VBoxProblemReporter.cpp revision 869ac3630e853d76aab7c53f9a369b2d00969581
/** @file
* VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
* VBoxProblemReporter class implementation
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
* Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
* additional information or have any questions.
#include "VBoxProblemReporter.h"
#include "VBoxGlobal.h"
#include "VBoxSelectorWnd.h"
#include "VBoxConsoleWnd.h"
#include "VBoxAboutDlg.h"
#include "QIHotKeyEdit.h"
/* Qt includes */
#include <QProgressDialog>
#include <QProcess>
#include <QFileInfo>
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
# include <QPushButton>
#include <QAction>
#include <QMenu>
#include <iprt/err.h>
#include <iprt/param.h>
#include <iprt/path.h>
#if defined (Q_WS_WIN32)
#include <Htmlhelp.h>
// VBoxProgressDialog class
* A QProgressDialog enhancement that allows to:
* 1) prevent closing the dialog when it has no cancel button;
* 2) effectively track the IProgress object completion (w/o using
* IProgress::waitForCompletion() and w/o blocking the UI thread in any other
* way for too long).
* @note The CProgress instance is passed as a non-const reference to the
* constructor (to memorize COM errors if they happen), and therefore must
* not be destroyed before the created VBoxProgressDialog instance is
* destroyed.
class VBoxProgressDialog : public QProgressDialog
VBoxProgressDialog (CProgress &aProgress, const QString &aTitle,
int aMinDuration = 2000, QWidget *aCreator = 0)
: QProgressDialog (aCreator,
Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint)
, mProgress (aProgress)
, mEventLoop (new QEventLoop (this))
, mCalcelEnabled (false)
, mOpCount (mProgress.GetOperationCount())
, mCurOp (mProgress.GetOperation() + 1)
, mEnded (false)
setModal (true);
if (mOpCount > 1)
setLabelText (QString (sOpDescTpl)
.arg (mProgress.GetOperationDescription())
.arg (mCurOp).arg (mOpCount));
setLabelText (QString ("%1...")
.arg (mProgress.GetOperationDescription()));
setCancelButtonText (QString::null);
setMaximum (100);
setWindowTitle (QString ("%1: %2")
.arg (aTitle, mProgress.GetDescription()));
setMinimumDuration (aMinDuration);
setValue (0);
int run (int aRefreshInterval)
if (mProgress.isOk())
/* Start refresh timer */
int id = startTimer (aRefreshInterval);
/* The progress dialog is automatically shown after the duration is over */
/* Enter the modal loop */
/* Kill refresh timer */
killTimer (id);
return result();
return Rejected;
/* These methods disabled for now as not used anywhere */
// bool cancelEnabled() const { return mCalcelEnabled; }
// void setCancelEnabled (bool aEnabled) { mCalcelEnabled = aEnabled; }
virtual void timerEvent (QTimerEvent * /* aEvent */)
if (!mEnded && (!mProgress.isOk() || mProgress.GetCompleted()))
/* Progress finished */
if (mProgress.isOk())
setValue (100);
setResult (Accepted);
/* Progress is not valid */
setResult (Rejected);
/* Request to exit loop */
mEnded = true;
/* The progress will be finalized
* on next timer iteration. */
if (mEnded)
/* Exit loop if it is running */
if (mEventLoop->isRunning())
/* Update the progress dialog */
ulong newOp = mProgress.GetOperation() + 1;
if (newOp != mCurOp)
mCurOp = newOp;
setLabelText (QString (sOpDescTpl)
.arg (mProgress.GetOperationDescription())
.arg (mCurOp).arg (mOpCount));
setValue (mProgress.GetPercent());
virtual void reject() { if (mCalcelEnabled) QProgressDialog::reject(); }
virtual void closeEvent (QCloseEvent *aEvent)
if (mCalcelEnabled)
QProgressDialog::closeEvent (aEvent);
CProgress &mProgress;
QEventLoop *mEventLoop;
bool mCalcelEnabled;
const ulong mOpCount;
ulong mCurOp;
bool mEnded;
static const char *sOpDescTpl;
const char *VBoxProgressDialog::sOpDescTpl = "%1... (%2/%3)";
// VBoxHelpActions class
void VBoxHelpActions::setup (QObject *aParent)
AssertReturnVoid (contentsAction == NULL);
contentsAction = new QAction (aParent);
contentsAction->setIcon (VBoxGlobal::iconSet (":/help_16px.png"));
webAction = new QAction (aParent);
webAction->setIcon (VBoxGlobal::iconSet (":/site_16px.png"));
resetMessagesAction = new QAction (aParent);
resetMessagesAction->setIcon (VBoxGlobal::iconSet (":/reset_16px.png"));
registerAction = new QAction (aParent);
registerAction->setIcon (VBoxGlobal::iconSet (":/register_16px.png",
updateAction = new QAction (aParent);
updateAction->setIcon (VBoxGlobal::iconSet (":/refresh_16px.png",
aboutAction = new QAction (aParent);
aboutAction->setMenuRole (QAction::AboutRole);
aboutAction->setIcon (VBoxGlobal::iconSet (":/about_16px.png"));
QObject::connect (contentsAction, SIGNAL (triggered()),
&vboxProblem(), SLOT (showHelpHelpDialog()));
QObject::connect (webAction, SIGNAL (triggered()),
&vboxProblem(), SLOT (showHelpWebDialog()));
QObject::connect (resetMessagesAction, SIGNAL (triggered()),
&vboxProblem(), SLOT (resetSuppressedMessages()));
QObject::connect (registerAction, SIGNAL (triggered()),
&vboxGlobal(), SLOT (showRegistrationDialog()));
QObject::connect (updateAction, SIGNAL (triggered()),
&vboxGlobal(), SLOT (showUpdateDialog()));
QObject::connect (aboutAction, SIGNAL (triggered()),
&vboxProblem(), SLOT (showHelpAboutDialog()));
QObject::connect (&vboxGlobal(), SIGNAL (canShowRegDlg (bool)),
registerAction, SLOT (setEnabled (bool)));
QObject::connect (&vboxGlobal(), SIGNAL (canShowUpdDlg (bool)),
updateAction, SLOT (setEnabled (bool)));
void VBoxHelpActions::addTo (QMenu *aMenu)
AssertReturnVoid (contentsAction != NULL);
aMenu->addAction (contentsAction);
aMenu->addAction (webAction);
aMenu->addAction (resetMessagesAction);
aMenu->addAction (registerAction);
registerAction->setEnabled (vboxGlobal().virtualBox().
GetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_RegistrationDlgWinID).isEmpty());
aMenu->addAction (updateAction);
updateAction->setEnabled (vboxGlobal().virtualBox().
GetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_UpdateDlgWinID).isEmpty());
aMenu->addAction (aboutAction);
void VBoxHelpActions::retranslateUi()
AssertReturnVoid (contentsAction != NULL);
contentsAction->setText (VBoxProblemReporter::tr ("&Contents..."));
contentsAction->setShortcut (QKeySequence::HelpContents);
contentsAction->setStatusTip (VBoxProblemReporter::tr (
"Show the online help contents"));
webAction->setText (VBoxProblemReporter::tr ("&VirtualBox Web Site..."));
webAction->setStatusTip (VBoxProblemReporter::tr (
"Open the browser and go to the VirtualBox product web site"));
resetMessagesAction->setText (VBoxProblemReporter::tr ("&Reset All Warnings"));
resetMessagesAction->setStatusTip (VBoxProblemReporter::tr (
"Cause all suppressed warnings and messages to be shown again"));
registerAction->setText (VBoxProblemReporter::tr ("R&egister VirtualBox..."));
registerAction->setStatusTip (VBoxProblemReporter::tr (
"Open VirtualBox registration form"));
updateAction->setText (VBoxProblemReporter::tr ("C&heck for Updates..."));
updateAction->setStatusTip (VBoxProblemReporter::tr (
"Check for a new VirtualBox version"));
aboutAction->setText (VBoxProblemReporter::tr ("&About VirtualBox..."));
aboutAction->setStatusTip (VBoxProblemReporter::tr (
"Show a dialog with product information"));
// VBoxProblemReporter class
* Returns a reference to the global VirtualBox problem reporter instance.
VBoxProblemReporter &VBoxProblemReporter::instance()
static VBoxProblemReporter vboxProblem_instance;
return vboxProblem_instance;
bool VBoxProblemReporter::isValid()
return qApp != 0;
// Helpers
* Shows a message box of the given type with the given text and with buttons
* according to arguments b1, b2 and b3 (in the same way as QMessageBox does
* it), and returns the user's choice.
* When all button arguments are zero, a single 'Ok' button is shown.
* If aAutoConfirmId is not null, then the message box will contain a
* checkbox "Don't show this message again" below the message text and its
* state will be saved in the global config. When the checkbox is in the
* checked state, this method doesn't actually show the message box but
* returns immediately. The return value in this case is the same as if the
* user has pressed the Enter key or the default button, but with
* AutoConfirmed bit set (AutoConfirmed alone is returned when no default
* button is defined in button arguments).
* @param aParent
* Parent widget or 0 to use the desktop as the parent. Also,
* #mainWindowShown can be used to determine the currently shown VBox
* main window (Selector or Console).
* @param aType
* One of values of the Type enum, that defines the message box
* title and icon.
* @param aMessage
* Message text to display (can contain sinmple Qt-html tags).
* @param aDetails
* Detailed message description displayed under the main message text using
* QTextEdit (that provides rich text support and scrollbars when necessary).
* If equals to QString::null, no details text box is shown.
* @param aAutoConfirmId
* ID used to save the auto confirmation state across calls. If null,
* the auto confirmation feature is turned off (and no checkbox is shown)
* @param aButton1
* First button code or 0, see QIMessageBox for a list of codes.
* @param aButton2
* Second button code or 0, see QIMessageBox for a list of codes.
* @param aButton3
* Third button code or 0, see QIMessageBox for a list of codes.
* @param aText1
* Optional custom text for the first button.
* @param aText2
* Optional custom text for the second button.
* @param aText3
* Optional custom text for the third button.
* @return
* code of the button pressed by the user
int VBoxProblemReporter::message (QWidget *aParent, Type aType, const QString &aMessage,
const QString &aDetails /* = QString::null */,
const char *aAutoConfirmId /* = 0 */,
int aButton1 /* = 0 */, int aButton2 /* = 0 */,
int aButton3 /* = 0 */,
const QString &aText1 /* = QString::null */,
const QString &aText2 /* = QString::null */,
const QString &aText3 /* = QString::null */)
if (aButton1 == 0 && aButton2 == 0 && aButton3 == 0)
aButton1 = QIMessageBox::Ok | QIMessageBox::Default;
CVirtualBox vbox;
QStringList msgs;
if (aAutoConfirmId)
vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
msgs = vbox.GetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_SuppressMessages).split (',');
if (msgs.contains (aAutoConfirmId)) {
int rc = AutoConfirmed;
if (aButton1 & QIMessageBox::Default)
rc |= (aButton1 & QIMessageBox::ButtonMask);
if (aButton2 & QIMessageBox::Default)
rc |= (aButton2 & QIMessageBox::ButtonMask);
if (aButton3 & QIMessageBox::Default)
rc |= (aButton3 & QIMessageBox::ButtonMask);
return rc;
QString title;
QIMessageBox::Icon icon;
switch (aType)
case Info:
title = tr ("VirtualBox - Information", "msg box title");
icon = QIMessageBox::Information;
case Question:
title = tr ("VirtualBox - Question", "msg box title");
icon = QIMessageBox::Question;
case Warning:
title = tr ("VirtualBox - Warning", "msg box title");
icon = QIMessageBox::Warning;
case Error:
title = tr ("VirtualBox - Error", "msg box title");
icon = QIMessageBox::Critical;
case Critical:
title = tr ("VirtualBox - Critical Error", "msg box title");
icon = QIMessageBox::Critical;
case GuruMeditation:
title = "VirtualBox - Guru Meditation"; /* don't translate this */
icon = QIMessageBox::GuruMeditation;
QIMessageBox *box = new QIMessageBox (title, aMessage, icon, aButton1, aButton2,
aButton3, aParent, aAutoConfirmId);
if (!aText1.isNull())
box->setButtonText (0, aText1);
if (!aText2.isNull())
box->setButtonText (1, aText2);
if (!aText3.isNull())
box->setButtonText (2, aText3);
if (!aDetails.isEmpty())
box->setDetailsText (aDetails);
box->setDetailsShown (true);
if (aAutoConfirmId)
box->setFlagText (tr ("Do not show this message again", "msg box flag"));
box->setFlagChecked (false);
int rc = box->exec();
if (aAutoConfirmId)
if (box->isFlagChecked())
msgs << aAutoConfirmId;
vbox.SetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_SuppressMessages, msgs.join (","));
delete box;
return rc;
/** @fn message (QWidget *, Type, const QString &, const char *, int, int,
* int, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &)
* A shortcut to #message() that doesn't require to specify the details
* text (QString::null is assumed).
/** @fn messageYesNo (QWidget *, Type, const QString &, const QString &, const char *)
* A shortcut to #message() that shows 'Yes' and 'No' buttons ('Yes' is the
* default) and returns true when the user selects Yes.
/** @fn messageYesNo (QWidget *, Type, const QString &, const char *)
* A shortcut to #messageYesNo() that doesn't require to specify the details
* text (QString::null is assumed).
* Shows a modal progress dialog using a CProgress object passed as an
* argument to track the progress.
* @param aProgress progress object to track
* @param aTitle title prefix
* @param aParent parent widget
* @param aMinDuration time (ms) that must pass before the dialog appears
bool VBoxProblemReporter::showModalProgressDialog (
CProgress &aProgress, const QString &aTitle, QWidget *aParent,
int aMinDuration)
QApplication::setOverrideCursor (QCursor (Qt::WaitCursor));
VBoxProgressDialog progressDlg (aProgress, aTitle, aMinDuration,
/* run the dialog with the 100 ms refresh interval */
progressDlg.run (100);
return true;
* Returns what main window (selector or console) is now shown, or
* zero if none of them. The selector window takes precedence.
QWidget *VBoxProblemReporter::mainWindowShown()
/* It may happen that this method is called during VBoxGlobal
* initialization or even after it failed (for example, to show some
* error message). Return no main window in this case. */
if (!vboxGlobal().isValid())
return 0;
if (vboxGlobal().isVMConsoleProcess())
if (vboxGlobal().consoleWnd().isVisible())
return &vboxGlobal().consoleWnd();
if (vboxGlobal().selectorWnd().isVisible())
return &vboxGlobal().selectorWnd();
if (vboxGlobal().consoleWnd().isVisible())
return &vboxGlobal().consoleWnd();
if (vboxGlobal().selectorWnd().isVisible())
return &vboxGlobal().selectorWnd();
return 0;
// Problem handlers
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotFindLicenseFiles (const QString &aPath)
(0, VBoxProblemReporter::Error,
tr ("Failed to find license files in "
.arg (aPath));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotOpenLicenseFile (QWidget *aParent,
const QString &aPath)
(aParent, VBoxProblemReporter::Error,
tr ("Failed to open the license file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr>. "
"Check file permissions.")
.arg (aPath));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotOpenURL (const QString &aURL)
(mainWindowShown(), VBoxProblemReporter::Error,
tr ("Failed to open <tt>%1</tt>. Make sure your desktop environment "
"can properly handle URLs of this type.")
.arg (aURL));
void VBoxProblemReporter::
cannotCopyFile (const QString &aSrc, const QString &aDst, int aVRC)
Assert (msg);
QString err = QString ("%1: %2").arg (msg->pszDefine, msg->pszMsgShort);
if (err.endsWith ("."))
err.truncate (err.length() - 1);
message (mainWindowShown(), VBoxProblemReporter::Error,
tr ("Failed to copy file <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b> to "
"<b><nobr>%2</nobr></b> (%3).")
.arg (aSrc, aDst, err));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotFindLanguage (const QString &aLangID,
const QString &aNlsPath)
message (0, VBoxProblemReporter::Error,
tr ("<p>Could not find a language file for the language "
"<b>%1</b> in the directory <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.</p>"
"<p>The language will be temporarily reset to the system "
"default language. Please go to the <b>Preferences</b> "
"dialog which you can open from the <b>File</b> menu of the "
"main VirtualBox window, and select one of the existing "
"languages on the <b>Language</b> page.</p>")
.arg (aLangID).arg (aNlsPath));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotLoadLanguage (const QString &aLangFile)
message (0, VBoxProblemReporter::Error,
tr ("<p>Could not load the language file <b><nobr>%1</nobr></b>. "
"<p>The language will be temporarily reset to English (built-in). "
"Please go to the <b>Preferences</b> "
"dialog which you can open from the <b>File</b> menu of the "
"main VirtualBox window, and select one of the existing "
"languages on the <b>Language</b> page.</p>")
.arg (aLangFile));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotInitCOM (HRESULT rc)
message (0, Critical,
tr ("<p>Failed to initialize COM or to find the VirtualBox COM server. "
"Most likely, the VirtualBox server is not running "
"or failed to start.</p>"
"<p>The application will now terminate.</p>"),
formatErrorInfo (COMErrorInfo(), rc));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotCreateVirtualBox (const CVirtualBox &vbox)
message (0, Critical,
tr ("<p>Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object.</p>"
"<p>The application will now terminate.</p>"),
formatErrorInfo (vbox));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotSaveGlobalSettings (const CVirtualBox &vbox,
QWidget *parent /* = 0 */)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (vbox);
message (parent ? parent : mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("<p>Failed to save the global VirtualBox settings to "
.arg (vbox.GetSettingsFilePath()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotLoadGlobalConfig (const CVirtualBox &vbox,
const QString &error)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (vbox);
message (mainWindowShown(), Critical,
tr ("<p>Failed to load the global GUI configuration from "
"<p>The application will now terminate.</p>")
.arg (vbox.GetSettingsFilePath()),
!res.isOk() ? formatErrorInfo (res)
: QString ("<p>%1</p>").arg (VBoxGlobal::highlight (error)));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotSaveGlobalConfig (const CVirtualBox &vbox)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (vbox);
message (mainWindowShown(), Critical,
tr ("<p>Failed to save the global GUI configuration to "
"<p>The application will now terminate.</p>")
.arg (vbox.GetSettingsFilePath()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotSetSystemProperties (const CSystemProperties &props)
message (mainWindowShown(), Critical,
tr ("Failed to set global VirtualBox properties."),
formatErrorInfo (props));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotAccessUSB (const COMBaseWithEI &aObj)
/* If IMachine::GetUSBController(), IHost::GetUSBDevices() etc. return
* E_NOTIMPL, it means the USB support is intentionally missing
* (as in the OSE version). Don't show the error message in this case. */
COMResult res (aObj);
if (res.rc() == E_NOTIMPL)
message (mainWindowShown(), res.isWarning() ? Warning : Error,
tr ("Failed to access the USB subsystem."),
formatErrorInfo (res),
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotCreateMachine (const CVirtualBox &vbox,
QWidget *parent /* = 0 */)
message (
parent ? parent : mainWindowShown(),
tr ("Failed to create a new virtual machine."),
formatErrorInfo (vbox)
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotCreateMachine (const CVirtualBox &vbox,
const CMachine &machine,
QWidget *parent /* = 0 */)
message (
parent ? parent : mainWindowShown(),
tr ("Failed to create a new virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (machine.GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (vbox)
void VBoxProblemReporter::
cannotApplyMachineSettings (const CMachine &machine, const COMResult &res)
message (
tr ("Failed to apply the settings to the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (machine.GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (res)
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotSaveMachineSettings (const CMachine &machine,
QWidget *parent /* = 0 */)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (machine);
message (parent ? parent : mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to save the settings of the virtual machine "
"<b>%1</b> to <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.")
.arg (machine.GetName(), machine.GetSettingsFilePath()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
* @param strict If |false|, this method will silently return if the COM
* result code is E_NOTIMPL.
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotLoadMachineSettings (const CMachine &machine,
bool strict /* = true */,
QWidget *parent /* = 0 */)
/* If COM result code is E_NOTIMPL, it means the requested object or
* function is intentionally missing (as in the OSE version). Don't show
* the error message in this case. */
COMResult res (machine);
if (!strict && res.rc() == E_NOTIMPL)
message (parent ? parent : mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to load the settings of the virtual machine "
"<b>%1</b> from <b><nobr>%2</nobr></b>.")
.arg (machine.GetName(), machine.GetSettingsFilePath()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotStartMachine (const CConsole &console)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (console);
message (mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to start the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotStartMachine (const CProgress &progress)
AssertWrapperOk (progress);
CConsole console (CProgress (progress).GetInitiator());
AssertWrapperOk (console);
message (
tr ("Failed to start the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (progress.GetErrorInfo())
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotPauseMachine (const CConsole &console)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (console);
message (mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to pause the execution of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotResumeMachine (const CConsole &console)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (console);
message (mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to resume the execution of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotACPIShutdownMachine (const CConsole &console)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (console);
message (mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to send the ACPI Power Button press event to the "
"virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotSaveMachineState (const CConsole &console)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (console);
message (mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to save the state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotSaveMachineState (const CProgress &progress)
AssertWrapperOk (progress);
CConsole console (CProgress (progress).GetInitiator());
AssertWrapperOk (console);
message (
tr ("Failed to save the state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (progress.GetErrorInfo())
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotTakeSnapshot (const CConsole &console)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (console);
message (mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to create a snapshot of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotTakeSnapshot (const CProgress &progress)
AssertWrapperOk (progress);
CConsole console (CProgress (progress).GetInitiator());
AssertWrapperOk (console);
message (
tr ("Failed to create a snapshot of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (progress.GetErrorInfo())
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotStopMachine (const CConsole &console)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (console);
message (mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to stop the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotStopMachine (const CProgress &progress)
AssertWrapperOk (progress);
CConsole console (CProgress (progress).GetInitiator());
AssertWrapperOk (console);
message (mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to stop the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (progress.GetErrorInfo()));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotDeleteMachine (const CVirtualBox &vbox,
const CMachine &machine)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (machine);
message (mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to remove the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (machine.GetName()),
!vbox.isOk() ? formatErrorInfo (vbox) : formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotDiscardSavedState (const CConsole &console)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (console);
message (mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to discard the saved state of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotSendACPIToMachine()
message (mainWindowShown(), Warning,
tr ("You are trying to shut down the guest with the ACPI power "
"button. This is currently not possible because the guest "
"does not use the ACPI subsystem."));
bool VBoxProblemReporter::warnAboutVirtNotEnabled()
return messageOkCancel (mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("<p>VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration has been enabled, but is "
"not operational. Your 64 bits guest will fail to detect a 64 "
"bits CPU and will not be able to boot.</p><p>Please check if you "
"have enabled VT-x/AMD-V properly in the BIOS of your host "
0 /* aAutoConfirmId */,
tr ("Close VM"), tr ("Continue"));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotSetSnapshotFolder (const CMachine &aMachine,
const QString &aPath)
message (
tr ("Failed to change the snapshot folder path of the "
"virtual machine <b>%1<b> to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.")
.arg (aMachine.GetName())
.arg (aPath),
formatErrorInfo (aMachine));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotDiscardSnapshot (const CConsole &aConsole,
const QString &aSnapshotName)
message (mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to discard the snapshot <b>%1</b> of the virtual "
"machine <b>%2</b>.")
.arg (aSnapshotName)
.arg (CConsole (aConsole).GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (aConsole));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotDiscardSnapshot (const CProgress &aProgress,
const QString &aSnapshotName)
CConsole console (CProgress (aProgress).GetInitiator());
message (mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to discard the snapshot <b>%1</b> of the virtual "
"machine <b>%2</b>.")
.arg (aSnapshotName)
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (aProgress.GetErrorInfo()));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotDiscardCurrentState (const CConsole &console)
message (
tr ("Failed to discard the current state of the virtual "
"machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (CConsole (console).GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (console));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotDiscardCurrentState (const CProgress &progress)
CConsole console (CProgress (progress).GetInitiator());
message (
tr ("Failed to discard the current state of the virtual "
"machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (progress.GetErrorInfo()));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotDiscardCurrentSnapshotAndState (const CConsole &console)
message (
tr ("Failed to discard the current snapshot and the current state "
"of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (CConsole (console).GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (console));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotDiscardCurrentSnapshotAndState (const CProgress &progress)
CConsole console (CProgress (progress).GetInitiator());
message (
tr ("Failed to discard the current snapshot and the current state "
"of the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (progress.GetErrorInfo()));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotFindMachineByName (const CVirtualBox &vbox,
const QString &name)
message (
tr ("There is no virtual machine named <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (name),
formatErrorInfo (vbox)
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotEnterSeamlessMode (ULONG /* aWidth */,
ULONG /* aHeight */,
ULONG /* aBpp */,
message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Error,
tr ("<p>Could not enter seamless mode due to insufficient guest "
"video memory.</p>"
"<p>You should configure the virtual machine to have at "
"least <b>%1</b> of video memory.</p>")
.arg (VBoxGlobal::formatSize (aMinVRAM)));
int VBoxProblemReporter::cannotEnterFullscreenMode (ULONG /* aWidth */,
ULONG /* aHeight */,
ULONG /* aBpp */,
return message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Warning,
tr ("<p>Could not switch the guest display to fullscreen mode due "
"to insufficient guest video memory.</p>"
"<p>You should configure the virtual machine to have at "
"least <b>%1</b> of video memory.</p>"
"<p>Press <b>Ignore</b> to switch to fullscreen mode anyway "
"or press <b>Cancel</b> to cancel the operation.</p>")
.arg (VBoxGlobal::formatSize (aMinVRAM)),
0, /* aAutoConfirmId */
QIMessageBox::Ignore | QIMessageBox::Default,
QIMessageBox::Cancel | QIMessageBox::Escape);
bool VBoxProblemReporter::confirmMachineDeletion (const CMachine &machine)
QString msg;
QString button;
QString name;
if (machine.GetAccessible())
name = machine.GetName();
msg = tr ("<p>Are you sure you want to permanently delete "
"the virtual machine <b>%1</b>?</p>"
"<p>This operation cannot be undone.</p>")
.arg (name);
button = tr ("Delete", "machine");
/* this should be in sync with VBoxVMListBoxItem::recache() */
QFileInfo fi (machine.GetSettingsFilePath());
name = fi.suffix().toLower() == "xml" ?
fi.completeBaseName() : fi.fileName();
msg = tr ("<p>Are you sure you want to unregister the inaccessible "
"virtual machine <b>%1</b>?</p>"
"<p>You will no longer be able to register it back from "
.arg (name);
button = tr ("Unregister", "machine");
return messageOkCancel (&vboxGlobal().selectorWnd(), Question, msg,
0 /* aAutoConfirmId */, button);
bool VBoxProblemReporter::confirmDiscardSavedState (const CMachine &machine)
return messageOkCancel (&vboxGlobal().selectorWnd(), Question,
tr ("<p>Are you sure you want to discard the saved state of "
"the virtual machine <b>%1</b>?</p>"
"<p>This operation is equivalent to resetting or powering off "
"the machine without doing a proper shutdown by means of the "
"guest OS.</p>")
.arg (machine.GetName()),
0 /* aAutoConfirmId */,
tr ("Discard", "saved state"));
bool VBoxProblemReporter::confirmReleaseMedium (QWidget *aParent,
const VBoxMedium &aMedium,
const QString &aUsage)
/** @todo (translation-related): the gender of "the" in translations
* will depend on the gender of aMedium.type(). */
return messageOkCancel (aParent, Question,
tr ("<p>Are you sure you want to release the %1 "
"<p>This will detach it from the "
"following virtual machine(s): <b>%3</b>.</p>")
.arg (toAccusative (aMedium.type()))
.arg (aMedium.location())
.arg (aUsage),
0 /* aAutoConfirmId */,
tr ("Release", "detach medium"));
bool VBoxProblemReporter::confirmRemoveMedium (QWidget *aParent,
const VBoxMedium &aMedium)
/** @todo (translation-related): the gender of "the" in translations
* will depend on the gender of aMedium.type(). */
QString msg =
tr ("<p>Are you sure you want to remove the %1 "
"<nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> from the list of known media?</p>")
.arg (toAccusative (aMedium.type()))
.arg (aMedium.location());
if (aMedium.type() == VBoxDefs::MediaType_HardDisk)
if (aMedium.state() == KMediaState_Inaccessible)
msg +=
tr ("Note that this hard disk is inaccessible so that its "
"storage unit cannot be deleted right now.");
msg +=
tr ("The next dialog will let you choose whether you also "
"want to delete the storage unit of this hard disk or "
"keep it for later usage.");
msg +=
tr ("<p>Note that the storage unit of this medium will not be "
"deleted and therefore it will be possible to add it to "
"the list later again.</p>");
return messageOkCancel (aParent, Question, msg,
"confirmRemoveMedium", /* aAutoConfirmId */
tr ("Remove", "medium"));
void VBoxProblemReporter::sayCannotOverwriteHardDiskStorage (
QWidget *aParent, const QString &aLocation)
message (aParent, Info,
tr ("<p>The hard disk storage unit at location <b>%1</b> already "
"exists. You cannot create a new virtual hard disk that uses this "
"location because it can be already used by another virtual hard "
"<p>Please specify a different location.</p>")
.arg (aLocation));
int VBoxProblemReporter::confirmDeleteHardDiskStorage (
QWidget *aParent, const QString &aLocation)
return message (aParent, Question,
tr ("<p>Do you want to delete the storage unit of the hard disk "
"<p>If you select <b>Delete</b> then the specified storage unit "
"will be permanently deleted. This operation <b>cannot be "
"<p>If you select <b>Keep</b> then the hard disk will be only "
"removed from the list of known hard disks, but the storage unit "
"will be left untouched which makes it possible to add this hard "
"disk to the list later again.</p>")
.arg (aLocation),
0, /* aAutoConfirmId */
QIMessageBox::No | QIMessageBox::Default,
QIMessageBox::Cancel | QIMessageBox::Escape,
tr ("Delete", "hard disk storage"),
tr ("Keep", "hard disk storage"));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotDeleteHardDiskStorage (QWidget *aParent,
const CHardDisk &aHD,
const CProgress &aProgress)
/* below, we use CHardDisk (aHD) to preserve current error info
* for formatErrorInfo() */
message (aParent, Error,
tr ("Failed to delete the storage unit of the hard disk <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (CHardDisk (aHD).GetLocation()),
!aHD.isOk() ? formatErrorInfo (aHD) :
!aProgress.isOk() ? formatErrorInfo (aProgress) :
formatErrorInfo (aProgress.GetErrorInfo()));
int VBoxProblemReporter::confirmDetachSATASlots (QWidget *aParent)
return messageOkCancel (aParent, Question,
tr ("<p>There are hard disks attached to SATA ports of this virtual "
"machine. If you disable the SATA controller, all these hard disks "
"will be automatically detached.</p>"
"<p>Are you sure that you want to "
"disable the SATA controller?</p>"),
0 /* aAutoConfirmId */,
tr ("Disable", "hard disk"));
int VBoxProblemReporter::confirmRunNewHDWzdOrVDM (QWidget* aParent)
return message (aParent, Info,
tr ("<p>There are no unused hard disks available for the newly created "
"<p>Press the <b>Create</b> button to start the <i>New Virtual "
"Disk</i> wizard and create a new hard disk, or press the "
"<b>Select</b> button to open the <i>Virtual Media Manager</i> "
"and select what to do.</p>"),
0, /* aAutoConfirmId */
QIMessageBox::No | QIMessageBox::Default,
QIMessageBox::Cancel | QIMessageBox::Escape,
tr ("&Create", "hard disk"),
tr ("Select", "hard disk"));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotCreateHardDiskStorage (
QWidget *aParent, const CVirtualBox &aVBox, const QString &aLocation,
const CHardDisk &aHD, const CProgress &aProgress)
message (aParent, Error,
tr ("Failed to create the hard disk storage <nobr><b>%1</b>.</nobr>")
.arg (aLocation),
!aVBox.isOk() ? formatErrorInfo (aVBox) :
!aHD.isOk() ? formatErrorInfo (aHD) :
!aProgress.isOk() ? formatErrorInfo (aProgress) :
formatErrorInfo (aProgress.GetErrorInfo()));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotAttachHardDisk (
QWidget *aParent, const CMachine &aMachine, const QString &aLocation,
KStorageBus aBus, LONG aChannel, LONG aDevice)
message (aParent, Error,
tr ("Failed to attach the hard disk <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> "
"to the slot <i>%2</i> of the machine <b>%3</b>.")
.arg (aLocation)
.arg (vboxGlobal().toFullString (aBus, aChannel, aDevice))
.arg (CMachine (aMachine).GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (aMachine));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotDetachHardDisk (
QWidget *aParent, const CMachine &aMachine, const QString &aLocation,
KStorageBus aBus, LONG aChannel, LONG aDevice)
message (aParent, Error,
tr ("Failed to detach the hard disk <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> "
"from the slot <i>%2</i> of the machine <b>%3</b>.")
.arg (aLocation)
.arg (vboxGlobal().toFullString (aBus, aChannel, aDevice))
.arg (CMachine (aMachine).GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (aMachine));
void VBoxProblemReporter::
cannotMountMedium (QWidget *aParent, const CMachine &aMachine,
const VBoxMedium &aMedium, const COMResult &aResult)
/** @todo (translation-related): the gender of "the" in translations
* will depend on the gender of aMedium.type(). */
message (aParent, Error,
tr ("Failed to mount the %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> "
"to the machine <b>%3</b>.")
.arg (toAccusative (aMedium.type()))
.arg (aMedium.location())
.arg (CMachine (aMachine).GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (aResult));
void VBoxProblemReporter::
cannotUnmountMedium (QWidget *aParent, const CMachine &aMachine,
const VBoxMedium &aMedium, const COMResult &aResult)
/** @todo (translation-related): the gender of "the" in translations
* will depend on the gender of aMedium.type(). */
message (aParent, Error,
tr ("Failed to unmount the %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr> "
"from the machine <b>%3</b>.")
.arg (toAccusative (aMedium.type()))
.arg (aMedium.location())
.arg (CMachine (aMachine).GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (aResult));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotOpenMedium (
QWidget *aParent, const CVirtualBox &aVBox,
VBoxDefs::MediaType aType, const QString &aLocation)
/** @todo (translation-related): the gender of "the" in translations
* will depend on the gender of aMedium.type(). */
message (aParent, Error,
tr ("Failed to open the %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.")
.arg (toAccusative (aType))
.arg (aLocation),
formatErrorInfo (aVBox));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotCloseMedium (
QWidget *aParent, const VBoxMedium &aMedium, const COMResult &aResult)
/** @todo (translation-related): the gender of "the" in translations
* will depend on the gender of aMedium.type(). */
message (aParent, Error,
tr ("Failed to close the %1 <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>.")
.arg (toAccusative (aMedium.type()))
.arg (aMedium.location()),
formatErrorInfo (aResult));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotOpenSession (const CSession &session)
Assert (session.isNull());
message (
tr ("Failed to create a new session."),
formatErrorInfo (session)
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotOpenSession (
const CVirtualBox &vbox, const CMachine &machine,
const CProgress &progress
) {
Assert (!vbox.isOk() || progress.isOk());
QString name = machine.GetName();
if (name.isEmpty())
name = QFileInfo (machine.GetSettingsFilePath()).baseName();
message (
tr ("Failed to open a session for the virtual machine <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (name),
!vbox.isOk() ? formatErrorInfo (vbox) :
formatErrorInfo (progress.GetErrorInfo())
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotGetMediaAccessibility (const VBoxMedium &aMedium)
message (qApp->activeWindow(), Error,
tr ("Failed to get the accessibility state of the medium "
.arg (aMedium.location()),
formatErrorInfo (aMedium.result()));
#if defined Q_WS_WIN
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotCreateHostInterface (
const CHost &host, const QString &name, QWidget *parent)
message (parent ? parent : mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to create the host network interface <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (name),
formatErrorInfo (host));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotCreateHostInterface (
const CProgress &progress, const QString &name, QWidget *parent)
message (parent ? parent : mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to create the host network interface <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (name),
formatErrorInfo (progress.GetErrorInfo()));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotRemoveHostInterface (
const CHost &host, const CHostNetworkInterface &iface, QWidget *parent)
message (parent ? parent : mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to remove the host network interface <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (iface.GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (host));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotRemoveHostInterface (
const CProgress &progress, const CHostNetworkInterface &iface, QWidget *parent)
message (parent ? parent : mainWindowShown(), Error,
tr ("Failed to remove the host network interface <b>%1</b>.")
.arg (iface.GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (progress.GetErrorInfo()));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotAttachUSBDevice (const CConsole &console,
const QString &device)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (console);
message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Error,
tr ("Failed to attach the USB device <b>%1</b> "
"to the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.")
.arg (device)
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotAttachUSBDevice (const CConsole &console,
const QString &device,
const CVirtualBoxErrorInfo &error)
message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Error,
tr ("Failed to attach the USB device <b>%1</b> "
"to the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.")
.arg (device)
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (error));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotDetachUSBDevice (const CConsole &console,
const QString &device)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (console);
message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Error,
tr ("Failed to detach the USB device <b>%1</b> "
"from the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.")
.arg (device)
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotDetachUSBDevice (const CConsole &console,
const QString &device,
const CVirtualBoxErrorInfo &error)
message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Error,
tr ("Failed to detach the USB device <b>%1</b> "
"from the virtual machine <b>%2</b>.")
.arg (device)
.arg (console.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (error));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotCreateSharedFolder (QWidget *aParent,
const CMachine &aMachine,
const QString &aName,
const QString &aPath)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (aMachine);
message (aParent, Error,
tr ("Failed to create a shared folder <b>%1</b> "
"(pointing to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>) "
"for the virtual machine <b>%3</b>.")
.arg (aName)
.arg (aPath)
.arg (aMachine.GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotRemoveSharedFolder (QWidget *aParent,
const CMachine &aMachine,
const QString &aName,
const QString &aPath)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (aMachine);
message (aParent, Error,
tr ("Failed to remove the shared folder <b>%1</b> "
"(pointing to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>) "
"from the virtual machine <b>%3</b>.")
.arg (aName)
.arg (aPath)
.arg (aMachine.GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotCreateSharedFolder (QWidget *aParent,
const CConsole &aConsole,
const QString &aName,
const QString &aPath)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (aConsole);
message (aParent, Error,
tr ("Failed to create a shared folder <b>%1</b> "
"(pointing to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>) "
"for the virtual machine <b>%3</b>.")
.arg (aName)
.arg (aPath)
.arg (aConsole.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotRemoveSharedFolder (QWidget *aParent,
const CConsole &aConsole,
const QString &aName,
const QString &aPath)
/* preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (aConsole);
message (aParent, Error,
tr ("<p>Failed to remove the shared folder <b>%1</b> "
"(pointing to <nobr><b>%2</b></nobr>) "
"from the virtual machine <b>%3</b>.</p>"
"<p>Please close all programs in the guest OS that "
"may be using this shared folder and try again.</p>")
.arg (aName)
.arg (aPath)
.arg (aConsole.GetMachine().GetName()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
int VBoxProblemReporter::cannotFindGuestAdditions (const QString &aSrc1,
const QString &aSrc2)
return message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Question,
tr ("<p>Could not find the VirtualBox Guest Additions "
"CD image file <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> or "
"<nobr><b>%2</b>.</nobr></p><p>Do you want to "
"download this CD image from the Internet?</p>")
.arg (aSrc1).arg (aSrc2),
0, /* aAutoConfirmId */
QIMessageBox::Yes | QIMessageBox::Default,
QIMessageBox::No | QIMessageBox::Escape);
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotDownloadGuestAdditions (const QString &aURL,
const QString &aReason)
message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Error,
tr ("<p>Failed to download the VirtualBox Guest Additions CD "
"image from <nobr><a href=\"%1\">%2</a>.</nobr></p><p>%3</p>")
.arg (aURL).arg (aURL).arg (aReason));
bool VBoxProblemReporter::confirmDownloadAdditions (const QString &aURL,
ulong aSize)
return messageOkCancel (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Question,
tr ("<p>Are you sure you want to download the VirtualBox "
"Guest Additions CD image from "
"<nobr><a href=\"%1\">%2</a></nobr> "
"(size %3 bytes)?</p>").arg (aURL).arg (aURL).arg (aSize),
0, /* aAutoConfirmId */
tr ("Download", "additions"));
bool VBoxProblemReporter::confirmMountAdditions (const QString &aURL,
const QString &aSrc)
return messageOkCancel (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Question,
tr ("<p>The VirtualBox Guest Additions CD image has been "
"successfully downloaded from "
"<nobr><a href=\"%1\">%2</a></nobr> "
"and saved locally as <nobr><b>%3</b>.</nobr></p>"
"<p>Do you want to register this CD image and mount it "
"on the virtual CD/DVD drive?</p>")
.arg (aURL).arg (aURL).arg (aSrc),
0, /* aAutoConfirmId */
tr ("Mount", "additions"));
void VBoxProblemReporter::warnAboutTooOldAdditions (QWidget *aParent,
const QString &aInstalledVer,
const QString &aExpectedVer)
message (aParent, VBoxProblemReporter::Error,
tr ("<p>VirtualBox Guest Additions installed in the Guest OS are too "
"old: the installed version is %1, the expected version is %2. "
"Some features that require Guest Additions (mouse integration, "
"guest display auto-resize) will most likely stop "
"working properly.</p>"
"<p>Please update Guest Additions to the current version by choosing "
"<b>Install Guest Additions</b> from the <b>Devices</b> "
.arg (aInstalledVer).arg (aExpectedVer),
void VBoxProblemReporter::warnAboutOldAdditions (QWidget *aParent,
const QString &aInstalledVer,
const QString &aExpectedVer)
message (aParent, VBoxProblemReporter::Warning,
tr ("<p>VirtualBox Guest Additions installed in the Guest OS are "
"outdated: the installed version is %1, the expected version is %2. "
"Some features that require Guest Additions (mouse integration, "
"guest display auto-resize) may not work as expected.</p>"
"<p>It is recommended to update Guest Additions to the current version "
" by choosing <b>Install Guest Additions</b> from the <b>Devices</b> "
.arg (aInstalledVer).arg (aExpectedVer),
void VBoxProblemReporter::warnAboutNewAdditions (QWidget *aParent,
const QString &aInstalledVer,
const QString &aExpectedVer)
message (aParent, VBoxProblemReporter::Error,
tr ("<p>VirtualBox Guest Additions installed in the Guest OS are "
"too recent for this version of VirtualBox: the installed version "
"is %1, the expected version is %2.</p>"
"<p>Using a newer version of Additions with an older version of "
"VirtualBox is not supported. Please install the current version "
"of Guest Additions by choosing <b>Install Guest Additions</b> "
"from the <b>Devices</b> menu.</p>")
.arg (aInstalledVer).arg (aExpectedVer),
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotConnectRegister (QWidget *aParent,
const QString &aURL,
const QString &aReason)
/* we don't want to expose the registration script URL to the user
* if he simply doesn't have an internet connection */
message (aParent, Error,
tr ("<p>Failed to connect to the VirtualBox online "
"registration service due to the following error:</p><p><b>%1</b></p>")
.arg (aReason));
void VBoxProblemReporter::showRegisterResult (QWidget *aParent,
const QString &aResult)
aResult == "OK" ?
message (aParent, Info,
tr ("<p>Congratulations! You have been successfully registered "
"as a user of VirtualBox.</p>"
"<p>Thank you for finding time to fill out the "
"registration form!</p>")) :
message (aParent, Error,
tr ("<p>Failed to register the VirtualBox product</p><p>%1</p>")
.arg (aResult));
void VBoxProblemReporter::showUpdateSuccess (QWidget *aParent,
const QString &aVersion,
const QString &aLink)
message (aParent, Info,
tr ("<p>A new version of VirtualBox has been released! Version <b>%1</b> is available at <a href=\"http://www.virtualbox.org/\">virtualbox.org</a>.</p>"
"<p>You can download this version from this direct link:</p>"
"<p><a href=%2>%3</a></p>")
.arg (aVersion, aLink, aLink));
void VBoxProblemReporter::showUpdateFailure (QWidget *aParent,
const QString &aReason)
message (aParent, Error,
tr ("<p>Unable to obtain the new version information "
"due to the following error:</p><p><b>%1</b></p>")
.arg (aReason));
void VBoxProblemReporter::showUpdateNotFound (QWidget *aParent)
message (aParent, Info,
tr ("You have already installed the latest VirtualBox "
"version. Please repeat the version check later."));
* @return @c true if the user has confirmed input capture (this is always
* the case if the dialog was autoconfirmed). @a aAutoConfirmed, when not
* NULL, will receive @c true if the dialog wasn't actually shown.
bool VBoxProblemReporter::confirmInputCapture (bool *aAutoConfirmed /* = NULL */)
int rc = message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Info,
tr ("<p>You have <b>clicked the mouse</b> inside the Virtual Machine display "
"or pressed the <b>host key</b>. This will cause the Virtual Machine to "
"<b>capture</b> the host mouse pointer (only if the mouse pointer "
"integration is not currently supported by the guest OS) and the "
"keyboard, which will make them unavailable to other applications "
"running on your host machine."
"<p>You can press the <b>host key</b> at any time to <b>uncapture</b> the "
"keyboard and mouse (if it is captured) and return them to normal "
"operation. The currently assigned host key is shown on the status bar "
"at the bottom of the Virtual Machine window, next to the&nbsp;"
"<img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/>&nbsp;icon. This icon, together "
"with the mouse icon placed nearby, indicate the current keyboard "
"and mouse capture state."
"</p>") +
tr ("<p>The host key is currently defined as <b>%1</b>.</p>",
"additional message box paragraph")
.arg (QIHotKeyEdit::keyName (vboxGlobal().settings().hostKey())),
QIMessageBox::Ok | QIMessageBox::Default,
QIMessageBox::Cancel | QIMessageBox::Escape,
tr ("Capture", "do input capture"));
if (aAutoConfirmed)
*aAutoConfirmed = (rc & AutoConfirmed);
return (rc & QIMessageBox::ButtonMask) == QIMessageBox::Ok;
void VBoxProblemReporter::remindAboutAutoCapture()
message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Info,
tr ("<p>You have the <b>Auto capture keyboard</b> option turned on. "
"This will cause the Virtual Machine to automatically <b>capture</b> "
"the keyboard every time the VM window is activated and make it "
"unavailable to other applications running on your host machine: "
"when the keyboard is captured, all keystrokes (including system ones "
"like Alt-Tab) will be directed to the VM."
"<p>You can press the <b>host key</b> at any time to <b>uncapture</b> the "
"keyboard and mouse (if it is captured) and return them to normal "
"operation. The currently assigned host key is shown on the status bar "
"at the bottom of the Virtual Machine window, next to the&nbsp;"
"<img src=:/hostkey_16px.png/>&nbsp;icon. This icon, together "
"with the mouse icon placed nearby, indicate the current keyboard "
"and mouse capture state."
"</p>") +
tr ("<p>The host key is currently defined as <b>%1</b>.</p>",
"additional message box paragraph")
.arg (QIHotKeyEdit::keyName (vboxGlobal().settings().hostKey())),
void VBoxProblemReporter::remindAboutMouseIntegration (bool aSupportsAbsolute)
static const char *kNames [2] =
/* Close the previous (outdated) window if any. We use kName as
* aAutoConfirmId which is also used as the widget name by default. */
QWidget *outdated =
VBoxGlobal::findWidget (NULL, kNames [int (!aSupportsAbsolute)],
if (outdated)
if (aSupportsAbsolute)
message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Info,
tr ("<p>The Virtual Machine reports that the guest OS supports "
"<b>mouse pointer integration</b>. This means that you do not "
"need to <i>capture</i> the mouse pointer to be able to use it "
"in your guest OS -- all "
"mouse actions you perform when the mouse pointer is over the "
"Virtual Machine's display are directly sent to the guest OS. "
"If the mouse is currently captured, it will be automatically "
"<p>The mouse icon on the status bar will look like&nbsp;"
"<img src=:/mouse_seamless_16px.png/>&nbsp;to inform you that mouse "
"pointer integration is supported by the guest OS and is "
"currently turned on."
"<p><b>Note</b>: Some applications may behave incorrectly in "
"mouse pointer integration mode. You can always disable it for "
"the current session (and enable it again) by selecting the "
"corresponding action from the menu bar."
kNames [1] /* aAutoConfirmId */);
message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Info,
tr ("<p>The Virtual Machine reports that the guest OS does not "
"support <b>mouse pointer integration</b> in the current video "
"mode. You need to capture the mouse (by clicking over the VM "
"display or pressing the host key) in order to use the "
"mouse inside the guest OS.</p>"),
kNames [0] /* aAutoConfirmId */);
* @return @c false if the dialog wasn't actually shown (i.e. it was
* autoconfirmed).
bool VBoxProblemReporter::remindAboutPausedVMInput()
int rc = message (
tr (
"<p>The Virtual Machine is currently in the <b>Paused</b> state and "
"therefore does not accept any keyboard or mouse input. If you want to "
"continue to work inside the VM, you need to resume it by selecting the "
"corresponding action from the menu bar.</p>"
return !(rc & AutoConfirmed);
/** @return true if the user has chosen to show the Disk Manager Window */
bool VBoxProblemReporter::remindAboutInaccessibleMedia()
int rc = message (&vboxGlobal().selectorWnd(), Warning,
tr ("<p>One or more virtual hard disks, CD/DVD or "
"floppy media are not currently accessible. As a result, you will "
"not be able to operate virtual machines that use these media until "
"they become accessible later.</p>"
"<p>Press <b>Check</b> to open the Virtual Media Manager window and "
"see what media are inaccessible, or press <b>Ignore</b> to "
"ignore this message.</p>"),
QIMessageBox::Ok | QIMessageBox::Default,
QIMessageBox::Ignore | QIMessageBox::Escape,
tr ("Check", "inaccessible media message box"));
return rc == QIMessageBox::Ok; /* implies !AutoConfirmed */
* Shows a list of auto-converted files and asks the user to either Save, Backup
* or Cancel to leave them as is and exit VirtualBox.
* @param aFormatVersion Recent settings file format version.
* @param aFileList List of auto-converted files (may use Qt HTML).
* @param aAfterRefresh @true when called after the VM refresh.
* @return QIMessageBox::Yes (Save), QIMessageBox::No (Backup),
* QIMessageBox::Cancel (Exit)
int VBoxProblemReporter::warnAboutAutoConvertedSettings (const QString &aFormatVersion,
const QString &aFileList,
bool aAfterRefresh)
if (!aAfterRefresh)
int rc = message (mainWindowShown(), Info,
tr ("<p>Your existing VirtualBox settings files were automatically "
"converted from the old format to a new format necessary for the "
"new version of VirtualBox.</p>"
"<p>Press <b>OK</b> to start VirtualBox now or press <b>More</b> if "
"you want to get more information about what files were converted "
"and access additional actions.</p>"
"<p>Press <b>Exit</b> to terminate the VirtualBox "
"application without saving the results of the conversion to "
NULL /* aAutoConfirmId */,
QIMessageBox::Ok | QIMessageBox::Default,
QIMessageBox::Cancel | QIMessageBox::Escape,
tr ("&More", "warnAboutAutoConvertedSettings message box"),
tr ("E&xit", "warnAboutAutoConvertedSettings message box"));
/* in the simplest case we backup */
if (rc == QIMessageBox::Ok)
return QIMessageBox::No;
if (rc == QIMessageBox::Cancel)
return QIMessageBox::Cancel;
return message (mainWindowShown(), Info,
tr ("<p>The following VirtualBox settings files have been "
"automatically converted to the new settings file format "
"version <b>%1</b>.</p>"
"<p>However, the results of the conversion were not saved back "
"to disk yet. Please press:</p>"
"<li><b>Backup</b> to create backup copies of the settings files in "
"the old format before saving them in the new format;</li>"
"<li><b>Overwrite</b> to save all auto-converted files without "
"creating backup copies (it will not be possible to use these "
"settings files with an older version of VirtualBox "
"<p>It is recommended to always select <b>Backup</b> because in "
"this case it will be possible to go back to the previous "
"version of VirtualBox (if necessary) without losing your current "
"settings. See the VirtualBox Manual for more information about "
.arg (aFormatVersion)
.arg (aAfterRefresh ? QString::null :
tr ("<li><b>Exit</b> to terminate VirtualBox without saving "
"the results of the conversion to disk.</li>")),
NULL /* aAutoConfirmId */,
aAfterRefresh ? (QIMessageBox::No | QIMessageBox::Default | QIMessageBox::Escape) :
(QIMessageBox::No | QIMessageBox::Default),
aAfterRefresh ? 0 : (QIMessageBox::Cancel | QIMessageBox::Escape),
tr ("O&verwrite", "warnAboutAutoConvertedSettings message box"),
tr ("&Backup", "warnAboutAutoConvertedSettings message box"),
aAfterRefresh ? QString::null :
tr ("E&xit", "warnAboutAutoConvertedSettings message box"));
* @param aHotKey Fullscreen hot key as defined in the menu.
* @return @c true if the user has chosen to go fullscreen (this is always
* the case if the dialog was autoconfirmed).
bool VBoxProblemReporter::confirmGoingFullscreen (const QString &aHotKey)
return messageOkCancel (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Info,
tr ("<p>The virtual machine window will be now switched to "
"<b>fullscreen</b> mode. "
"You can go back to windowed mode at any time by pressing "
"<b>%1</b>. Note that the <i>Host</i> key is currently "
"defined as <b>%2</b>.</p>"
"<p>Note that the main menu bar is hidden in fullscreen mode. You "
"can access it by pressing <b>Host+Home</b>.</p>")
.arg (aHotKey)
.arg (QIHotKeyEdit::keyName (vboxGlobal().settings().hostKey())),
tr ("Switch", "fullscreen"));
* @param aHotKey Seamless hot key as defined in the menu.
* @return @c true if the user has chosen to go seamless (this is always
* the case if the dialog was autoconfirmed).
bool VBoxProblemReporter::confirmGoingSeamless (const QString &aHotKey)
return messageOkCancel (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Info,
tr ("<p>The virtual machine window will be now switched to "
"<b>Seamless</b> mode. "
"You can go back to windowed mode at any time by pressing "
"<b>%1</b>. Note that the <i>Host</i> key is currently "
"defined as <b>%2</b>.</p>"
"<p>Note that the main menu bar is hidden in seamless mode. You "
"can access it by pressing <b>Host+Home</b>.</p>")
.arg (aHotKey)
.arg (QIHotKeyEdit::keyName (vboxGlobal().settings().hostKey())),
tr ("Switch", "seamless"));
void VBoxProblemReporter::remindAboutWrongColorDepth (ulong aRealBPP,
ulong aWantedBPP)
const char *kName = "remindAboutWrongColorDepth";
/* Close the previous (outdated) window if any. We use kName as
* aAutoConfirmId which is also used as the widget name by default. */
QWidget *outdated = VBoxGlobal::findWidget (NULL, kName, "QIMessageBox");
if (outdated)
int rc = message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), Info,
tr ("<p>The virtual machine window is optimized to work in "
"<b>%1&nbsp;bit</b> color mode but the color quality of the "
"virtual display is currently set to <b>%2&nbsp;bit</b>.</p>"
"<p>Please open the display properties dialog of the guest OS and "
"select a <b>%3&nbsp;bit</b> color mode, if it is available, for "
"best possible performance of the virtual video subsystem.</p>"
"<p><b>Note</b>. Some operating systems, like OS/2, may actually "
"work in 32&nbsp;bit mode but report it as 24&nbsp;bit "
"(16 million colors). You may try to select a different color "
"quality to see if this message disappears or you can simply "
"disable the message now if you are sure the required color "
"quality (%4&nbsp;bit) is not available in the given guest OS.</p>")
.arg (aWantedBPP).arg (aRealBPP).arg (aWantedBPP).arg (aWantedBPP),
* Returns @c true if the user has selected to power off the machine.
bool VBoxProblemReporter::remindAboutGuruMeditation (const CConsole &aConsole,
const QString &aLogFolder)
Q_UNUSED (aConsole);
int rc = message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), GuruMeditation,
tr ("<p>A critical error has occurred while running the virtual "
"machine and the machine execution has been stopped.</p>"
"<p>For help, please see the Community section on "
"<a href=http://www.virtualbox.org>http://www.virtualbox.org</a> "
"or your support contract. Please provide the contents of the "
"log file <tt>VBox.log</tt> and the image file <tt>VBox.png</tt>, "
"which you can find in the <nobr><b>%1</b></nobr> directory, "
"as well as a description of what you were doing when this error "
"happened. "
"Note that you can also access the above files by selecting "
"<b>Show Log</b> from the <b>Machine</b> menu of the main "
"VirtualBox window.</p>"
"<p>Press <b>OK</b> if you want to power off the machine "
"or press <b>Ignore</b> if you want to leave it as is for debugging. "
"Please note that debugging requires special knowledge and tools, so "
"it is recommended to press <b>OK</b> now.</p>")
.arg (aLogFolder),
0, /* aAutoConfirmId */
QIMessageBox::Ok | QIMessageBox::Default,
QIMessageBox::Ignore | QIMessageBox::Escape);
return rc == QIMessageBox::Ok;
* @return @c true if the user has selected to reset the machine.
bool VBoxProblemReporter::confirmVMReset (QWidget *aParent)
return messageOkCancel (aParent, Question,
tr ("<p>Do you really want to reset the virtual machine?</p>"
"<p>When the machine is reset, unsaved data of all applications "
"running inside it will be lost.</p>"),
"confirmVMReset" /* aAutoConfirmId */,
tr ("Reset", "machine"));
* @return @c true if the user has selected to continue without attaching a
* hard disk.
bool VBoxProblemReporter::confirmHardDisklessMachine (QWidget *aParent)
return message (aParent, Warning,
tr ("<p>You didn't attach a hard disk to the new virtual machine. "
"The machine will not be able to boot unless you attach "
"a hard disk with a guest operating system or some other bootable "
"media to it later using the machine settings dialog or the First "
"Run Wizard.</p><p>Do you want to continue?</p>"),
0, /* aAutoConfirmId */
QIMessageBox::Cancel | QIMessageBox::Default | QIMessageBox::Escape,
tr ("Continue", "no hard disk attached"),
tr ("Go Back", "no hard disk attached")) == QIMessageBox::Ok;
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotRunInSelectorMode()
message (mainWindowShown(), Critical,
tr ("<p>Cannot run VirtualBox in <i>VM Selector</i> "
"mode due to local restrictions.</p>"
"<p>The application will now terminate.</p>"));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotImportAppliance (CAppliance *aAppliance, QWidget *aParent /* = NULL */)
if (aAppliance->isNull())
message (aParent ? aParent : mainWindowShown(),
tr ("Failed to open appliance."));
/* Preserve the current error info before calling the object again */
COMResult res (*aAppliance);
message (aParent ? aParent : mainWindowShown(),
tr ("Failed to open/interpret appliance <b>%1</b>.").arg (aAppliance->GetPath()),
formatErrorInfo (res));
void VBoxProblemReporter::cannotImportAppliance (const CProgress &aProgress, CAppliance* aAppliance, QWidget *aParent /* = NULL */)
AssertWrapperOk (aProgress);
message (aParent ? aParent : mainWindowShown(),
tr ("Failed to import appliance <b>%1</b>.").arg (aAppliance->GetPath()),
formatErrorInfo (aProgress.GetErrorInfo()));
void VBoxProblemReporter::showRuntimeError (const CConsole &aConsole, bool fatal,
const QString &errorID,
const QString &errorMsg)
/// @todo (r=dmik) it's just a preliminary box. We need to:
// - for fatal errors and non-fatal with-retry errors, listen for a
// VM state signal to automatically close the message if the VM
// (externally) leaves the Paused state while it is shown.
// - make warning messages modeless
// - add common buttons like Retry/Save/PowerOff/whatever
QByteArray autoConfimId = "showRuntimeError.";
CConsole console = aConsole;
KMachineState state = console.GetState();
Type type;
QString severity;
if (fatal)
/* the machine must be paused on fatal errors */
Assert (state == KMachineState_Paused);
if (state != KMachineState_Paused)
type = Critical;
severity = tr ("<nobr>Fatal Error</nobr>", "runtime error info");
autoConfimId += "fatal.";
else if (state == KMachineState_Paused)
type = Error;
severity = tr ("<nobr>Non-Fatal Error</nobr>", "runtime error info");
autoConfimId += "error.";
type = Warning;
severity = tr ("<nobr>Warning</nobr>", "runtime error info");
autoConfimId += "warning.";
autoConfimId += errorID.toUtf8();
QString formatted;
if (!errorMsg.isEmpty())
formatted += QString ("<table bgcolor=#FFFFFF border=0 cellspacing=0 "
"cellpadding=0 width=100%>"
.arg (VBoxGlobal::highlight (errorMsg));
if (!errorID.isEmpty())
formatted += QString ("<table bgcolor=#EEEEEE border=0 cellspacing=0 "
"cellpadding=0 width=100%>"
.arg (tr ("<nobr>Error ID: </nobr>", "runtime error info"),
.arg (tr ("Severity: ", "runtime error info"),
if (!formatted.isEmpty())
formatted = "<qt>" + formatted + "</qt>";
int rc = 0;
if (type == Critical)
rc = message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), type,
tr ("<p>A fatal error has occurred during virtual machine execution! "
"The virtual machine will be powered off. It is suggested to "
"use the clipboard to copy the following error message for "
"further examination:</p>"),
formatted, autoConfimId.data());
/* always power down after a fatal error */
else if (type == Error)
rc = message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), type,
tr ("<p>An error has occurred during virtual machine execution! "
"The error details are shown below. You can try to correct "
"the described error and resume the virtual machine "
formatted, autoConfimId.data());
rc = message (&vboxGlobal().consoleWnd(), type,
tr ("<p>The virtual machine execution may run into an error "
"condition as described below. "
"You may ignore this message, but it is suggested to perform "
"an appropriate action to make sure the described error will "
"not happen.</p>"),
formatted, autoConfimId.data());
NOREF (rc);
/* static */
QString VBoxProblemReporter::toAccusative (VBoxDefs::MediaType aType)
QString type =
aType == VBoxDefs::MediaType_HardDisk ?
tr ("hard disk", "failed to close ...") :
aType == VBoxDefs::MediaType_DVD ?
tr ("CD/DVD image", "failed to close ...") :
aType == VBoxDefs::MediaType_Floppy ?
tr ("floppy image", "failed to close ...") :
Assert (!type.isNull());
return type;
* Formats the given COM result code as a human-readable string.
* If a mnemonic name for the given result code is found, a string in format
* "MNEMONIC_NAME (0x12345678)" is returned where the hex number is the result
* code as is. If no mnemonic name is found, then the raw hex number only is
* returned (w/o parenthesis).
* @param aRC COM result code to format.
/* static */
QString VBoxProblemReporter::formatRC (HRESULT aRC)
QString str;
const char *errMsg = NULL;
/* first, try as is (only set bit 31 bit for warnings) */
msg = RTErrCOMGet (aRC | 0x80000000);
msg = RTErrCOMGet (aRC);
if (msg != NULL)
errMsg = msg->pszDefine;
#if defined (Q_WS_WIN)
/* if not found, try again using RTErrWinGet with masked off top 16bit */
if (msg == NULL)
winMsg = RTErrWinGet (aRC & 0xFFFF);
if (winMsg != NULL)
errMsg = winMsg->pszDefine;
if (errMsg != NULL && *errMsg != '\0')
str.sprintf ("%s (0x%08X)", errMsg, aRC);
str.sprintf ("0x%08X", aRC);
return str;
/* static */
QString VBoxProblemReporter::formatErrorInfo (const COMErrorInfo &aInfo,
HRESULT aWrapperRC /* = S_OK */)
QString formatted = doFormatErrorInfo (aInfo, aWrapperRC);
return QString ("<qt>%1</qt>").arg (formatted);
/* static */
QString VBoxProblemReporter::doFormatErrorInfo (const COMErrorInfo &aInfo,
HRESULT aWrapperRC /* = S_OK */)
QString formatted;
if (!aInfo.text().isEmpty())
formatted += QString ("<table bgcolor=#FFFFFF border=0 cellspacing=0 "
"cellpadding=0 width=100%>"
.arg (VBoxGlobal::highlight (aInfo.text()));
formatted += "<table bgcolor=#EEEEEE border=0 cellspacing=0 "
"cellpadding=0 width=100%>";
bool haveResultCode = false;
if (aInfo.isBasicAvailable())
#if defined (Q_WS_WIN)
haveResultCode = aInfo.isFullAvailable();
bool haveComponent = true;
bool haveInterfaceID = true;
#else /* defined (Q_WS_WIN) */
haveResultCode = true;
bool haveComponent = aInfo.isFullAvailable();
bool haveInterfaceID = aInfo.isFullAvailable();
if (haveResultCode)
formatted += QString ("<tr><td>%1</td><td><tt>%2</tt></td></tr>")
.arg (tr ("Result&nbsp;Code: ", "error info"))
.arg (formatRC (aInfo.resultCode()));
if (haveComponent)
formatted += QString ("<tr><td>%1</td><td>%2</td></tr>")
.arg (tr ("Component: ", "error info"), aInfo.component());
if (haveInterfaceID)
QString s = aInfo.interfaceID();
if (!aInfo.interfaceName().isEmpty())
s = aInfo.interfaceName() + ' ' + s;
formatted += QString ("<tr><td>%1</td><td>%2</td></tr>")
.arg (tr ("Interface: ", "error info"), s);
if (!aInfo.calleeIID().isNull() && aInfo.calleeIID() != aInfo.interfaceID())
QString s = aInfo.calleeIID();
if (!aInfo.calleeName().isEmpty())
s = aInfo.calleeName() + ' ' + s;
formatted += QString ("<tr><td>%1</td><td>%2</td></tr>")
.arg (tr ("Callee: ", "error info"), s);
if (FAILED (aWrapperRC) &&
(!haveResultCode || aWrapperRC != aInfo.resultCode()))
formatted += QString ("<tr><td>%1</td><td><tt>%2</tt></td></tr>")
.arg (tr ("Callee&nbsp;RC: ", "error info"))
.arg (formatRC (aWrapperRC));
formatted += "</table>";
if (aInfo.next())
formatted = doFormatErrorInfo (*aInfo.next()) + "<p></p>" +
return formatted;
// Public slots
void VBoxProblemReporter::showHelpWebDialog()
vboxGlobal().openURL ("http://www.virtualbox.org");
void VBoxProblemReporter::showHelpAboutDialog()
CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
QString fullVersion (QString ("%1 r%2").arg (vbox.GetVersion())
.arg (vbox.GetRevision()));
AssertWrapperOk (vbox);
// this (QWidget*) cast is necessary to work around a gcc-3.2 bug */
VBoxAboutDlg ((QWidget*)mainWindowShown(), fullVersion).exec();
void VBoxProblemReporter::showHelpHelpDialog()
#ifndef VBOX_OSE
QString manual = vboxGlobal().helpFile();
#if defined (Q_WS_WIN32)
HtmlHelp (GetDesktopWindow(), manual.utf16(),
#elif defined (Q_WS_X11)
char szViewerPath[RTPATH_MAX];
int rc;
rc = RTPathAppPrivateArch (szViewerPath, sizeof (szViewerPath));
AssertRC (rc);
QProcess::startDetached (QString(szViewerPath) + "/kchmviewer",
QStringList (manual));
#elif defined (Q_WS_MAC)
QProcess::startDetached ("/usr/bin/open",
QStringList (manual));
#endif /* VBOX_OSE */
void VBoxProblemReporter::resetSuppressedMessages()
CVirtualBox vbox = vboxGlobal().virtualBox();
vbox.SetExtraData (VBoxDefs::GUI_SuppressMessages, QString::null);