VBoxManageUSB.cpp revision 23179f1443b03947d85eccc81cbc6b5153a4abf3
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VBoxManage - VirtualBox's command-line interface.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
* Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
* additional information or have any questions.
#include <VBox/com/com.h>
#include <VBox/com/string.h>
#include <VBox/com/Guid.h>
#include <VBox/com/array.h>
#include <VBox/com/ErrorInfo.h>
#include <VBox/com/errorprint.h>
#include <VBox/com/EventQueue.h>
#include <VBox/com/VirtualBox.h>
#include "VBoxManage.h"
#include <iprt/asm.h>
/* missing XPCOM <-> COM wrappers */
#ifndef STDMETHOD_
# define STDMETHOD_(ret, meth) NS_IMETHOD_(ret) meth
#ifndef NS_GET_IID
# define NS_GET_IID(I) IID_##I
#define IUnknown nsISupports
using namespace com;
* Quick IUSBDevice implementation for detaching / attaching
* devices to the USB Controller.
class MyUSBDevice : public IUSBDevice
// public initializer/uninitializer for internal purposes only
MyUSBDevice(uint16_t a_u16VendorId, uint16_t a_u16ProductId, uint16_t a_bcdRevision, uint64_t a_u64SerialHash, const char *a_pszComment)
: m_usVendorId(a_u16VendorId), m_usProductId(a_u16ProductId),
m_bcdRevision(a_bcdRevision), m_u64SerialHash(a_u64SerialHash),
return ASMAtomicIncU32(&m_cRefs);
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(void)
ULONG cRefs = ASMAtomicDecU32(&m_cRefs);
if (!cRefs)
delete this;
return cRefs;
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(const IID &iid, void **ppvObject)
Guid guid(iid);
if (guid == Guid(NS_GET_IID(IUnknown)))
*ppvObject = (IUnknown *)this;
else if (guid == Guid(NS_GET_IID(IUSBDevice)))
*ppvObject = (IUSBDevice *)this;
return S_OK;
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(VendorId))(USHORT *a_pusVendorId) { *a_pusVendorId = m_usVendorId; return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(ProductId))(USHORT *a_pusProductId) { *a_pusProductId = m_usProductId; return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Revision))(USHORT *a_pusRevision) { *a_pusRevision = m_bcdRevision; return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(SerialHash))(ULONG64 *a_pullSerialHash) { *a_pullSerialHash = m_u64SerialHash; return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Manufacturer))(BSTR *a_pManufacturer) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Product))(BSTR *a_pProduct) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(SerialNumber))(BSTR *a_pSerialNumber) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
STDMETHOD(COMGETTER(Address))(BSTR *a_pAddress) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
/** The vendor id of this USB device. */
USHORT m_usVendorId;
/** The product id of this USB device. */
USHORT m_usProductId;
/** The product revision number of this USB device.
* (high byte = integer; low byte = decimal) */
USHORT m_bcdRevision;
/** The USB serial hash of the device. */
uint64_t m_u64SerialHash;
/** The user comment string. */
Bstr m_bstrComment;
/** Reference counter. */
uint32_t volatile m_cRefs;
// types
template <typename T>
class Nullable
Nullable() : mIsNull (true) {}
Nullable (const T &aValue, bool aIsNull = false)
: mIsNull (aIsNull), mValue (aValue) {}
bool isNull() const { return mIsNull; };
void setNull (bool aIsNull = true) { mIsNull = aIsNull; }
operator const T&() const { return mValue; }
Nullable &operator= (const T &aValue)
mValue = aValue;
mIsNull = false;
return *this;
bool mIsNull;
T mValue;
/** helper structure to encapsulate USB filter manipulation commands */
struct USBFilterCmd
struct USBFilter
USBFilter ()
: mAction (USBDeviceFilterAction_Null)
Bstr mName;
Nullable <bool> mActive;
Bstr mVendorId;
Bstr mProductId;
Bstr mRevision;
Bstr mManufacturer;
Bstr mProduct;
Bstr mRemote;
Bstr mSerialNumber;
Nullable <ULONG> mMaskedInterfaces;
USBDeviceFilterAction_T mAction;
enum Action { Invalid, Add, Modify, Remove };
USBFilterCmd() : mAction (Invalid), mIndex (0), mGlobal (false) {}
Action mAction;
uint32_t mIndex;
/** flag whether the command target is a global filter */
bool mGlobal;
/** machine this command is targeted at (null for global filters) */
ComPtr<IMachine> mMachine;
USBFilter mFilter;
int handleUSBFilter (HandlerArg *a)
USBFilterCmd cmd;
/* at least: 0: command, 1: index, 2: --target, 3: <target value> */
if (a->argc < 4)
return errorSyntax(USAGE_USBFILTER, "Not enough parameters");
/* which command? */
cmd.mAction = USBFilterCmd::Invalid;
if (!strcmp(a->argv[0], "add")) cmd.mAction = USBFilterCmd::Add;
else if (!strcmp(a->argv[0], "modify")) cmd.mAction = USBFilterCmd::Modify;
else if (!strcmp(a->argv[0], "remove")) cmd.mAction = USBFilterCmd::Remove;
if (cmd.mAction == USBFilterCmd::Invalid)
return errorSyntax(USAGE_USBFILTER, "Invalid parameter '%s'", a->argv[0]);
/* which index? */
if (VINF_SUCCESS != RTStrToUInt32Full (a->argv[1], 10, &cmd.mIndex))
return errorSyntax(USAGE_USBFILTER, "Invalid index '%s'", a->argv[1]);
switch (cmd.mAction)
case USBFilterCmd::Add:
case USBFilterCmd::Modify:
/* at least: 0: command, 1: index, 2: --target, 3: <target value>, 4: --name, 5: <name value> */
if (a->argc < 6)
if (cmd.mAction == USBFilterCmd::Add)
return errorSyntax(USAGE_USBFILTER_ADD, "Not enough parameters");
return errorSyntax(USAGE_USBFILTER_MODIFY, "Not enough parameters");
// set Active to true by default
// (assuming that the user sets up all necessary attributes
// at once and wants the filter to be active immediately)
if (cmd.mAction == USBFilterCmd::Add)
cmd.mFilter.mActive = true;
for (int i = 2; i < a->argc; i++)
if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--target")
|| !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-target"))
if (a->argc <= i + 1 || !*a->argv[i+1])
return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]);
if (!strcmp(a->argv[i], "global"))
cmd.mGlobal = true;
/* assume it's a UUID of a machine */
rc = a->virtualBox->GetMachine(Bstr(a->argv[i]), cmd.mMachine.asOutParam());
if (FAILED(rc) || !cmd.mMachine)
/* must be a name */
CHECK_ERROR_RET(a->virtualBox, FindMachine(Bstr(a->argv[i]), cmd.mMachine.asOutParam()), 1);
else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--name")
|| !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-name"))
if (a->argc <= i + 1 || !*a->argv[i+1])
return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]);
cmd.mFilter.mName = a->argv[i];
else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--active")
|| !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-active"))
if (a->argc <= i + 1)
return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]);
if (!strcmp(a->argv[i], "yes"))
cmd.mFilter.mActive = true;
else if (!strcmp(a->argv[i], "no"))
cmd.mFilter.mActive = false;
return errorArgument("Invalid --active argument '%s'", a->argv[i]);
else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--vendorid")
|| !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-vendorid"))
if (a->argc <= i + 1)
return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]);
cmd.mFilter.mVendorId = a->argv[i];
else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--productid")
|| !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-productid"))
if (a->argc <= i + 1)
return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]);
cmd.mFilter.mProductId = a->argv[i];
else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--revision")
|| !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-revision"))
if (a->argc <= i + 1)
return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]);
cmd.mFilter.mRevision = a->argv[i];
else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--manufacturer")
|| !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-manufacturer"))
if (a->argc <= i + 1)
return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]);
cmd.mFilter.mManufacturer = a->argv[i];
else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--product")
|| !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-product"))
if (a->argc <= i + 1)
return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]);
cmd.mFilter.mProduct = a->argv[i];
else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--remote")
|| !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-remote"))
if (a->argc <= i + 1)
return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]);
cmd.mFilter.mRemote = a->argv[i];
else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--serialnumber")
|| !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-serialnumber"))
if (a->argc <= i + 1)
return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]);
cmd.mFilter.mSerialNumber = a->argv[i];
else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--maskedinterfaces")
|| !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-maskedinterfaces"))
if (a->argc <= i + 1)
return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]);
uint32_t u32;
rc = RTStrToUInt32Full(a->argv[i], 0, &u32);
if (RT_FAILURE(rc))
return errorArgument("Failed to convert the --maskedinterfaces value '%s' to a number, rc=%Rrc", a->argv[i], rc);
cmd.mFilter.mMaskedInterfaces = u32;
else if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--action")
|| !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-action"))
if (a->argc <= i + 1)
return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]);
if (!strcmp(a->argv[i], "ignore"))
cmd.mFilter.mAction = USBDeviceFilterAction_Ignore;
else if (!strcmp(a->argv[i], "hold"))
cmd.mFilter.mAction = USBDeviceFilterAction_Hold;
return errorArgument("Invalid USB filter action '%s'", a->argv[i]);
return errorSyntax(cmd.mAction == USBFilterCmd::Add ? USAGE_USBFILTER_ADD : USAGE_USBFILTER_MODIFY,
"Unknown option '%s'", a->argv[i]);
if (cmd.mAction == USBFilterCmd::Add)
// mandatory/forbidden options
if ( cmd.mFilter.mName.isEmpty()
( cmd.mGlobal
&& cmd.mFilter.mAction == USBDeviceFilterAction_Null
|| ( !cmd.mGlobal
&& !cmd.mMachine)
|| ( cmd.mGlobal
&& cmd.mFilter.mRemote)
return errorSyntax(USAGE_USBFILTER_ADD, "Mandatory options not supplied");
case USBFilterCmd::Remove:
/* at least: 0: command, 1: index, 2: --target, 3: <target value> */
if (a->argc < 4)
return errorSyntax(USAGE_USBFILTER_REMOVE, "Not enough parameters");
for (int i = 2; i < a->argc; i++)
if ( !strcmp(a->argv[i], "--target")
|| !strcmp(a->argv[i], "-target"))
if (a->argc <= i + 1 || !*a->argv[i+1])
return errorArgument("Missing argument to '%s'", a->argv[i]);
if (!strcmp(a->argv[i], "global"))
cmd.mGlobal = true;
/* assume it's a UUID of a machine */
rc = a->virtualBox->GetMachine(Bstr(a->argv[i]), cmd.mMachine.asOutParam());
if (FAILED(rc) || !cmd.mMachine)
/* must be a name */
CHECK_ERROR_RET(a->virtualBox, FindMachine(Bstr(a->argv[i]), cmd.mMachine.asOutParam()), 1);
// mandatory options
if (!cmd.mGlobal && !cmd.mMachine)
return errorSyntax(USAGE_USBFILTER_REMOVE, "Mandatory options not supplied");
default: break;
USBFilterCmd::USBFilter &f = cmd.mFilter;
ComPtr <IHost> host;
ComPtr <IUSBController> ctl;
if (cmd.mGlobal)
CHECK_ERROR_RET (a->virtualBox, COMGETTER(Host) (host.asOutParam()), 1);
Bstr uuid;
/* open a session for the VM */
CHECK_ERROR_RET (a->virtualBox, OpenSession(a->session, uuid), 1);
/* get the mutable session machine */
/* and get the USB controller */
CHECK_ERROR_RET (cmd.mMachine, COMGETTER(USBController) (ctl.asOutParam()), 1);
switch (cmd.mAction)
case USBFilterCmd::Add:
if (cmd.mGlobal)
ComPtr <IHostUSBDeviceFilter> flt;
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (host, CreateUSBDeviceFilter (f.mName, flt.asOutParam()));
if (!f.mActive.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Active) (f.mActive));
if (!f.mVendorId.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(VendorId) (f.mVendorId.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mProductId.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(ProductId) (f.mProductId.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mRevision.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Revision) (f.mRevision.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mManufacturer.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Manufacturer) (f.mManufacturer.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mSerialNumber.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(SerialNumber) (f.mSerialNumber.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mMaskedInterfaces.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(MaskedInterfaces) (f.mMaskedInterfaces));
if (f.mAction != USBDeviceFilterAction_Null)
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Action) (f.mAction));
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (host, InsertUSBDeviceFilter (cmd.mIndex, flt));
ComPtr <IUSBDeviceFilter> flt;
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (ctl, CreateDeviceFilter (f.mName, flt.asOutParam()));
if (!f.mActive.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Active) (f.mActive));
if (!f.mVendorId.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(VendorId) (f.mVendorId.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mProductId.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(ProductId) (f.mProductId.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mRevision.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Revision) (f.mRevision.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mManufacturer.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Manufacturer) (f.mManufacturer.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mRemote.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Remote) (f.mRemote.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mSerialNumber.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(SerialNumber) (f.mSerialNumber.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mMaskedInterfaces.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(MaskedInterfaces) (f.mMaskedInterfaces));
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (ctl, InsertDeviceFilter (cmd.mIndex, flt));
case USBFilterCmd::Modify:
if (cmd.mGlobal)
SafeIfaceArray <IHostUSBDeviceFilter> coll;
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (host, COMGETTER(USBDeviceFilters) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(coll)));
ComPtr <IHostUSBDeviceFilter> flt = coll[cmd.mIndex];
if (!f.mName.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Name) (f.mName.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mActive.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Active) (f.mActive));
if (!f.mVendorId.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(VendorId) (f.mVendorId.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mProductId.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(ProductId) (f.mProductId.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mRevision.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Revision) (f.mRevision.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mManufacturer.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Manufacturer) (f.mManufacturer.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mSerialNumber.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(SerialNumber) (f.mSerialNumber.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mMaskedInterfaces.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(MaskedInterfaces) (f.mMaskedInterfaces));
if (f.mAction != USBDeviceFilterAction_Null)
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Action) (f.mAction));
SafeIfaceArray <IUSBDeviceFilter> coll;
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (ctl, COMGETTER(DeviceFilters) (ComSafeArrayAsOutParam(coll)));
ComPtr <IUSBDeviceFilter> flt = coll[cmd.mIndex];
if (!f.mName.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Name) (f.mName.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mActive.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Active) (f.mActive));
if (!f.mVendorId.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(VendorId) (f.mVendorId.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mProductId.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(ProductId) (f.mProductId.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mRevision.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Revision) (f.mRevision.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mManufacturer.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Manufacturer) (f.mManufacturer.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mRemote.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(Remote) (f.mRemote.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mSerialNumber.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(SerialNumber) (f.mSerialNumber.setNullIfEmpty()));
if (!f.mMaskedInterfaces.isNull())
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (flt, COMSETTER(MaskedInterfaces) (f.mMaskedInterfaces));
case USBFilterCmd::Remove:
if (cmd.mGlobal)
ComPtr <IHostUSBDeviceFilter> flt;
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (host, RemoveUSBDeviceFilter (cmd.mIndex, flt.asOutParam()));
ComPtr <IUSBDeviceFilter> flt;
CHECK_ERROR_BREAK (ctl, RemoveDeviceFilter (cmd.mIndex, flt.asOutParam()));
if (cmd.mMachine)
if (SUCCEEDED (rc))
/* commit the session */
CHECK_ERROR(cmd.mMachine, SaveSettings());
/* close the session */
return SUCCEEDED (rc) ? 0 : 1;
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