VBoxGuestR3LibVideo.cpp revision b60e4b0625949fd68ed97f1353e2174c5b3192e5
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VBoxGuestR3Lib - Ring-3 Support Library for VirtualBox guest additions, Video.
* Copyright (C) 2007 innotek GmbH
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* Header Files *
#include <iprt/string.h>
#include <iprt/mem.h>
#include "VBGLR3Internal.h"
* Enable or disable video acceleration.
* @returns VBox status code.
* @param fEnable Pass zero to disable, any other value to enable.
VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3VideoAccelEnable(bool fEnable)
VMMDevVideoAccelEnable Req;
vmmdevInitRequest(&Req.header, VMMDevReq_VideoAccelEnable);
Req.u32Enable = fEnable;
Req.fu32Status = 0;
return vbglR3GRPerform(&Req.header);
* Flush the video buffer.
* @returns VBox status code.
VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3VideoAccelFlush(void)
VMMDevVideoAccelFlush Req;
vmmdevInitRequest(&Req.header, VMMDevReq_VideoAccelFlush);
return vbglR3GRPerform(&Req.header);
* Send mouse pointer shape information to the host.
* @returns VBox status code.
* @param fFlags Mouse pointer flags.
* @param xHot X coordinate of hot spot.
* @param yHot Y coordinate of hot spot.
* @param cx Pointer width.
* @param cy Pointer height.
* @param pvImg Pointer to the image data (can be NULL).
* @param cbImg Size of the image data pointed to by pvImg.
VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3SetPointerShape(uint32_t fFlags, uint32_t xHot, uint32_t yHot, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy, const void *pvImg, size_t cbImg)
VMMDevReqMousePointer *pReq;
int rc = vbglR3GRAlloc((VMMDevRequestHeader **)&pReq, RT_OFFSETOF(VMMDevReqMousePointer, pointerData) + cbImg, VMMDevReq_SetPointerShape);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
pReq->fFlags = fFlags;
pReq->xHot = xHot;
pReq->yHot = yHot;
pReq->width = cx;
pReq->height = cy;
if (pvImg)
memcpy(pReq->pointerData, pvImg, cbImg);
rc = vbglR3GRPerform(&pReq->header);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
if (RT_SUCCESS(pReq->header.rc))
rc = pReq->header.rc;
return rc;
* Send mouse pointer shape information to the host.
* This version of the function accepts a request for clients that
* already allocate and manipulate the request structure directly.
* @returns VBox status code.
* @param pReq Pointer to the VMMDevReqMousePointer structure.
VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3SetPointerShapeReq(VMMDevReqMousePointer *pReq)
int rc = vbglR3GRPerform(&pReq->header);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
rc = pReq->header.rc;
return rc;
* Query the last display change request.
* @returns iprt status value
* @param pcx Where to store the horizontal pixel resolution (0 = do not change).
* @param pcy Where to store the vertical pixel resolution (0 = do not change).
* @param pcBits Where to store the bits per pixel (0 = do not change).
* @param fEventAck Flag that the request is an acknowlegement for the
* Values:
* 0 - just querying,
* @param iDisplay 0 for primary display, 1 for the first secondary, etc.
VBGLR3DECL(int) VbglR3GetDisplayChangeRequest(uint32_t *pcx, uint32_t *pcy, uint32_t *pcBits,
uint32_t fEventAck, uint32_t iDisplay)
VMMDevDisplayChangeRequest2 Req;
vmmdevInitRequest(&Req.header, VMMDevReq_GetDisplayChangeRequest2);
Req.xres = 0;
Req.yres = 0;
Req.bpp = 0;
Req.eventAck = fEventAck;
Req.display = iDisplay;
int rc = vbglR3GRPerform(&Req.header);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
rc = Req.header.rc;
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
*pcx = Req.xres;
*pcy = Req.yres;
*pcBits = Req.bpp;
return rc;