sup.mac revision 2d93db021114cdbe73480ac38fd28140857ec854
; $Id$
;; @file
; SUP - Support Library, assembly definitions.
; Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Oracle Corporation
; This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
; available from This file is free software;
; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
; General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
; Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
; VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
; hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
; The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
; of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
; (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
; VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
; CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
; You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
; terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
%ifndef ___VBox_sup_mac
%define ___VBox_sup_mac
.u32TransactionId resd 1
.u32UpdateIntervalTSC resd 1
.u64NanoTS resq 1
.u64TSC resq 1
.u64CpuHz resq 1
.i64TSCDelta resq 1
.cErrors resd 1
.iTSCHistoryHead resd 1
.au32TSCHistory resd 8
.u32PrevUpdateIntervalNS resd 1
.au32Reserved0 resd (5)
.u64TSCSample resq 1
.au32Reserved1 resd (1)
.enmState resd 1
.idCpu resd 1
.iCpuSet resw 1
.idApic resw 1
.u32Magic resd 1
.u32Version resd 1
.u32Mode resd 1
.cCpus resw 1
.cPages resw 1
.u32UpdateHz resd 1
.u32UpdateIntervalNS resd 1
.u64NanoTSLastUpdateHz resq 1
.u64CpuHz resq 1
.OnlineCpuSet resq 4
.PresentCpuSet resq 4
.PossibleCpuSet resq 4
.cOnlineCpus resw 1
.cPresentCpus resw 1
.cPossibleCpus resw 1
.u16Padding0 resw 1
.idCpuMax resd 1
.au32Padding1 resd 27
.aiCpuFromApicId resw 256
.aiCpuFromCpuSetIdx resw 256
.aCPUs resb SUPGIPCPU_size
.idProbe resd 1
.cBits resb 1
.abReserved resb 3
.u.X86.uVtgProbeLoc resd 1
.u.X86.aArgs resd 20
.u.X86.eip resd 1
.u.X86.eflags resd 1
.u.X86.eax resd 1
.u.X86.ecx resd 1
.u.X86.edx resd 1
.u.X86.ebx resd 1
.u.X86.esp resd 1
.u.X86.ebp resd 1
.u.X86.esi resd 1
.u.X86.edi resd 1
.u.X86.cs resw 1 resw 1
.u.X86.ds resw 1 resw 1
.u.X86.fs resw 1 resw 1
.idProbe resd 1
.cBits resb 1
.abReserved resb 3
.u.Amd64.uVtgProbeLoc resq 1
.u.Amd64.aArgs resq 10 resq 1
.u.Amd64.rflags resq 1
.u.Amd64.rax resq 1
.u.Amd64.rcx resq 1
.u.Amd64.rdx resq 1
.u.Amd64.rbx resq 1
.u.Amd64.rsp resq 1
.u.Amd64.rbp resq 1
.u.Amd64.rsi resq 1
.u.Amd64.rdi resq 1
.u.Amd64.r8 resq 1
.u.Amd64.r9 resq 1
.u.Amd64.r10 resq 1
.u.Amd64.r11 resq 1
.u.Amd64.r12 resq 1
.u.Amd64.r13 resq 1
.u.Amd64.r14 resq 1
.u.Amd64.r15 resq 1
; Macro to apply per-CPU TSC delta to the TSC value read in through rdtsc.
; @param %1 The pSupGipCpu pointer
; @remarks edx:eax contains the 64-bit TSC value to apply the delta to.
%macro SUPTscDeltaApply 1
; Check if we have a valid TSC-delta, i.e. != INT64_MAX.
cmp dword [%1 + SUPGIPCPU.i64TSCDelta + 4], 0xffffffff
jne %%valid_delta
cmp dword [%1 + SUPGIPCPU.i64TSCDelta], 0x7fffffff
je %%done
; Subtract the delta from edx:eax
sub eax, dword [%1 + SUPGIPCPU.i64TSCDelta]
sbb edx, dword [%1 + SUPGIPCPU.i64TSCDelta + 4]