revision 7bff28e0cedd8656acd24b420759649184d8cf00
# innotek VirtualBox Solaris Guest Additions package creation script.
# Usage:
# $(PATH_TARGET)/install packagename
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 installdir packagename"
exit 1
cd "$1"
echo 'i pkginfo=./vboxguest.pkginfo' > prototype
echo 'i postinstall=./' >> prototype
echo 'i preremove=./' >> prototype
find . -print | /usr/sfw/bin/ggrep -v -E 'prototype||vboxguest.pkginfo||' | pkgproto >> prototype
/usr/bin/awk 'NF == 6 { $5 = "root"; $6 = "bin" } { print }' prototype > prototype2
/usr/bin/awk 'NF == 6 { $3 = "opt/VirtualBoxAdditions/"$3"="$3 } { print }' prototype2 > prototype
# install the kernel module to the right place (for now only 32-bit guests)
/usr/bin/awk 'NF == 6 && $3 == "opt/VirtualBoxAdditions/vboxguest=vboxguest" { $3 = "platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/vboxguest=vboxguest" } { print }' prototype > prototype2
/usr/bin/awk 'NF == 6 && $3 == "opt/VirtualBoxAdditions/vboxguest.conf=vboxguest.conf" { $3 = "platform/i86pc/kernel/drv/vboxguest.conf=vboxguest.conf" } { print }' prototype2 > prototype
# install the vboxclient daemon
/usr/bin/awk 'NF == 6 && $3 == "opt/VirtualBoxAdditions/1099.vboxclient=1099.vboxclient" { $3 = "usr/dt/config/Xsession.d/1099.vboxclient=1099.vboxclient" } { print }' prototype > prototype2
#install the timesync daemon
/usr/bin/awk 'NF == 6 && $3 == "opt/VirtualBoxAdditions/vboxservice.xml=vboxservice.xml" { $3 = "/var/svc/manifest/system/virtualbox/vboxservice.xml=vboxservice.xml" } { print }' prototype2 > prototype
rm prototype2
pkgmk -o -r .
pkgtrans -s -o /var/spool/pkg `pwd`/$2 INNOvboxguest
rm -rf /var/spool/pkg/INNOvboxguest