term-page.c revision 06b643e7f5a3b79005dd57497897ab7255fe3659
/*-*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-*/
This file is part of systemd.
Copyright (C) 2014 David Herrmann <dh.herrmann@gmail.com>
systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
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* Terminal Page/Line/Cell/Char Handling
* This file implements page handling of a terminal. It is split into pages,
* lines, cells and characters. Each object is independent of the next upper
* object.
* The Terminal layer keeps each line of a terminal separate and dynamically
* allocated. This allows us to move lines from main-screen to history-buffers
* very fast. Same is true for scrolling, top/bottom borders and other buffer
* operations.
* While lines are dynamically allocated, cells are not. This would be a waste
* of memory and causes heavy fragmentation. Furthermore, cells are moved much
* less frequently than lines so the performance-penalty is pretty small.
* However, to support combining-characters, we have to initialize and cleanup
* cells properly and cannot just release the underlying memory. Therefore,
* cells are treated as proper objects despite being allocated in arrays.
* Each cell has a set of attributes and a stored character. This is usually a
* single Unicode character stored as 32bit UCS-4 char. However, we need to
* support Unicode combining-characters, therefore this gets more complicated.
* Characters themselves are represented by a "term_char_t" object. It
* should be treated as a normal integer and passed by value. The
* surrounding struct is just to hide the internals. A term-char can contain a
* base character together with up to 2 combining-chars in a single integer.
* Only if you need more combining-chars (very unlikely!) a term-char is a
* pointer to an allocated storage. This requires you to always free term-char
* objects once no longer used (even though this is a no-op most of the time).
* Furthermore, term-char objects are not ref-counted so you must duplicate them
* in case you want to store it somewhere and retain a copy yourself. By
* convention, all functions that take a term-char object will not duplicate
* it but implicitly take ownership of the passed value. It's up to the caller
* to duplicate it beforehand, in case it wants to retain a copy.
* If it turns out, that more than 2 comb-chars become common in specific
* languages, we can try to optimize this. One idea is to ref-count allocated
* characters and store them in a hash-table (like gnome's libvte3 does). This
* way we will never have two allocated chars for the same content. Or we can
* simply put two uint64_t into a "term_char_t". This will slow down operations
* on systems that don't need that many comb-chars, but avoid the dynamic
* allocations on others.
* Anyhow, until we have proper benchmarks, we will keep the current code. It
* seems to compete very well with other solutions so far.
* The page-layer is a one-dimensional array of lines. Considering that each
* line is a one-dimensional array of cells, the page layer provides the
* two-dimensional cell-page required for terminals. The page itself only
* operates on lines. All cell-related operations are forwarded to the correct
* line.
* A page does not contain any cursor tracking. It only provides the raw
* operations to shuffle lines and modify the page.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include "macro.h"
#include "term-internal.h"
#include "util.h"
/* maximum UCS-4 character */
#define CHAR_UCS4_MAX (0x10ffff)
/* mask for valid UCS-4 characters (21bit) */
#define CHAR_UCS4_MASK (0x1fffff)
/* UCS-4 replacement character */
#define CHAR_UCS4_REPLACEMENT (0xfffd)
/* real storage behind "term_char_t" in case it's not packed */
typedef struct term_character {
uint8_t n;
uint32_t codepoints[];
} term_character;
* char_pack() takes 3 UCS-4 values and packs them into a term_char_t object.
* Note that UCS-4 chars only take 21 bits, so we still have the LSB as marker.
* We set it to 1 so others can distinguish it from pointers.
static inline term_char_t char_pack(uint32_t v1, uint32_t v2, uint32_t v3) {
uint64_t packed, u1, u2, u3;
u1 = v1;
u2 = v2;
u3 = v3;
packed = 0x01;
packed |= (u1 & (uint64_t)CHAR_UCS4_MASK) << 43;
packed |= (u2 & (uint64_t)CHAR_UCS4_MASK) << 22;
packed |= (u3 & (uint64_t)CHAR_UCS4_MASK) << 1;
return TERM_CHAR_INIT(packed);
#define char_pack1(_v1) char_pack2((_v1), CHAR_UCS4_MAX + 1)
#define char_pack2(_v1, _v2) char_pack3((_v1), (_v2), CHAR_UCS4_MAX + 1)
#define char_pack3(_v1, _v2, _v3) char_pack((_v1), (_v2), (_v3))
* char_unpack() is the inverse of char_pack(). It extracts the 3 stored UCS-4
* characters and returns them. Note that this does not validate the passed
* term_char_t. That's the responsibility of the caller.
* This returns the number of characters actually packed. This obviously is a
* number between 0 and 3 (inclusive).
static inline uint8_t char_unpack(term_char_t packed, uint32_t *out_v1, uint32_t *out_v2, uint32_t *out_v3) {
uint32_t v1, v2, v3;
v1 = (packed._value >> 43) & (uint64_t)CHAR_UCS4_MASK;
v2 = (packed._value >> 22) & (uint64_t)CHAR_UCS4_MASK;
v3 = (packed._value >> 1) & (uint64_t)CHAR_UCS4_MASK;
if (out_v1)
*out_v1 = v1;
if (out_v2)
*out_v2 = v2;
if (out_v3)
*out_v3 = v3;
return (v1 > CHAR_UCS4_MAX) ? 0 :
((v2 > CHAR_UCS4_MAX) ? 1 :
((v3 > CHAR_UCS4_MAX) ? 2 :
/* cast a term_char_t to a term_character* */
static inline term_character *char_to_ptr(term_char_t ch) {
return (term_character*)(unsigned long)ch._value;
/* cast a term_character* to a term_char_t */
static inline term_char_t char_from_ptr(term_character *c) {
return TERM_CHAR_INIT((unsigned long)c);
* char_alloc() allocates a properly aligned term_character object and returns
* a pointer to it. NULL is returned on allocation errors. The object will have
* enough room for @n following UCS-4 chars.
* Note that we allocate (n+1) characters and set the last one to 0 in case
* anyone prints this string for debugging.
static term_character *char_alloc(uint8_t n) {
term_character *c;
int r;
r = posix_memalign((void**)&c,
MAX(sizeof(void*), (size_t)2),
sizeof(*c) + sizeof(*c->codepoints) * (n + 1));
if (r)
return NULL;
c->n = n;
c->codepoints[n] = 0;
return c;
* char_free() frees the memory allocated via char_alloc(). It is safe to call
* this on any term_char_t, only allocated characters are freed.
static inline void char_free(term_char_t ch) {
if (term_char_is_allocated(ch))
* This appends @append_ucs4 to the existing character @base and returns
* it as a new character. In case that's not possible, @base is returned. The
* caller can use term_char_same() to test whether the returned character was
* freshly allocated or not.
static term_char_t char_build(term_char_t base, uint32_t append_ucs4) {
/* soft-limit for combining-chars; hard-limit is currently 255 */
const size_t climit = 64;
term_character *c;
uint32_t buf[3], *t;
uint8_t n;
/* ignore invalid UCS-4 */
if (append_ucs4 > CHAR_UCS4_MAX)
return base;
if (term_char_is_null(base)) {
return char_pack1(append_ucs4);
} else if (!term_char_is_allocated(base)) {
/* unpack and try extending the packed character */
n = char_unpack(base, &buf[0], &buf[1], &buf[2]);
switch (n) {
case 0:
return char_pack1(append_ucs4);
case 1:
if (climit < 2)
return base;
return char_pack2(buf[0], append_ucs4);
case 2:
if (climit < 3)
return base;
return char_pack3(buf[0], buf[1], append_ucs4);
/* fallthrough */
/* already fully packed, we need to allocate a new one */
t = buf;
} else {
/* already an allocated type, we need to allocate a new one */
c = char_to_ptr(base);
t = c->codepoints;
n = c->n;
/* bail out if soft-limit is reached */
if (n >= climit)
return base;
/* allocate new char */
c = char_alloc(n + 1);
if (!c)
return base;
memcpy(c->codepoints, t, sizeof(*t) * n);
c->codepoints[n] = append_ucs4;
return char_from_ptr(c);
* term_char_set() - Reset character to a single UCS-4 character
* @previous: term-char to reset
* @append_ucs4: UCS-4 char to set
* This frees all resources in @previous and re-initializes it to @append_ucs4.
* The new char is returned.
* Usually, this is used like this:
* obj->ch = term_char_set(obj->ch, ucs4);
* Returns: The previous character reset to @append_ucs4.
term_char_t term_char_set(term_char_t previous, uint32_t append_ucs4) {
return char_build(TERM_CHAR_NULL, append_ucs4);
* term_char_merge() - Merge UCS-4 char at the end of an existing char
* @base: existing term-char
* @append_ucs4: UCS-4 character to append
* This appends @append_ucs4 to @base and returns the result. @base is
* invalidated by this function and must no longer be used. The returned value
* replaces the old one.
* Usually, this is used like this:
* obj->ch = term_char_merge(obj->ch, ucs4);
* Returns: The new merged character.
term_char_t term_char_merge(term_char_t base, uint32_t append_ucs4) {
term_char_t ch;
ch = char_build(base, append_ucs4);
if (!term_char_same(ch, base))
return ch;
* term_char_dup() - Duplicate character
* @ch: character to duplicate
* This duplicates a term-character. In case the character is not allocated,
* nothing is done. Otherwise, the underlying memory is copied and returned. You
* need to call term_char_free() on the returned character to release it again.
* On allocation errors, a replacement character is returned. Therefore, the
* caller can safely assume that this function always succeeds.
* Returns: The duplicated term-character.
term_char_t term_char_dup(term_char_t ch) {
term_character *c, *newc;
if (!term_char_is_allocated(ch))
return ch;
c = char_to_ptr(ch);
newc = char_alloc(c->n);
if (!newc)
return char_pack1(CHAR_UCS4_REPLACEMENT);
memcpy(newc->codepoints, c->codepoints, sizeof(*c->codepoints) * c->n);
return char_from_ptr(newc);
* term_char_dup_append() - Duplicate tsm-char with UCS-4 character appended
* @base: existing term-char
* @append_ucs4: UCS-4 character to append
* This is similar to term_char_merge(), but it returns a separately allocated
* character. That is, @base will stay valid after this returns and is not
* touched. In case the append-operation fails, @base is duplicated and
* returned. That is, the returned char is always independent of @base.
* Returns: Newly allocated character with @append_ucs4 appended to @base.
term_char_t term_char_dup_append(term_char_t base, uint32_t append_ucs4) {
term_char_t ch;
ch = char_build(base, append_ucs4);
if (term_char_same(ch, base))
ch = term_char_dup(base);
return ch;
* term_char_resolve() - Retrieve the UCS-4 string for a term-char
* @ch: character to resolve
* @s: storage for size of string or NULL
* @b: storage for string or NULL
* This takes a term-character and returns the UCS-4 string associated with it.
* In case @ch is not allocated, the string is stored in @b (in case @b is NULL
* static storage is used). Otherwise, a pointer to the allocated storage is
* returned.
* The returned string is only valid as long as @ch and @b are valid. The string
* is zero-terminated and can safely be printed via long-character printf().
* The length of the string excluding the zero-character is returned in @s.
* This never returns NULL. Even if the size is 0, this points to a buffer of at
* least a zero-terminator.
* Returns: The UCS-4 string-representation of @ch, and its size in @s.
const uint32_t *term_char_resolve(term_char_t ch, size_t *s, term_charbuf_t *b) {
static term_charbuf_t static_b;
term_character *c;
uint32_t *cache;
size_t len;
if (b)
cache = b->buf;
cache = static_b.buf;
if (term_char_is_null(ch)) {
len = 0;
cache[0] = 0;
} else if (term_char_is_allocated(ch)) {
c = char_to_ptr(ch);
len = c->n;
cache = c->codepoints;
} else {
len = char_unpack(ch, &cache[0], &cache[1], &cache[2]);
cache[len] = 0;
if (s)
*s = len;
return cache;
* term_char_lookup_width() - Lookup cell-width of a character
* @ch: character to return cell-width for
* This is an equivalent of wcwidth() for term_char_t. It can deal directly
* with UCS-4 and combining-characters and avoids the mess that is wchar_t and
* locale handling.
* Returns: 0 for unprintable characters, >0 for everything else.
unsigned int term_char_lookup_width(term_char_t ch) {
term_charbuf_t b;
const uint32_t *str;
unsigned int max;
size_t i, len;
int r;
max = 0;
str = term_char_resolve(ch, &len, &b);
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
* Oh god, C99 locale handling strikes again: wcwidth() expects
* wchar_t, but there is no way for us to know the
* internal encoding of wchar_t. Moreover, it is nearly
* impossible to convert UCS-4 into wchar_t (except for iconv,
* which is way too much overhead).
* Therefore, we use our own copy of wcwidth(). Lets just hope
* that glibc will one day export it's internal UCS-4 and UTF-8
* helpers for direct use.
assert_cc(sizeof(wchar_t) >= 4);
r = mk_wcwidth((wchar_t)str[i]);
if (r > 0 && (unsigned int)r > max)
max = r;
return max;
* term_cell_init() - Initialize a new cell
* @cell: cell to initialize
* @ch: character to set on the cell or TERM_CHAR_NULL
* @cwidth: character width of @ch
* @attr: attributes to set on the cell or NULL
* @age: age to set on the cell or TERM_AGE_NULL
* This initializes a new cell. The backing-memory of the cell must be allocated
* by the caller beforehand. The caller is responsible to destroy the cell via
* term_cell_destroy() before freeing the backing-memory.
* It is safe (and supported!) to use:
* zero(*c);
* instead of:
* term_cell_init(c, TERM_CHAR_NULL, NULL, TERM_AGE_NULL);
* Note that this call takes ownership of @ch. If you want to use it yourself
* after this call, you need to duplicate it before calling this.
static void term_cell_init(term_cell *cell, term_char_t ch, unsigned int cwidth, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
cell->ch = ch;
cell->cwidth = cwidth;
cell->age = age;
if (attr)
memcpy(&cell->attr, attr, sizeof(*attr));
* term_cell_destroy() - Destroy previously initialized cell
* @cell: cell to destroy or NULL
* This releases all resources associated with a cell. The backing memory is
* kept as-is. It's the responsibility of the caller to manage it.
* You must not call any other cell operations on this cell after this call
* returns. You must re-initialize the cell via term_cell_init() before you can
* use it again.
* If @cell is NULL, this is a no-op.
static void term_cell_destroy(term_cell *cell) {
if (!cell)
* term_cell_set() - Change contents of a cell
* @cell: cell to modify
* @ch: character to set on the cell or cell->ch
* @cwidth: character width of @ch or cell->cwidth
* @attr: attributes to set on the cell or NULL
* @age: age to set on the cell or cell->age
* This changes the contents of a cell. It can be used to change the character,
* attributes and age. To keep the current character, pass cell->ch as @ch. To
* reset the current attributes, pass NULL. To keep the current age, pass
* cell->age.
* This call takes ownership of @ch. You need to duplicate it first, in case you
* want to use it for your own purposes after this call.
* The cell must have been initialized properly before calling this. See
* term_cell_init().
static void term_cell_set(term_cell *cell, term_char_t ch, unsigned int cwidth, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
if (!term_char_same(ch, cell->ch)) {
cell->ch = ch;
cell->cwidth = cwidth;
cell->age = age;
if (attr)
memcpy(&cell->attr, attr, sizeof(*attr));
* term_cell_append() - Append a combining-char to a cell
* @cell: cell to modify
* @ucs4: UCS-4 character to append to the cell
* @age: new age to set on the cell or cell->age
* This appends a combining-character to a cell. No validation of the UCS-4
* character is done, so this can be used to append any character. Additionally,
* this can update the age of the cell.
* The cell must have been initialized properly before calling this. See
* term_cell_init().
static void term_cell_append(term_cell *cell, uint32_t ucs4, term_age_t age) {
cell->ch = term_char_merge(cell->ch, ucs4);
cell->age = age;
* term_cell_init_n() - Initialize an array of cells
* @cells: pointer to an array of cells to initialize
* @n: number of cells
* @attr: attributes to set on all cells or NULL
* @age: age to set on all cells
* This is the same as term_cell_init() but initializes an array of cells.
* Furthermore, this always sets the character to TERM_CHAR_NULL.
* If you want to set a specific characters on all cells, you need to hard-code
* this loop and duplicate the character for each cell.
static void term_cell_init_n(term_cell *cells, unsigned int n, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
for ( ; n > 0; --n, ++cells)
term_cell_init(cells, TERM_CHAR_NULL, 0, attr, age);
* term_cell_destroy_n() - Destroy an array of cells
* @cells: pointer to an array of cells to destroy
* @n: number of cells
* This is the same as term_cell_destroy() but destroys an array of cells.
static void term_cell_destroy_n(term_cell *cells, unsigned int n) {
for ( ; n > 0; --n, ++cells)
* term_cell_clear_n() - Clear contents of an array of cells
* @cells: pointer to an array of cells to modify
* @n: number of cells
* @attr: attributes to set on all cells or NULL
* @age: age to set on all cells
* This is the same as term_cell_set() but operates on an array of cells. Note
* that all characters are always set to TERM_CHAR_NULL, unlike term_cell_set()
* which takes the character as argument.
* If you want to set a specific characters on all cells, you need to hard-code
* this loop and duplicate the character for each cell.
static void term_cell_clear_n(term_cell *cells, unsigned int n, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
for ( ; n > 0; --n, ++cells)
term_cell_set(cells, TERM_CHAR_NULL, 0, attr, age);
* term_line_new() - Allocate a new line
* @out: place to store pointer to new line
* This allocates and initialized a new line. The line is unlinked and
* independent of any page. It can be used for any purpose. The initial
* cell-count is set to 0.
* The line has to be freed via term_line_free() once it's no longer needed.
* Returns: 0 on success, negative error code on failure.
int term_line_new(term_line **out) {
_term_line_free_ term_line *line = NULL;
assert_return(out, -EINVAL);
line = new0(term_line, 1);
if (!line)
return -ENOMEM;
*out = line;
line = NULL;
return 0;
* term_line_free() - Free a line
* @line: line to free or NULL
* This frees a line that was previously allocated via term_line_free(). All its
* cells are released, too.
* If @line is NULL, this is a no-op.
term_line *term_line_free(term_line *line) {
if (!line)
return NULL;
term_cell_destroy_n(line->cells, line->n_cells);
return NULL;
* term_line_reserve() - Pre-allocate cells for a line
* @line: line to pre-allocate cells for
* @width: numbers of cells the line shall have pre-allocated
* @attr: attribute for all allocated cells or NULL
* @age: current age for all modifications
* @protect_width: width to protect from erasure
* This pre-allocates cells for this line. Please note that @width is the number
* of cells the line is guaranteed to have allocated after this call returns.
* It's not the number of cells that are added, neither is it the new width of
* the line.
* This function never frees memory. That is, reducing the line-width will
* always succeed, same is true for increasing the width to a previously set
* width.
* @attr and @age are used to initialize new cells. Additionally, any
* existing cell outside of the protected area specified by @protect_width are
* cleared and reset with @attr and @age.
* Returns: 0 on success, negative error code on failure.
int term_line_reserve(term_line *line, unsigned int width, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age, unsigned int protect_width) {
unsigned int min_width;
term_cell *t;
assert_return(line, -EINVAL);
/* reset existing cells if required */
min_width = MIN(line->n_cells, width);
if (min_width > protect_width)
term_cell_clear_n(line->cells + protect_width,
min_width - protect_width,
/* allocate new cells if required */
if (width > line->n_cells) {
t = realloc_multiply(line->cells, sizeof(*t), width);
if (!t)
return -ENOMEM;
if (!attr && !age)
memzero(t + line->n_cells,
sizeof(*t) * (width - line->n_cells));
term_cell_init_n(t + line->n_cells,
width - line->n_cells,
line->cells = t;
line->n_cells = width;
line->fill = MIN(line->fill, protect_width);
return 0;
* term_line_set_width() - Change width of a line
* @line: line to modify
* @width: new width
* This changes the actual width of a line. It is the caller's responsibility
* to use term_line_reserve() to make sure enough space is allocated. If @width
* is greater than the allocated size, it is cropped.
* This does not modify any cells. Use term_line_reserve() or term_line_erase()
* to clear any newly added cells.
* NOTE: The fill state is cropped at line->width. Therefore, if you increase
* the line-width afterwards, but there is a multi-cell character at the
* end of the line that got cropped, then the fill-state will _not_ be
* adjusted.
* This means, the fill-state always includes the cells up to the start
* of the right-most character, but it might or might not cover it until
* its end. This should be totally fine, though. You should never access
* multi-cell tails directly, anyway.
void term_line_set_width(term_line *line, unsigned int width) {
if (width > line->n_cells)
width = line->n_cells;
line->width = width;
line->fill = MIN(line->fill, width);
* line_insert() - Insert characters and move existing cells to the right
* @from: position to insert cells at
* @num: number of cells to insert
* @head_char: character that is set on the first cell
* @head_cwidth: character-length of @head_char
* @attr: attribute for all inserted cells or NULL
* @age: current age for all modifications
* The INSERT operation (or writes with INSERT_MODE) writes data at a specific
* position on a line and shifts the existing cells to the right. Cells that are
* moved beyond the right hand border are discarded.
* This helper contains the actual INSERT implementation which is independent of
* the data written. It works on cells, not on characters. The first cell is set
* to @head_char, all others are reset to TERM_CHAR_NULL. See each caller for a
* more detailed description.
static inline void line_insert(term_line *line, unsigned int from, unsigned int num, term_char_t head_char, unsigned int head_cwidth, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
unsigned int i, rem, move;
if (from >= line->width)
if (from + num < from || from + num > line->width)
num = line->width - from;
if (!num)
move = line->width - from - num;
rem = MIN(num, move);
if (rem > 0) {
* Make room for @num cells; shift cells to the right if
* required. @rem is the number of remaining cells that we will
* knock off on the right and overwrite during the right shift.
* For INSERT_MODE, @num/@rem are usually 1 or 2, @move is 50%
* of the line on average. Therefore, the actual move is quite
* heavy and we can safely invalidate cells manually instead of
* the whole line.
* However, for INSERT operations, any parameters are
* possible. But we cannot place any assumption on its usage
* across applications, so we just handle it the same as
* INSERT_MODE and do per-cell invalidation.
/* destroy cells that are knocked off on the right */
term_cell_destroy_n(line->cells + line->width - rem, rem);
/* move remaining bulk of cells */
memmove(line->cells + from + num,
line->cells + from,
sizeof(*line->cells) * move);
/* invalidate cells */
for (i = 0; i < move; ++i)
line->cells[from + num + i].age = age;
/* initialize fresh head-cell */
term_cell_init(line->cells + from,
/* initialize fresh tail-cells */
term_cell_init_n(line->cells + from + 1,
num - 1,
/* adjust fill-state */
line->fill = MIN(line->width,
MAX(line->fill + num,
from + num));
} else {
/* modify head-cell */
term_cell_set(line->cells + from,
/* reset tail-cells */
term_cell_clear_n(line->cells + from + 1,
num - 1,
/* adjust fill-state */
line->fill = line->width;
* term_line_write() - Write to a single, specific cell
* @line: line to write to
* @pos_x: x-position of cell in @line to write to
* @ch: character to write to the cell
* @cwidth: character width of @ch
* @attr: attributes to set on the cell or NULL
* @age: current age for all modifications
* @insert_mode: true if INSERT-MODE is enabled
* This writes to a specific cell in a line. The cell is addressed by its
* X-position @pos_x. If that cell does not exist, this is a no-op.
* @ch and @attr are set on this cell.
* If @insert_mode is true, this inserts the character instead of overwriting
* existing data (existing data is now moved to the right before writing).
* This function is the low-level handler of normal writes to a terminal.
void term_line_write(term_line *line, unsigned int pos_x, term_char_t ch, unsigned int cwidth, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age, bool insert_mode) {
unsigned int len;
if (pos_x >= line->width)
len = MAX(1U, cwidth);
if (pos_x + len < pos_x || pos_x + len > line->width)
len = line->width - pos_x;
if (!len)
if (insert_mode) {
/* Use line_insert() to insert the character-head and fill
* the remains with NULLs. */
line_insert(line, pos_x, len, ch, cwidth, attr, age);
} else {
/* modify head-cell */
term_cell_set(line->cells + pos_x, ch, cwidth, attr, age);
/* reset tail-cells */
term_cell_clear_n(line->cells + pos_x + 1,
len - 1,
/* adjust fill-state */
line->fill = MIN(line->width,
pos_x + len));
* term_line_insert() - Insert empty cells
* @line: line to insert empty cells into
* @from: x-position where to insert cells
* @num: number of cells to insert
* @attr: attributes to set on the cells or NULL
* @age: current age for all modifications
* This inserts @num empty cells at position @from in line @line. All existing
* cells to the right are shifted to make room for the new cells. Cells that get
* pushed beyond the right hand border are discarded.
void term_line_insert(term_line *line, unsigned int from, unsigned int num, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
/* use line_insert() to insert @num empty cells */
return line_insert(line, from, num, TERM_CHAR_NULL, 0, attr, age);
* term_line_delete() - Delete cells from line
* @line: line to delete cells from
* @from: position to delete cells at
* @num: number of cells to delete
* @attr: attributes to set on any new cells
* @age: current age for all modifications
* Delete cells from a line. All cells to the right of the deleted cells are
* shifted to the left to fill the empty space. New cells appearing on the right
* hand border are cleared and initialized with @attr.
void term_line_delete(term_line *line, unsigned int from, unsigned int num, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
unsigned int rem, move, i;
if (from >= line->width)
if (from + num < from || from + num > line->width)
num = line->width - from;
if (!num)
/* destroy and move as many upfront as possible */
move = line->width - from - num;
rem = MIN(num, move);
if (rem > 0) {
/* destroy to be removed cells */
term_cell_destroy_n(line->cells + from, rem);
/* move tail upfront */
memmove(line->cells + from,
line->cells + from + num,
sizeof(*line->cells) * move);
/* invalidate copied cells */
for (i = 0; i < move; ++i)
line->cells[from + i].age = age;
/* initialize tail that was moved away */
term_cell_init_n(line->cells + line->width - rem,
/* reset remaining cells in case the move was too small */
if (num > move)
term_cell_clear_n(line->cells + from + move,
num - move,
} else {
/* reset cells */
term_cell_clear_n(line->cells + from,
/* adjust fill-state */
if (from + num < line->fill)
line->fill -= num;
else if (from < line->fill)
line->fill = from;
* term_line_append_combchar() - Append combining char to existing cell
* @line: line to modify
* @pos_x: position of cell to append combining char to
* @ucs4: combining character to append
* @age: current age for all modifications
* Unicode allows trailing combining characters, which belong to the
* char in front of them. The caller is responsible of detecting
* combining characters and calling term_line_append_combchar() instead of
* term_line_write(). This simply appends the char to the correct cell then.
* If the cell is not in the visible area, this call is skipped.
* Note that control-sequences are not 100% compatible with combining
* characters as they require delayed parsing. However, we must handle
* control-sequences immediately. Therefore, there might be trailing
* combining chars that should be discarded by the parser.
* However, to prevent programming errors, we're also being pedantic
* here and discard weirdly placed combining chars. This prevents
* situations were invalid content is parsed into the terminal and you
* might end up with cells containing only combining chars.
* Long story short: To get combining-characters working with old-fashioned
* terminal-emulation, we parse them exclusively for direct cell-writes. Other
* combining-characters are usually simply discarded and ignored.
void term_line_append_combchar(term_line *line, unsigned int pos_x, uint32_t ucs4, term_age_t age) {
if (pos_x >= line->width)
/* Unused cell? Skip appending any combining chars then. */
if (term_char_is_null(line->cells[pos_x].ch))
term_cell_append(line->cells + pos_x, ucs4, age);
* term_line_erase() - Erase parts of a line
* @line: line to modify
* @from: position to start the erase
* @num: number of cells to erase
* @attr: attributes to initialize erased cells with
* @age: current age for all modifications
* @keep_protected: true if protected cells should be kept
* This is the standard erase operation. It clears all cells in the targeted
* area and re-initializes them. Cells to the right are not shifted left, you
* must use DELETE to achieve that. Cells outside the visible area are skipped.
* If @keep_protected is true, protected cells will not be erased.
void term_line_erase(term_line *line, unsigned int from, unsigned int num, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age, bool keep_protected) {
term_cell *cell;
unsigned int i, last_protected;
if (from >= line->width)
if (from + num < from || from + num > line->width)
num = line->width - from;
if (!num)
last_protected = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
cell = line->cells + from + i;
if (keep_protected && cell->attr.protect) {
/* only count protected-cells inside the fill-region */
if (from + i < line->fill)
last_protected = from + i;
term_cell_set(cell, TERM_CHAR_NULL, 0, attr, age);
/* Adjust fill-state. This is a bit tricks, we can only adjust it in
* case the erase-region starts inside the fill-region and ends at the
* tail or beyond the fill-region. Otherwise, the current fill-state
* stays as it was.
* Furthermore, we must account for protected cells. The loop above
* ensures that protected-cells are only accounted for if they're
* inside the fill-region. */
if (from < line->fill && from + num >= line->fill)
line->fill = MAX(from, last_protected);
* term_line_reset() - Reset a line
* @line: line to reset
* @attr: attributes to initialize all cells with
* @age: current age for all modifications
* This resets all visible cells of a line and sets their attributes and ages
* to @attr and @age. This is equivalent to erasing a whole line via
* term_line_erase().
void term_line_reset(term_line *line, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
return term_line_erase(line, 0, line->width, attr, age, 0);
* term_line_link() - Link line in front of a list
* @line: line to link
* @first: member pointing to first entry
* @last: member pointing to last entry
* This links a line into a list of lines. The line is inserted at the front and
* must not be linked, yet. See the TERM_LINE_LINK() macro for an easier usage of
* this.
void term_line_link(term_line *line, term_line **first, term_line **last) {
line->lines_prev = NULL;
line->lines_next = *first;
if (*first)
(*first)->lines_prev = line;
*last = line;
*first = line;
* term_line_link_tail() - Link line at tail of a list
* @line: line to link
* @first: member pointing to first entry
* @last: member pointing to last entry
* Same as term_line_link() but links the line at the tail.
void term_line_link_tail(term_line *line, term_line **first, term_line **last) {
line->lines_next = NULL;
line->lines_prev = *last;
if (*last)
(*last)->lines_next = line;
*first = line;
*last = line;
* term_line_unlink() - Unlink line from a list
* @line: line to unlink
* @first: member pointing to first entry
* @last: member pointing to last entry
* This unlinks a previously linked line. See TERM_LINE_UNLINK() for an easier to
* use macro.
void term_line_unlink(term_line *line, term_line **first, term_line **last) {
if (line->lines_prev)
line->lines_prev->lines_next = line->lines_next;
*first = line->lines_next;
if (line->lines_next)
line->lines_next->lines_prev = line->lines_prev;
*last = line->lines_prev;
line->lines_prev = NULL;
line->lines_next = NULL;
* term_page_new() - Allocate new page
* @out: storage for pointer to new page
* Allocate a new page. The initial dimensions are 0/0.
* Returns: 0 on success, negative error code on failure.
int term_page_new(term_page **out) {
_term_page_free_ term_page *page = NULL;
assert_return(out, -EINVAL);
page = new0(term_page, 1);
if (!page)
return -ENOMEM;
*out = page;
page = NULL;
return 0;
* term_page_free() - Free page
* @page: page to free or NULL
* Free a previously allocated page and all associated data. If @page is NULL,
* this is a no-op.
* Returns: NULL
term_page *term_page_free(term_page *page) {
unsigned int i;
if (!page)
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < page->n_lines; ++i)
return NULL;
* term_page_get_cell() - Return pointer to requested cell
* @page: page to operate on
* @x: x-position of cell
* @y: y-position of cell
* This returns a pointer to the cell at position @x/@y. You're free to modify
* this cell as much as you like. However, once you call any other function on
* the page, you must drop the pointer to the cell.
* Returns: Pointer to the cell or NULL if out of the visible area.
term_cell *term_page_get_cell(term_page *page, unsigned int x, unsigned int y) {
assert_return(page, NULL);
if (x >= page->width)
return NULL;
if (y >= page->height)
return NULL;
return &page->lines[y]->cells[x];
* page_scroll_up() - Scroll up
* @page: page to operate on
* @new_width: width to use for any new line moved into the visible area
* @num: number of lines to scroll up
* @attr: attributes to set on new lines
* @age: age to use for all modifications
* @history: history to use for old lines or NULL
* This scrolls the scroll-region by @num lines. New lines are cleared and reset
* with the given attributes. Old lines are moved into the history if non-NULL.
* If a new line is allocated, moved from the history buffer or moved from
* outside the visible region into the visible region, this call makes sure it
* has at least @width cells allocated. If a possible memory-allocation fails,
* the previous line is reused. This has the side effect, that it will not be
* linked into the history buffer.
* If the scroll-region is empty, this is a no-op.
static void page_scroll_up(term_page *page, unsigned int new_width, unsigned int num, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age, term_history *history) {
term_line *line, **cache;
unsigned int i;
int r;
if (num > page->scroll_num)
num = page->scroll_num;
if (num < 1)
/* Better safe than sorry: avoid under-allocating lines, even when
* resizing. */
new_width = MAX(new_width, page->width);
cache = page->line_cache;
/* Try moving lines into history and allocate new lines for each moved
* line. In case allocation fails, or if we have no history, reuse the
* line.
* We keep the lines in the line-cache so we can safely move the
* remaining lines around. */
for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
line = page->lines[page->scroll_idx + i];
r = -EAGAIN;
if (history) {
r = term_line_new(&cache[i]);
if (r >= 0) {
r = term_line_reserve(cache[i],
if (r < 0)
term_line_set_width(cache[i], page->width);
if (r >= 0) {
term_history_push(history, line);
} else {
cache[i] = line;
term_line_reset(line, attr, age);
if (num < page->scroll_num) {
memmove(page->lines + page->scroll_idx,
page->lines + page->scroll_idx + num,
sizeof(*page->lines) * (page->scroll_num - num));
/* update age of moved lines */
for (i = 0; i < page->scroll_num - num; ++i)
page->lines[page->scroll_idx + i]->age = age;
/* copy remaining lines from cache; age is already updated */
memcpy(page->lines + page->scroll_idx + page->scroll_num - num,
sizeof(*cache) * num);
/* update fill */
page->scroll_fill -= MIN(page->scroll_fill, num);
* page_scroll_down() - Scroll down
* @page: page to operate on
* @new_width: width to use for any new line moved into the visible area
* @num: number of lines to scroll down
* @attr: attributes to set on new lines
* @age: age to use for all modifications
* @history: history to use for new lines or NULL
* This scrolls the scroll-region by @num lines. New lines are retrieved from
* the history or cleared if the history is empty or NULL.
* Usually, scroll-down implies that new lines are cleared. Therefore, you're
* highly encouraged to set @history to NULL. However, if you resize a terminal,
* you might want to include history-lines in the new area. In that case, you
* should set @history to non-NULL.
* If a new line is allocated, moved from the history buffer or moved from
* outside the visible region into the visible region, this call makes sure it
* has at least @width cells allocated. If a possible memory-allocation fails,
* the previous line is reused. This will have the side-effect that lines from
* the history will not get visible on-screen but kept in history.
* If the scroll-region is empty, this is a no-op.
static void page_scroll_down(term_page *page, unsigned int new_width, unsigned int num, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age, term_history *history) {
term_line *line, **cache, *t;
unsigned int i, last_idx;
if (num > page->scroll_num)
num = page->scroll_num;
if (num < 1)
/* Better safe than sorry: avoid under-allocating lines, even when
* resizing. */
new_width = MAX(new_width, page->width);
cache = page->line_cache;
last_idx = page->scroll_idx + page->scroll_num - 1;
/* Try pulling out lines from history; if history is empty or if no
* history is given, we reuse the to-be-removed lines. Otherwise, those
* lines are released. */
for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
line = page->lines[last_idx - i];
t = NULL;
if (history)
t = term_history_pop(history, new_width, attr, age);
if (t) {
cache[num - 1 - i] = t;
} else {
cache[num - 1 - i] = line;
term_line_reset(line, attr, age);
if (num < page->scroll_num) {
memmove(page->lines + page->scroll_idx + num,
page->lines + page->scroll_idx,
sizeof(*page->lines) * (page->scroll_num - num));
/* update age of moved lines */
for (i = 0; i < page->scroll_num - num; ++i)
page->lines[page->scroll_idx + num + i]->age = age;
/* copy remaining lines from cache; age is already updated */
memcpy(page->lines + page->scroll_idx,
sizeof(*cache) * num);
/* update fill; but only if there's already content in it */
if (page->scroll_fill > 0)
page->scroll_fill = MIN(page->scroll_num,
page->scroll_fill + num);
* page_reserve() - Reserve page area
* @page: page to modify
* @cols: required columns (width)
* @rows: required rows (height)
* @attr: attributes for newly allocated cells
* @age: age to set on any modified cells
* This allocates the required amount of lines and cells to guarantee that the
* page has at least the demanded dimensions of @cols x @rows. Note that this
* never shrinks the page-memory. We keep cells allocated for performance
* reasons.
* Additionally to allocating lines, this also clears any newly added cells so
* you can safely change the size afterwards without clearing new cells.
* Note that you must be careful what operations you call on the page between
* page_reserve() and updating page->width/height. Any newly allocated line (or
* shifted line) might not meet your new width/height expectations.
* Returns: 0 on success, negative error code on failure.
int term_page_reserve(term_page *page, unsigned int cols, unsigned int rows, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
_term_line_free_ term_line *line = NULL;
unsigned int i, min_lines;
term_line **t;
int r;
assert_return(page, -EINVAL);
* First make sure the first MIN(page->n_lines, rows) lines have at
* least the required width of @cols. This does not modify any visible
* cells in the existing @page->width x @page->height area, therefore,
* we can safely bail out afterwards in case anything else fails.
* Note that lines in between page->height and page->n_lines might be
* shorter than page->width. Hence, we need to resize them all, but we
* can skip some of them for better performance.
min_lines = MIN(page->n_lines, rows);
for (i = 0; i < min_lines; ++i) {
/* lines below page->height have at least page->width cells */
if (cols < page->width && i < page->height)
r = term_line_reserve(page->lines[i],
(i < page->height) ? page->width : 0);
if (r < 0)
return r;
* We now know the first @min_lines lines have at least width @cols and
* are prepared for resizing. We now only have to allocate any
* additional lines below @min_lines in case @rows is greater than
* page->n_lines.
if (rows > page->n_lines) {
t = realloc_multiply(page->lines, sizeof(*t), rows);
if (!t)
return -ENOMEM;
page->lines = t;
t = realloc_multiply(page->line_cache, sizeof(*t), rows);
if (!t)
return -ENOMEM;
page->line_cache = t;
while (page->n_lines < rows) {
r = term_line_new(&line);
if (r < 0)
return r;
r = term_line_reserve(line, cols, attr, age, 0);
if (r < 0)
return r;
page->lines[page->n_lines++] = line;
line = NULL;
return 0;
* term_page_resize() - Resize page
* @page: page to modify
* @cols: number of columns (width)
* @rows: number of rows (height)
* @attr: attributes for newly allocated cells
* @age: age to set on any modified cells
* @history: history buffer to use for new/old lines or NULL
* This changes the visible dimensions of a page. You must have called
* term_page_reserve() beforehand, otherwise, this will fail.
* Returns: 0 on success, negative error code on failure.
void term_page_resize(term_page *page, unsigned int cols, unsigned int rows, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age, term_history *history) {
unsigned int i, num, empty, max, old_height;
term_line *line;
assert(page->n_lines >= rows);
old_height = page->height;
if (rows < old_height) {
* If we decrease the terminal-height, we emulate a scroll-up.
* This way, existing data from the scroll-area is moved into
* the history, making space at the bottom to reduce the screen
* height. In case the scroll-fill indicates empty lines, we
* reduce the amount of scrolled lines.
* Once scrolled, we have to move the lower margin from below
* the scroll area up so it is preserved.
/* move lines to history if scroll region is filled */
num = old_height - rows;
empty = page->scroll_num - page->scroll_fill;
if (num > empty)
num - empty,
/* move lower margin up; drop its lines if not enough space */
num = LESS_BY(old_height, page->scroll_idx + page->scroll_num);
max = LESS_BY(rows, page->scroll_idx);
num = MIN(num, max);
if (num > 0) {
unsigned int top, bottom;
top = rows - num;
bottom = page->scroll_idx + page->scroll_num;
/* might overlap; must run topdown, not bottomup */
for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
line = page->lines[top + i];
page->lines[top + i] = page->lines[bottom + i];
page->lines[bottom + i] = line;
/* update vertical extents */
page->height = rows;
page->scroll_idx = MIN(page->scroll_idx, rows);
page->scroll_num -= MIN(page->scroll_num, old_height - rows);
/* fill is already up-to-date or 0 due to scroll-up */
} else if (rows > old_height) {
* If we increase the terminal-height, we emulate a scroll-down
* and fetch new lines from the history.
* New lines are always accounted to the scroll-region. Thus we
* have to preserve the lower margin first, by moving it down.
/* move lower margin down */
num = LESS_BY(old_height, page->scroll_idx + page->scroll_num);
if (num > 0) {
unsigned int top, bottom;
top = page->scroll_idx + page->scroll_num;
bottom = top + (rows - old_height);
/* might overlap; must run bottomup, not topdown */
for (i = num; i-- > 0; ) {
line = page->lines[top + i];
page->lines[top + i] = page->lines[bottom + i];
page->lines[bottom + i] = line;
/* update vertical extents */
page->height = rows;
page->scroll_num = MIN(LESS_BY(rows, page->scroll_idx),
page->scroll_num + (rows - old_height));
/* check how many lines can be received from history */
if (history)
num = term_history_peek(history,
rows - old_height,
num = 0;
/* retrieve new lines from history if available */
if (num > 0)
/* set horizontal extents */
page->width = cols;
for (i = 0; i < page->height; ++i)
term_line_set_width(page->lines[i], cols);
* term_page_write() - Write to a single cell
* @page: page to operate on
* @pos_x: x-position of cell to write to
* @pos_y: y-position of cell to write to
* @ch: character to write
* @cwidth: character-width of @ch
* @attr: attributes to set on the cell or NULL
* @age: age to use for all modifications
* @insert_mode: true if INSERT-MODE is enabled
* This writes a character to a specific cell. If the cell is beyond bounds,
* this is a no-op. @attr and @age are used to update the cell. @flags can be
* used to alter the behavior of this function.
* This is a wrapper around term_line_write().
* This call does not wrap around lines. That is, this only operates on a single
* line.
void term_page_write(term_page *page, unsigned int pos_x, unsigned int pos_y, term_char_t ch, unsigned int cwidth, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age, bool insert_mode) {
if (pos_y >= page->height)
term_line_write(page->lines[pos_y], pos_x, ch, cwidth, attr, age, insert_mode);
* term_page_insert_cells() - Insert cells into a line
* @page: page to operate on
* @from_x: x-position where to insert new cells
* @from_y: y-position where to insert new cells
* @num: number of cells to insert
* @attr: attributes to set on new cells or NULL
* @age: age to use for all modifications
* This inserts new cells into a given line. This is a wrapper around
* term_line_insert().
* This call does not wrap around lines. That is, this only operates on a single
* line.
void term_page_insert_cells(term_page *page, unsigned int from_x, unsigned int from_y, unsigned int num, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
if (from_y >= page->height)
term_line_insert(page->lines[from_y], from_x, num, attr, age);
* term_page_delete_cells() - Delete cells from a line
* @page: page to operate on
* @from_x: x-position where to delete cells
* @from_y: y-position where to delete cells
* @num: number of cells to delete
* @attr: attributes to set on new cells or NULL
* @age: age to use for all modifications
* This deletes cells from a given line. This is a wrapper around
* term_line_delete().
* This call does not wrap around lines. That is, this only operates on a single
* line.
void term_page_delete_cells(term_page *page, unsigned int from_x, unsigned int from_y, unsigned int num, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
if (from_y >= page->height)
term_line_delete(page->lines[from_y], from_x, num, attr, age);
* term_page_append_combchar() - Append combining-character to a cell
* @page: page to operate on
* @pos_x: x-position of target cell
* @pos_y: y-position of target cell
* @ucs4: combining character to append
* @age: age to use for all modifications
* This appends a combining-character to a specific cell. This is a wrapper
* around term_line_append_combchar().
void term_page_append_combchar(term_page *page, unsigned int pos_x, unsigned int pos_y, uint32_t ucs4, term_age_t age) {
if (pos_y >= page->height)
term_line_append_combchar(page->lines[pos_y], pos_x, ucs4, age);
* term_page_erase() - Erase parts of a page
* @page: page to operate on
* @from_x: x-position where to start erasure (inclusive)
* @from_y: y-position where to start erasure (inclusive)
* @to_x: x-position where to stop erasure (inclusive)
* @to_y: y-position where to stop erasure (inclusive)
* @attr: attributes to set on cells
* @age: age to use for all modifications
* @keep_protected: true if protected cells should be kept
* This erases all cells starting at @from_x/@from_y up to @to_x/@to_y. Note
* that this wraps around line-boundaries so lines between @from_y and @to_y
* are cleared entirely.
* Lines outside the visible area are left untouched.
void term_page_erase(term_page *page, unsigned int from_x, unsigned int from_y, unsigned int to_x, unsigned int to_y, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age, bool keep_protected) {
unsigned int i, from, to;
for (i = from_y; i <= to_y && i < page->height; ++i) {
from = 0;
to = page->width;
if (i == from_y)
from = from_x;
if (i == to_y)
to = to_x;
LESS_BY(to, from),
* term_page_reset() - Reset page
* @page: page to modify
* @attr: attributes to set on cells
* @age: age to use for all modifications
* This erases the whole visible page. See term_page_erase().
void term_page_reset(term_page *page, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
return term_page_erase(page,
0, 0,
page->width - 1, page->height - 1,
* term_page_set_scroll_region() - Set scroll region
* @page: page to operate on
* @idx: start-index of scroll region
* @num: number of lines in scroll region
* This sets the scroll region of a page. Whenever an operation needs to scroll
* lines, it scrolls them inside of that region. Lines outside the region are
* left untouched. In case a scroll-operation is targeted outside of this
* region, it will implicitly get a scroll-region of only one line (i.e., no
* scroll region at all).
* Note that the scroll-region is clipped to the current page-extents. Growing
* or shrinking the page always accounts new/old lines to the scroll region and
* moves top/bottom margins accordingly so they're preserved.
void term_page_set_scroll_region(term_page *page, unsigned int idx, unsigned int num) {
if (page->height < 1) {
page->scroll_idx = 0;
page->scroll_num = 0;
} else {
page->scroll_idx = MIN(idx, page->height - 1);
page->scroll_num = MIN(num, page->height - page->scroll_idx);
* term_page_scroll_up() - Scroll up
* @page: page to operate on
* @num: number of lines to scroll up
* @attr: attributes to set on new lines
* @age: age to use for all modifications
* @history: history to use for old lines or NULL
* This scrolls the scroll-region by @num lines. New lines are cleared and reset
* with the given attributes. Old lines are moved into the history if non-NULL.
* If the scroll-region is empty, this is a no-op.
void term_page_scroll_up(term_page *page, unsigned int num, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age, term_history *history) {
page_scroll_up(page, page->width, num, attr, age, history);
* term_page_scroll_down() - Scroll down
* @page: page to operate on
* @num: number of lines to scroll down
* @attr: attributes to set on new lines
* @age: age to use for all modifications
* @history: history to use for new lines or NULL
* This scrolls the scroll-region by @num lines. New lines are retrieved from
* the history or cleared if the history is empty or NULL.
* Usually, scroll-down implies that new lines are cleared. Therefore, you're
* highly encouraged to set @history to NULL. However, if you resize a terminal,
* you might want to include history-lines in the new area. In that case, you
* should set @history to non-NULL.
* If the scroll-region is empty, this is a no-op.
void term_page_scroll_down(term_page *page, unsigned int num, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age, term_history *history) {
page_scroll_down(page, page->width, num, attr, age, history);
* term_page_insert_lines() - Insert new lines
* @page: page to operate on
* @pos_y: y-position where to insert new lines
* @num: number of lines to insert
* @attr: attributes to set on new lines
* @age: age to use for all modifications
* This inserts @num new lines at position @pos_y. If @pos_y is beyond
* boundaries or @num is 0, this is a no-op.
* All lines below @pos_y are moved down to make space for the new lines. Lines
* on the bottom are dropped. Note that this only moves lines above or inside
* the scroll-region. If @pos_y is below the scroll-region, a scroll-region of
* one line is implied (which means the line is simply cleared).
void term_page_insert_lines(term_page *page, unsigned int pos_y, unsigned int num, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
unsigned int scroll_idx, scroll_num;
if (pos_y >= page->height)
if (num >= page->height)
num = page->height;
/* remember scroll-region */
scroll_idx = page->scroll_idx;
scroll_num = page->scroll_num;
/* set scroll-region temporarily so we can reuse scroll_down() */
page->scroll_idx = pos_y;
if (pos_y >= scroll_idx + scroll_num)
page->scroll_num = 1;
else if (pos_y >= scroll_idx)
page->scroll_num -= pos_y - scroll_idx;
page->scroll_num += scroll_idx - pos_y;
term_page_scroll_down(page, num, attr, age, NULL);
/* reset scroll-region */
page->scroll_idx = scroll_idx;
page->scroll_num = scroll_num;
* term_page_delete_lines() - Delete lines
* @page: page to operate on
* @pos_y: y-position where to delete lines
* @num: number of lines to delete
* @attr: attributes to set on new lines
* @age: age to use for all modifications
* This deletes @num lines at position @pos_y. If @pos_y is beyond boundaries or
* @num is 0, this is a no-op.
* All lines below @pos_y are moved up into the newly made space. New lines
* on the bottom are clear. Note that this only moves lines above or inside
* the scroll-region. If @pos_y is below the scroll-region, a scroll-region of
* one line is implied (which means the line is simply cleared).
void term_page_delete_lines(term_page *page, unsigned int pos_y, unsigned int num, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
unsigned int scroll_idx, scroll_num;
if (pos_y >= page->height)
if (num >= page->height)
num = page->height;
/* remember scroll-region */
scroll_idx = page->scroll_idx;
scroll_num = page->scroll_num;
/* set scroll-region temporarily so we can reuse scroll_up() */
page->scroll_idx = pos_y;
if (pos_y >= scroll_idx + scroll_num)
page->scroll_num = 1;
else if (pos_y > scroll_idx)
page->scroll_num -= pos_y - scroll_idx;
page->scroll_num += scroll_idx - pos_y;
term_page_scroll_up(page, num, attr, age, NULL);
/* reset scroll-region */
page->scroll_idx = scroll_idx;
page->scroll_num = scroll_num;
* term_history_new() - Create new history object
* @out: storage for pointer to new history
* Create a new history object. Histories are used to store scrollback-lines
* from VTE pages. You're highly recommended to set a history-limit on
* history->max_lines and trim it via term_history_trim(), otherwise history
* allocations are unlimited.
* Returns: 0 on success, negative error code on failure.
int term_history_new(term_history **out) {
_term_history_free_ term_history *history = NULL;
assert_return(out, -EINVAL);
history = new0(term_history, 1);
if (!history)
return -ENOMEM;
history->max_lines = 4096;
*out = history;
history = NULL;
return 0;
* term_history_free() - Free history
* @history: history to free
* Clear and free history. You must not access the object afterwards.
* Returns: NULL
term_history *term_history_free(term_history *history) {
if (!history)
return NULL;
return NULL;
* term_history_clear() - Clear history
* @history: history to clear
* Remove all linked lines from a history and reset it to its initial state.
void term_history_clear(term_history *history) {
return term_history_trim(history, 0);
* term_history_trim() - Trim history
* @history: history to trim
* @max: maximum number of lines to be left in history
* This removes lines from the history until it is smaller than @max. Lines are
* removed from the top.
void term_history_trim(term_history *history, unsigned int max) {
term_line *line;
if (!history)
while (history->n_lines > max && (line = history->lines_first)) {
TERM_LINE_UNLINK(line, history);
* term_history_push() - Push line into history
* @history: history to work on
* @line: line to push into history
* This pushes a line into the given history. It is linked at the tail. In case
* the history is limited, the top-most line might be freed.
void term_history_push(term_history *history, term_line *line) {
TERM_LINE_LINK_TAIL(line, history);
if (history->max_lines > 0 && history->n_lines >= history->max_lines) {
line = history->lines_first;
TERM_LINE_UNLINK(line, history);
} else {
* term_history_pop() - Retrieve last line from history
* @history: history to work on
* @new_width: width to reserve and set on the line
* @attr: attributes to use for cell reservation
* @age: age to use for cell reservation
* This unlinks the last linked line of the history and returns it. This also
* makes sure the line has the given width pre-allocated (see
* term_line_reserve()). If the pre-allocation fails, this returns NULL, so it
* is treated like there's no line in history left. This simplifies
* history-handling on the caller's side in case of allocation errors. No need
* to throw lines away just because the reservation failed. We can keep them in
* history safely, and make them available as scrollback.
* Returns: Line from history or NULL
term_line *term_history_pop(term_history *history, unsigned int new_width, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
term_line *line;
int r;
assert_return(history, NULL);
line = history->lines_last;
if (!line)
return NULL;
r = term_line_reserve(line, new_width, attr, age, line->width);
if (r < 0)
return NULL;
term_line_set_width(line, new_width);
TERM_LINE_UNLINK(line, history);
return line;
* term_history_peek() - Return number of available history-lines
* @history: history to work on
* @max: maximum number of lines to look at
* @reserve_width: width to reserve on the line
* @attr: attributes to use for cell reservation
* @age: age to use for cell reservation
* This returns the number of available lines in the history given as @history.
* It returns at most @max. For each line that is looked at, the line is
* verified to have at least @reserve_width cells. Valid cells are preserved,
* new cells are initialized with @attr and @age. In case an allocation fails,
* we bail out and return the number of lines that are valid so far.
* Usually, this function should be used before running a loop on
* term_history_pop(). This function guarantees that term_history_pop() (with
* the same arguments) will succeed at least the returned number of times.
* Returns: Number of valid lines that can be received via term_history_pop().
unsigned int term_history_peek(term_history *history, unsigned int max, unsigned int reserve_width, const term_attr *attr, term_age_t age) {
unsigned int num;
term_line *line;
int r;
num = 0;
line = history->lines_last;
while (num < max && line) {
r = term_line_reserve(line, reserve_width, attr, age, line->width);
if (r < 0)
line = line->lines_prev;
return num;