authtok.h revision 346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce SSSD - auth utils
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce Copyright (C) Simo Sorce <> 2012
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce (at your option) any later version.
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce GNU General Public License for more details.
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce along with this program. If not, see <>.
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz/* Use sss_authtok_* accessor functions instead of struct sss_auth_token
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @brief Returns the token type
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @return An sss_authtok_type (empty, password, ...)
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorceenum sss_authtok_type sss_authtok_get_type(struct sss_auth_token *tok);
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @brief Returns the token size
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @return The current size of the token payload
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorcesize_t sss_authtok_get_size(struct sss_auth_token *tok);
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @brief Get the data buffer
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @return A pointer to the token payload
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorceuint8_t *sss_authtok_get_data(struct sss_auth_token *tok);
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @brief Returns a const string if the auth token is of type
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce SSS_AUTHTOK_TYPE_PASSWORD, otherwise it returns an error
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param pwd A pointer to a const char *, that will point to a null
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * terminated string
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param len The length of the password string
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @return EOK on success
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * ENOENT if the token is empty
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * EACCESS if the token is not a password token
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorceerrno_t sss_authtok_get_password(struct sss_auth_token *tok,
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @brief Set a password into an auth token, replacing any previous data
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token structure to change, also
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnik * used as a memory context to allocate the internal data.
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param password A string
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param len The length of the string or, if 0 is passed,
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * then strlen(password) will be used internally.
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @return EOK on success
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * ENOMEM on error
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnikerrno_t sss_authtok_set_password(struct sss_auth_token *tok,
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @brief Returns a const string if the auth token is of type
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce SSS_AUTHTOK_TYPE_CCFILE, otherwise it returns an error
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param ccfile A pointer to a const char *, that will point to a null
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnik * terminated string, also used as a memory context use to allocate the internal data
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param len The length of the string
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @return EOK on success
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * ENOENT if the token is empty
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * EACCESS if the token is not a password token
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorceerrno_t sss_authtok_get_ccfile(struct sss_auth_token *tok,
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @brief Set a cc file name into an auth token, replacing any previous data
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token structure to change, also
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnik * used as a memory context to allocate the internal data.
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param ccfile A null terminated string
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param len The length of the string
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @return EOK on success
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * ENOMEM on error
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnikerrno_t sss_authtok_set_ccfile(struct sss_auth_token *tok,
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @brief Resets an auth token to the empty status
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token structure to reset
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * NOTE: This function uses safezero() on the payload if the type
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * is SSS_AUTHTOK_TYPE_PASSWORD
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorcevoid sss_authtok_set_empty(struct sss_auth_token *tok);
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @brief Set an auth token by type, replacing any previous data
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token structure to change, also
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnik * used as a memory context to allocate the internal data.
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param type A valid authtok type
4b8021779e4db2a212a8214c17e778e843ae2b3aStef Walter * @param data A data pointer
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param len The length of the data
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @return EOK on success
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * ENOMEM or EINVAL on error
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnikerrno_t sss_authtok_set(struct sss_auth_token *tok,
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @brief Copy an auth token from source to destination
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @param src The source auth token
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnik * @param dst The destination auth token, also used as a memory context
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnik * to allocate dst internal data.
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @return EOK on success
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * ENOMEM on error
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnikerrno_t sss_authtok_copy(struct sss_auth_token *src,
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * @brief Uses safezero to wipe the password from memory if the
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * authtoken contains a password, otherwise does nothing.
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token structure to change
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * NOTE: This function should only be used in destructors or similar
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * functions where freeing the actual string is unsafe and where it can
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * be guaranteed that the auth token will not be used anymore.
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce * Use sss_authtok_set_empty() in normal circumstances.
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorcevoid sss_authtok_wipe_password(struct sss_auth_token *tok);
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnik * @brief Create new empty struct sss_auth_token.
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnik * @param mem_ctx A memory context use to allocate the internal data
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnik * @return A pointer to new empty struct sss_auth_token
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnik * NULL in case of failure
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnik * NOTE: This function is the only way, how to create new empty
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnik * struct sss_auth_token.
9acfb09f7969a69f58bd45c856b01700541853caLukas Slebodnikstruct sss_auth_token *sss_authtok_new(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx);
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * @brief Set authtoken with 2FA data
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token structure to change, also
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * used as a memory context to allocate the internal data.
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * @param[in] fa1 First authentication factor, null terminated
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * @param[in] fa1_len Length of the first authentication factor, if 0
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * strlen() will be called internally
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * @param[in] fa2 Second authentication factor, null terminated
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * @param[in] fa2_len Length of the second authentication factor, if 0
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * strlen() will be called internally
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * @return EOK on success
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * ENOMEM if memory allocation failed
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * EINVAL if input data is not consistent
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Boseerrno_t sss_authtok_set_2fa(struct sss_auth_token *tok,
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * @brief Get 2FA factors from authtoken
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token structure to change, also
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * used as a memory context to allocate the internal data.
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * @param[out] fa1 A pointer to a const char *, that will point to a
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * null terminated string holding the first
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * authentication factor, may not be modified or freed
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * @param[out] fa1_len Length of the first authentication factor
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * @param[out] fa2 A pointer to a const char *, that will point to a
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * null terminated string holding the second
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * authentication factor, may not be modified or freed
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * @param[out] fa2_len Length of the second authentication factor
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * @return EOK on success
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * ENOMEM if memory allocation failed
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * EINVAL if input data is not consistent
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * ENOENT if the token is empty
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Bose * EACCESS if the token is not a 2FA token
bc052ea17d858c19f9cb9c9e2bc602e754f68831Sumit Boseerrno_t sss_authtok_get_2fa(struct sss_auth_token *tok,
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @brief Set a Smart Card PIN into an auth token, replacing any previous data
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token structure to change, also
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * used as a memory context to allocate the internal data.
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * @param pin A string
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * @param len The length of the string or, if 0 is passed,
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * then strlen(password) will be used internally.
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * @return EOK on success
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * ENOMEM on error
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Boseerrno_t sss_authtok_set_sc_pin(struct sss_auth_token *tok, const char *pin,
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @brief Returns a Smart Card PIN as const string if the auth token is of
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * type SSS_AUTHTOK_TYPE_SC_PIN, otherwise it returns an error
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * @param pin A pointer to a const char *, that will point to a null
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * terminated string
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * @param len The length of the pin string
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * @return EOK on success
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * ENOENT if the token is empty
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * EACCESS if the token is not a Smart Card PIN token
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Boseerrno_t sss_authtok_get_sc_pin(struct sss_auth_token *tok, const char **pin,
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * @brief Sets an auth token to type SSS_AUTHTOK_TYPE_SC_KEYPAD, replacing any
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * previous data
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token structure to change, also
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bose * used as a memory context to allocate the internal data.
10703cd558016685ee778e333f1d4490238d46e7Sumit Bosevoid sss_authtok_set_sc_keypad(struct sss_auth_token *tok);
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @brief Set complete Smart Card authentication blob including PKCS#11 token
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * name, module name and key id.
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param type Authentication token type, may be
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * SSS_AUTHTOK_TYPE_SC_PIN or SSS_AUTHTOK_TYPE_SC_KEYPAD
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param pin A pointer to a const char *, that will point to a null
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * terminated string containing the PIN
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param pin_len The length of the pin string, if set to 0 it will be
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * calculated
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param token_name A pointer to a const char *, that will point to a null
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * terminated string containing the PKCS#11 token name
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param token_name_len The length of the token name string, if set to 0 it
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * will be calculated
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param module_name A pointer to a const char *, that will point to a null
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * terminated string containing the PKCS#11 module name
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param module_name_len The length of the module name string, if set to 0 it
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * will be calculated
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param key_id A pointer to a const char *, that will point to a null
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * terminated string containing the PKCS#11 key id
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param key_id_len The length of the key id string, if set to 0 it will be
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * calculated
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @return EOK on success
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * EINVAL unexpected or inval input
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * ENOMEM memory allocation error
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Boseerrno_t sss_authtok_set_sc(struct sss_auth_token *tok,
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @brief Set a Smart Card authentication data, replacing any previous data
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token structure to change, also
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * used as a memory context to allocate the internal data.
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param data Smart Card authentication data blob
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param len The length of the blob
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @return EOK on success
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * ENOMEM on error
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Boseerrno_t sss_authtok_set_sc_from_blob(struct sss_auth_token *tok,
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @brief Get complete Smart Card authtoken data
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @param tok A pointer to an sss_auth_token structure
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param[out] _pin A pointer to a const char *, that will point to
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * a null terminated string holding the PIN,
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * may not be modified or freed
346d6d8bf5fdb446921d754c07c8a7d913a048d5René Genz * @param[out] _pin__len Length of the PIN
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param[out] _token_name A pointer to a const char *, that will point to
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * a null terminated string holding the PKCS#11
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * token name, may not be modified or freed
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param[out] _token_name_len Length of the PKCS#11 token name
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param[out] _module_name A pointer to a const char *, that will point to
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * a null terminated string holding the PKCS#11
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * module name, may not be modified or freed
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param[out] _module_name_len Length of the PKCS#11 module name
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param[out] _key_id A pointer to a const char *, that will point to
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * a null terminated string holding the PKCS#11
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * key id, may not be modified or freed
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @param[out] _key_id_len Length of the PKCS#11 key id
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * Any of the output pointers may be NULL if the caller does not need the
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * specific item.
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * @return EOK on success
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * EFAULT missing token
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * EINVAL if input data is not consistent
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * ENOENT if the token is empty
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose * EACCESS if the token is not a Smart Card token
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Boseerrno_t sss_authtok_get_sc(struct sss_auth_token *tok,
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose const char **_token_name, size_t *_token_name_len,
dd17a3aaddab6f122dff3bd15b7005464c07c0eaSumit Bose const char **_module_name, size_t *_module_name_len,
918b2a5a91f1c551d48f4bffed2a28c36fdb4be1Simo Sorce#endif /* __AUTHTOK_H__ */