60-evdev.hwdb revision 51c0c2869845a058268d54c3111d55d0dd485704
# This file is part of systemd.
# The lookup keys are composed in:
# 60-evdev.rules
# Note: The format of the "evdev:" prefix match key is a
# contract between the rules file and the hardware data, it might
# change in later revisions to support more or better matches, it
# is not necessarily expected to be a stable ABI.
# Match string formats:
# evdev:<modalias>
# evdev:name:<device name>:dmi:<dmi string>
# To add local entries, create a new file
# /etc/udev/hwdb.d/61-evdev-local.hwdb
# and add your rules there. To load the new rules execute (as root):
# udevadm hwdb --update
# udevadm trigger /dev/input/eventXX
# where /dev/input/eventXX is the device in question. If in
# doubt, simply use /dev/input/event* to reload all input rules.
# If your changes are generally applicable, open a bug report on
# http://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=systemd
# and include your new rules, a description of the device, and the
# output of
# udevadm info /dev/input/eventXX
# (or /dev/input/event*).
# Allowed properties are:
# EVDEV_ABS_<axis>=<min>:<max>:<res>:<fuzz>:<flat>
# where <axis> is the hexadecimal EV_ABS code as listed in linux/input.h
# and min, max, res, fuzz, flat are the decimal values to the respective
# fields of the struct input_absinfo as listed in linux/input.h.
# If a field is missing the field will be left as-is. Not all fields need to
# be present. e.g. ::45 sets the resolution to 45 units/mm.