VBoxVMSettingsHD.h revision 9f038400f4857fe63db67c7db3b0a9197bd9e06f
/** @file
* VBox frontends: Qt4 GUI ("VirtualBox"):
* VBoxVMSettingsHD class declaration
* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
* Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
* additional information or have any questions.
#ifndef __VBoxVMSettingsHD_h__
#define __VBoxVMSettingsHD_h__
#include "VBoxSettingsPage.h"
#include "VBoxVMSettingsHD.gen.h"
#include "COMDefs.h"
#include "VBoxMediaComboBox.h"
/* Qt includes */
#include <QComboBox>
/** Register type to store slot data */
class SlotValue
: bus (KStorageBus_Null), channel (0), device (0)
, name (QString::null) {}
SlotValue (KStorageBus aBus, LONG aChannel, LONG aDevice)
: bus (aBus), channel (aChannel), device (aDevice)
, name (vboxGlobal().toFullString (aBus, aChannel, aDevice)) {}
SlotValue (const SlotValue &aOther)
: bus (aOther.bus), channel (aOther.channel), device (aOther.device)
, name (aOther.name) {}
SlotValue& operator= (const SlotValue &aOther)
bus = aOther.bus;
channel = aOther.channel;
device = aOther.device;
name = aOther.name;
return *this;
bool operator== (const SlotValue &aOther)
return bus == aOther.bus &&
channel == aOther.channel &&
device == aOther.device;
bool operator!= (const SlotValue &aOther)
return ! (*this == aOther);
KStorageBus bus;
LONG channel;
LONG device;
QString name;
/** Register type to store disk data */
class DiskValue
: id (QString::null)
, name (QString::null), tip (QString::null), pix (QPixmap()) {}
DiskValue (const QString &aId);
DiskValue (const DiskValue &aOther)
: id (aOther.id)
, name (aOther.name), tip (aOther.tip), pix (aOther.pix) {}
DiskValue& operator= (const DiskValue &aOther)
id = aOther.id;
name = aOther.name;
tip = aOther.tip;
pix = aOther.pix;
return *this;
bool operator== (const DiskValue &aOther)
return id == aOther.id;
bool operator!= (const DiskValue &aOther)
return ! (*this == aOther);
QString id;
QString name;
QString tip;
QPixmap pix;
/** Declare type to store both slot&disk data */
class Attachment
Attachment (SlotValue aSlot, DiskValue aDisk)
: slot (aSlot), disk (aDisk) {}
/* Define sorting rules */
bool operator< (const Attachment &aOther) const
return (slot.bus < aOther.slot.bus) ||
(slot.bus == aOther.slot.bus && slot.channel < aOther.slot.channel) ||
(slot.bus == aOther.slot.bus && slot.channel == aOther.slot.channel && slot.device < aOther.slot.device);
SlotValue slot;
DiskValue disk;
* QAbstractTableModel class reimplementation.
* Used to feat slot/disk selection mechanism.
class AttachmentsModel : public QAbstractTableModel
AttachmentsModel (QITableView *aParent, int aSlotId, int aDiskId)
: QAbstractTableModel (aParent), mParent (aParent)
, mSlotId (aSlotId), mDiskId (aDiskId) {}
Qt::ItemFlags flags (const QModelIndex &aIndex) const;
int columnCount (const QModelIndex &aParent = QModelIndex()) const
{ NOREF (aParent); return 2; }
int rowCount (const QModelIndex &aParent = QModelIndex()) const
{ NOREF (aParent); return mUsedSlotsList.count() + 1; }
QVariant data (const QModelIndex &aIndex,
int aRole = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
bool setData (const QModelIndex &aIndex,
const QVariant &aValue,
int aRole = Qt::EditRole);
QVariant headerData (int aSection,
Qt::Orientation aOrientation,
int aRole = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
void addItem (const SlotValue &aSlot = SlotValue(),
const DiskValue &aDisk = DiskValue());
void delItem (int aIndex);
const QList<SlotValue>& usedSlotsList() { return mUsedSlotsList; }
const QList<DiskValue>& usedDisksList() { return mUsedDisksList; }
QList<Attachment> fullUsedList();
void removeAddController();
void updateDisks();
QITableView *mParent;
QList<SlotValue> mUsedSlotsList;
QList<DiskValue> mUsedDisksList;
int mSlotId;
int mDiskId;
* QComboBox class reimplementation.
* Used as editor for HD Attachment SLOT field.
class SlotEditor : public QComboBox
Q_PROPERTY (QVariant slot READ slot WRITE setSlot USER true);
SlotEditor (QWidget *aParent);
QVariant slot() const;
void setSlot (QVariant aSlot);
void readyToCommit (QWidget *aThis);
private slots:
void onActivate();
#if 0 /* F2 key binding left for future releases... */
void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *aEvent);
void populate (const SlotValue &aIncluding);
QList<SlotValue> mList;
* VBoxMediaComboBox class reimplementation.
* Used as editor for HD Attachment DISK field.
class DiskEditor : public VBoxMediaComboBox
Q_PROPERTY (QVariant disk READ disk WRITE setDisk USER true);
static DiskEditor* activeEditor();
DiskEditor (QWidget *aParent);
QVariant disk() const;
void setDisk (QVariant aDisk);
void readyToCommit (QWidget *aThis);
void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *aEvent);
void initStyleOption (QStyleOptionComboBox *aOption) const;
private slots:
void onActivate();
#if 0 /* F2 key binding left for future releases... */
void keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *aEvent);
static DiskEditor *mInstance;
* Singleton QObject class reimplementation.
* Used to make selected HD Attachments slots unique &
* stores some specific data used for HD Settings.
class HDSettings : public QObject
static HDSettings* instance (QWidget *aParent = 0,
AttachmentsModel *aWatched = 0);
QList<SlotValue> slotsList (const SlotValue &aIncluding = SlotValue(),
bool aFilter = false) const;
QList<DiskValue> disksList() const;
bool tryToChooseUniqueDisk (DiskValue &aResult) const;
const CMachine& machine() const { return mMachine; }
void setMachine (const CMachine &aMachine) { mMachine = aMachine; }
int addCount() const { return mAddCount; }
void setAddCount (int aAddCount, KStorageBus aAddBus)
if (mAddCount != aAddCount ||
aAddBus != mAddBus)
mAddCount = aAddCount;
mAddBus = aAddBus;
bool showDiffs() const { return mShowDiffs; }
void setShowDiffs (bool aShowDiffs)
mShowDiffs = aShowDiffs;
HDSettings (QWidget *aParent, AttachmentsModel *aWatched);
virtual ~HDSettings();
private slots:
void update()
void makeIDEList();
void makeAddControllerList();
void makeMediumList();
static HDSettings *mInstance;
AttachmentsModel *mModel;
CMachine mMachine;
QList<SlotValue> mIDEList;
QList<SlotValue> mAddControllerList;
QList<DiskValue> mDisksList;
int mAddCount;
KStorageBus mAddBus;
bool mShowDiffs;
* QWidget class reimplementation.
* Used as HD Settings widget.
class VBoxVMSettingsHD : public VBoxSettingsPage,
public Ui::VBoxVMSettingsHD
void hdChanged();
void getFrom (const CMachine &aMachine);
void putBackTo();
void setValidator (QIWidgetValidator *aVal);
bool revalidate (QString &aWarning, QString &aTitle);
void setOrderAfter (QWidget *aWidget);
void retranslateUi();
private slots:
void addAttachment();
void delAttachment();
void showMediaManager();
void onAddControllerCheckToggled (int);
void onAddControllerTypeChanged (int aIndex);
bool checkAddControllers (int aWhat);
void onShowDiffsCheckToggled (int);
void updateActions (const QModelIndex &aIndex);
/* events */
bool eventFilter (QObject *aObj, QEvent *aEvent);
void showEvent (QShowEvent *aEvent);
/* private functions */
QString getWithMediaManager (const QString &aInitialId = QString::null);
QString getWithNewHDWizard();
int maxNameLength() const;
void removeFocus();
KStorageControllerType currentControllerType() const
return static_cast<KStorageControllerType> (mCbControllerType->itemData (mCbControllerType->currentIndex()).toInt());
KStorageBus currentBusType() const
return vboxGlobal().toStorageBusType (currentControllerType());
int currentMaxPortCount() const
int c = 0;
switch (currentBusType())
case KStorageBus_IDE: c = 2; break;
case KStorageBus_SATA: c = 30; break;
case KStorageBus_SCSI: c = 16; break;
default: break;
return c;
/* variables */
CMachine mMachine;
AttachmentsModel *mModel;
QIWidgetValidator *mValidator;
QAction *mNewAction;
QAction *mDelAction;
QAction *mVdmAction;
bool mWasTableSelected;
bool mPolished;
int mLastSelAddControllerIndex;
#endif // __VBoxVMSettingsHD_h__