CIShared.h revision 8e0c2ca3abd721979958f95b9af73b60665478c8
/** @file
* VBox frontends: Qt GUI ("VirtualBox"):
* Common VirtualBox classes: CIShared class declaration
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
* Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit if you need
* additional information or have any questions.
#ifndef __CIShared_h__
#define __CIShared_h__
#include <stdio.h>
template< class D >
class CIShared
/** @internal
* A class that derives the data structure managed by the CIShared template
* (passed as a template parameter) for some internal purposes, such as the
* reference count, etc. There is no need to use this class directly.
class Data : public D
enum { Orig = 0x01, Null = 0x02 };
Data() : cnt( 1 ), state( Orig ) {}
Data( const Data &d ) : D( d ), cnt( 1 ), state( d.state & (~Orig) ) {}
Data &operator=( const Data &d ) {
D::operator=( d );
state &= ~Orig;
return *this;
// a special constructor to create a null value
Data( void* ) : cnt( 1 ), state( Null ) {}
virtual ~Data();
void ref();
bool deref();
virtual ~Data() {}
void ref() { cnt++; }
bool deref() { return !--cnt; }
int cnt;
int state;
friend class CIShared<D>;
CIShared( bool null = true ) : d( null ? Null.d->ref(), Null.d : new Data() ) {}
CIShared( const CIShared &that ) : d( that.d ) { d->ref(); }
CIShared &operator=( const CIShared &that ) {
if ( d->deref() ) delete d;
d = that.d;
return *this;
virtual ~CIShared() { if ( d->deref() ) delete d; }
bool isOriginal() const { return (d->state != 0); }
bool isNull() const { return ((d->state & Data::Null) != 0); }
bool detach();
bool detachOriginal();
CIShared copy() const {
return isNull() ? CIShared( Null ) : CIShared( new Data( *d ) );
const D *data() const { return d; }
inline D *mData();
bool operator==( const CIShared &that ) const {
return (d == that.d) || (*d == *(that.d));
// convenience operators
const D *operator->() const { return data(); }
bool operator!() const { return isNull(); }
CIShared( Data *data ) : d( data ) {}
Data *d;
static CIShared Null;
/** @class CIShared
* This template allows to implement the implicit sharing
* semantics for user-defined data structures.
* The template argument is a structure (or a class) whose objects
* need to be implicitly shared by different pieces of code. A class
* generated from this template acts as a wrapper for that structure
* and provides a safe access (from the shared usage point of view) to its
* members. Note that simple C++ types (such as int) cannot be used as
* template arguments.
* Implicit sharing means that instances of the generated class point to the
* same data object of the managed structure until any one of them tries
* to change it. When it happens that instane makes a deep copy of the object
* (through its copy constructor) and does the actual change on that copy,
* keeping the original data unchanged. This technique is also called
* "copy on write". Also, any instance can excplicitly stop sharing the data
* it references at any time by calling the detach() method directly, which
* makes a copy if the data is referenced by more than one instance.
* The read-only access to the managed data can be obtained using the
* data() method that returns a pointer to the constant data of the type
* used as a template argument. The pointer to the non-constant data
* is returned by the mData() method, that automatically detaches the
* instance if necessary. This method should be used with care, and only
* when it is really necessary to change the data -- if you will use it for
* the read-only access the implicit sharing will not work because every
* instance will have its data detached.
* To be able to be used with the VShared template the structure/class
* must have public (or protected) constructors and a destructor. If it
* doesn't contain pointers as its members then the two constructors
* (the default and the copy constructor) and the destructor automatically
* generated by the compiler are enough, there's no need to define them
* explicitly. If the destructor is defined explicitly it must be
* virtual.
* The default constructor implemented by this template (it is actually
* a constructor with one bool argument that defaults to false) creates
* a null instance (i.e. its isNull() method returns false). All null
* instances share the same internal data object (created by the default
* constructor of the managed structure) and provide only a read-only access
* to its members. This means that the mData() method of such an instance
* will always return a null pointer and an attempt to access its members
* through that pointer will most likely cause a memory access violation
* exception. The template doesn't provide any other constructors (except
* the copy constructor) because it doesn't know how to initialize the
* object of the managed structure, so the only way to create a non-null
* instance is to pass true to the constructor mentioned above.
* It's a good practice not to use instantiations of this template directly
* but derive them instead. This gives an opportunity to define necessary
* constructors with arguments that initialize the managed structure, as
* well as to define convenient methods to access structure members (instead
* of defining them in the structure itself). For example:
* @code
* // a data structure
* struct ACardData {
* string name;
* // commented out -- not so convenient:
* // void setName( const string &n ) { name = n; }
* }
* // a wrapper
* class ACard : publc CIShared< ACardData > {
* ACardData() {} // the default constructor should be visible
* ACardData( const string &name ) :
* CIShared< ACardData >( false ) // make non-null
* {
* mData()->name = name;
* }
* string name() const { return data()->name; }
* void setName( const string &name ) { mData()->name = name; }
* }
* // ...
* ACard c( "John" );
* // ...
* c.setName( "Ivan" );
* // the above is shorter than>name or c.mData()->setName()
* @endcode
* If some members of the structure need to be private (and therefore
* unaccessible through the pointers returned by data() and vData()) you can
* simply declare the wrapper class (the ACard class in the example above)
* as a friend of the structure and still use the above approach.
* For public members of the original structure it's also possible to use
* the overloaded operator->(), which is the equivalent of calling the data()
* method, i.e.:
* @code
* // ...
* cout << c->name;
* @endcode
* The operator!() is overloaded for convenience and is equivalent to the
* isNull() method.
* The operator==() makes a comparison of two instances.
* @todo put the "original" state definition here...
/** @internal
* A special null value for internal usage. All null instances created
* with the default constructor share the data object it contains.
template< class D > CIShared<D> CIShared<D>::Null = CIShared( new Data( 0 ) );
/** @fn CIShared::CIShared( bool null = true )
* Creates a new instance. If the argument is true (which is the default)
* a null instance is created. All null instances share the same data
* object created using the default constructor of the managed structure
* (i.e. specified as template argument when instantiating).
* If the argument is false an empty instance is created. The empty instance
* differs from the null instance such that the created data object is
* initially non-shared and the mData() method returns a valid pointer
* suitable for modifying the data.
* The instance created by this constructor is initially original.
* @see isNull, isOriginal
/** @fn CIShared::CIShared( const CIShared & )
* Creates a new instance and initializes it by a reference to the same data
* object as managed by the argument. No copies of the data are created.
* The created instance becomes null and/or original if the argument is null
* and/or original, respectively.
* @see isNull, isOriginal
/** @fn CIShared::operator=( const CIShared & )
* Assigns a new value to this instance by instructing it to refer to the
* same data as managed by the argument. No copies of the data are created.
* The previous data is automatically deleted if there are no more references
* to it. The instance becomes null and/or original if the argument is null
* and/or original, respectively.
/** @fn CIShared::copy() const
* Returns a "deep" copy of the instance. The returned instance always
* contains its own (not yet shared) copy of the managed data, even if the
* data wasn't shared before this call. The new copy becomes not original
* if it is not null, otherwise it remains null.
* @see isNull, isOriginal
/** @fn CIShared::data() const
* Returns a pointer to the object of the managed structure that is suitable
* for a read-only access. Does <b>not</b> do an implicit detach(), the
* data remains shared.
* @see mData()
/** @fn CIShared::operator==( const CIShared & ) const
* Compares this instance and the argument. Two instances are considered
* to be equal if they share the same data object or if data objects they
* share are equal. Data objects are compared using the comparison operator
* of the managed structure.
* Detaches this instance from other instances it shares the data with by
* making the copy of the data. This instance becomes "non-original". The
* method does nothing and returns false if this instance is null or its
* data is not shared among (referenced by) other instances.
* @return true if it does a real detach and false otherwise.
* @see isOriginal, isNull
template< class D > bool CIShared<D>::detach() {
if ( !(d->state & Data::Null) && d->cnt > 1 ) {
d = new Data( *d );
return true;
return false;
* Detaches this instance from other instances it shares the data with by
* making the copy of the data. This instance becomes "original" (even if
* it wasn't original before a detach), all other instances that previously
* shared the same data will become "non-original". The method does nothing
* and returns false if this instance is null. If its data is not shared
* among (referenced by) other instances it marks it as original and
* also returns false.
* @return true if it does a real detach and false otherwise.
* @see isOriginal, isNull
template< class D > bool CIShared<D>::detachOriginal() {
if ( !(d->state & Data::Null) ) {
if ( d->cnt > 1 ) {
d->state &= ~Data::Orig;
d = new Data( *d );
d->state |= Data::Orig;
return true;
d->state |= Data::Orig;
return false;
/** @fn CIShared::isOriginal() const
* Returns true if the data is the original data and false otherwise.
* The data is considered to be original until it is changed through the
* mData() member or directly detached by detach(). Also, the data can be
* made original at any time using the detachOriginal() method.
* Note, that this method always returns true for null instances.
* @see detachOriginal, isNull
/** @fn CIShared::isNull() const
* Returns true if this instance is a special null value. All null values
* share the same data object created by the default constructor of
* the managed structure. A null instance gives a read-only access to the
* managed data.
* @see vData
* Returns a pointer to the object of the managed structure that is suitable
* for modifying data. Does an implicit detach() if this data object is
* referenced by more than one instance, making this instance non-original.
* This method should be called only when it's really necessary to change
* the data object, read-only access should be obtained using the data()
* member. Otherwise there all data objects will be detached and non-shared.
* @warning This method returns a null pointer for instances that are
* null. Accessing data through that pointer will most likely cause a
* memory access violation exception.
* @see data, isNull, isOriginal
template< class D > inline D *CIShared<D>::mData() {
if ( d->state & Data::Null ) {
printf( "CIShared::mData(): a null instance, returning a null pointer!" );
return 0;
if ( d->cnt > 1 )
return d;
// CIShared<D>::Data debug methods
template< class D > CIShared<D>::Data::~Data() {
if ( cnt )
printf( "~Data(): ref count is %d, but must be zero!\n", cnt );
template< class D > void CIShared<D>::Data::ref() {
if ( cnt <= 0 )
"Data::ref() ref count was %d, "
"but must be greater than zero!\n",
template< class D > bool CIShared<D>::Data::deref() {
if ( cnt <= 0 )
"Data::ref() ref count was %d, "
"but must be greater than zero!\n",
return !--cnt;
#endif // __CIShared_h__