BUILD.txt revision 82cbd7901b0bc12ecfc1d247e7e1ecaa3bda2368
Very Quick Guide to build sssd components
Use the following instructions to build the libraries and the binaries.
NOTE: these instructions are temporary and will most likely change agt some
point but so far the process I describe here is the best one to get something up
and working while developing this project.
Each library and the sssd service have a --with-shared-build-dir configure option
that is useful to build the libraries so that you can build all pieces before
installing each library as a dependency.
If you just want to make a development build you can provide a temporary
directory where libraries are installed during the build process in a way that
let each dependent library find them without having to install each binary into
its finally system library directory (ie build as user).
I use the following steps to build all pieces.
pushd talloc; ./ && ./configure --with-shared-build-dir=/tmp/foo && make shared-build; popd
pushd tdb; ./ && ./configure --with-shared-build-dir=/tmp/foo && make shared-build; popd
pushd events; ./ && ./configure --with-shared-build-dir=/tmp/foo && make shared-build; popd
pushd ldb; ./ && ./configure --with-shared-build-dir=/tmp/foo && make shared-build; popd
pushd server; ./ && ./configure --with-shared-build-dir=/tmp/foo && make; popd
At this point you can start testing the sssd daemon this way:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/tmp/foo/lib
cd server
./sbin/sssd -i
This will start the sssd daemon in interactive mode.
The nss_client doesn't need any dependency nor supports the shared-build option.
pushd nss_client; ./ && ./configure && make; popd
Now you have to copy libnss_sss* into /lib (or /lib64) and add the 'sss' traget
to nsswitch.conf passwd database