buildconfig.h revision 5a6d027cb974bdb5cf794c1a003ff41ceec19bd9
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync/** @file
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * IPRT - Build Configuration Information
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync */
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * Copyright (C) 2009 Oracle Corporation
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync *
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * available from This file is free software;
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync *
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
930b5f872e89407f445d4000d4e4aaecaa6a0998vboxsync * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
930b5f872e89407f445d4000d4e4aaecaa6a0998vboxsync * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
930b5f872e89407f445d4000d4e4aaecaa6a0998vboxsync *
930b5f872e89407f445d4000d4e4aaecaa6a0998vboxsync * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
930b5f872e89407f445d4000d4e4aaecaa6a0998vboxsync * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
930b5f872e89407f445d4000d4e4aaecaa6a0998vboxsync */
930b5f872e89407f445d4000d4e4aaecaa6a0998vboxsync#ifndef ___iprt_buildconfig_h
930b5f872e89407f445d4000d4e4aaecaa6a0998vboxsync#define ___iprt_buildconfig_h
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync#include <iprt/cdefs.h>
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync#include <iprt/types.h>
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync/** @defgroup grp_rt_buildconfig RTBldCfg - Build Configuration Information
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * @ingroup grp_rt
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * @{
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync */
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * Gets the source code management revision of the IPRT build.
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * @returns Source code management revision number.
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync */
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsyncRTDECL(uint32_t) RTBldCfgRevision(void);
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * Gets the source code management revision of the IPRT build.
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * @returns Read only string containing the revision number.
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync */
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsyncRTDECL(const char *) RTBldCfgRevisionStr(void);
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync * Gets the product version string.
3194da424708abdd288b28d96892b3a5f3f7df0bvboxsync *
* This will be a string on the form "x.y.z[_string]".
* @returns Read only version string.
* @remarks This is a build time configuration thing that the product using IPRT
* will set. It is therefore not any IPRT version, but rather the
* version of that product.
RTDECL(const char *) RTBldCfgVersion(void);
* Gets the major product version number.
* @returns Major product version number.
* @remarks See RTBldCfgVersion.
RTDECL(uint32_t) RTBldCfgVersionMajor(void);
* Gets the minor product version number.
* @returns Minor product version number.
* @remarks See RTBldCfgVersion.
RTDECL(uint32_t) RTBldCfgVersionMinor(void);
* Gets the product build number.
* @returns Product build number.
* @remarks See RTBldCfgVersion.
RTDECL(uint32_t) RTBldCfgVersionBuild(void);
* Gets the build target name.
* @returns Read only build target string.
RTDECL(const char *) RTBldCfgTarget(void);
* Gets the build target architecture name.
* @returns Read only build target architecture string.
RTDECL(const char *) RTBldCfgTargetArch(void);
* Gets the build target-dot-architecture name.
* @returns Read only build target-dot-architecture string.
RTDECL(const char *) RTBldCfgTargetDotArch(void);
* Gets the build type name.
* @returns Read only build type string.
RTDECL(const char *) RTBldCfgType(void);
* Gets the name of the compiler used for building IPRT.
* @returns Read only compiler name.
RTDECL(const char *) RTBldCfgCompiler(void);
/** @} */