sssd-ad.5.xml revision c7a4383b3b5549d0627c21bb02bd5f0bd46a3531
3853N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3853N/A<!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.4//EN"
3853N/A<title>SSSD Manual pages</title>
3853N/A <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="include/upstream.xml" />
3853N/A <refmeta>
3853N/A <refentrytitle>sssd-ad</refentrytitle>
3853N/A <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
3853N/A <refmiscinfo class="manual">File Formats and Conventions</refmiscinfo>
3853N/A </refmeta>
3853N/A <refnamediv id='name'>
3853N/A <refname>sssd-ad</refname>
3853N/A <refpurpose>the configuration file for SSSD</refpurpose>
3853N/A </refnamediv>
3853N/A <refsect1 id='description'>
3853N/A <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
3853N/A <para>
3853N/A This manual page describes the configuration of the AD provider
3853N/A for
5027N/A <citerefentry>
3853N/A <refentrytitle>sssd</refentrytitle>
3853N/A <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
3853N/A </citerefentry>.
3853N/A For a detailed syntax reference, refer to the <quote>FILE FORMAT</quote> section of the
4500N/A <citerefentry>
3853N/A <refentrytitle>sssd.conf</refentrytitle>
3853N/A <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
3853N/A </citerefentry> manual page.
3853N/A </para>
3853N/A <para>
3853N/A The AD provider is a back end used to connect to an Active
3853N/A Directory server. This provider requires that the machine be
3853N/A joined to the AD domain and a keytab is available.
3853N/A </para>
3853N/A <para>
3853N/A The AD provider supports connecting to Active Directory 2008 R2
3853N/A or later. Earlier versions may work, but are unsupported.
3853N/A </para>
3853N/A <para>
3853N/A The AD provider accepts the same options used by the
3853N/A <citerefentry>
3853N/A <refentrytitle>sssd-ldap</refentrytitle>
4294N/A <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
4294N/A </citerefentry> identity provider and the
3853N/A <citerefentry>
3853N/A <refentrytitle>sssd-krb5</refentrytitle>
3853N/A <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
3853N/A </citerefentry> authentication provider with some exceptions described
3853N/A below.
3853N/A </para>
3853N/A <para>
3853N/A However, it is neither necessary nor recommended to set these
3853N/A options. The AD provider can also be used as an access and chpass
3853N/A provider. No configuration of the access provider is required on
3853N/A the client side.
3853N/A </para>
4500N/A <para>
3853N/A By default, the AD provider will map UID and GID values from the
3853N/A objectSID parameter in Active Directory. For details on this, see
3853N/A the <quote>ID MAPPING</quote> section below. If you want to
3853N/A disable ID mapping and instead rely on POSIX attributes defined in
3853N/A Active Directory, you should set
3853N/A <programlisting>
3853N/Aldap_id_mapping = False
3853N/A </programlisting>
3853N/A Users, groups and other entities served by SSSD are always treated as
3853N/A case-insensitive in the AD provider for compatibility with Active
4136N/A Directory's LDAP implementation.
3853N/A </para>
3853N/A </refsect1>
3853N/A <refsect1 id='file-format'>
3853N/A <title>CONFIGURATION OPTIONS</title>
3853N/A <para>Refer to the section <quote>DOMAIN SECTIONS</quote> of the
3853N/A <citerefentry>
3853N/A <refentrytitle>sssd.conf</refentrytitle>
3853N/A <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
3853N/A </citerefentry> manual page for details on the configuration of an SSSD domain.
3853N/A <variablelist>
3853N/A <varlistentry>
5085N/A <term>ad_domain (string)</term>
3853N/A <listitem>
3853N/A <para>
3853N/A Specifies the name of the Active Directory domain.
3853N/A This is optional. If not provided, the
3853N/A configuration domain name is used.
3853N/A </para>
4500N/A <para>
3884N/A For proper operation, this option should be
3884N/A specified as the lower-case version of the long
4500N/A version of the Active Directory domain.
4500N/A </para>
3853N/A </listitem>
3853N/A </varlistentry>
4500N/A <varlistentry>
4500N/A <term>ad_server, ad_backup_server (string)</term>
3853N/A <listitem>
3853N/A <para>
3853N/A The comma-separated list of IP addresses or
3853N/A hostnames of the AD servers to which SSSD should
3853N/A connect in order of preference. For more
3853N/A information on failover and server redundancy, see
3853N/A the <quote>FAILOVER</quote> section.
3853N/A This is optional if autodiscovery is enabled.
3853N/A For more information on service discovery, refer
4294N/A to the <quote>SERVICE DISCOVERY</quote> section.
4294N/A </para>
4294N/A </listitem>
3853N/A </varlistentry>
3853N/A <varlistentry>
3853N/A <term>ad_hostname (string)</term>
3853N/A <listitem>
3853N/A <para>
3853N/A Optional. May be set on machines where the
3853N/A hostname(5) does not reflect the fully qualified
3858N/A name used in the Active Directory domain to
3858N/A identify this host.
3858N/A </para>
3858N/A <para>
3858N/A This field is used to determine the host principal
3853N/A in use in the keytab. It must match the hostname
3853N/A for which the keytab was issued.
3853N/A </para>
3853N/A </listitem>
3853N/A </varlistentry>
3853N/A <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="include/override_homedir.xml" />
3853N/A <varlistentry>
3853N/A <term>krb5_use_enterprise_principal (boolean)</term>
3853N/A <listitem>
3853N/A <para>
3853N/A Specifies if the user principal should be treated
3853N/A as enterprise principal. See section 5 of RFC 6806
3853N/A for more details about enterprise principals.
3853N/A </para>
3853N/A <para>
3853N/A Default: true
3853N/A </para>
3853N/A <para>
3853N/A Note that this default differs from the
3853N/A traditional Kerberos provider back end.
3853N/A </para>
3853N/A </listitem>
3853N/A </varlistentry>
3853N/A </variablelist>
3853N/A </para>
3853N/A </refsect1>
3853N/A <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="include/failover.xml" />
3853N/A <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="include/service_discovery.xml" />
3853N/A <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="include/ldap_id_mapping.xml" />
3853N/A <refsect1 id='example'>
3853N/A <title>EXAMPLE</title>
3853N/A <para>
3853N/A The following example assumes that SSSD is correctly
3853N/A configured and is one of the domains in the
3853N/A <replaceable>[sssd]</replaceable> section. This example shows only
3853N/A the AD provider-specific options.
3853N/A </para>
3853N/A <para>
3853N/Aid_provider = ad
3853N/Aauth_provider = ad
3853N/Aaccess_provider = ad
3853N/Achpass_provider = ad
3853N/Aad_server =
3853N/Aad_hostname =
3853N/Aad_domain =
4923N/A </para>
4923N/A </refsect1>
4923N/A <refsect1 id='notes'>
4923N/A <title>NOTES</title>
4923N/A <para>
4923N/A The AD access control provider checks if the account is expired.
4923N/A It has the same effect as the following configuration of the LDAP
3853N/A provider:
3853N/Aaccess_provider = ldap
3853N/Aldap_access_order = expire
3853N/Aldap_account_expire_policy = ad
3853N/A </para>
3853N/A </refsect1>
3853N/A <xi:include xmlns:xi="" href="include/seealso.xml" />