VBoxMPShgsmi.h revision e6ad2e18e663b076aeabfec994947514566a7acc
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* VBox WDDM Miniport driver
* Copyright (C) 2011 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
#ifndef ___VBoxMPShgsmi_h___
#define ___VBoxMPShgsmi_h___
#include <iprt/cdefs.h>
#include <VBox/VBoxVideo.h>
#include "../../common/VBoxVideoTools.h"
typedef DECLCALLBACK(void) FNVBOXSHGSMICMDCOMPLETION(struct _HGSMIHEAP * pHeap, void *pvCmd, void *pvContext);
typedef DECLCALLBACK(void) FNVBOXSHGSMICMDCOMPLETION_IRQ(struct _HGSMIHEAP * pHeap, void *pvCmd, void *pvContext,
PFNVBOXSHGSMICMDCOMPLETION *ppfnCompletion, void **ppvCompletion);
const VBOXSHGSMIHEADER* VBoxSHGSMICommandPrepAsynchEvent(struct _HGSMIHEAP * pHeap, PVOID pvBuff, RTSEMEVENT hEventSem);
const VBOXSHGSMIHEADER* VBoxSHGSMICommandPrepSynch(struct _HGSMIHEAP * pHeap, PVOID pCmd);
const VBOXSHGSMIHEADER* VBoxSHGSMICommandPrepAsynch(struct _HGSMIHEAP * pHeap, PVOID pvBuff, PFNVBOXSHGSMICMDCOMPLETION pfnCompletion, PVOID pvCompletion, uint32_t fFlags);
const VBOXSHGSMIHEADER* VBoxSHGSMICommandPrepAsynchIrq(struct _HGSMIHEAP * pHeap, PVOID pvBuff, PFNVBOXSHGSMICMDCOMPLETION_IRQ pfnCompletion, PVOID pvCompletion, uint32_t fFlags);
void VBoxSHGSMICommandDoneAsynch(struct _HGSMIHEAP * pHeap, const VBOXSHGSMIHEADER* pHeader);
int VBoxSHGSMICommandDoneSynch(struct _HGSMIHEAP * pHeap, const VBOXSHGSMIHEADER* pHeader);
void VBoxSHGSMICommandCancelAsynch(struct _HGSMIHEAP * pHeap, const VBOXSHGSMIHEADER* pHeader);
void VBoxSHGSMICommandCancelSynch(struct _HGSMIHEAP * pHeap, const VBOXSHGSMIHEADER* pHeader);
return HGSMIHeapBufferOffset(pHeap, (void*)pHeader);
void* VBoxSHGSMICommandAlloc(struct _HGSMIHEAP * pHeap, HGSMISIZE cbData, uint8_t u8Channel, uint16_t u16ChannelInfo);
void VBoxSHGSMICommandFree(struct _HGSMIHEAP * pHeap, void *pvBuffer);
int VBoxSHGSMICommandProcessCompletion(struct _HGSMIHEAP * pHeap, VBOXSHGSMIHEADER* pCmd, bool bIrq, PVBOXVTLIST pPostProcessList);
int VBoxSHGSMICommandPostprocessCompletion(struct _HGSMIHEAP * pHeap, PVBOXVTLIST pPostProcessList);
#endif /* #ifndef ___VBoxMPShgsmi_h___ */