QIHttp.h revision 8e0c2ca3abd721979958f95b9af73b60665478c8
/** @file
* VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
* QIHttp class declaration & implementation
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
* Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
* additional information or have any questions.
#ifndef __QIHttp_h__
#define __QIHttp_h__
/* Qt includes */
#include <QHttp>
#include <QTimer>
/* Time to auto-disconnect if no network answer received. */
static const int MaxWaitTime = 20000;
/* This is QHttp extension to unite different happens errors
* into one already present error processing mechanism. */
class QIHttp : public QHttp
/* Additional error codes */
enum AdvancedError
/* Basic QHttp errors */
NoError = QHttp::NoError,
UnknownError = QHttp::UnknownError,
HostNotFound = QHttp::HostNotFound,
ConnectionRefused = QHttp::ConnectionRefused,
UnexpectedClose = QHttp::UnexpectedClose,
InvalidResponseHeader = QHttp::InvalidResponseHeader,
WrongContentLength = QHttp::WrongContentLength,
Aborted = QHttp::Aborted,
AuthenticationRequiredError = QHttp::AuthenticationRequiredError,
ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError = QHttp::ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError,
/* Advanced QHttp errors */
TimeoutError, /* MaxWaitTime time passed with no response */
PageNotFoundError, /* Corresponds to 404 == not found header */
MovedTemporarilyError /* Corresponds to 302 == moved temporarily response */
QIHttp (QObject *aParent, const QString &aHostName, quint16 aPort = 80)
: QHttp (aHostName, aPort, aParent)
, mStatusCode (0)
, mErrorCode (NoError)
mTimeoutTimer.setSingleShot (true);
mTimeoutTimer.setInterval (MaxWaitTime);
connect (&mTimeoutTimer, SIGNAL (timeout()),
this, SLOT (timeouted()));
connect (this, SIGNAL (dataReadProgress (int, int)),
&mTimeoutTimer, SLOT (start()));
connect (this, SIGNAL (dataSendProgress (int, int)),
&mTimeoutTimer, SLOT (start()));
connect (this, SIGNAL (done (bool)),
&mTimeoutTimer, SLOT (stop()));
connect (this, SIGNAL (responseHeaderReceived (const QHttpResponseHeader &)),
this, SLOT (processResponseHeader (const QHttpResponseHeader &)));
connect (this, SIGNAL (done (bool)), this, SLOT (processDone (bool)));
AdvancedError errorCode() const { return mErrorCode; }
QString errorString() const
switch (mErrorCode)
case TimeoutError:
return tr ("Connection timed out");
case PageNotFoundError:
return tr ("Could not locate the file on "
"the server (response: %1)").arg (mStatusCode);
case MovedTemporarilyError:
return QString::null; /* should be redirected anyway */
return QHttp::errorString();
int get (const QString &aPath)
return QHttp::get (aPath, 0);
int post (const QString &aPath)
return QHttp::post (aPath, 0);
int request (const QHttpRequestHeader &aHeader)
return QHttp::request (aHeader);
void allIsDone (bool aError);
private slots:
void timeouted()
mErrorCode = TimeoutError;
void processResponseHeader (const QHttpResponseHeader &aResponse)
mStatusCode = aResponse.statusCode();
switch (mStatusCode)
case 302:
mErrorCode = MovedTemporarilyError;
return abort();
case 404:
mErrorCode = PageNotFoundError;
return abort();
mErrorCode = (AdvancedError) QHttp::error();
void processDone (bool aError)
if (mErrorCode == NoError)
mErrorCode = (AdvancedError) QHttp::error();
emit allIsDone (aError);
QTimer mTimeoutTimer;
int mStatusCode;
AdvancedError mErrorCode;
#endif // __QIHttp_h__