condvar.h revision a7169ca7cf17625398ff21548eedc3851a742ec0
/** @file
* IPRT - Condition Variable.
* Copyright (C) 2006-2010 Oracle Corporation
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
#ifndef ___iprt_condvar_h
#define ___iprt_condvar_h
#include <iprt/cdefs.h>
#include <iprt/types.h>
#if defined(RT_LOCK_STRICT_ORDER) && defined(IN_RING3)
# include <iprt/lockvalidator.h>
/** @defgroup grp_rt_condvar RTCondVar - Condition Variable
* Condition variables combines mutex semaphore or critical sections with event
* semaphores. See @ref grp_rt_sems_mutex, @ref grp_rt_critsect,
* @ref grp_rt_sems_event and @ref grp_rt_sems_event_multi.
* @ingroup grp_rt
* @{
* Create a condition variable.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param phCondVar Where to store the handle to the newly created
* condition variable.
RTDECL(int) RTConvVarCreate(PRTCONDVAR phCondVar);
* Create a condition variable.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param phCondVar Where to store the handle to the newly created
* condition variable.
* @param fFlags Flags, any combination of the
* @param hClass The class (no reference consumed). Since we
* don't do order checks on condition variables,
* the use of the class is limited to controlling
* the timeout threshold for deadlock detection.
* @param pszNameFmt Name format string for the lock validator,
* optional (NULL). Max length is 32 bytes.
* @param ... Format string arguments.
RTDECL(int) RTConvVarCreateEx(PRTCONDVAR phCondVar, uint32_t fFlags, RTLOCKVALCLASS hClass, const char *pszNameFmt, ...);
/** @name RTConvVarCreateEx flags
* @{ */
/** Disables lock validation. */
#define RTCONDVAR_FLAGS_NO_LOCK_VAL UINT32_C(0x00000001)
/** @} */
* Destroy a condition variable.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param hCondVar Handle of the condition variable. NIL_RTCONDVAR
* is quitely ignored (VINF_SUCCESS).
RTDECL(int) RTConvVarDestroy(RTCONDVAR hCondVar);
* Signal the condition variable, waking up exactly one thread.
* It is recommended that the caller holds the associated lock, but this is not
* strictly speaking necessary.
* If no threads are waiting on the condition variable, the call will have no
* effect on the variable.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param hConvVar The condition variable to signal.
RTDECL(int) RTConvVarSignal(RTCONDVAR hCondVar);
* Signal the condition variable, waking up all blocked threads.
* It is recommended that the caller holds the associated lock, but this is not
* strictly speaking necessary.
* If no threads are waiting on the condition variable, the call will have no
* effect on the variable.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param hConvVar The condition variable to broadcast.
RTDECL(int) RTConvVarBroadcast(RTCONDVAR hCondVar);
* Wait for the condition variable to be signaled, resume on interruption.
* This function will resume if the wait is interrupted by an async system event
* (like a unix signal) or similar.
* @returns iprt status code.
* Will not return VERR_INTERRUPTED.
* @param hConvVar The condition variable to wait on.
* @param hMtx The mutex to leave during the wait and which
* will be re-enter before returning.
* @param cMillies Number of milliseconds to wait. Use
* RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT to wait forever.
* Wait for the condition variable to be signaled, return on interruption.
* This function will not resume the wait if interrupted.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param hConvVar The condition variable to wait on.
* @param hMtx The mutex to leave during the wait and which
* will be re-enter before returning.
* @param cMillies Number of milliseconds to wait. Use
* RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT to wait forever.
RTDECL(int) RTConvVarMutexWaitNoResume(RTCONDVAR hCondVar, RTSEMMUTEX hMtx, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies);
* Wait for the condition variable to be signaled, resume on interruption.
* This function will resume if the wait is interrupted by an async system event
* (like a unix signal) or similar.
* @returns iprt status code.
* Will not return VERR_INTERRUPTED.
* @param hConvVar The condition variable to wait on.
* @param hRWSem The read/write semaphore to write-leave during
* the wait and which will be re-enter in write
* mode before returning.
* @param cMillies Number of milliseconds to wait. Use
* RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT to wait forever.
* Wait for the condition variable to be signaled, return on interruption.
* This function will not resume the wait if interrupted.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param hConvVar The condition variable to wait on.
* @param hRWSem The read/write semaphore to write-leave during
* the wait and which will be re-enter in write
* mode before returning.
* @param cMillies Number of milliseconds to wait. Use
* RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT to wait forever.
RTDECL(int) RTConvVarRWWriteWaitNoResume(RTCONDVAR hCondVar, RTSEMRW hRWSem, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies);
* Wait for the condition variable to be signaled, resume on interruption.
* This function will resume if the wait is interrupted by an async system event
* (like a unix signal) or similar.
* @returns iprt status code.
* Will not return VERR_INTERRUPTED.
* @param hConvVar The condition variable to wait on.
* @param hRWSem The read/write semaphore to read-leave during
* the wait and which will be re-enter in read mode
* before returning.
* @param cMillies Number of milliseconds to wait. Use
* RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT to wait forever.
* Wait for the condition variable to be signaled, return on interruption.
* This function will not resume the wait if interrupted.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param hConvVar The condition variable to wait on.
* @param hRWSem The read/write semaphore to read-leave during
* the wait and which will be re-enter in read mode
* before returning.
* @param cMillies Number of milliseconds to wait. Use
* RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT to wait forever.
* Wait for the condition variable to be signaled, resume on interruption.
* This function will resume if the wait is interrupted by an async system event
* (like a unix signal) or similar.
* @returns iprt status code.
* Will not return VERR_INTERRUPTED.
* @param hConvVar The condition variable to wait on.
* @param pCritSect The critical section to leave during the wait
* and which will be re-enter before returning.
* @param cMillies Number of milliseconds to wait. Use
* RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT to wait forever.
RTDECL(int) RTConvVarCritSectWait(RTCONDVAR hCondVar, PRTCRITSECT pCritSect, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies);
* Wait for the condition variable to be signaled, return on interruption.
* This function will not resume the wait if interrupted.
* @returns iprt status code.
* @param hConvVar The condition variable to wait on.
* @param pCritSect The critical section to leave during the wait
* and which will be re-enter before returning.
* @param cMillies Number of milliseconds to wait. Use
* RT_INDEFINITE_WAIT to wait forever.
RTDECL(int) RTConvVarCritSectWaitNoResume(RTCONDVAR hCondVar, PRTCRITSECT pCritSect, RTMSINTERVAL cMillies);
* Sets the signaller thread to one specific thread.
* This is only used for validating usage and deadlock detection. When used
* after calls to RTConvVarAddSignaller, the specified thread will be the only
* signalling thread.
* @param hConvVar The condition variable.
* @param hThread The thread that will signal it. Pass
* NIL_RTTHREAD to indicate that there is no
* special signalling thread.
RTDECL(void) RTConvVarSetSignaller(RTCONDVAR hCondVar, RTTHREAD hThread);
* To add more signalling threads.
* First call RTCondVarSetSignaller then add further threads with this.
* @param hConvVar The condition variable.
* @param hThread The thread that will signal it. NIL_RTTHREAD is
* not accepted.
RTDECL(void) RTConvVarAddSignaller(RTCONDVAR hCondVar, RTTHREAD hThread);
* To remove a signalling thread.
* Reverts work done by RTCondVarAddSignaller and RTCondVarSetSignaller.
* @param hConvVar The condition variable.
* @param hThread A previously added thread.
RTDECL(void) RTConvVarRemoveSignaller(RTCONDVAR hCondVar, RTTHREAD hThread);
/** @} */