string.h revision d46ee884c41b808b239563b1978468aae12e33a2
/* $Id$ */
/** @file
* MS COM / XPCOM Abstraction Layer:
* Smart string classes declaration
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 innotek GmbH
* This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
* available from This file is free software;
* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
* hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
* The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
* (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
* VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
* CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
* You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
* terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.
#ifndef ___VBox_com_string_h
#define ___VBox_com_string_h
#if !defined(RT_OS_WINDOWS)
#include <nsMemory.h>
#include "VBox/com/defs.h"
#include "VBox/com/assert.h"
#include <iprt/string.h>
#include <iprt/cpputils.h>
#include <iprt/alloc.h>
namespace com
class Utf8Str;
* Helper class that represents the |BSTR| type and hides platform-specific
* implementation details.
* This class uses COM/XPCOM-provided memory management routines to allocate
* and free string buffers. This makes it possible to:
* - use it as a type of member variables of COM/XPCOM components and pass
* their values to callers through component methods' output parameters
* using the #cloneTo() operation;
* - adopt (take ownership of) string buffers returned in output parameters
* of COM methods using the #asOutParam() operation and correctly free them
* afterwards.
class Bstr
typedef BSTR String;
typedef const BSTR ConstString;
Bstr () : bstr (NULL) {}
Bstr (const Bstr &that) : bstr (NULL) { raw_copy (bstr, that.bstr); }
Bstr (const BSTR that) : bstr (NULL) { raw_copy (bstr, that); }
Bstr (const wchar_t *that) : bstr (NULL)
AssertCompile (sizeof (wchar_t) == sizeof (OLECHAR));
raw_copy (bstr, (const BSTR) that);
Bstr (const Utf8Str &that);
Bstr (const char *that);
/** Shortcut that calls #alloc(aSize) right after object creation. */
Bstr (size_t aSize) : bstr (NULL) { alloc (aSize); }
~Bstr () { setNull(); }
Bstr &operator = (const Bstr &that) { safe_assign (that.bstr); return *this; }
Bstr &operator = (const BSTR that) { safe_assign (that); return *this; }
Bstr &operator = (const Utf8Str &that);
Bstr &operator = (const char *that);
Bstr &setNull()
if (bstr)
::SysFreeString (bstr);
bstr = NULL;
return *this;
Bstr &setNullIfEmpty()
if (bstr && *bstr == 0)
::SysFreeString (bstr);
bstr = NULL;
return *this;
* Allocates memory for a string capable to store \a aSize - 1 characters
* plus the terminating zero character. If \a aSize is zero, or if a
* memory allocation error occurs, this object will become null.
Bstr &alloc (size_t aSize)
if (aSize)
unsigned int size = (unsigned int) aSize; Assert (size == aSize);
bstr = ::SysAllocStringLen (NULL, size - 1);
if (bstr)
bstr [0] = 0;
return *this;
int compare (const BSTR str) const
return ::RTStrUcs2Cmp ((PRTUCS2) bstr, (PRTUCS2) str);
bool operator == (const Bstr &that) const { return !compare (that.bstr); }
bool operator != (const Bstr &that) const { return !!compare (that.bstr); }
bool operator == (const BSTR that) const { return !compare (that); }
bool operator != (const wchar_t *that) const
AssertCompile (sizeof (wchar_t) == sizeof (OLECHAR));
return !!compare ((const BSTR) that);
bool operator == (const wchar_t *that) const
AssertCompile (sizeof (wchar_t) == sizeof (OLECHAR));
return !compare ((const BSTR) that);
bool operator != (const BSTR that) const { return !!compare (that); }
bool operator < (const Bstr &that) const { return compare (that.bstr) < 0; }
bool operator < (const BSTR that) const { return compare (that) < 0; }
bool operator < (const wchar_t *that) const
AssertCompile (sizeof (wchar_t) == sizeof (OLECHAR));
return compare ((const BSTR) that) < 0;
int compareIgnoreCase (const BSTR str) const
return ::RTUtf16LocaleICmp (bstr, str);
bool isNull() const { return bstr == NULL; }
operator bool() const { return !isNull(); }
bool isEmpty() const { return isNull() || *bstr == 0; }
size_t length() const { return isNull() ? 0 : ::RTStrUcs2Len ((PRTUCS2) bstr); }
/** Intended to to pass instances as |BSTR| input parameters to methods. */
operator const BSTR () const { return bstr; }
/** The same as operator const BSTR(), but for situations where the compiler
cannot typecast implicitly (for example, in printf() argument list). */
const BSTR raw() const { return bstr; }
* Returns a non-const raw pointer that allows to modify the string directly.
* @warning
* Be sure not to modify data beyond the allocated memory! The
* guaranteed size of the allocated memory is at least #length()
* bytes after creation and after every assignment operation.
BSTR mutableRaw() { return bstr; }
* Intended to assign instances to |BSTR| out parameters from within the
* interface method. Transfers the ownership of the duplicated string to
* the caller.
const Bstr &cloneTo (BSTR *pstr) const
if (pstr)
*pstr = NULL;
raw_copy (*pstr, bstr);
return *this;
* Intended to assign instances to |char *| out parameters from within the
* interface method. Transfers the ownership of the duplicated string to
* the caller.
const Bstr &cloneTo (char **pstr) const;
* Intended to pass instances as |BSTR| out parameters to methods.
* Takes the ownership of the returned data.
BSTR *asOutParam() { setNull(); return &bstr; }
* Static immutable null object. May be used for comparison purposes.
static const Bstr Null;
void safe_assign (const BSTR str)
if (bstr != str)
raw_copy (bstr, str);
inline static void raw_copy (BSTR &ls, const BSTR rs)
if (rs)
ls = ::SysAllocString ((const OLECHAR *) rs);
inline static void raw_copy (BSTR &ls, const char *rs)
if (rs)
::RTStrUtf8ToUcs2 (&s, rs);
raw_copy (ls, (BSTR) s);
::RTStrUcs2Free (s);
BSTR bstr;
friend class Utf8Str; // to access our raw_copy()
// symmetric compare operators
inline bool operator== (const BSTR l, const Bstr &r) { return r.operator== (l); }
inline bool operator!= (const BSTR l, const Bstr &r) { return r.operator!= (l); }
* Helper class that represents UTF8 (|char *|) strings. Useful in
* conjunction with Bstr to simplify conversions beetween UCS2 (|BSTR|)
* and UTF8.
* This class uses COM/XPCOM-provided memory management routines to allocate
* and free string buffers. This makes it possible to:
* - use it as a type of member variables of COM/XPCOM components and pass
* their values to callers through component methods' output parameters
* using the #cloneTo() operation;
* - adopt (take ownership of) string buffers returned in output parameters
* of COM methods using the #asOutParam() operation and correctly free them
* afterwards.
class Utf8Str
typedef char *String;
typedef const char *ConstString;
Utf8Str () : str (NULL) {}
Utf8Str (const Utf8Str &that) : str (NULL) { raw_copy (str, that.str); }
Utf8Str (const char *that) : str (NULL) { raw_copy (str, that); }
Utf8Str (const Bstr &that) : str (NULL) { raw_copy (str, that); }
Utf8Str (const BSTR that) : str (NULL) { raw_copy (str, that); }
/** Shortcut that calls #alloc(aSize) right after object creation. */
Utf8Str (size_t aSize) : str (NULL) { alloc(aSize); }
virtual ~Utf8Str () { setNull(); }
Utf8Str &operator = (const Utf8Str &that) { safe_assign (that.str); return *this; }
Utf8Str &operator = (const char *that) { safe_assign (that); return *this; }
Utf8Str &operator = (const Bstr &that)
raw_copy (str, that);
return *this;
Utf8Str &operator = (const BSTR that)
raw_copy (str, that);
return *this;
Utf8Str &setNull()
if (str)
#if defined (RT_OS_WINDOWS)
::RTStrFree (str);
nsMemory::Free (str);
str = NULL;
return *this;
Utf8Str &setNullIfEmpty()
if (str && *str == 0)
#if defined (RT_OS_WINDOWS)
::RTStrFree (str);
nsMemory::Free (str);
str = NULL;
return *this;
* Allocates memory for a string capable to store \a aSize - 1 characters
* plus the terminating zero character. If \a aSize is zero, or if a
* memory allocation error occurs, this object will become null.
Utf8Str &alloc (size_t aSize)
if (aSize)
#if defined (RT_OS_WINDOWS)
str = (char *) ::RTMemTmpAlloc (aSize);
str = (char *) nsMemory::Alloc (aSize);
if (str)
str [0] = 0;
return *this;
int compare (const char *s) const
return str == s ? 0 : ::strcmp (str, s);
bool operator == (const Utf8Str &that) const { return !compare (that.str); }
bool operator != (const Utf8Str &that) const { return !!compare (that.str); }
bool operator == (const char *that) const { return !compare (that); }
bool operator != (const char *that) const { return !!compare (that); }
bool operator < (const Utf8Str &that) const { return compare (that.str) < 0; }
bool operator < (const char *that) const { return compare (that) < 0; }
bool isNull() const { return str == NULL; }
operator bool() const { return !isNull(); }
bool isEmpty() const { return isNull() || *str == 0; }
size_t length() const { return isNull() ? 0 : ::strlen (str); }
/** Intended to to pass instances as input (|char *|) parameters to methods. */
operator const char *() const { return str; }
/** The same as operator const char *(), but for situations where the compiler
cannot typecast implicitly (for example, in printf() argument list). */
const char *raw() const { return str; }
* Returns a non-const raw pointer that allows to modify the string directly.
* @warning
* Be sure not to modify data beyond the allocated memory! The
* guaranteed size of the allocated memory is at least #length()
* bytes after creation and after every assignment operation.
char *mutableRaw() { return str; }
* Intended to assign instances to |char *| out parameters from within the
* interface method. Transfers the ownership of the duplicated string to the
* caller.
const Utf8Str &cloneTo (char **pstr) const
if (pstr)
*pstr = NULL;
raw_copy (*pstr, str);
return *this;
* Intended to assign instances to |BSTR| out parameters from within the
* interface method. Transfers the ownership of the duplicated string to the
* caller.
const Utf8Str &cloneTo (BSTR *pstr) const
if (pstr)
*pstr = NULL;
Bstr::raw_copy (*pstr, str);
return *this;
* Intended to pass instances as out (|char **|) parameters to methods.
* Takes the ownership of the returned data.
char **asOutParam() { setNull(); return &str; }
* Static immutable null object. May be used for comparison purposes.
static const Utf8Str Null;
void safe_assign (const char *s)
if (str != s)
raw_copy (str, s);
inline static void raw_copy (char *&ls, const char *rs)
if (rs)
#if defined (RT_OS_WINDOWS)
::RTStrDupEx (&ls, rs);
ls = (char *) nsMemory::Clone (rs, strlen (rs) + 1);
inline static void raw_copy (char *&ls, const BSTR rs)
if (rs)
#if defined (RT_OS_WINDOWS)
::RTStrUcs2ToUtf8 (&ls, (PRTUCS2) rs);
char *s = NULL;
::RTStrUcs2ToUtf8 (&s, (PRTUCS2) rs);
raw_copy (ls, s);
::RTStrFree (s);
char *str;
friend class Bstr; // to access our raw_copy()
// symmetric compare operators
inline bool operator== (const char *l, const Utf8Str &r) { return r.operator== (l); }
inline bool operator!= (const char *l, const Utf8Str &r) { return r.operator!= (l); }
// work around error C2593 of the stupid MSVC 7.x ambiguity resolver
// inlined Bstr members that depend on Utf8Str
inline Bstr::Bstr (const Utf8Str &that) : bstr (NULL) { raw_copy (bstr, that); }
inline Bstr::Bstr (const char *that) : bstr (NULL) { raw_copy (bstr, that); }
inline Bstr &Bstr::operator = (const Utf8Str &that)
raw_copy (bstr, that);
return *this;
inline Bstr &Bstr::operator = (const char *that)
raw_copy (bstr, that);
return *this;
inline const Bstr &Bstr::cloneTo (char **pstr) const
if (pstr) {
*pstr = NULL;
Utf8Str::raw_copy (*pstr, bstr);
return *this;
* This class is a printf-like formatter for Utf8Str strings. Its purpose is
* to construct Utf8Str objects from a format string and a list of arguments
* for the format string.
* The usage of this class is like the following:
* <code>
* Utf8StrFmt string ("program name = %s", argv[0]);
* </code>
class Utf8StrFmt : public Utf8Str
* Constructs a new string given the format string and the list
* of the arguments for the format string.
* @param format printf-like format string (in UTF-8 encoding)
* @param ... list of the arguments for the format string
explicit Utf8StrFmt (const char *format, ...)
va_list args;
va_start (args, format);
init (format, args);
va_end (args);
Utf8StrFmt() {}
void init (const char *format, va_list args);
static DECLCALLBACK(size_t) strOutput (void *pvArg, const char *pachChars,
size_t cbChars);
* This class is a vprintf-like formatter for Utf8Str strings. It is
* identical to Utf8StrFmt except that its constructor takes a va_list
* argument instead of ellipsis.
* Note that a separate class is necessary because va_list is defined as
* |char *| on most platforms. For this reason, if we had two overloaded
* constructors in Utf8StrFmt (one taking ellipsis and another one taking
* va_list) then composing a constructor call using exactly two |char *|
* arguments would cause the compiler to use the va_list overload instead of
* the ellipsis one which is obviously wrong. The compiler would choose
* va_list because ellipsis has the lowest rank when it comes to resolving
* overloads, as opposed to va_list which is an exact match for |char *|.
class Utf8StrFmtVA : public Utf8StrFmt
* Constructs a new string given the format string and the list
* of the arguments for the format string.
* @param format printf-like format string (in UTF-8 encoding)
* @param args list of arguments for the format string
Utf8StrFmtVA (const char *format, va_list args) { init (format, args); }
} /* namespace com */
#endif /* ___VBox_com_string_h */