revision 6457f9bc953a052259ba55fbf6f3d6faace120fa
# Copyright (c) 2001, Stanford University
# All rights reserved.
# See the file LICENSE.txt for information on redistributing this software.
import sys
import apiutil
def GenerateEntrypoints():
print '#include "chromium.h"'
print '#include "stub.h"'
print ''
print '#define NAKED __declspec(naked)'
print '#define UNUSED(x) ((void)(x))'
print ''
# Get sorted list of dispatched functions.
# The order is very important - it must match cr_opcodes.h
# and spu_dispatch_table.h
keys = apiutil.GetDispatchedFunctions(sys.argv[1]+"/APIspec.txt")
for index in range(len(keys)):
func_name = keys[index]
if apiutil.Category(func_name) == "Chromium":
return_type = apiutil.ReturnType(func_name)
params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name)
print "NAKED %s cr_gl%s( %s )" % (return_type, func_name,
apiutil.MakeDeclarationString( params ))
print "{"
print "\t__asm jmp [glim.%s]" % func_name
for (name, type, vecSize) in params:
print "\tUNUSED( %s );" % name
print "}"
print ""
print '/*'
print '* Aliases'
print '*/'
# Now loop over all the functions and take care of any aliases
allkeys = apiutil.GetAllFunctions(sys.argv[1]+"/APIspec.txt")
for func_name in allkeys:
if "omit" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func_name):
if func_name in keys:
# we already processed this function earlier
# alias is the function we're aliasing
alias = apiutil.Alias(func_name)
if alias:
return_type = apiutil.ReturnType(func_name)
params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name)
print "NAKED %s cr_gl%s( %s )" % (return_type, func_name,
apiutil.MakeDeclarationString( params ))
print "{"
print "\t__asm jmp [glim.%s]" % alias
for (name, type, vecSize) in params:
print "\tUNUSED( %s );" % name
print "}"
print ""
print '/*'
print '* No-op stubs'
print '*/'
# Now generate no-op stub functions
for func_name in allkeys:
if "stub" in apiutil.ChromiumProps(func_name):
return_type = apiutil.ReturnType(func_name)
params = apiutil.Parameters(func_name)
print "NAKED %s cr_gl%s( %s )" % (return_type, func_name, apiutil.MakeDeclarationString(params))
print "{"
if return_type != "void":
print "return (%s) 0" % return_type
print "}"
print ""