lockvalidator.h revision 0fcf82b2591711fa8980e8f5d9cad1b8f222d6d7
/** @file
* IPRT - Lock Validator.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
* Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit http://www.sun.com if you need
* additional information or have any questions.
#ifndef ___iprt_lockvalidator_h
#define ___iprt_lockvalidator_h
#include <iprt/cdefs.h>
#include <iprt/types.h>
#include <iprt/assert.h>
#include <iprt/thread.h>
/** @defgroup grp_ldr RTLockValidator - Lock Validator
* @ingroup grp_rt
* @{
/** Pointer to a record union.
* @internal */
* Source position.
typedef struct RTLOCKVALSRCPOS
/** The file where the lock was taken. */
R3R0PTRTYPE(const char * volatile) pszFile;
/** The function where the lock was taken. */
R3R0PTRTYPE(const char * volatile) pszFunction;
/** Some ID indicating where the lock was taken, typically an address. */
RTHCUINTPTR volatile uId;
/** The line number in the file. */
uint32_t volatile uLine;
#if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64
uint32_t u32Padding; /**< Alignment padding. */
AssertCompileSize(RTLOCKVALSRCPOS, HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 ? 16 : 32);
/* The pointer types are defined in iprt/types.h. */
* Initializer for a RTLOCKVALSRCPOS variable.
* @param pszFile The file name. Optional (NULL).
* @param uLine The line number in that file. Optional (0).
* @param pszFunction The function. Optional (NULL).
* @param uId Some location ID, normally the return address.
* Optional (NULL).
#if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64
# define RTLOCKVALSRCPOS_INIT(pszFile, uLine, pszFunction, uId) \
{ (pszFile), (pszFunction), (uId), (uLine), 0 }
# define RTLOCKVALSRCPOS_INIT(pszFile, uLine, pszFunction, uId) \
{ (pszFile), (pszFunction), (uId), (uLine) }
* Initializer for a RTLOCKVALSRCPOS variable in a typicial debug API
* variant. Assumes RT_SRC_POS_DECL and RTHCUINTPTR uId as arguments.
RTLOCKVALSRCPOS_INIT(pszFile, iLine, pszFunction, uId)
* Initializer for a RTLOCKVALSRCPOS variable in a normal API
* variant. Assumes iprt/asm.h is included.
RTLOCKVALSRCPOS_INIT(__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, (uintptr_t)ASMReturnAddress())
/** Pointer to a record of one ownership share. */
* Lock validator record core.
typedef struct RTLOCKVALRECORE
/** The magic value indicating the record type. */
uint32_t volatile u32Magic;
/** Pointer to a lock validator record core. */
/** Pointer to a const lock validator record core. */
* Record recording the exclusive ownership of a lock.
* This is typically part of the per-lock data structure when compiling with
* the lock validator.
/** Record core with RTLOCKVALRECEXCL_MAGIC as the magic value. */
/** Whether it's enabled or not. */
bool fEnabled;
/** Reserved. */
bool afReserved[3];
/** Source position where the lock was taken. */
/** The current owner thread. */
RTTHREAD volatile hThread;
/** Pointer to the lock record below us. Only accessed by the owner. */
/** Recursion count */
uint32_t cRecursion;
/** The lock sub-class. */
uint32_t volatile uSubClass;
/** The lock class. */
/** Pointer to the lock. */
/** The lock name. */
R3R0PTRTYPE(const char *) pszName;
/** Pointer to the next sibling record.
* This is used to find the read side of a read-write lock. */
AssertCompileSize(RTLOCKVALRECEXCL, HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 ? 8 + 16 + 32 : 8 + 32 + 56);
/* The pointer type is defined in iprt/types.h. */
* For recording the one ownership share.
/** Record core with RTLOCKVALRECSHRDOWN_MAGIC as the magic value. */
/** Recursion count */
uint16_t cRecursion;
/** Static (true) or dynamic (false) allocated record. */
bool fStaticAlloc;
/** Reserved. */
bool fReserved;
/** The current owner thread. */
RTTHREAD volatile hThread;
/** Pointer to the lock record below us. Only accessed by the owner. */
/** Pointer back to the shared record. */
#if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32
/** Reserved. */
RTHCPTR pvReserved;
/** Source position where the lock was taken. */
AssertCompileSize(RTLOCKVALRECSHRDOWN, HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 ? 24 + 16 : 32 + 32);
/** Pointer to a RTLOCKVALRECSHRDOWN. */
* Record recording the shared ownership of a lock.
* This is typically part of the per-lock data structure when compiling with
* the lock validator.
/** Record core with RTLOCKVALRECSHRD_MAGIC as the magic value. */
/** The lock sub-class. */
uint32_t volatile uSubClass;
/** The lock class. */
/** Pointer to the lock. */
/** The lock name. */
R3R0PTRTYPE(const char *) pszName;
/** Pointer to the next sibling record.
* This is used to find the write side of a read-write lock. */
/** The number of entries in the table.
* Updated before inserting and after removal. */
uint32_t volatile cEntries;
/** The index of the last entry (approximately). */
uint32_t volatile iLastEntry;
/** The max table size. */
uint32_t volatile cAllocated;
/** Set if the table is being reallocated, clear if not.
* This is used together with rtLockValidatorSerializeDetectionEnter to make
* sure there is exactly one thread doing the reallocation and that nobody is
* using the table at that point. */
bool volatile fReallocating;
/** Whether it's enabled or not. */
bool fEnabled;
/** Set if event semaphore signaller, clear if read-write semaphore. */
bool fSignaller;
/** Alignment padding. */
bool fPadding;
/** Pointer to a table containing pointers to records of all the owners. */
#if HC_ARCH_BITS == 32
/** Alignment padding. */
uint32_t u32Alignment;
AssertCompileSize(RTLOCKVALRECSHRD, HC_ARCH_BITS == 32 ? 24 + 20 + 4 : 40 + 24);
/** @name Special sub-class values.
* The range 16..UINT32_MAX is available to the user, the range 0..15 is
* reserved for the lock validator.
* @{ */
/** Not allowed to be taken with any other locks in the same class.
* This is the recommended value. */
/** Any order is allowed within the class. */
/** The first user value. */
/** @} */
* Makes the two records siblings.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success, VERR_SEM_LV_INVALID_PARAMETER if either of
* the records are invalid.
* @param pRec1 Record 1.
* @param pRec2 Record 2.
* Initialize a lock validator record.
* Use RTLockValidatorRecExclDelete to deinitialize it.
* @param pRec The record.
* @param hClass The class. If NIL, the no lock order
* validation will be performed on this lock.
* @param uSubClass The sub-class. This is used to define lock
* order inside the same class. If you don't know,
* @param pszName The lock name (optional).
* @param hLock The lock handle.
uint32_t uSubClass, const char *pszName, void *hLock);
* Uninitialize a lock validator record previously initialized by
* RTLockRecValidatorInit.
* @param pRec The record. Must be valid.
RTDECL(void) RTLockValidatorRecExclDelete(PRTLOCKVALRECEXCL pRec);
* Create and initialize a lock validator record.
* Use RTLockValidatorRecExclDestroy to deinitialize and destroy the returned
* record.
* @param ppRec Where to return the record pointer.
* @param hClass The class. If NIL, the no lock order
* validation will be performed on this lock.
* @param uSubClass The sub-class. This is used to define lock
* order inside the same class. If you don't know,
* @param pszName The lock name (optional).
* @param hLock The lock handle.
uint32_t uSubClass, const char *pszName, void *hLock);
* Deinitialize and destroy a record created by RTLockValidatorRecExclCreate.
* @param ppRec Pointer to the record pointer. Will be set to
RTDECL(void) RTLockValidatorRecExclDestroy(PRTLOCKVALRECEXCL *ppRec);
* Record the specified thread as lock owner and increment the write lock count.
* This function is typically called after acquiring the lock. It accounts for
* recursions so it can be used instead of RTLockValidatorRecExclRecursion. Use
* RTLockValidatorRecExclReleaseOwner to reverse the effect.
* @param pRec The validator record.
* @param hThreadSelf The handle of the calling thread. If not known,
* pass NIL_RTTHREAD and we'll figure it out.
* @param pSrcPos The source position of the lock operation.
* @param fFirstRecursion Set if it is the first recursion, clear if not
* sure.
RTDECL(void) RTLockValidatorRecExclSetOwner(PRTLOCKVALRECEXCL pRec, RTTHREAD hThreadSelf,
PCRTLOCKVALSRCPOS pSrcPos, bool fFirstRecursion);
* Check the exit order and release (unset) the ownership.
* This is called by routines implementing releasing an exclusive lock,
* typically before getting down to the final lock releaseing. Can be used for
* recursive releasing instead of RTLockValidatorRecExclUnwind.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_WRONG_RELEASE_ORDER if the order is wrong. Will have
* done all necessary whining and breakpointing before returning.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_INVALID_PARAMETER if the input is invalid.
* @param pRec The validator record.
* @param fFinalRecursion Set if it's the final recursion, clear if not
* sure.
RTDECL(int) RTLockValidatorRecExclReleaseOwner(PRTLOCKVALRECEXCL pRec, bool fFinalRecursion);
* Clear the lock ownership and decrement the write lock count.
* This is only for special cases where we wish to drop lock validation
* recording. See RTLockValidatorRecExclCheckAndRelease.
* @param pRec The validator record.
RTDECL(void) RTLockValidatorRecExclReleaseOwnerUnchecked(PRTLOCKVALRECEXCL pRec);
* Checks and records a lock recursion.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_NESTED if the semaphore class forbids recursion. Gone
* thru the motions.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_WRONG_ORDER if the locking order is wrong. Gone thru
* the motions.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_INVALID_PARAMETER if the input is invalid.
* @param pRec The validator record.
* @param pSrcPos The source position of the lock operation.
* Checks and records a lock unwind (releasing one recursion).
* This should be coupled with called to RTLockValidatorRecExclRecursion.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_WRONG_RELEASE_ORDER if the release order is wrong. Gone
* thru the motions.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_INVALID_PARAMETER if the input is invalid.
* @param pRec The validator record.
RTDECL(int) RTLockValidatorRecExclUnwind(PRTLOCKVALRECEXCL pRec);
* Checks and records a mixed recursion.
* An example of a mixed recursion is a writer requesting read access to a
* SemRW.
* This should be coupled with called to RTLockValidatorRecExclUnwindMixed.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_NESTED if the semaphore class forbids recursion. Gone
* thru the motions.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_WRONG_ORDER if the locking order is wrong. Gone thru
* the motions.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_INVALID_PARAMETER if the input is invalid.
* @param pRec The validator record it to accounted it to.
* @param pRecMixed The validator record it came in on.
* @param pSrcPos The source position of the lock operation.
* Checks and records the unwinding of a mixed recursion.
* This should be coupled with called to RTLockValidatorRecExclRecursionMixed.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_WRONG_RELEASE_ORDER if the release order is wrong. Gone
* thru the motions.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_INVALID_PARAMETER if the input is invalid.
* @param pRec The validator record it was accounted to.
* @param pRecMixed The validator record it came in on.
* Check the exclusive locking order.
* This is called by routines implementing exclusive lock acquisition.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_WRONG_ORDER if the order is wrong. Will have done all
* necessary whining and breakpointing before returning.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_INVALID_PARAMETER if the input is invalid.
* @param pRec The validator record.
* @param hThreadSelf The handle of the calling thread. If not known,
* pass NIL_RTTHREAD and we'll figure it out.
* @param pSrcPos The source position of the lock operation.
* Do deadlock detection before blocking on exclusive access to a lock and
* change the thread state.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS - thread is in the specified sleep state.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_DEADLOCK if blocking would deadlock. Gone thru the
* motions.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_NESTED if the semaphore isn't recursive and hThread is
* already the owner. Gone thru the motions.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_ILLEGAL_UPGRADE if it's a deadlock on the same lock.
* The caller must handle any legal upgrades without invoking this
* function (for now).
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_INVALID_PARAMETER if the input is invalid.
* @param pRec The validator record we're blocking on.
* @param hThreadSelf The current thread. Shall not be NIL_RTTHREAD!
* @param pSrcPos The source position of the lock operation.
* @param fRecursiveOk Whether it's ok to recurse.
* @param enmSleepState The sleep state to enter on successful return.
* @param fReallySleeping Is it really going to sleep now or not. Use
* false before calls to other IPRT synchronization
* methods.
RTDECL(int) RTLockValidatorRecExclCheckBlocking(PRTLOCKVALRECEXCL pRec, RTTHREAD hThreadSelf,
PCRTLOCKVALSRCPOS pSrcPos, bool fRecursiveOk,
RTTHREADSTATE enmSleepState, bool fReallySleeping);
* RTLockValidatorRecExclCheckOrder and RTLockValidatorRecExclCheckBlocking
* baked into one call.
* @returns Any of the statuses returned by the two APIs.
* @param pRec The validator record.
* @param hThreadSelf The current thread. Shall not be NIL_RTTHREAD!
* @param pSrcPos The source position of the lock operation.
* @param fRecursiveOk Whether it's ok to recurse.
* @param enmSleepState The sleep state to enter on successful return.
* @param fReallySleeping Is it really going to sleep now or not. Use
* false before calls to other IPRT synchronization
* methods.
RTDECL(int) RTLockValidatorRecExclCheckOrderAndBlocking(PRTLOCKVALRECEXCL pRec, RTTHREAD hThreadSelf,
PCRTLOCKVALSRCPOS pSrcPos, bool fRecursiveOk,
RTTHREADSTATE enmSleepState, bool fReallySleeping);
* Initialize a lock validator record for a shared lock.
* Use RTLockValidatorRecSharedDelete to deinitialize it.
* @param pRec The shared lock record.
* @param hClass The class. If NIL, the no lock order
* validation will be performed on this lock.
* @param uSubClass The sub-class. This is used to define lock
* order inside the same class. If you don't know,
* @param pszName The lock name (optional).
* @param hLock The lock handle.
* @param fSignaller Set if event semaphore signaller logic should be
* applied to this record, clear if read-write
* semaphore logic should be used.
RTDECL(void) RTLockValidatorRecSharedInit(PRTLOCKVALRECSHRD pRec, RTLOCKVALIDATORCLASS hClass, uint32_t uSubClass,
const char *pszName, void *hLock, bool fSignaller);
* Uninitialize a lock validator record previously initialized by
* RTLockValidatorRecSharedInit.
* @param pRec The shared lock record. Must be valid.
RTDECL(void) RTLockValidatorRecSharedDelete(PRTLOCKVALRECSHRD pRec);
* Check the shared locking order.
* This is called by routines implementing shared lock acquisition.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_WRONG_ORDER if the order is wrong. Will have done all
* necessary whining and breakpointing before returning.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_INVALID_PARAMETER if the input is invalid.
* @param pRec The validator record.
* @param hThreadSelf The handle of the calling thread. If not known,
* pass NIL_RTTHREAD and we'll figure it out.
* @param pSrcPos The source position of the lock operation.
* Do deadlock detection before blocking on shared access to a lock and change
* the thread state.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS - thread is in the specified sleep state.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_DEADLOCK if blocking would deadlock. Gone thru the
* motions.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_NESTED if the semaphore isn't recursive and hThread is
* already the owner. Gone thru the motions.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_ILLEGAL_UPGRADE if it's a deadlock on the same lock.
* The caller must handle any legal upgrades without invoking this
* function (for now).
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_INVALID_PARAMETER if the input is invalid.
* @param pRec The validator record we're blocking on.
* @param hThreadSelf The current thread. Shall not be NIL_RTTHREAD!
* @param pSrcPos The source position of the lock operation.
* @param fRecursiveOk Whether it's ok to recurse.
* @param enmSleepState The sleep state to enter on successful return.
* @param fReallySleeping Is it really going to sleep now or not. Use
* false before calls to other IPRT synchronization
* methods.
RTDECL(int) RTLockValidatorRecSharedCheckBlocking(PRTLOCKVALRECSHRD pRec, RTTHREAD hThreadSelf,
PCRTLOCKVALSRCPOS pSrcPos, bool fRecursiveOk,
RTTHREADSTATE enmSleepState, bool fReallySleeping);
* RTLockValidatorRecSharedCheckOrder and RTLockValidatorRecSharedCheckBlocking
* baked into one call.
* @returns Any of the statuses returned by the two APIs.
* @param pRec The validator record.
* @param hThreadSelf The current thread. Shall not be NIL_RTTHREAD!
* @param pSrcPos The source position of the lock operation.
* @param fRecursiveOk Whether it's ok to recurse.
* @param enmSleepState The sleep state to enter on successful return.
* @param fReallySleeping Is it really going to sleep now or not. Use
* false before calls to other IPRT synchronization
* methods.
RTDECL(int) RTLockValidatorRecSharedCheckOrderAndBlocking(PRTLOCKVALRECSHRD pRec, RTTHREAD hThreadSelf,
PCRTLOCKVALSRCPOS pSrcPos, bool fRecursiveOk,
RTTHREADSTATE enmSleepState, bool fReallySleeping);
* Removes all current owners and makes hThread the only owner.
* @param pRead The validator record.
* @param hThread The thread handle of the owner. NIL_RTTHREAD is
* an alias for the current thread.
* @param pSrcPos The source position of the lock operation.
* Adds an owner to a shared locking record.
* Takes recursion into account. This function is typically called after
* acquiring the lock in shared mode.
* @param pRead The validator record.
* @param hThread The thread handle of the owner. NIL_RTTHREAD is
* an alias for the current thread.
* @param pSrcPos The source position of the lock operation.
* Removes an owner from a shared locking record.
* Takes recursion into account. This function is typically called before
* releaseing the lock.
* @param pRec The validator record.
* @param hThread The thread handle of the owner. NIL_RTTHREAD is
* an alias for the current thread.
RTDECL(void) RTLockValidatorRecSharedRemoveOwner(PRTLOCKVALRECSHRD pRec, RTTHREAD hThread);
* Check the exit order and release (unset) the shared ownership.
* This is called by routines implementing releasing the read/write lock.
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_WRONG_RELEASE_ORDER if the order is wrong. Will have
* done all necessary whining and breakpointing before returning.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_INVALID_PARAMETER if the input is invalid.
* @param pRec The validator record.
* @param hThreadSelf The handle of the calling thread. NIL_RTTHREAD
* is an alias for the current thread.
RTDECL(int) RTLockValidatorRecSharedCheckAndRelease(PRTLOCKVALRECSHRD pRec, RTTHREAD hThreadSelf);
* Check the signaller of an event.
* This is called by routines implementing releasing the event sempahore (both
* kinds).
* @retval VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_NOT_SIGNALLER if the thread is not in the record. Will
* have done all necessary whining and breakpointing before returning.
* @retval VERR_SEM_LV_INVALID_PARAMETER if the input is invalid.
* @param pRec The validator record.
* @param hThreadSelf The handle of the calling thread. NIL_RTTHREAD
* is an alias for the current thread.
RTDECL(int) RTLockValidatorRecSharedCheckSignaller(PRTLOCKVALRECSHRD pRec, RTTHREAD hThreadSelf);
* Gets the number of write locks and critical sections the specified
* thread owns.
* This number does not include any nested lock/critect entries.
* Note that it probably will return 0 for non-strict builds since
* release builds doesn't do unnecessary diagnostic counting like this.
* @returns Number of locks on success (0+) and VERR_INVALID_HANDLER on failure
* @param Thread The thread we're inquiring about.
* @remarks Will only work for strict builds.
RTDECL(int32_t) RTLockValidatorWriteLockGetCount(RTTHREAD Thread);
* Works the THREADINT::cWriteLocks member, mostly internal.
* @param Thread The current thread.
RTDECL(void) RTLockValidatorWriteLockInc(RTTHREAD Thread);
* Works the THREADINT::cWriteLocks member, mostly internal.
* @param Thread The current thread.
RTDECL(void) RTLockValidatorWriteLockDec(RTTHREAD Thread);
* Gets the number of read locks the specified thread owns.
* Note that nesting read lock entry will be included in the
* total sum. And that it probably will return 0 for non-strict
* builds since release builds doesn't do unnecessary diagnostic
* counting like this.
* @returns Number of read locks on success (0+) and VERR_INVALID_HANDLER on failure
* @param Thread The thread we're inquiring about.
RTDECL(int32_t) RTLockValidatorReadLockGetCount(RTTHREAD Thread);
* Works the THREADINT::cReadLocks member.
* @param Thread The current thread.
RTDECL(void) RTLockValidatorReadLockInc(RTTHREAD Thread);
* Works the THREADINT::cReadLocks member.
* @param Thread The current thread.
RTDECL(void) RTLockValidatorReadLockDec(RTTHREAD Thread);
* Query which lock the specified thread is waiting on.
* @returns The lock handle value or NULL.
* @param hThread The thread in question.
RTDECL(void *) RTLockValidatorQueryBlocking(RTTHREAD hThread);
* Checks if the thread is running in the lock validator after it has entered a
* block state.
* @returns true if it is, false if it isn't.
* @param hThread The thread in question.
RTDECL(bool) RTLockValidatorIsBlockedThreadInValidator(RTTHREAD hThread);
/*RTDECL(int) RTLockValidatorClassCreate();*/
* Enables / disables the lock validator for new locks.
* @returns The old setting.
* @param fEnabled The new setting.
RTDECL(bool) RTLockValidatorSetEnabled(bool fEnabled);
* Is the lock validator enabled?
* @returns True if enabled, false if not.
RTDECL(bool) RTLockValidatorIsEnabled(void);
* Controls whether the lock validator should be quiet or noisy (default).
* @returns The old setting.
* @param fQuiet The new setting.
RTDECL(bool) RTLockValidatorSetQuiet(bool fQuiet);
* Is the lock validator quiet or noisy?
* @returns True if it is quiet, false if noisy.
RTDECL(bool) RTLockValidatorAreQuiet(void);
* Makes the lock validator panic (default) or not.
* @returns The old setting.
* @param fPanic The new setting.
RTDECL(bool) RTLockValidatorSetMayPanic(bool fPanic);
* Can the lock validator cause panic.
* @returns True if it can, false if not.
RTDECL(bool) RTLockValidatorMayPanic(void);
/** @} */