revision 274489b092bba5fc81cb0f803843d56b267c5aaf
# MIT Kerberos server class
# Copyright (c) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.
# This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import os
import subprocess
class NoPrincipals(Exception):
def __init__(self):
Exception.__init__(self, 'No principals in the collection')
class PrincNotFound(Exception):
def __init__(self, principal):
Exception.__init__(self, 'Principal %s not found' % principal)
class Krb5Utils(object):
Helper class to test Kerberos command line utilities
def __init__(self, krb5_conf_path):
self.krb5_conf_path = krb5_conf_path
def spawn_in_env(self, args, stdin=None, extra_env=None):
my_env = os.environ
my_env['KRB5_CONFIG'] = self.krb5_conf_path
if 'KRB5CCNAME' in my_env:
del my_env['KRB5CCNAME']
if extra_env is not None:
cmd = subprocess.Popen(args,
return cmd
def _run_in_env(self, args, stdin=None, extra_env=None):
cmd = self.spawn_in_env(args, stdin, extra_env)
out, err = cmd.communicate(stdin)
return cmd.returncode, out.decode('utf-8'), err.decode('utf-8')
def kinit(self, principal, password, env=None):
args = ["kinit", principal]
return self._run_in_env(args, password.encode('utf-8'), env)
def kvno(self, principal, env=None):
args = ["kvno", principal]
return self._run_in_env(args, env)
def kdestroy(self, all_ccaches=False, env=None):
args = ["kdestroy"]
if all_ccaches is True:
args += ["-A"]
retval, _, _ = self._run_in_env(args, env)
return retval
def kswitch(self, principal, env=None):
args = ["kswitch", '-p', principal]
retval, _, _ = self._run_in_env(args, env)
return retval
def _check_klist_l(self, line, exp_principal, exp_cache):
princ, cache = line.split()
except ValueError:
return False
if exp_cache is not None and cache != exp_cache:
return False
if exp_principal != princ:
return False
return True
def num_princs(self, env=None):
args = ["klist", "-l"]
retval, out, err = self._run_in_env(args, extra_env=env)
if retval != 0:
return 0
outlines = [l for l in out.split('\n') if len(l) > 1]
return len(outlines) - 2
def list_princs(self, env=None):
args = ["klist", "-l"]
retval, out, err = self._run_in_env(args, extra_env=env)
if retval == 1:
raise NoPrincipals
elif retval != 0:
raise Exception("klist failed: %d: %s\n", retval, err)
outlines = out.split('\n')
if len(outlines) < 2:
raise Exception("Not enough output from klist -l")
return [l for l in outlines[2:] if len(l) > 0]
def has_principal(self, exp_principal, exp_cache=None, env=None):
princlist = self.list_princs(env)
except NoPrincipals:
return False
for line in princlist:
matches = self._check_klist_l(line, exp_principal, exp_cache)
if matches is True:
return True
return False
def default_principal(self, env=None):
principals = self.list_princs(env)
return principals[0].split()[0]
def _parse_klist_a(self, out):
dflprinc = None
thisrealm = None
ccache_dict = dict()
for line in [l for l in out.split('\n') if len(l) > 0]:
if line.startswith("Default principal"):
dflprinc = line.split()[2]
thisrealm = '@' + dflprinc.split('@')[1]
elif thisrealm is not None and line.endswith(thisrealm):
svc = line.split()[-1]
if dflprinc in ccache_dict:
ccache_dict[dflprinc] = [svc]
return ccache_dict
def list_all_princs(self, env=None):
args = ["klist", "-A"]
retval, out, err = self._run_in_env(args, extra_env=env)
if retval == 1:
raise NoPrincipals
elif retval != 0:
raise Exception("klist -A failed: %d: %s\n", retval, err)
return self._parse_klist_a(out)