simple_access_check.c revision a4bf85ccc902490c3b75b44532010fbb32169801
Simple access control
Copyright (C) Sumit Bose <> 2010
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "providers/dp_backend.h"
#include "providers/simple/simple_access.h"
#include "util/sss_utf8.h"
static bool
const char *val;
if (!val || /* Groups are posix by default */
return true;
return false;
/* Returns EOK if the result is definitive, EAGAIN if only partial result
static errno_t
bool *access_granted)
int i;
/* First, check whether the user is in the allowed users list */
("User [%s] found in allow list, access granted.\n",
/* Do not return immediately on explicit allow
* We need to make sure none of the user's groups
* are denied.
*access_granted = true;
} else if (!ctx->allow_groups) {
/* If neither allow rule is in place, we'll assume allowed
* unless a deny rule disables us below.
("No allow rule, assumuing allow unless explicitly denied\n"));
*access_granted = true;
/* Next check whether this user has been specifically denied */
("User [%s] found in deny list, access denied.\n",
/* Return immediately on explicit denial */
*access_granted = false;
return EOK;
return EAGAIN;
static errno_t
bool *access_granted)
bool matched;
int i, j;
/* Now process allow and deny group rules
* If access was already granted above, we'll skip
* this redundant rule check
matched = false;
for (i = 0; ctx->allow_groups[i]; i++) {
for(j = 0; group_names[j]; j++) {
matched = true;
/* If any group has matched, we can skip out on the
* processing early
if (matched) {
("Group [%s] found in allow list, access granted.\n",
*access_granted = true;
/* Finally, process the deny group rules */
if (ctx->deny_groups) {
matched = false;
for (i = 0; ctx->deny_groups[i]; i++) {
for(j = 0; group_names[j]; j++) {
matched = true;
/* If any group has matched, we can skip out on the
* processing early
if (matched) {
("Group [%s] found in deny list, access denied.\n",
*access_granted = false;
return EOK;
struct simple_resolve_group_state {
struct simple_ctx *ctx;
const char *name;
static errno_t
static struct tevent_req *
struct tevent_context *ev,
struct simple_ctx *ctx,
struct tevent_req *req;
struct tevent_req *subreq;
struct simple_resolve_group_state *state;
struct be_acct_req *ar;
struct simple_resolve_group_state);
/* First check if the group was updated already. If it was (maybe its
* parent was updated first), then just shortcut */
goto done;
("Cannot check if group was already updated [%d]: %s\n",
goto done;
/* EAGAIN - still needs update */
if (!ar) {
goto done;
goto done;
if (!subreq) {
goto done;
return req;
} else {
return req;
static errno_t
struct ldb_message *group;
/* Check the cache by GID again and fetch the name */
group_attrs, &group);
return ret;
("The group is still non-POSIX\n"));
return EAGAIN;
return EOK;
struct tevent_req *req;
struct simple_resolve_group_state *state;
int err_maj;
int err_min;
const char *err_msg;
if (ret) {
if (err_maj) {
("Cannot refresh data from DP: %u,%u: %s\n",
/* Check the cache by GID again and fetch the name */
static errno_t
const char **name)
struct simple_resolve_group_state *state;
return EOK;
struct simple_check_groups_state {
struct tevent_context *ev;
struct simple_ctx *ctx;
const char **group_names;
static errno_t
static errno_t
struct ldb_message *group);
static struct tevent_req *
struct tevent_context *ev,
struct simple_ctx *ctx,
const char *username)
struct tevent_req *req;
struct tevent_req *subreq;
struct simple_check_groups_state *state;
struct ldb_message *user;
struct ldb_message **groups;
int i;
struct simple_check_groups_state);
goto done;
("Could not look up username [%s]: [%d][%s]\n",
goto done;
goto done;
("User %s is a member of %zu supplemental groups\n",
username, group_count));
/* One extra space for terminator, one extra space for private group */
goto done;
for (i=0; i < group_count; i++) {
/* Some providers (like the AD provider) might perform initgroups
* without resolving the group names. In order for the simple access
* provider to work correctly, we need to resolve the groups before
* performing the access check. In AD provider, the situation is
* even more tricky b/c the groups HAVE name, but their name
* attribute is set to SID and they are set as non-POSIX
goto done;
if (!gid) {
goto done;
goto done;
/* If all groups could have been resolved by name, we are
* done
goto done;
if (!subreq) {
goto done;
return req;
} else {
return req;
struct tevent_req *req =
struct simple_check_groups_state *state =
if (!subreq) {
static errno_t
struct ldb_message *group)
const char *name;
bool posix;
/* With the current sysdb layout, every group has a name */
return EINVAL;
if (gid == 0) {
if (posix == true) {
return EINVAL;
/* Non-posix group with a name. Still can be used for access
* control as the name should point to the real name, no SID
return ENOMEM;
return EOK;
/* Here are only groups with a name and gid. POSIX group can already
* be used, non-POSIX groups can be resolved */
if (posix) {
return ENOMEM;
return EOK;
/* Non-posix group with a GID. Needs resolving */
return EOK;
static errno_t
struct ldb_message *msg;
/* We have to treat this as non-fatal, because the primary
* group may be local to the machine and not available in
* our ID provider.
} else {
return ret;
return EOK;
static errno_t
const char ***_group_names)
struct simple_check_groups_state *state;
return EOK;
struct simple_access_check_state {
bool access_granted;
struct simple_ctx *ctx;
const char *username;
const char **group_names;
struct tevent_context *ev,
struct simple_ctx *ctx,
const char *username)
struct tevent_req *req;
struct tevent_req *subreq;
struct simple_access_check_state *state;
struct simple_access_check_state);
state->access_granted = false;
goto immediate;
goto immediate;
goto immediate;
/* EAGAIN -- check groups */
/* There are no group restrictions, so just return
* here with whatever we've decided.
goto immediate;
/* The group names might not be available. Fire a request to
* gather them. In most cases, the request will just shortcut
if (!subreq) {
goto immediate;
return req;
} else {
return req;
struct tevent_req *req =
struct simple_access_check_state *state =
/* We know the names now. Run the check. */
/* If the user wasn't found, just shortcut */
state->access_granted = false;
/* Now just return whatever we decided */
struct simple_access_check_state *state =
if (access_granted) {
return EOK;