seamless-x11.h revision bd8e360cd1db83dcb2694ea9122ce3bc5bae678a
/** @file
* Seamless mode:
* Linux guest.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
#ifndef __Additions_linux_seamless_x11_h
# define __Additions_linux_seamless_x11_h
#include "seamless-guest.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
* Wrapper class around the VBoxGuestX11Pointer to provide reference semantics.
* See auto_ptr in the C++ <memory> header.
template <class T>
struct VBoxGuestX11PointerRef
T *mValue;
VBoxGuestX11PointerRef(T* pValue) { mValue = pValue; }
/** An auto pointer for pointers which have to be XFree'd. */
template <class T>
class VBoxGuestX11Pointer
T *mValue;
VBoxGuestX11Pointer(T *pValue = 0) { mValue = pValue; }
~VBoxGuestX11Pointer() { if (0 != mValue) XFree(mValue); }
/** release method to get the pointer's value and "reset" the pointer. */
T *release(void) { T *pTmp = mValue; mValue = 0; return pTmp; }
/** reset the pointer value to zero or to another pointer. */
void reset(T* pValue = 0) { if (pValue != mValue) { XFree(mValue); mValue = pValue; } }
/** Copy constructor */
VBoxGuestX11Pointer(VBoxGuestX11Pointer &orig) { mValue = orig.release(); }
/** Copy from equivalent class */
template <class T1>
VBoxGuestX11Pointer(VBoxGuestX11Pointer<T1> &orig) { mValue = orig.release(); }
/** Assignment operator. */
VBoxGuestX11Pointer& operator=(VBoxGuestX11Pointer &orig)
return *this;
/** Assignment from equivalent class. */
template <class T1>
VBoxGuestX11Pointer& operator=(VBoxGuestX11Pointer<T1> &orig)
return *this;
/** Assignment from a pointer. */
VBoxGuestX11Pointer& operator=(T *pValue)
if (0 != mValue)
mValue = pValue;
return *this;
/** Dereference with * operator. */
T &operator*() { return *mValue; }
/** Dereference with -> operator. */
T *operator->() { return mValue; }
/** Accessing the value inside. */
T *get(void) { return mValue; }
/** Convert a reference structure into an X11 pointer. */
VBoxGuestX11Pointer(VBoxGuestX11PointerRef<T> ref) { mValue = ref.mValue; }
/** Assign from a reference structure into an X11 pointer. */
VBoxGuestX11Pointer& operator=(VBoxGuestX11PointerRef<T> ref)
if (ref.mValue != mValue)
mValue = ref.mValue;
return *this;
/** Typecast an X11 pointer to a reference structure. */
template <class T1>
operator VBoxGuestX11PointerRef<T1>() { return VBoxGuestX11PointerRef<T1>(release()); }
/** Typecast an X11 pointer to an X11 pointer around a different type. */
template <class T1>
operator VBoxGuestX11Pointer<T1>() { return VBoxGuestX11Pointer<T1>(release()); }
* Wrapper class around an X11 display pointer which takes care of closing the display
* when it is destroyed at the latest.
class VBoxGuestX11Display
Display *mDisplay;
VBoxGuestX11Display(char *name = 0)
mDisplay = XOpenDisplay(name);
operator Display *() { return mDisplay; }
Display *get(void) { return mDisplay; }
bool isValid(void) { return (0 != mDisplay); }
int close(void) { return XCloseDisplay(mDisplay); }
~VBoxGuestX11Display() { close(); }
/** Structure containing information about a guest window's position and visible area.
Used inside of VBoxGuestWindowList. */
struct VBoxGuestWinInfo {
/** Is this window currently mapped? */
bool mMapped;
/** Co-ordinates in the guest screen. */
int mx, my;
/** Window dimensions. */
int mwidth, mheight;
/** Number of rectangles used to represent the visible area. */
int mcRects;
/** Rectangles representing the visible area. These must be allocated by XMalloc
and will be freed automatically if non-null when the class is destroyed. */
VBoxGuestX11Pointer<XRectangle> mapRects;
/** The index of the virtual root that this window is a child of. */
int mParent;
/** Constructor. */
VBoxGuestWinInfo(bool mapped, int x, int y, int w, int h, int cRects,
VBoxGuestX11Pointer<XRectangle> rects, int parent)
: mapRects(rects)
mMapped = mapped; mx = x; my = y; mwidth = w; mheight = h; mcRects = cRects;
mParent = parent;
// We don't want a copy constructor or assignment operator
VBoxGuestWinInfo(const VBoxGuestWinInfo&);
VBoxGuestWinInfo& operator=(const VBoxGuestWinInfo&);
* This class is just a wrapper around a map of structures containing information about
* the windows on the guest system. It has a function for adding a structure (see addWindow),
* for removing it by window handle (see removeWindow) and an iterator for
* going through the list.
class VBoxGuestWindowList
// We don't want a copy constructor or an assignment operator
VBoxGuestWindowList(const VBoxGuestWindowList&);
VBoxGuestWindowList& operator=(const VBoxGuestWindowList&);
// Private class members
std::map<Window, VBoxGuestWinInfo *> mWindows;
// Just proxy iterators to map::iterator
typedef std::map<Window, VBoxGuestWinInfo *>::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef std::map<Window, VBoxGuestWinInfo *>::iterator iterator;
// Constructor
VBoxGuestWindowList(void) {}
// Destructor
/* We use post-increment in the operation to prevent the iterator from being invalidated. */
for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); removeWindow(it++));
// Standard operations
const_iterator begin() const { return mWindows.begin(); }
iterator begin() { return mWindows.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return mWindows.end(); }
iterator end() { return mWindows.end(); }
const_iterator find(Window win) const { return mWindows.find(win); }
iterator find(Window win) { return mWindows.find(win); }
void addWindow(Window hWin, bool isMapped, int x, int y, int w, int h, int cRects,
VBoxGuestX11Pointer<XRectangle> rects, int parent)
VBoxGuestWinInfo *pInfo = new VBoxGuestWinInfo(isMapped, x, y, w, h, cRects,
rects, parent);
mWindows.insert(std::pair<Window, VBoxGuestWinInfo *>(hWin, pInfo));
void removeWindow(iterator it)
delete it->second;
void removeWindow(Window hWin)
/** Structure containing information about a windows handle and position, for keeping
track of desktop windows. Used internally by VBoxGuestSeamlessX11. */
struct VBoxGuestDesktopInfo
/** The Window handle for this window. */
Window mWin;
/** Co-ordinates relative to the root window (I hope!). */
int mx, my;
/** Is this window mapped? */
bool mMapped;
/** Constructor */
VBoxGuestDesktopInfo(Window hWin, int x, int y, bool mapped)
mWin = hWin;
mx = x;
my = y;
mMapped = mapped;
class VBoxGuestSeamlessX11;
class VBoxGuestSeamlessX11 : public VBoxGuestSeamlessGuest
// We don't want a copy constructor or assignment operator
VBoxGuestSeamlessX11(const VBoxGuestSeamlessX11&);
VBoxGuestSeamlessX11& operator=(const VBoxGuestSeamlessX11&);
// Private member variables
/** Pointer to the observer class. */
VBoxGuestSeamlessObserver *mObserver;
/** Our connection to the X11 display we are running on. */
VBoxGuestX11Display mDisplay;
/** Vector to keep track of which windows are to be treated as desktop windows. */
std::vector<VBoxGuestDesktopInfo> mDesktopWindows;
/** Class to keep track of visible guest windows. */
VBoxGuestWindowList mGuestWindows;
/** Keeps track of the total number of rectangles needed for the visible area of all
guest windows on the last call to getRects. Used for pre-allocating space in
the vector of rectangles passed to the host. */
int mcRects;
/** Is seamles mode currently enabled? */
bool isEnabled;
// Private methods
// Methods to handle X11 events
void doConfigureEvent(const XConfigureEvent *event);
void doMapEvent(const XMapEvent *event);
void doPropertyEvent(const XPropertyEvent *event);
void doUnmapEvent(const XUnmapEvent *event);
void doShapeEvent(const XShapeEvent *event);
// Methods to manage guest window information
* Store information about a desktop window and register for structure events on it.
* If it is mapped, go through the list of it's children and add information about
* mapped children to the tree of visible windows, making sure that those windows are
* not already in our list of desktop windows.
* @param hWin the window concerned - should be a "desktop" window
void addDesktopWindow(Window hWin);
bool addNonDesktopWindow(Window hWin);
void addWindowToList(Window hWin, Window hParent);
void monitorDesktopWindows(void);
void rebuildWindowTree(void);
void freeWindowTree(void);
void updateHostSeamlessInfo(void);
* Initialise the guest and ensure that it is capable of handling seamless mode
* @param pObserver Observer class to connect host and guest interfaces
* @returns iprt status code
int init(VBoxGuestSeamlessObserver *pObserver);
* Shutdown seamless event monitoring.
void uninit(void)
if (0 != mObserver)
mObserver = 0;
* Initialise seamless event reporting in the guest.
* @returns IPRT status code
int start(void);
/** Stop reporting seamless events. */
void stop(void);
/** Get the current list of visible rectangles. */
std::auto_ptr<std::vector<RTRECT> > getRects(void);
/** Process next event in the X11 event queue - called by the event thread. */
void nextEvent(void);
/** Send ourselves an X11 client event to wake up the event thread - called by
the event thread. */
bool interruptEvent(void);
mObserver = 0; mcRects = 0; isEnabled = false;
~VBoxGuestSeamlessX11() { uninit(); }
typedef VBoxGuestSeamlessX11 VBoxGuestSeamlessGuestImpl;
#endif /* __Additions_linux_seamless_x11_h not defined */