Makefile revision 1003
c0a708fa3f7b8f4fbca32052da5faf7a0125189dTimo Sirainen# Makefile for X Consolidation
c0a708fa3f7b8f4fbca32052da5faf7a0125189dTimo Sirainen#
c0a708fa3f7b8f4fbca32052da5faf7a0125189dTimo Sirainen# Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
a7c58de2babd44256c9bb63f12876433646f9e7eTimo Sirainen#
2a90d8a14b0e7cc1508814bc87d3dfa598ef46a8Timo Sirainen# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
a7c58de2babd44256c9bb63f12876433646f9e7eTimo Sirainen# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
a7c58de2babd44256c9bb63f12876433646f9e7eTimo Sirainen# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
c0a708fa3f7b8f4fbca32052da5faf7a0125189dTimo Sirainen# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
c0a708fa3f7b8f4fbca32052da5faf7a0125189dTimo Sirainen# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
c49a19168dab6fda80aee16ad799a8a56d3bc18fTimo Sirainen# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
c0a708fa3f7b8f4fbca32052da5faf7a0125189dTimo Sirainen#
c0a708fa3f7b8f4fbca32052da5faf7a0125189dTimo Sirainen# The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next
c49a19168dab6fda80aee16ad799a8a56d3bc18fTimo Sirainen# paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
c0a708fa3f7b8f4fbca32052da5faf7a0125189dTimo Sirainen# Software.
c0a708fa3f7b8f4fbca32052da5faf7a0125189dTimo Sirainen#
c0a708fa3f7b8f4fbca32052da5faf7a0125189dTimo Sirainen# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR
c0a708fa3f7b8f4fbca32052da5faf7a0125189dTimo Sirainen# IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,
c0a708fa3f7b8f4fbca32052da5faf7a0125189dTimo Sirainen# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL
c0a708fa3f7b8f4fbca32052da5faf7a0125189dTimo Sirainen# THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER
210a55c1e7183def859be97976859f5a24d3483cTimo Sirainen# LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING
c0a708fa3f7b8f4fbca32052da5faf7a0125189dTimo Sirainen# FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER
5fb13f638aea5497e77d4f9f14a38eb8257a92efTimo Sirainen# DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
c0a708fa3f7b8f4fbca32052da5faf7a0125189dTimo Sirainen#
OS_SUBDIRS_common = open-src pkg
OS_SUBDIRS_sparc = $(OS_SUBDIRS_common)
OS_SUBDIRS_i386 = $(OS_SUBDIRS_common)
all: setup install check
setup: open-src/common/Makefile.options
# Choose options for branding, download sites, etc.
# Makefile.options is created as a link to a file containing the desired
# options, chosen by the first of these found in open-src/common:
# 1) Makefile.options.$(X_BUILD_OPTIONS)
# 2) Makefile.options.<last two components of `domainname`, lowercased>
# 3) Makefile.options.opensolaris
MK_OPTS = open-src/common/Makefile.options
@ if [[ -n "${X_BUILD_OPTIONS}" ]] ; then \
if [[ ! -f "$(MK_OPTS).$${X_BUILD_OPTIONS}" ]] ; then \
print -u2 "Invalid X_BUILD_OPTIONS: " \
"$(MK_OPTS).$${X_BUILD_OPTIONS} not found" ; \
exit 1 ; \
fi \
else \
X_BUILD_OPTIONS="$$(domainname | \
awk -F. '{if (NF > 1) {printf "%s.%s", $$(NF-1), $$NF}}')" ; \
typeset -l X_BUILD_OPTIONS ; \
if [[ ! -f "$(MK_OPTS).$${X_BUILD_OPTIONS}" ]] ; then \
X_BUILD_OPTIONS='opensolaris' ; \
fi \
fi ; \
print "Choosing build options from $(MK_OPTS).$${X_BUILD_OPTIONS}" ; \
rm -f $@ ; \
ln -s "Makefile.options.$${X_BUILD_OPTIONS}" $@
# install & check are run in each subdir via Makefile.subdirs
### Include common definitions
include $(TOP)/open-src/common/Makefile.subdirs