proxy_iface_generated.h revision e07d700ed9daf0cf96607fa2d72978cb2431b794
/* The following declarations are auto-generated from proxy_iface.xml */
#ifndef __PROXY_IFACE_XML__
#define __PROXY_IFACE_XML__
#include "sbus/sssd_dbus.h"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* DBus Constants
* Various constants of interface and method names mostly for use by clients
/* constants for org.freedesktop.sssd.ProxyChild.Client */
#define IFACE_PROXY_CLIENT "org.freedesktop.sssd.ProxyChild.Client"
/* constants for org.freedesktop.sssd.ProxyChild.Auth */
#define IFACE_PROXY_AUTH "org.freedesktop.sssd.ProxyChild.Auth"
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* DBus handlers
* These structures are filled in by implementors of the different
* dbus interfaces to handle method calls.
* Handler functions of type sbus_msg_handler_fn accept raw messages,
* other handlers are typed appropriately. If a handler that is
* set to NULL is invoked it will result in a
* org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported error for the caller.
* Handlers have a matching xxx_finish() function (unless the method has
* accepts raw messages). These finish functions the
* sbus_request_return_and_finish() with the appropriate arguments to
* construct a valid reply. Once a finish function has been called, the
* @dbus_req it was called with is freed and no longer valid.
/* vtable for org.freedesktop.sssd.ProxyChild.Client */
struct iface_proxy_client {
/* finish function for Register */
/* vtable for org.freedesktop.sssd.ProxyChild.Auth */
struct iface_proxy_auth {
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* DBus Interface Metadata
* These structure definitions are filled in with the information about
* the interfaces, methods, properties and so on.
* The actual definitions are found in the accompanying C file next
* to this header.
/* interface info for org.freedesktop.sssd.ProxyChild.Client */
extern const struct sbus_interface_meta iface_proxy_client_meta;
/* interface info for org.freedesktop.sssd.ProxyChild.Auth */
extern const struct sbus_interface_meta iface_proxy_auth_meta;
#endif /* __PROXY_IFACE_XML__ */