VBoxControl.cpp revision 12767477bc2dbc7815e4784576a15c990f5590d3
/** $Id$ */
/** @file
* VBoxControl - Guest Additions Command Line Management Interface
* Copyright (C) 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
* Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
* additional information or have any questions.
* Header Files *
#include <iprt/thread.h>
#include <iprt/string.h>
#include <iprt/stream.h>
#include <iprt/path.h>
#include <iprt/initterm.h>
#include <VBox/VBoxGuest.h>
#include <VBox/version.h>
# include <VBox/HostServices/VBoxInfoSvc.h>
#include "VBoxControl.h"
* Global Variables *
/** The program name (derived from argv[0]). */
char const *g_pszProgName = "";
/** The current verbosity level. */
int g_cVerbosity = 0;
* Displays the program usage message.
* @param u64Which
* @{
/** Helper function */
static void doUsage(char const *line, char const *name = "", char const *command = "")
RTPrintf("%s %-*s%s", name, 30 - strlen(name), command, line);
/** Enumerate the different parts of the usage we might want to print out */
enum g_eUsage
static void usage(g_eUsage eWhich = USAGE_ALL)
RTPrintf("%s [-v|--version] print version number and exit\n", g_pszProgName);
RTPrintf("%s --nologo ... suppress the logo\n\n", g_pszProgName);
if ((GET_GUEST_PROP == eWhich) || (USAGE_ALL == eWhich))
doUsage("<key>\n", g_pszProgName, "getguestproperty");
if ((SET_GUEST_PROP == eWhich) || (USAGE_ALL == eWhich))
doUsage("<key> [<value>] (no value deletes key)\n", g_pszProgName, "setguestproperty");
/** @} */
* Displays an error message.
* @param pszFormat The message text.
* @param ... Format arguments.
static void VBoxControlError(const char *pszFormat, ...)
// RTStrmPrintf(g_pStdErr, "%s: error: ", g_pszProgName);
va_list va;
va_start(va, pszFormat);
RTStrmPrintfV(g_pStdErr, pszFormat, va);
* Retrieves a value from the host/guest configuration registry.
* This is accessed through the "VBoxSharedInfoSvc" HGCM service.
* @returns 0 on success, 1 on failure
* @param key (string) the key which the value is stored under.
int getGuestProperty(int argc, char **argv)
using namespace svcInfo;
uint32_t u32ClientID = 0;
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
char *pszKey = NULL;
char szValue[KEY_MAX_VALUE_LEN];
if (argc != 1)
return 1;
rc = RTStrCurrentCPToUtf8(&pszKey, argv[0]);
if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc))
VBoxControlError("Failed to convert the key name to Utf8, error %Rrc\n", rc);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
rc = VbglR3InfoSvcConnect(&u32ClientID);
if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc))
VBoxControlError("Failed to connect to the guest property service, error %Rrc\n", rc);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
rc = VbglR3InfoSvcReadKey(u32ClientID, argv[0], szValue, sizeof(szValue), NULL);
if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc) && (rc != VERR_NOT_FOUND))
VBoxControlError("Failed to retrieve the property value, error %Rrc\n", rc);
if (VERR_NOT_FOUND == rc)
RTPrintf("No value set!\n");
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
RTPrintf("Value: %S\n", szValue);
if (u32ClientID != 0)
return RT_SUCCESS(rc) ? 0 : 1;
* Writes a value to the host/guest configuration registry.
* This is accessed through the "VBoxSharedInfoSvc" HGCM service.
* @returns 0 on success, 1 on failure
* @param key (string) the key which the value is stored under.
* @param value (string) the value to write. If empty, the key will be
* removed.
static int setGuestProperty(int argc, char *argv[])
uint32_t u32ClientID = 0;
int rc = VINF_SUCCESS;
char *pszKey = NULL;
char *pszValue = NULL;
if (argc != 1 && argc != 2)
return 1;
rc = RTStrCurrentCPToUtf8(&pszKey, argv[0]);
if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc))
VBoxControlError("Failed to convert the key name to Utf8, error %Rrc\n", rc);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc) && (2 == argc))
rc = RTStrCurrentCPToUtf8(&pszValue, argv[1]);
if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc))
VBoxControlError("Failed to convert the key value to Utf8, error %Rrc\n", rc);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
rc = VbglR3InfoSvcConnect(&u32ClientID);
if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc))
VBoxControlError("Failed to connect to the host/guest registry service, error %Rrc\n", rc);
if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
rc = VbglR3InfoSvcWriteKey(u32ClientID, argv[0], pszValue);
if (!RT_SUCCESS(rc))
VBoxControlError("Failed to store the property value, error %Rrc\n", rc);
if (u32ClientID != 0)
return RT_SUCCESS(rc) ? 0 : 1;
/** command handler type */
typedef DECLCALLBACK(int) FNHANDLER(int argc, char *argv[]);
/** The table of all registered command handlers. */
const char *command;
} g_commandHandlers[] =
{ "getguestproperty", getGuestProperty },
{ "setguestproperty", setGuestProperty }
/** Main function */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
/** The application's global return code */
int rc = 0;
/** An IPRT return code for local use */
int rrc = VINF_SUCCESS;
/** The index of the command line argument we are currently processing */
int iArg = 1;
/** Should we show the logo text? */
bool showlogo = true;
/** Should we print the usage after the logo? For the --help switch. */
bool dohelp = false;
/** Will we be executing a command or just printing information? */
bool onlyinfo = false;
* Start by handling command line switches
/** Are we finished with handling switches? */
bool done = false;
while (!done && (iArg < argc))
if ( (0 == strcmp(argv[iArg], "-v"))
|| (0 == strcmp(argv[iArg], "--version"))
/* Print version number, and do nothing else. */
RTPrintf("%sr%d\n", VBOX_VERSION_STRING, VBoxSVNRev ());
onlyinfo = true;
showlogo = false;
done = true;
else if (0 == strcmp(argv[iArg], "--nologo"))
showlogo = false;
else if (0 == strcmp(argv[iArg], "--help"))
onlyinfo = true;
dohelp = true;
done = true;
/* We have found an argument which isn't a switch. Exit to the
* command processing bit. */
done = true;
if (!done)
* Find the application name, show our logo if the user hasn't suppressed it,
* and show the usage if the user asked us to
g_pszProgName = RTPathFilename(argv[0]);
if (showlogo)
RTPrintf("VirtualBox Guest Additions Command Line Management Interface Version "
"(C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.\n"
"All rights reserved\n\n");
if (dohelp)
* Do global initialisation for the programme if we will be handling a command
if (!onlyinfo)
rrc = RTR3Init(false, 0);
if (!RT_SUCCESS(rrc))
VBoxControlError("Failed to initialise the VirtualBox runtime - error %Rrc\n", rrc);
rc = 1;
if (0 == rc)
if (!RT_SUCCESS(VbglR3Init()))
VBoxControlError("Could not contact the host system. Make sure that you are running this\n"
"application inside a VirtualBox guest system, and that you have sufficient\n"
"user permissions.\n");
rc = 1;
* Now look for an actual command in the argument list and handle it.
if (!onlyinfo && (0 == rc))
if (argc > iArg)
/** Is next parameter a known command? */
bool found = false;
/** And if so, what is its position in the table? */
unsigned index = 0;
while (index < RT_ELEMENTS(g_commandHandlers) && !found)
if (0 == strcmp(argv[iArg], g_commandHandlers[index].command))
found = true;
if (found)
rc = g_commandHandlers[index].handler(argc - iArg - 1, argv + iArg + 1);
rc = 1;
/* The user didn't specify a command. */
rc = 1;
* And exit, returning the status
return rc;