UICocoaApplication.mm revision a729d7d3b19e5c02a395915b050741a31b826e7c
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* UICocoaApplication - C++ interface to NSApplication for handling -sendEvent.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
/* GUI includes: */
#include "UICocoaApplication.h"
#include "VBoxUtils-darwin.h"
/* Global includes */
#import <AppKit/NSEvent.h>
#import <AppKit/NSApplication.h>
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <AppKit/NSWindow.h>
#include <iprt/assert.h>
/** Class for tracking a callback. */
@interface CallbackData: NSObject
/** Mask of events to send to this callback. */
uint32_t fMask;
/** The callback. */
/** The user argument. */
void *pvUser;
- (id) initWithMask:(uint32)mask callback:(PFNVBOXCACALLBACK)callback user:(void*)user;
@end /* @interface CallbackData */
@implementation CallbackData
- (id) initWithMask:(uint32)mask callback:(PFNVBOXCACALLBACK)callback user:(void*)user
self = [super init];
if (self)
fMask = mask;
pfnCallback = callback;
pvUser = user;
return self;
@end /* @implementation CallbackData */
/** Class for event handling */
@interface UICocoaApplicationPrivate: NSApplication
/** The event mask for which there currently are callbacks. */
uint32_t m_fMask;
/** Array of callbacks. */
NSMutableArray *m_pCallbacks;
- (id)init;
- (void)sendEvent:(NSEvent *)theEvent;
- (void)setCallback:(uint32_t)fMask :(PFNVBOXCACALLBACK)pfnCallback :(void *)pvUser;
- (void)unsetCallback:(uint32_t)fMask :(PFNVBOXCACALLBACK)pfnCallback :(void *)pvUser;
- (void)registerToNotification :(NSString*)pstrNotificationName :(NSWindow*)pWindow;
- (void)unregisterFromNotification :(NSString*)pstrNotificationName :(NSWindow*)pWindow;
- (void)notificationCallback :(NSNotification*)notification;
@end /* @interface UICocoaApplicationPrivate */
@implementation UICocoaApplicationPrivate
-(id) init
self = [super init];
if (self)
m_pCallbacks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
-(void) sendEvent:(NSEvent *)pEvent
* Check if the type matches any of the registered callbacks.
uint32_t const fMask = m_fMask;
#if 0 /* for debugging */
::darwinPrintEvent("sendEvent: ", pEvent);
if (fMask != 0)
NSEventType EvtType = [pEvent type];
uint32_t fEvtMask = RT_LIKELY(EvtType < 32) ? RT_BIT_32(EvtType) : 0;
if (fMask & fEvtMask)
* Do the callouts in LIFO order.
for (CallbackData *pData in [m_pCallbacks reverseObjectEnumerator])
if (pData->fMask & fEvtMask)
if (pData->pfnCallback(pEvent, [pEvent eventRef], pData->pvUser))
* Get on with it.
[super sendEvent:pEvent];
* Register an event callback.
* @param fMask The event mask for which the callback is to be invoked.
* @param pfnCallback The callback function.
* @param pvUser The user argument.
-(void) setCallback: (uint32_t)fMask :(PFNVBOXCACALLBACK)pfnCallback :(void *)pvUser
/* Add the callback data to the array */
CallbackData *pData = [[[CallbackData alloc] initWithMask: fMask callback: pfnCallback user: pvUser] autorelease];
[m_pCallbacks addObject: pData];
/* Update the global mask */
m_fMask |= fMask;
* Deregister an event callback.
* @param fMask Same as setCallback.
* @param pfnCallback Same as setCallback.
* @param pvUser Same as setCallback.
-(void) unsetCallback: (uint32_t)fMask :(PFNVBOXCACALLBACK)pfnCallback :(void *)pvUser
* Loop the event array LIFO fashion searching for a matching callback.
for (CallbackData *pData in [m_pCallbacks reverseObjectEnumerator])
if ( pData->pfnCallback == pfnCallback
&& pData->pvUser == pvUser
&& pData->fMask == fMask)
[m_pCallbacks removeObject: pData];
uint32_t fNewMask = 0;
for (CallbackData *pData in m_pCallbacks)
fNewMask |= pData->fMask;
m_fMask = fNewMask;
/** Register @a pWindow to cocoa notification @a pstrNotificationName. */
- (void) registerToNotification :(NSString*)pstrNotificationName :(NSWindow*)pWindow
/* Register notification observer: */
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
/** Unregister @a pWindow from cocoa notification @a pstrNotificationName. */
- (void) unregisterFromNotification :(NSString*)pstrNotificationName :(NSWindow*)pWindow
/* Uninstall notification observer: */
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self
/** Redirects cocoa @a notification to UICocoaApplication instance. */
- (void) notificationCallback :(NSNotification*)notification
/* Get current notification name: */
NSString *pstrName = [notification name];
/* Define known notification names: */
NSString *spstrWillEnterFullscreenNotification = @"NSWindowWillEnterFullScreenNotification";
NSString *spstrDidEnterFullscreenNotification = @"NSWindowDidEnterFullScreenNotification";
NSString *spstrWillExitFullscreenNotification = @"NSWindowWillExitFullScreenNotification";
NSString *spstrDidExitFullscreenNotification = @"NSWindowDidExitFullScreenNotification";
NSString *spstrDidFailToEnterFullScreenNotification = @"NSWindowDidFailToEnterFullScreenNotification";
/* Redirect known notifications to UICocoaApplication instance: */
if ( [pstrName isEqualToString :spstrWillEnterFullscreenNotification]
|| [pstrName isEqualToString :spstrDidEnterFullscreenNotification]
|| [pstrName isEqualToString :spstrWillExitFullscreenNotification]
|| [pstrName isEqualToString :spstrDidExitFullscreenNotification]
|| [pstrName isEqualToString :spstrDidFailToEnterFullScreenNotification])
UICocoaApplication::instance()->nativeNotificationProxy(pstrName, [notification object]);
@end /* @implementation UICocoaApplicationPrivate */
/* C++ singleton for our private NSApplication object */
UICocoaApplication* UICocoaApplication::m_pInstance = 0;
/* static */
UICocoaApplication* UICocoaApplication::instance()
if (!m_pInstance)
m_pInstance = new UICocoaApplication();
return m_pInstance;
void UICocoaApplication::hide()
[m_pNative hide:m_pNative];
/* Make sure our private NSApplication object is created */
m_pNative = (UICocoaApplicationPrivate*)[UICocoaApplicationPrivate sharedApplication];
/* Create one auto release pool which is in place for all the
initialization and deinitialization stuff. That is when the
NSApplication is not running the run loop (there is a separate auto
release pool defined). */
m_pPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
[m_pNative release];
[m_pPool release];
void UICocoaApplication::registerForNativeEvents(uint32_t fMask, PFNVBOXCACALLBACK pfnCallback, void *pvUser)
[m_pNative setCallback:fMask :pfnCallback :pvUser];
void UICocoaApplication::unregisterForNativeEvents(uint32_t fMask, PFNVBOXCACALLBACK pfnCallback, void *pvUser)
[m_pNative unsetCallback:fMask :pfnCallback :pvUser];
void UICocoaApplication::registerToNativeNotification(const QString &strNativeNotificationName, QWidget *pWidget, PfnNativeNotificationCallbackForQWidget pCallback)
/* Make sure it is not registered yet: */
AssertReturnVoid(!m_callbacks.contains(pWidget) || !m_callbacks[pWidget].contains(strNativeNotificationName));
/* Remember callback: */
m_callbacks[pWidget][strNativeNotificationName] = pCallback;
/* Register observer: */
NativeNSStringRef pstrNativeNotificationName = darwinToNativeString(strNativeNotificationName.toLatin1().constData());
NativeNSWindowRef pWindow = darwinToNativeWindow(pWidget);
[m_pNative registerToNotification :pstrNativeNotificationName :pWindow];
void UICocoaApplication::unregisterFromNativeNotification(const QString &strNativeNotificationName, QWidget *pWidget)
/* Make sure it is registered yet: */
AssertReturnVoid(m_callbacks.contains(pWidget) && m_callbacks[pWidget].contains(strNativeNotificationName));
/* Forget callback: */
if (m_callbacks[pWidget].isEmpty())
/* Unregister observer: */
NativeNSStringRef pstrNativeNotificationName = darwinToNativeString(strNativeNotificationName.toLatin1().constData());
NativeNSWindowRef pWindow = darwinToNativeWindow(pWidget);
[m_pNative unregisterFromNotification :pstrNativeNotificationName :pWindow];
void UICocoaApplication::nativeNotificationProxy(NativeNSStringRef pstrNotificationName, NativeNSWindowRef pWindow)
/* Get notification name: */
QString strNotificationName = darwinFromNativeString(pstrNotificationName);
/* Check if existing widget(s) have corresponding notification handler: */
const QList<QWidget*> &keys1 = m_callbacks.keys();
for (int i = 0; i < keys1.size(); ++i)
QWidget *pWidget = keys1[i];
if (darwinToNativeWindow(pWidget) == pWindow)
const QMap<QString, PfnNativeNotificationCallbackForQWidget> &callbacks = m_callbacks[pWidget];
if (callbacks.contains(strNotificationName))
callbacks[strNotificationName](strNotificationName, pWidget);