Makefile.kmk revision 854828fe0d03ab5103746c90bab894cfe939f8f6
# $Id$
## @file
# Sub-Makefile for the Windows NT++ Guest Additions.
# Copyright (C) 2006 InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH
# This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
# available from This file is free software;
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the VirtualBox OSE
# distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the hope that it will
# be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
# If you received this file as part of a commercial VirtualBox
# distribution, then only the terms of your commercial VirtualBox
# license agreement apply instead of the previous paragraph.
DEPTH ?= ../../../..
include $(PATH_KBUILD)/subheader.kmk
# Include Sub-Makefiles.
include $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/Graphics/Makefile.kmk
include $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/i8042prt/Makefile.kmk
include $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/MouseFilter/Makefile.kmk
include $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/VBoxGuest/Makefile.kmk
include $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/VBoxService/Makefile.kmk
include $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/VBoxGINA/Makefile.kmk
include $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/VBoxControl/Makefile.kmk
include $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/SharedFolders/Makefile.kmk
ifneq ($(wildcard $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/Installer),)
include $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/Installer/Makefile.kmk
# Inf2Cat requires all the files referenced in the .inf file
# to be present in the directory, so we have to do this from here.
INSTALLS += VBoxGuest-inf
VBoxGuest-inf_MODE = a+r,u+w
#ifndef VBOX_SIGNING_MODE - I'm not going to mess with that install nor break any .inf-files.
VBoxGuest-inf_SOURCES = VBoxGuest/VBoxGuest.inf
#VBoxGuest-inf_SOURCES = \
# $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxGuestCat.dir/VBoxGuest.inf \
# $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxGuestCat.dir/
#VBoxGuest-inf_CLEAN += \
# $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxGuestCat.dir/ \
# $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxGuestCat.dir/VBoxGuest.sys \
# $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxGuestCat.dir/VBoxControl.exe \
# $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxGuestCat.dir/VBoxService.exe \
# $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxGuestCat.dir/VBCoInst.dll \
# $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxGuestCat.dir/VBoxGuest.inf
#VBoxGuest-inf_BLDDIRS = $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxGuestCat.dir
#$(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxGuestCat.dir/VBoxGuest.inf: $(PATH_SUB_CURRENT)/VBoxGuest/VBoxGuest.inf $(MAKEFILE_CURRENT) | $$(call DIRDEP,$$(@D))
# $(call MSG_GENERATE,VBoxGuest-inf,$@,$<)
# $(QUIET2)$(RM) -f $@
# $(QUIET)$(SED) -e 's/^\;cat *//' $< > $@
#$(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxGuestCat.dir/ $(PATH_TARGET)/VBoxGuestCat.dir/VBoxGuest.inf \
# $$(TARGET_VBoxGuest) \
# $$(TARGET_VBoxControl) \
# $$(TARGET_VBoxService) \
# $$(TARGET_VBCoInst)
# $(call MSG_TOOL,Inf2Cat,VBoxGuest-inf,$@,$<)
# $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(TARGET_VBoxGuest) $(@D)
# $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(TARGET_VBoxControl) $(@D)
# $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(TARGET_VBoxService) $(@D)
# $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(TARGET_VBCoInst) $(@D)
# $(call VBOX_MAKE_CAT32_FN, $(@D),$@)
#endif # signing
include $(PATH_KBUILD)/subfooter.kmk