mp.h revision ad27e1d5e48ca41245120c331cc88b50464813ce
/** @file
* IPRT - Multiprocessor.
* Copyright (C) 2008 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
#ifndef ___iprt_mp_h
#define ___iprt_mp_h
#include <iprt/cdefs.h>
#include <iprt/types.h>
/** @defgroup grp_rt_mp RTMp - Multiprocessor
* @ingroup grp_rt
* @{
* Gets the identifier of the CPU executing the call.
* When called from a system mode where scheduling is active, like ring-3 or
* kernel mode with interrupts enabled on some systems, no assumptions should
* be made about the current CPU when the call returns.
* @returns CPU Id.
* Converts a CPU identifier to a CPU set index.
* This may or may not validate the presence of the CPU.
* @returns The CPU set index on success, -1 on failure.
* @param idCpu The identifier of the CPU.
RTDECL(int) RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex(RTCPUID idCpu);
* Converts a CPU set index to a a CPU identifier.
* This may or may not validate the presence of the CPU, so, use
* RTMpIsCpuPossible for that.
* @returns The corresponding CPU identifier, NIL_RTCPUID on failure.
* @param iCpu The CPU set index.
RTDECL(RTCPUID) RTMpCpuIdFromSetIndex(int iCpu);
* Gets the max CPU identifier (inclusive).
* Intended for brute force enumerations, but use with
* care as it may be expensive.
* @returns The current higest CPU identifier value.
* Gets the size of a CPU array that is indexed by CPU set index.
* This takes both online, offline and hot-plugged cpus into account.
* @returns Number of elements.
* @remarks Use RTMpCpuIdToSetIndex to convert a RTCPUID into an array index.
RTDECL(uint32_t) RTMpGetArraySize(void);
* Checks if a CPU exists in the system or may possibly be hotplugged later.
* @returns true/false accordingly.
* @param idCpu The identifier of the CPU.
RTDECL(bool) RTMpIsCpuPossible(RTCPUID idCpu);
* Gets set of the CPUs present in the system plus any that may
* possibly be hotplugged later.
* @returns pSet.
* @param pSet Where to put the set.
* Get the count of CPUs present in the system plus any that may
* possibly be hotplugged later.
* @returns The count.
* @remarks Don't use this for CPU array sizing, use RTMpGetArraySize instead.
* Gets set of the CPUs present that are currently online.
* @returns pSet.
* @param pSet Where to put the set.
* Get the count of CPUs that are currently online.
* @return The count.
RTDECL(RTCPUID) RTMpGetOnlineCount(void);
* Checks if a CPU is online or not.
* @returns true/false accordingly.
* @param idCpu The identifier of the CPU.
RTDECL(bool) RTMpIsCpuOnline(RTCPUID idCpu);
* Gets set of the CPUs present in the system.
* @returns pSet.
* @param pSet Where to put the set.
* Get the count of CPUs that are present in the system.
* @return The count.
RTDECL(RTCPUID) RTMpGetPresentCount(void);
* Checks if a CPU is present in the system.
* @returns true/false accordingly.
* @param idCpu The identifier of the CPU.
RTDECL(bool) RTMpIsCpuPresent(RTCPUID idCpu);
* Get the current frequency of a CPU.
* The CPU must be online.
* @returns The frequency as MHz. 0 if the CPU is offline
* or the information is not available.
* @param idCpu The identifier of the CPU.
RTDECL(uint32_t) RTMpGetCurFrequency(RTCPUID idCpu);
* Get the maximum frequency of a CPU.
* The CPU must be online.
* @returns The frequency as MHz. 0 if the CPU is offline
* or the information is not available.
* @param idCpu The identifier of the CPU.
RTDECL(uint32_t) RTMpGetMaxFrequency(RTCPUID idCpu);
* Get the CPU description string.
* The CPU must be online.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @param idCpu The identifier of the CPU.
* @param pszBuf The output buffer.
* @param cbBuf The size of the output buffer.
RTDECL(int) RTMpGetDescription(RTCPUID idCpu, char *pszBuf, size_t cbBuf);
#ifdef IN_RING0
* Check if there's work (DPCs on Windows) pending on the current CPU.
* @return true if there's pending work on the current CPU, false otherwise.
RTDECL(bool) RTMpIsCpuWorkPending(void);
* Worker function passed to RTMpOnAll, RTMpOnOthers and RTMpOnSpecific that
* is to be called on the target cpus.
* @param idCpu The identifier for the CPU the function is called on.
* @param pvUser1 The 1st user argument.
* @param pvUser2 The 2nd user argument.
typedef DECLCALLBACK(void) FNRTMPWORKER(RTCPUID idCpu, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2);
/** Pointer to a FNRTMPWORKER. */
* Executes a function on each (online) CPU in the system.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if this kind of operation isn't supported by the system.
* @param pfnWorker The worker function.
* @param pvUser1 The first user argument for the worker.
* @param pvUser2 The second user argument for the worker.
* @remarks The execution isn't in any way guaranteed to be simultaneous,
* it might even be serial (cpu by cpu).
RTDECL(int) RTMpOnAll(PFNRTMPWORKER pfnWorker, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2);
* Executes a function on a all other (online) CPUs in the system.
* The caller must disable preemption prior to calling this API if the outcome
* is to make any sense. But do *not* disable interrupts.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if this kind of operation isn't supported by the system.
* @param pfnWorker The worker function.
* @param pvUser1 The first user argument for the worker.
* @param pvUser2 The second user argument for the worker.
* @remarks The execution isn't in any way guaranteed to be simultaneous,
* it might even be serial (cpu by cpu).
RTDECL(int) RTMpOnOthers(PFNRTMPWORKER pfnWorker, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2);
* Executes a function on a specific CPU in the system.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if this kind of operation isn't supported by the system.
* @retval VERR_CPU_OFFLINE if the CPU is offline.
* @retval VERR_CPU_NOT_FOUND if the CPU wasn't found.
* @param idCpu The id of the CPU.
* @param pfnWorker The worker function.
* @param pvUser1 The first user argument for the worker.
* @param pvUser2 The second user argument for the worker.
RTDECL(int) RTMpOnSpecific(RTCPUID idCpu, PFNRTMPWORKER pfnWorker, void *pvUser1, void *pvUser2);
* Pokes the specified CPU.
* This should cause the execution on the CPU to be interrupted and forcing it
* to enter kernel context. It is optimized version of a RTMpOnSpecific call
* with a worker which returns immediately.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @retval VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if this kind of operation isn't supported by the
* system. The caller must not automatically assume that this API works
* when any of the RTMpOn* APIs works. This is because not all systems
* supports unicast MP events and this API will not be implemented as a
* broadcast.
* @retval VERR_CPU_OFFLINE if the CPU is offline.
* @retval VERR_CPU_NOT_FOUND if the CPU wasn't found.
* @param idCpu The id of the CPU to poke.
RTDECL(int) RTMpPokeCpu(RTCPUID idCpu);
typedef enum RTMPEVENT
/** The CPU goes online. */
/** The CPU goes offline. */
* Notification callback.
* The context this is called in differs a bit from platform to
* platform, so be careful while in here.
* @param idCpu The CPU this applies to.
* @param enmEvent The event.
* @param pvUser The user argument.
/** Pointer to a FNRTMPNOTIFICATION(). */
* Registers a notification callback for cpu events.
* On platforms which doesn't do cpu offline/online events this API
* will just be a no-op that pretends to work.
* @todo We'll be adding a flag to this soon to indicate whether the callback should be called on all
* CPUs that are currently online while it's being registered. This is to help avoid some race
* conditions (we'll hopefully be able to implement this on linux, solaris/win is no issue).
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_NO_MEMORY if a registration record cannot be allocated.
* @retval VERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if the pfnCallback and pvUser already exist
* in the callback list.
* @param pfnCallback The callback.
* @param pvUser The user argument to the callback function.
RTDECL(int) RTMpNotificationRegister(PFNRTMPNOTIFICATION pfnCallback, void *pvUser);
* This deregisters a notification callback registered via RTMpNotificationRegister().
* The pfnCallback and pvUser arguments must be identical to the registration call
* of we won't find the right entry.
* @returns IPRT status code.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_NOT_FOUND if no matching entry was found.
* @param pfnCallback The callback.
* @param pvUser The user argument to the callback function.
RTDECL(int) RTMpNotificationDeregister(PFNRTMPNOTIFICATION pfnCallback, void *pvUser);
#endif /* IN_RING0 */
/** @} */