VBoxServiceInternal.h revision b4c48063a7f8ecdd0646015b3bd32e335015ef18
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync/* $Id$ */
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync/** @file
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync * VBoxService - Guest Additions Services.
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync */
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync *
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync *
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync * Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync * additional information or have any questions.
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync */
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync#ifndef ___VBoxServiceInternal_h
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync#define ___VBoxServiceInternal_h
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync#ifdef RT_OS_WINDOWS
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync# include <Windows.h>
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync# include <tchar.h> /**@todo just drop this, this will be compiled as UTF-8/ANSI. */
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync# include <process.h> /**@todo what's this here for? */
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync/** @todo just move this into the windows specific code, it's not needed
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync * here. */
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync/** The service name. */
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync#define VBOXSERVICE_NAME "VBoxService"
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync/** The friendly service name. */
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync#define VBOXSERVICE_FRIENDLY_NAME "VBoxService"
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync * A service descriptor.
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync */
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsynctypedef struct
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync /** The short service name. */
040abec2534dadc53ebc8fa378ef03f4feecb7dbvboxsync const char *pszName;
/** The longer service name. */
const char *pszDescription;
/** The usage options stuff for the --help screen. */
const char *pszUsage;
/** The option descriptions for the --help screen. */
const char *pszOptions;
* Called before parsing arguments.
* @returns VBox status code.
DECLCALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnPreInit)(void);
* Tries to parse the given command line option.
* @returns 0 if we parsed, -1 if it didn't and anything else means exit.
* @param ppszShort If not NULL it points to the short option iterator. a short argument.
* If NULL examine argv[*pi].
* @param argc The argument count.
* @param argv The argument vector.
* @param pi The argument vector index. Update if any value(s) are eaten.
DECLCALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnOption)(const char **ppszShort, int argc, char **argv, int *pi);
* Called before parsing arguments.
* @returns VBox status code.
DECLCALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnInit)(void);
/** Called from the worker thread.
* @returns VBox status code.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS if exitting because *pfTerminate was set.
* @param pfTerminate Pointer to a per service termination flag to check
* before and after blocking.
DECLCALLBACKMEMBER(int, pfnWorker)(bool volatile *pfTerminate);
* Stop an service.
DECLCALLBACKMEMBER(void, pfnStop)(void);
* Does termination cleanups.
DECLCALLBACKMEMBER(void, pfnTerm)(void);
/** Pointer to a VBOXSERVICE. */
/** Pointer to a const VBOXSERVICE. */
extern char *g_pszProgName;
extern int g_cVerbosity;
extern uint32_t g_DefaultInterval;
/** Windows SCM stuff.
* @todo document each of them individually, this comment only documents
* g_vboxServiceStatusCode on windows. On the other platforms it will be
* dangling.
* @todo all this should be moved to -win.cpp and exposed via functions. */
extern DWORD g_rcWinService;
extern SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE g_hWinServiceStatus;
extern SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY const g_aServiceTable[]; /** @todo generate on the fly, see comment in main() from the enabled sub services. */
extern int VBoxServiceSyntax(const char *pszFormat, ...);
extern int VBoxServiceError(const char *pszFormat, ...);
extern void VBoxServiceVerbose(int iLevel, const char *pszFormat, ...);
extern int VBoxServiceArgUInt32(int argc, char **argv, const char *psz, int *pi, uint32_t *pu32, uint32_t u32Min, uint32_t u32Max);
extern unsigned VBoxServiceGetStartedServices(void);
extern int VBoxServiceStartServices(unsigned iMain);
extern int VBoxServiceStopServices(void);
extern int VBoxServiceWinInstall(void);
extern int VBoxServiceWinUninstall(void);
extern VBOXSERVICE g_TimeSync;
extern VBOXSERVICE g_Clipboard;
extern VBOXSERVICE g_Control;
extern VBOXSERVICE g_VMInfo;