revision 6df8895947fbd0a01df92b82d6f418c8202595b2
# SSSD and LDB debugging plugins
# Activate them by putting:
# source /path/to/this/
# to your .gdbinit file
# To bypass the pretty printer and print the raw values, use the "/r" option:
# print /r foobar
import gdb
def gdb_printer_decorator(fn):
return fn
def indent_string(s, indent):
return '\n'.join(["%s%s" % ("\t" * indent, part)
for part in s.split('\n')])
class StringPrinter(object):
"Shared code between different string-printing classes"
def __init__(self, val):
self.val = val
def to_string(self):
return self.as_string()
class LdbDnPrinter(StringPrinter):
" print an ldb dn "
def as_string(self, indent=0):
ret = "{ <%s>\tlinearized:%s }" % (self.val.type,
return indent_string(ret, indent)
class LdbValPrinter(StringPrinter):
" print a ldb value"
def as_string(self, indent=0):
ret = "data = %(data)s, length = %(length)s" % self.val
return indent_string("{ <%s>\t%s }" % (self.val.type, ret), indent)
class LdbMessageElementPrinter(StringPrinter):
" print a ldb message element "
def as_string(self, indent=0):
ret = "flags = %(flags)s, name = %(name)s, " \
"num_values = %(num_values)s" % self.val
nvals = int(self.val['num_values'])
except ValueError:
return "num_values is not numeric?"
for i in range(nvals):
ldbval = LdbValPrinter(self.val['values'][i])
ret += "\n%s" % (ldbval.as_string(indent+1))
return indent_string("{ <%s>\t%s }" % (self.val.type, ret), indent)
class LdbMessagePrinter(StringPrinter):
" print a ldb message "
def as_string(self, indent=0):
nels = int(self.val['num_elements'])
except ValueError:
return "num_elements is not numeric?"
dn = LdbDnPrinter(self.val['dn'])
dn_str = dn.as_string(indent)
ret = "num_elements:\t%s\ndn:\t%s\nelements:\t" % (nels, dn_str)
for i in range(nels):
el = LdbMessageElementPrinter(self.val['elements'][i])
ret += "\n%s" % (el.as_string(indent+1))
return indent_string("{ <%s>\n%s }" % (self.val.type, ret), indent)
class LdbResultPrinter(StringPrinter):
" print a ldb message element "
def as_string(self, indent=0):
ret = "count = %(count)s, extended = %(extended)s, " \
"controls = %(controls)s, refs = %(refs)s" % self.val
count = int(self.val['count'])
except ValueError:
ret += 'Count is not numeric value?'
return ret
for i in range(count):
msg = LdbMessagePrinter(self.val['msgs'][i])
ret += "\n%s" % (msg.as_string(indent+1))
return indent_string("{ <%s>\t%s }" % (self.val.type, ret), indent)
class SysdbAttrsPrinter(StringPrinter):
" print a struct sysdb attrs "
def as_string(self, indent=0):
ret = "num = %(num)s" % self.val
num = int(self.val['num'])
except ValueError:
ret += 'num is not numeric value?'
return ret
for i in range(num):
el = LdbMessageElementPrinter(self.val['a'][i])
ret += "\n%s" % (el.as_string(indent+1))
return indent_string("{ <%s>\t%s }" % (self.val.type, ret), indent)
# ---
# --- register pretty printers ---
# ---
def ldb_val_element_printer(val):
if str(val.type) == 'struct ldb_dn':
return LdbDnPrinter(val)
return None
def ldb_val_element_printer(val):
if str(val.type) == 'struct ldb_val':
return LdbValPrinter(val)
return None
def ldb_message_element_printer(val):
if str(val.type) == 'struct ldb_message_element':
return LdbMessageElementPrinter(val)
return None
def ldb_message_printer(val):
if str(val.type) == 'struct ldb_message':
return LdbMessagePrinter(val)
return None
def ldb_result_printer(val):
if str(val.type) == 'struct ldb_result':
return LdbResultPrinter(val)
return None
def sysdb_attrs_printer(val):
if str(val.type) == 'struct sysdb_attrs':
return SysdbAttrsPrinter(val)
return None
# ---
# --- set a breakpoint at the tevent_req finish fn ---
# ---
class TeventBreak(gdb.Command):
"""Break at the tevent finish location """
def __init__(self):
super(TeventBreak, self).__init__("tbr", gdb.COMMAND_BREAKPOINTS)
def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
req = gdb.parse_and_eval(arg)
if not hasattr(req, 'type'):
print('cannot determine the type of the variable')
if str(req.type) != 'struct tevent_req *':
print('wrong attribute - must be a tevent_req pointer')
fn = req['async']['fn']
except KeyError:
print("No async function defined?")
fnaddr = str(fn).split()[0].strip()
except IndexError:
print("Cannot get function address")
b = gdb.Breakpoint("*%s" % fnaddr)