|| type == QVariant::ByteArray
/* URI list. */
|| type == QVariant::List))
LogFlowFunc(("Unsupported data type=%d (%s)\n",
type, QVariant::typeToName(type)));
fCanDrop = false;
if (!fCanDrop)
LogFlowFunc(("Skipping request, m_enmState=%d ...\n",
return QVariant();
CGuest guest = m_session.GetConsole().GetGuest();
/* Start getting the data from the guest. First inform the guest we
* want the data in the specified MIME type. */
CProgress progress = guest.DragGHDropped(mimeType,
if (guest.isOk())
tr("Retrieving data ..."), ":/progress_dnd_gh_90px.png",
if (!progress.GetCanceled())
if ( progress.isOk()
&& progress.GetResultCode() == 0)
/** @todo What about retrieving bigger files? Loop? */
/* After the data successfully arrived from the guest, we query it from Main. */
QVector<uint8_t> data = guest.DragGHGetData();
if (!data.isEmpty())
switch (type)
case QVariant::String:
m_data = QVariant(QString(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data.data())));
case QVariant::ByteArray:
QByteArray ba(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data.constData()), data.size());
m_data = QVariant(ba);
case QVariant::List:
/** @todo Support URIs. */
AssertMsgFailed(("Should never happen, d'oh!\n"));
/** @todo How often to retry on empty data received? */
m_enmState = Finished;
msgCenter().cannotDropData(progress, m_pParent);
m_enmState = Canceled;
msgCenter().cannotDropData(guest, m_pParent);
return m_data;
bool UIDnDMimeData::eventFilter(QObject * /* pObject */, QEvent *pEvent)
if (pEvent)
switch (pEvent->type())
#ifdef DEBUG_andy
case QEvent::MouseMove:
QMouseEvent *pMouseEvent = (QMouseEvent*)(pEvent);
LogFlowFunc(("MouseMove: x=%d, y=%d, buttons=0x%x\n",
pMouseEvent->globalX(), pMouseEvent->globalY(), pMouseEvent->buttons()));
case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
m_enmState = Dropped;
case QEvent::KeyPress:
/* ESC pressed? */
if (static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(pEvent)->key() == Qt::Key_Escape)
LogFlowFunc(("ESC pressed, cancelling drag'n drop operation\n"));
m_enmState = Canceled;
/* Propagate the event further. */
return false;
void UIDnDMimeData::sltInstallEventFilter(void)
LogFlowFunc(("Installing event filter ...\n"));
#endif /* RT_OS_WINDOWS */