critsect.h revision 3857503560316b1952243b559dec05f87c561404
/** @file
* IPRT - Critical Sections.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
* Clara, CA 95054 USA or visit if you need
* additional information or have any questions.
#ifndef ___iprt_critsect_h
#define ___iprt_critsect_h
#include <iprt/cdefs.h>
#include <iprt/types.h>
#ifdef IN_RING3
#include <iprt/thread.h>
/** @defgroup grp_rt_critsect RTCritSect - Critical Sections
* @ingroup grp_rt
* @{
* Critical section.
typedef struct RTCRITSECT
/** Magic used to validate the section state.
* RTCRITSECT_MAGIC is the value of an initialized & operational section. */
volatile uint32_t u32Magic;
/** Number of lockers.
* -1 if the section is free. */
volatile int32_t cLockers;
/** The owner thread. */
volatile RTNATIVETHREAD NativeThreadOwner;
/** Number of nested enter operations performed.
* Greater or equal to 1 if owned, 0 when free.
volatile int32_t cNestings;
/** Section flags - the RTCRITSECT_FLAGS_* \#defines. */
uint32_t fFlags;
/** The semaphore to wait for. */
/** Data only used in strict mode for detecting and debugging deadlocks. */
/** Strict: The current owner thread. */
RTTHREAD volatile ThreadOwner;
/** Strict: Where the section was entered. */
R3PTRTYPE(const char * volatile) pszEnterFile;
/** Strict: Where the section was entered. */
uint32_t volatile u32EnterLine;
#if HC_ARCH_BITS == 64 || GC_ARCH_BITS == 64
/** Padding for correct alignment. */
uint32_t u32Padding;
/** Strict: Where the section was entered. */
RTUINTPTR volatile uEnterId;
} Strict;
/** Pointer to a critical section. */
/** Pointer to a const critical section. */
/** RTCRITSECT::u32Magic value. */
#define RTCRITSECT_MAGIC 0x778899aa
/** If set, nesting(/recursion) is not allowed. */
#ifdef IN_RING3
* Initialize a critical section.
RTDECL(int) RTCritSectInit(PRTCRITSECT pCritSect);
* Initialize a critical section.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param pCritSect Pointer to the critical section structure.
* @param fFlags Flags, any combination of the RTCRITSECT_FLAGS \#defines.
RTDECL(int) RTCritSectInitEx(PRTCRITSECT pCritSect, uint32_t fFlags);
* Enter a critical section.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @returns VERR_SEM_NESTED if nested enter on a no nesting section. (Asserted.)
* @returns VERR_SEM_DESTROYED if RTCritSectDelete was called while waiting.
* @param pCritSect The critical section.
RTDECL(int) RTCritSectEnter(PRTCRITSECT pCritSect);
* Enter a critical section.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @returns VERR_SEM_NESTED if nested enter on a no nesting section. (Asserted.)
* @returns VERR_SEM_DESTROYED if RTCritSectDelete was called while waiting.
* @param pCritSect The critical section.
* @param pszFile Where we're entering the section.
* @param uLine Where we're entering the section.
* @param uId Where we're entering the section.
RTDECL(int) RTCritSectEnterDebug(PRTCRITSECT pCritSect, const char *pszFile, unsigned uLine, RTUINTPTR uId);
/* in debug mode we'll redefine the enter call. */
#ifdef RT_STRICT
# define RTCritSectEnter(pCritSect) RTCritSectEnterDebug(pCritSect, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0)
* Try enter a critical section.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @returns VERR_SEM_BUSY if the critsect was owned.
* @returns VERR_SEM_NESTED if nested enter on a no nesting section. (Asserted.)
* @returns VERR_SEM_DESTROYED if RTCritSectDelete was called while waiting.
* @param pCritSect The critical section.
RTDECL(int) RTCritSectTryEnter(PRTCRITSECT pCritSect);
* Try enter a critical section.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @returns VERR_SEM_BUSY if the critsect was owned.
* @returns VERR_SEM_NESTED if nested enter on a no nesting section. (Asserted.)
* @returns VERR_SEM_DESTROYED if RTCritSectDelete was called while waiting.
* @param pCritSect The critical section.
* @param pszFile Where we're entering the section.
* @param uLine Where we're entering the section.
* @param uId Where we're entering the section.
RTDECL(int) RTCritSectTryEnterDebug(PRTCRITSECT pCritSect, const char *pszFile, unsigned uLine, RTUINTPTR uId);
/* in debug mode we'll redefine the try-enter call. */
#ifdef RT_STRICT
# define RTCritSectTryEnter(pCritSect) RTCritSectTryEnterDebug(pCritSect, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0)
* Enter multiple critical sections.
* This function will enter ALL the specified critical sections before returning.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @returns VERR_SEM_NESTED if nested enter on a no nesting section. (Asserted.)
* @returns VERR_SEM_DESTROYED if RTCritSectDelete was called while waiting.
* @param cCritSects Number of critical sections in the array.
* @param papCritSects Array of critical section pointers.
* @remark Please note that this function will not necessarily come out favourable in a
* fight with other threads which are using the normal RTCritSectEnter() function.
* Therefore, avoid having to enter multiple critical sections!
RTDECL(int) RTCritSectEnterMultiple(unsigned cCritSects, PRTCRITSECT *papCritSects);
* Enter multiple critical sections.
* This function will enter ALL the specified critical sections before returning.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS on success.
* @returns VERR_SEM_NESTED if nested enter on a no nesting section. (Asserted.)
* @returns VERR_SEM_DESTROYED if RTCritSectDelete was called while waiting.
* @param cCritSects Number of critical sections in the array.
* @param papCritSects Array of critical section pointers.
* @param pszFile Where we're entering the section.
* @param uLine Where we're entering the section.
* @param uId Where we're entering the section.
* @remark See RTCritSectEnterMultiple().
RTDECL(int) RTCritSectEnterMultipleDebug(unsigned cCritSects, PRTCRITSECT *papCritSects, const char *pszFile, unsigned uLine, RTUINTPTR uId);
/* in debug mode we'll redefine the enter-multiple call. */
#ifdef RT_STRICT
# define RTCritSectEnterMultiple(cCritSects, pCritSect) RTCritSectEnterMultipleDebug((cCritSects), (pCritSect), __FILE__, __LINE__, 0)
* Leave a critical section.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS.
* @param pCritSect The critical section.
RTDECL(int) RTCritSectLeave(PRTCRITSECT pCritSect);
* Leave multiple critical sections.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS.
* @param cCritSects Number of critical sections in the array.
* @param papCritSects Array of critical section pointers.
RTDECL(int) RTCritSectLeaveMultiple(unsigned cCritSects, PRTCRITSECT *papCritSects);
* Deletes a critical section.
* @returns VINF_SUCCESS.
* @param pCritSect The critical section.
RTDECL(int) RTCritSectDelete(PRTCRITSECT pCritSect);
* Checks the caller is the owner of the critical section.
* @returns true if owner.
* @returns false if not owner.
* @param pCritSect The critical section.
return pCritSect->NativeThreadOwner == RTThreadNativeSelf();
#endif /* IN_RING3 */
* Checks the section is owned by anyone.
* @returns true if owned.
* @returns false if not owned.
* @param pCritSect The critical section.
return pCritSect->NativeThreadOwner != NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD;
* Gets the thread id of the critical section owner.
* @returns Thread id of the owner thread if owned.
* @returns NIL_RTNATIVETHREAD is not owned.
* @param pCritSect The critical section.
return pCritSect->NativeThreadOwner;
* Checks if a critical section is initialized or not.
* @returns true if initialized.
* @returns false if not initialized.
* @param pCritSect The critical section.
DECLINLINE(bool) RTCritSectIsInitialized(PCRTCRITSECT pCritSect)
return pCritSect->u32Magic == RTCRITSECT_MAGIC;
* Gets the recursion depth.
* @returns The recursion depth.
* @param pCritSect The Critical section
DECLINLINE(uint32_t) RTCritSectGetRecursion(PCRTCRITSECT pCritSect)
return pCritSect->cNestings;
* Gets the waiter count
* @returns The waiter count
* @param pCritSect The Critical section
DECLINLINE(int32_t) RTCritSectGetWaiters(PCRTCRITSECT pCritSect)
return pCritSect->cLockers;
/** @} */