UICocoaApplication.h revision d34409ad02ea0d28e08a6c4b089a412fdb3b4c9c
/** @file
* VBox Qt GUI - UICocoaApplication - C++ interface to NSApplication for handling -sendEvent.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
#ifndef ___darwin_VBoxCocoaApplication_h
#define ___darwin_VBoxCocoaApplication_h
/* Qt includes: */
#include <QMap>
/* GUI includes: */
#include "VBoxCocoaHelper.h"
/* Forward declarations: */
class QObject;
class QWidget;
/** Event handler callback.
* @returns true if handled, false if not.
* @param pvCocoaEvent The Cocoa event.
* @param pvCarbonEvent The Carbon event.
* @param pvUser The user argument.
typedef bool (*PFNVBOXCACALLBACK)(const void *pvCocoaEvent, const void *pvCarbonEvent, void *pvUser);
/** Native notification callback type for QObject. */
typedef void (*PfnNativeNotificationCallbackForQObject)(QObject *pObject, const QMap<QString, QString> &userInfo);
/** Native notification callback type for QWidget. */
typedef void (*PfnNativeNotificationCallbackForQWidget)(const QString &strNativeNotificationName, QWidget *pWidget);
/* C++ singleton for our private NSApplication object. */
class UICocoaApplication
/** Returns singleton access instance. */
static UICocoaApplication* instance();
/** Destructor. */
/** Returns whether application is currently active. */
bool isActive() const;
/** Hides the application. */
void hide();
/** Register native @a pfnCallback of the @a pvUser taking event @a fMask into account. */
void registerForNativeEvents(uint32_t fMask, PFNVBOXCACALLBACK pfnCallback, void *pvUser);
/** Unregister native @a pfnCallback of the @a pvUser taking event @a fMask into account. */
void unregisterForNativeEvents(uint32_t fMask, PFNVBOXCACALLBACK pfnCallback, void *pvUser);
/** Register passed @a pObject to native notification @a strNativeNotificationName, using @a pCallback as handler. */
void registerToNotificationOfWorkspace(const QString &strNativeNotificationName, QObject *pObject, PfnNativeNotificationCallbackForQObject pCallback);
/** Unregister passed @a pWidget from native notification @a strNativeNotificationName. */
void unregisterFromNotificationOfWorkspace(const QString &strNativeNotificationName, QObject *pObject);
/** Register passed @a pWidget to native notification @a strNativeNotificationName, using @a pCallback as handler. */
void registerToNotificationOfWindow(const QString &strNativeNotificationName, QWidget *pWidget, PfnNativeNotificationCallbackForQWidget pCallback);
/** Unregister passed @a pWidget from native notification @a strNativeNotificationName. */
void unregisterFromNotificationOfWindow(const QString &strNativeNotificationName, QWidget *pWidget);
/** Redirects native notification @a pstrNativeNotificationName for application to registered listener. */
void nativeNotificationProxyForObject(NativeNSStringRef pstrNativeNotificationName, const QMap<QString, QString> &userInfo);
/** Redirects native notification @a pstrNativeNotificationName for window @a pWindow to registered listener. */
void nativeNotificationProxyForWidget(NativeNSStringRef pstrNativeNotificationName, NativeNSWindowRef pWindow);
/** Constructor. */
/** Holds the singleton access instance. */
static UICocoaApplication *m_pInstance;
/** Holds the private NSApplication instance. */
NativeUICocoaApplicationPrivateRef m_pNative;
/** Holds the private NSAutoreleasePool instance. */
NativeNSAutoreleasePoolRef m_pPool;
/** Map of notification callbacks registered for corresponding QObject(s). */
QMap<QObject*, QMap<QString, PfnNativeNotificationCallbackForQObject> > m_objectCallbacks;
/** Map of notification callbacks registered for corresponding QWidget(s). */
QMap<QWidget*, QMap<QString, PfnNativeNotificationCallbackForQWidget> > m_widgetCallbacks;
#endif /* ___darwin_VBoxCocoaApplication_h */