support.asm revision be22787848564f5cfd74bff5226837f43debeeaa
; $Id$
;; @file
; Compiler support routines.
; Copyright (C) 2012 Oracle Corporation
; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
; available from This file is free software;
; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
;* Exported Symbols *
public __U4D
public __U4M
public __I4D
public __I4M
public _fmemset_
public _fmemcpy_
_TEXT segment public 'CODE' use16
assume cs:_TEXT
; 32-bit unsigned division.
; @param dx:ax Dividend.
; @param cx:bx Divisor.
; @returns dx:ax Quotient.
; cx:bx Reminder.
push eax
push edx
push ecx
rol eax, 16
mov ax, dx
ror eax, 16
xor edx, edx
shr ecx, 16
mov cx, bx
div ecx ; eax:edx / ecx -> eax=quotient, edx=reminder.
mov bx, dx
pop ecx
shr edx, 16
mov cx, dx
pop edx
ror eax, 16
mov dx, ax
add sp, 2
pop ax
rol eax, 16
; 32-bit signed division.
; @param dx:ax Dividend.
; @param cx:bx Divisor.
; @returns dx:ax Quotient.
; cx:bx Reminder.
push eax
push edx
push ecx
rol eax, 16
mov ax, dx
ror eax, 16
xor edx, edx
shr ecx, 16
mov cx, bx
idiv ecx ; eax:edx / ecx -> eax=quotient, edx=reminder.
mov bx, dx
pop ecx
shr edx, 16
mov cx, dx
pop edx
ror eax, 16
mov dx, ax
add sp, 2
pop ax
rol eax, 16
endif ; VBOX_PC_BIOS
; 32-bit unsigned multiplication.
; @param dx:ax Factor 1.
; @param cx:bx Factor 2.
; @returns dx:ax Result.
push eax
push edx
push ecx
rol eax, 16
mov ax, dx
ror eax, 16
xor edx, edx
shr ecx, 16
mov cx, bx
mul ecx ; eax * ecx -> edx:eax
pop ecx
pop edx
ror eax, 16
mov dx, ax
add sp, 2
pop ax
rol eax, 16
; 32-bit unsigned multiplication.
; memset taking a far pointer.
; @param dx:ax Factor 1.
; @param cx:bx Factor 2.
; @returns dx:ax Result.
; cx, es may be modified; di is preserved
push eax
push edx
push ecx
push ebx
rol eax, 16
mov ax, dx
ror eax, 16
xor edx, edx
shr ecx, 16
mov cx, bx
imul ecx ; eax * ecx -> edx:eax
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop edx
ror eax, 16
mov dx, ax
add sp, 2
pop ax
rol eax, 16
endif ; VBOX_PC_BIOS
; memset taking a far pointer.
; cx, es may be modified; di is preserved
; @returns dx:ax unchanged.
; @param dx:ax Pointer to the memory.
; @param bl The fill value.
; @param cx The number of bytes to fill.
push di
mov es, dx
mov di, ax
xchg al, bl
rep stosb
xchg al, bl
pop di
; memset taking far pointers.
; cx, es may be modified; si, di are preserved
; @returns dx:ax unchanged.
; @param dx:ax Pointer to the destination memory.
; @param cx:bx Pointer to the source memory.
; @param sp+2 The number of bytes to copy (dw).
push bp
mov bp, sp
push di
push ds
push si
mov es, dx
mov di, ax
mov ds, cx
mov si, bx
mov cx, [bp + 4]
rep movsb
pop si
pop ds
pop di
_TEXT ends