counters.h revision 4003a16c61cdf61979273c73fc02805967e57683
/** $Id$ */
/** @file
* Counters definitions and declarations
* Copyright (C) 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
* Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit if you need
* additional information or have any questions.
# error PROFILE_COUNTER not defied
PROFILE_COUNTER(Fill, "Profiling slirp fills");
PROFILE_COUNTER(Poll, "Profiling slirp polls");
PROFILE_COUNTER(FastTimer, "Profiling slirp fast timer");
PROFILE_COUNTER(SlowTimer, "Profiling slirp slow timer");
PROFILE_COUNTER(IOwrite, "Profiling IO sowrite");
PROFILE_COUNTER(IOread, "Profiling IO soread");
COUNTING_COUTER(TCPHot, "TCP sockets active");
COUNTING_COUTER(UDPHot, "UDP sockets active");
COUNTING_COUTER(IORead_in_1, "SB IORead_in_1");
COUNTING_COUTER(IORead_in_1_bytes, "SB IORead_in_1_bytes");
COUNTING_COUTER(IORead_in_2, "SB IORead_in_2");
COUNTING_COUTER(IORead_in_2_1st_bytes, "SB IORead_in_2_1st_bytes");
COUNTING_COUTER(IORead_in_2_2nd_bytes, "SB IORead_in_2_2nd_bytes");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOWrite_in_1, "SB IOWrite_in_1");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOWrite_in_1_bytes, "SB IOWrite_in_1_bytes");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOWrite_in_2, "SB IOWrite_in_2");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOWrite_in_2_1st_bytes, "SB IOWrite_in_2_1st_bytes");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOWrite_in_2_2nd_bytes, "SB IOWrite_in_2_2nd_bytes");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOWrite_no_w, "SB IOWrite_no_w");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOWrite_rest, "SB IOWrite_rest");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOWrite_rest_bytes, "SB IOWrite_rest_bytes");
PROFILE_COUNTER(IOSBAppend_pf, "Profiling sbuf::append common");
PROFILE_COUNTER(IOSBAppend_pf_wa, "Profiling sbuf::append all writen in network");
PROFILE_COUNTER(IOSBAppend_pf_wf, "Profiling sbuf::append writen fault");
PROFILE_COUNTER(IOSBAppend_pf_wp, "Profiling sbuf::append writen partly");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOSBAppend, "SB: Append total");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOSBAppend_wa, "SB: Append all is written to network ");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOSBAppend_wf, "SB: Append nothing is written");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOSBAppend_wp, "SB: Append is written partly");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOSBAppend_zm, "SB: Append mbuf is zerro or less");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOSBAppendSB, "SB: AppendSB total");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOSBAppendSB_w_l_r, "SB: AppendSB (sb_wptr < sb_rptr)");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOSBAppendSB_w_ge_r, "SB: AppendSB (sb_wptr >= sb_rptr)");
COUNTING_COUTER(IOSBAppendSB_w_alter, "SB: AppendSB (altering of sb_wptr)");
PROFILE_COUNTER(TCP_reassamble, "TCP::reasamble");
PROFILE_COUNTER(TCP_input, "TCP::input");