VBoxDbgStatsQt4.h revision 6328c3cf596acc5e23d882fe7d78751867c528fd
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VBox Debugger GUI - Statistics.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
* Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
* additional information or have any questions.
#ifndef ___Debugger_VBoxDbgStats_h
#define ___Debugger_VBoxDbgStats_h
#include "VBoxDbgBase.h"
#include <QTreeView>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QMenu>
class VBoxDbgStats;
class VBoxDbgStatsModel;
/** Pointer to a statistics sample. */
/** Pointer to a const statistics sample. */
* The VM statistics tree view.
* A tree represenation of the STAM statistics.
class VBoxDbgStatsView : public QTreeView, public VBoxDbgBase
* Creates a VM statistics list view widget.
* @param a_pVM The VM which STAM data is being viewed.
* @param a_pModel The model. Will take ownership of this and delete it together
* with the view later
* @param a_pParent Parent widget.
VBoxDbgStatsView(PVM a_pVM, VBoxDbgStatsModel *a_pModel, VBoxDbgStats *a_pParent = NULL);
/** Destructor. */
virtual ~VBoxDbgStatsView();
* Updates the view with current information from STAM.
* This will indirectly update the m_PatStr.
* @param rPatStr Selection pattern. NULL means everything, see STAM for further details.
void updateStats(const QString &rPatStr);
* Resets the stats items matching the specified pattern.
* This pattern doesn't have to be the one used for update, thus m_PatStr isn't updated.
* @param rPatStr Selection pattern. NULL means everything, see STAM for further details.
void resetStats(const QString &rPatStr);
protected slots:
//later: /** Context menu. */
//later: void contextMenuReq(QListViewItem *pItem, const QPoint &rPoint, int iColumn);
//later: /** Leaf context. */
//later: void leafMenuActivated(int iId);
//later: /** Branch context. */
//later: void branchMenuActivated(int iId);
//later: /** View context. */
//later: void viewMenuActivated(int iId);
typedef enum { eRefresh = 1, eReset, eExpand, eCollaps, eCopy, eLog, eLogRel } MenuId;
/** Pointer to the data model. */
VBoxDbgStatsModel *m_pModel;
/** The current selection pattern. */
QString m_PatStr;
/** The parent widget. */
VBoxDbgStats *m_pParent;
/** Leaf item menu. */
QMenu *m_pLeafMenu;
/** Branch item menu. */
QMenu *m_pBranchMenu;
/** View menu. */
QMenu *m_pViewMenu;
/** The pointer to the node which is the current focus of a context menu. */
* The VM statistics window.
* This class displays the statistics of a VM. The UI contains
* a entry field for the selection pattern, a refresh interval
* spinbutton, and the tree view with the statistics.
class VBoxDbgStats :
public QWidget,
public QVBox,
public VBoxDbgBase
* Creates a VM statistics list view widget.
* @param pVM The VM this is hooked up to.
* @param pszPat Initial selection pattern. NULL means everything. (See STAM for details.)
* @param uRefreshRate The refresh rate. 0 means not to refresh and is the default.
* @param pParent Parent widget.
VBoxDbgStats(PVM pVM, const char *pszPat = NULL, unsigned uRefreshRate= 0, QWidget *pParent = NULL);
/** Destructor. */
virtual ~VBoxDbgStats();
protected slots:
/** Apply the activated combobox pattern. */
void apply(const QString &Str);
/** The "All" button was pressed. */
void applyAll();
/** Refresh the data on timer tick and pattern changed. */
void refresh();
* Set the refresh rate.
* @param iRefresh The refresh interval in seconds.
void setRefresh(int iRefresh);
/** The current selection pattern. */
QString m_PatStr;
/** The pattern combo box. */
QComboBox *m_pPatCB;
/** The refresh rate in seconds.
* 0 means not to refresh. */
unsigned m_uRefreshRate;
/** The refresh timer .*/
QTimer *m_pTimer;
/** The tree view widget. */
VBoxDbgStatsView *m_pView;