Makefile revision 493
6b2f224b248b545ef9615fad362972c54fa5ecffRobert Wapshott###############################################################################
6b2f224b248b545ef9615fad362972c54fa5ecffRobert Wapshott# Xvnc server Makefile
6b2f224b248b545ef9615fad362972c54fa5ecffRobert Wapshott# Based on Fedora's vnc-4.1.2-21.fc8/vnc.spec
6b2f224b248b545ef9615fad362972c54fa5ecffRobert Wapshott# Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
6b2f224b248b545ef9615fad362972c54fa5ecffRobert Wapshott# Use subject to license terms.
6b2f224b248b545ef9615fad362972c54fa5ecffRobert Wapshott# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
6b2f224b248b545ef9615fad362972c54fa5ecffRobert Wapshott# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
6b2f224b248b545ef9615fad362972c54fa5ecffRobert Wapshott# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
6b2f224b248b545ef9615fad362972c54fa5ecffRobert Wapshott# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
6b2f224b248b545ef9615fad362972c54fa5ecffRobert Wapshott# distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
5b2db69e215078c268a3e690d144373baebbf17bJames Phillpotts# to whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above
6b2f224b248b545ef9615fad362972c54fa5ecffRobert Wapshott# copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of
ef957cfcdd1da08a4fb4b7394ee4a9337269f730James Phillpotts# the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this
89c76a8c99f25ef6d24c3642f95dde19c5fd4d05Phill Cunnington# permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
a35224ef1ee8c02d389ffeeb676b4de432294fb6Phill Cunnington# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS
b6afeb77747b44ecbd7fc73689372946524ae3c4James Phillpotts# OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF
89c76a8c99f25ef6d24c3642f95dde19c5fd4d05Phill Cunnington# MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT
c++public.patch \
# different attributes/path set
# This step has to be done before including common/ so
PATCH_CMD=`echo $$p | awk -F, '{if (NF > 1) FLAGS = $$2; else FLAGS="-p0" ; printf "gpatch -d $(XORG_SOURCE_DIR) %s < ../xorg/%s\n", FLAGS, $$1}'` ; \
eval $${PATCH_CMD} ; \
# This step has to be done after including common/ since
unix/xorg-x11-server-source/hw/vnc/ ; \
cp -p unix/xorg-x11-server-source/cfb/cfb.h \
unix/xorg-x11-server-source/hw/vnc/ ; \
-p /usr/bin/ unix/vncviewer/ )
-D__extension__=\"\" \
# $(TOP)/common/ -P $(SOURCE_DIR)