Xaw3_1Mailbox.c revision 749
501N/A * $XConsortium: Mailbox.c,v 1.35 89/10/09 16:51:44 jim Exp $
501N/A *
501N/A * Copyright 1988 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
851N/A *
851N/A * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
501N/A * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
501N/A * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
501N/A * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
501N/A * documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or
501N/A * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
501N/A * written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the
501N/A * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
501N/A * without express or implied warranty.
501N/A *
501N/A * Author: Jim Fulton, MIT X Consortium
501N/A *
501N/A * I recommend that you use the new mailfull and mailempty bitmaps instead of
501N/A * the ugly mailboxes:
501N/A *
501N/A * XBiff*fullPixmap: mailfull
501N/A * XBiff*emptyPixmap: mailempty
501N/A */
501N/A#include <stdio.h> /* for printing error messages */
501N/A#include <pwd.h> /* for getting username */
501N/A#include <X11/cursorfont.h> /* for cursor constants */
501N/A#include <X11/StringDefs.h> /* for useful atom names */
501N/A#include <X11/Intrinsic.h> /* for XtTimerCallbackProc */
501N/A#include <X11/IntrinsicP.h> /* for toolkit stuff */
501N/A#include <sys/stat.h> /* for stat() ** needs types.h ***/
501N/A#include <X11/bitmaps/mailfull> /* for flag up (mail present) bits */
501N/A#include <X11/bitmaps/mailempty> /* for flag down (mail not here) */
501N/A#include <./Xaw3_1XawInit.h>
501N/A#include <./Xaw3_1MailboxP.h> /* for implementation mailbox stuff */
501N/A#include <X11/Xmu/Converters.h> /* for XmuCvtStringToBitmap */
501N/A#ifdef SHAPE
501N/A#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
501N/A * The default user interface is to have the mailbox turn itself off whenever
501N/A * the user presses a button in it. Expert users might want to make this
501N/A * happen on EnterWindow. It might be nice to provide support for some sort of
501N/A * exit callback so that you can do things like press q to quit.
501N/A */
501N/Astatic char defaultTranslations[] =
501N/A "<ButtonPress>: unset()";
501N/Astatic void Check(), Set(), Unset();
851N/Astatic XtActionsRec actionsList[] = {
501N/A { "check", Check },
501N/A { "unset", Unset },
501N/A { "set", Set },
/* Initialization of defaults */
#define offset(field) XtOffset(MailboxWidget,mailbox.field)
#define goffset(field) XtOffset(Widget,core.field)
static Dimension defDim = 48;
static Pixmap nopix = None;
static XtResource resources[] = {
{ XtNwidth, XtCWidth, XtRDimension, sizeof (Dimension),
goffset (width), XtRDimension, (caddr_t)&defDim },
{ XtNheight, XtCHeight, XtRDimension, sizeof (Dimension),
goffset (height), XtRDimension, (caddr_t)&defDim },
{ XtNupdate, XtCInterval, XtRInt, sizeof (int),
offset (update), XtRString, "30" },
{ XtNforeground, XtCForeground, XtRPixel, sizeof (Pixel),
offset (foreground_pixel), XtRString, "black" },
{ XtNbackground, XtCBackground, XtRPixel, sizeof (Pixel),
goffset (background_pixel), XtRString, "white" },
{ XtNreverseVideo, XtCReverseVideo, XtRBoolean, sizeof (Boolean),
offset (reverseVideo), XtRString, "FALSE" },
{ XtNfile, XtCFile, XtRString, sizeof (String),
offset (filename), XtRString, NULL },
{ XtNcheckCommand, XtCCheckCommand, XtRString, sizeof(char*),
offset (check_command), XtRString, NULL},
{ XtNvolume, XtCVolume, XtRInt, sizeof(int),
offset (volume), XtRString, "33"},
{ XtNonceOnly, XtCBoolean, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
offset (once_only), XtRImmediate, (caddr_t)False },
{ XtNfullPixmap, XtCPixmap, XtRBitmap, sizeof(Pixmap),
offset (full.bitmap), XtRString, "flagup" },
{ XtNfullPixmapMask, XtCPixmapMask, XtRBitmap, sizeof(Pixmap),
offset (full.mask), XtRBitmap, (caddr_t) &nopix },
{ XtNemptyPixmap, XtCPixmap, XtRBitmap, sizeof(Pixmap),
offset (empty.bitmap), XtRString, "flagdown" },
{ XtNemptyPixmapMask, XtCPixmapMask, XtRBitmap, sizeof(Pixmap),
offset (empty.mask), XtRBitmap, (caddr_t) &nopix },
{ XtNflip, XtCFlip, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
offset (flipit), XtRString, "true" },
#ifdef SHAPE
{ XtNshapeWindow, XtCShapeWindow, XtRBoolean, sizeof(Boolean),
offset (shapeit), XtRString, "false" },
#undef offset
#undef goffset
static void GetMailFile(), CloseDown();
static void check_mailbox(), redraw_mailbox(), beep();
static void ClassInitialize(), Initialize(), Realize(), Destroy(), Redisplay();
static Boolean SetValues();
MailboxClassRec mailboxClassRec = {
{ /* core fields */
/* superclass */ &widgetClassRec,
/* class_name */ "Mailbox",
/* widget_size */ sizeof(MailboxRec),
/* class_initialize */ ClassInitialize,
/* class_part_initialize */ NULL,
/* class_inited */ FALSE,
/* initialize */ Initialize,
/* initialize_hook */ NULL,
/* realize */ Realize,
/* actions */ actionsList,
/* num_actions */ XtNumber(actionsList),
/* resources */ resources,
/* resource_count */ XtNumber(resources),
/* xrm_class */ NULL,
/* compress_motion */ TRUE,
/* compress_exposure */ TRUE,
/* compress_enterleave */ TRUE,
/* visible_interest */ FALSE,
/* destroy */ Destroy,
/* resize */ NULL,
/* expose */ Redisplay,
/* set_values */ SetValues,
/* set_values_hook */ NULL,
/* set_values_almost */ XtInheritSetValuesAlmost,
/* get_values_hook */ NULL,
/* accept_focus */ NULL,
/* version */ XtVersion,
/* callback_private */ NULL,
/* tm_table */ defaultTranslations,
/* query_geometry */ XtInheritQueryGeometry,
/* display_accelerator */ XtInheritDisplayAccelerator,
/* extension */ NULL
WidgetClass mailboxWidgetClass = (WidgetClass) &mailboxClassRec;
* widget initialization
static void ClassInitialize ()
static XtConvertArgRec screenConvertArg[] = {
{ XtWidgetBaseOffset, (caddr_t) XtOffset(Widget, core.screen), sizeof(Screen *) }
XtAddConverter (XtRString, XtRBitmap, XmuCvtStringToBitmap,
screenConvertArg, XtNumber(screenConvertArg));
static GC get_mailbox_gc (w)
MailboxWidget w;
XtGCMask valuemask;
XGCValues xgcv;
valuemask = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCFunction | GCGraphicsExposures;
xgcv.foreground = w->mailbox.foreground_pixel;
xgcv.background = w->core.background_pixel;
xgcv.function = GXcopy;
xgcv.graphics_exposures = False; /* this is Bool, not Boolean */
return (XtGetGC ((Widget) w, valuemask, &xgcv));
static void Initialize (request, new)
Widget request, new;
MailboxWidget w = (MailboxWidget) new;
#ifdef SHAPE
int shape_event_base, shape_error_base;
if (!w->mailbox.filename) GetMailFile (w);
if (w->core.width <= 0) w->core.width = 1;
if (w->core.height <= 0) w->core.height = 1;
if (w->mailbox.reverseVideo) {
Pixel tmp;
tmp = w->mailbox.foreground_pixel;
w->mailbox.foreground_pixel = w->core.background_pixel;
w->core.background_pixel = tmp;
#ifdef SHAPE
if (w->mailbox.shapeit && !XShapeQueryExtension (XtDisplay (w),
w->mailbox.shapeit = False;
w->mailbox.shape_cache.mask = None;
w->mailbox.gc = get_mailbox_gc (w);
w->mailbox.interval_id = (XtIntervalId) 0;
w->mailbox.full.pixmap = None;
w->mailbox.empty.pixmap = None;
* action procedures
* pretend there is new mail; put widget in flagup state
static void Set (gw, event, params, nparams)
Widget gw;
XEvent *event;
String *params;
Cardinal *nparams;
MailboxWidget w = (MailboxWidget) gw;
w->mailbox.last_size = -1;
check_mailbox (w, TRUE, FALSE); /* redraw, no reset */
* ack the existing mail; put widget in flagdown state
static void Unset (gw, event, params, nparams)
Widget gw;
XEvent *event;
String *params;
Cardinal *nparams;
MailboxWidget w = (MailboxWidget) gw;
check_mailbox (w, TRUE, TRUE); /* redraw, reset */
* look to see if there is new mail; if so, Set, else Unset
static void Check (gw, event, params, nparams)
Widget gw;
XEvent *event;
String *params;
Cardinal *nparams;
MailboxWidget w = (MailboxWidget) gw;
check_mailbox (w, TRUE, FALSE); /* redraw, no reset */
static XtTimerCallbackProc clock_tic (client_data, id)
caddr_t client_data;
XtIntervalId *id;
MailboxWidget w = (MailboxWidget) client_data;
check_mailbox (w, FALSE, FALSE); /* no redraw, no reset */
* and reset the timer
w->mailbox.interval_id = XtAddTimeOut (w->mailbox.update * 1000,
(caddr_t) w);
static Pixmap make_pixmap (dpy, w, bitmap, depth, flip, widthp, heightp)
Display *dpy;
MailboxWidget w;
Pixmap bitmap;
Boolean flip;
int depth;
int *widthp, *heightp;
Window root;
int x, y;
unsigned int width, height, bw, dep;
unsigned long fore, back;
if (!XGetGeometry (dpy, bitmap, &root, &x, &y, &width, &height, &bw, &dep))
return None;
*widthp = (int) width;
*heightp = (int) height;
if (flip) {
fore = w->core.background_pixel;
back = w->mailbox.foreground_pixel;
} else {
fore = w->mailbox.foreground_pixel;
back = w->core.background_pixel;
return XmuCreatePixmapFromBitmap (dpy, w->core.window, bitmap,
width, height, depth, fore, back);
static void Realize (gw, valuemaskp, attr)
Widget gw;
XtValueMask *valuemaskp;
XSetWindowAttributes *attr;
MailboxWidget w = (MailboxWidget) gw;
register Display *dpy = XtDisplay (w);
int depth = w->core.depth;
*valuemaskp |= (CWBitGravity | CWCursor);
attr->bit_gravity = ForgetGravity;
attr->cursor = XCreateFontCursor (dpy, XC_top_left_arrow);
XtCreateWindow (gw, InputOutput, (Visual *) CopyFromParent,
*valuemaskp, attr);
* build up the pixmaps that we'll put into the image
if (w->mailbox.full.bitmap == None) {
w->mailbox.full.bitmap =
XCreateBitmapFromData (dpy, w->core.window,
(const char *)mailfull_bits,
mailfull_width, mailfull_height);
if (w->mailbox.empty.bitmap == None) {
w->mailbox.empty.bitmap =
XCreateBitmapFromData (dpy, w->core.window,
(const char *)mailempty_bits,
mailempty_width, mailempty_height);
w->mailbox.empty.pixmap = make_pixmap (dpy, w, w->mailbox.empty.bitmap,
depth, False,
w->mailbox.full.pixmap = make_pixmap (dpy, w, w->mailbox.full.bitmap,
depth, w->mailbox.flipit,
#ifdef SHAPE
if (w->mailbox.empty.mask == None && w->mailbox.full.mask == None)
w->mailbox.shapeit = False;
w->mailbox.interval_id = XtAddTimeOut (w->mailbox.update * 1000,
(caddr_t) w);
#ifdef SHAPE
w->mailbox.shape_cache.mask = None;
static void Destroy (gw)
Widget gw;
MailboxWidget w = (MailboxWidget) gw;
Display *dpy = XtDisplay (gw);
XtFree (w->mailbox.filename);
if (w->mailbox.interval_id) XtRemoveTimeOut (w->mailbox.interval_id);
XtDestroyGC (w->mailbox.gc);
#define freepix(p) if (p) XFreePixmap (dpy, p)
freepix (w->mailbox.full.bitmap); /* until cvter does ref cnt */
freepix (w->mailbox.full.mask); /* until cvter does ref cnt */
freepix (w->mailbox.full.pixmap);
freepix (w->mailbox.empty.bitmap); /* until cvter does ref cnt */
freepix (w->mailbox.empty.mask); /* until cvter does ref cnt */
freepix (w->mailbox.empty.pixmap);
#ifdef SHAPE
freepix (w->mailbox.shape_cache.mask);
#undef freepix
static void Redisplay (gw)
Widget gw;
MailboxWidget w = (MailboxWidget) gw;
check_mailbox (w, TRUE, FALSE);
static void check_mailbox (w, force_redraw, reset)
MailboxWidget w;
Boolean force_redraw, reset;
long mailboxsize = 0;
if (w->mailbox.check_command != NULL) {
switch (system(w->mailbox.check_command)) {
case 0:
mailboxsize = w->mailbox.last_size + 1;
/* case 1 is no change */
case 2:
mailboxsize = 0;
/* treat everything else as no change */
else {
struct stat st;
if (stat (w->mailbox.filename, &st) == 0) {
mailboxsize = st.st_size;
* Now check for changes. If reset is set then we want to pretent that
* there is no mail. If the mailbox is empty then we want to turn off
* the flag. Otherwise if the mailbox has changed size then we want to
* put the flag up.
* The cases are:
* o forced reset by user DOWN
* o no mailbox or empty (zero-sized) mailbox DOWN
* o same size as last time no change
* o bigger than last time UP
* o smaller than last time but non-zero UP
* The last two cases can be expressed as different from last
* time and non-zero.
if (reset) { /* forced reset */
w->mailbox.flag_up = FALSE;
force_redraw = TRUE;
} else if (mailboxsize == 0) { /* no mailbox or empty */
w->mailbox.flag_up = FALSE;
if (w->mailbox.last_size > 0) force_redraw = TRUE; /* if change */
} else if (mailboxsize != w->mailbox.last_size) { /* different size */
if (!w->mailbox.once_only || !w->mailbox.flag_up)
w->mailbox.flag_up = TRUE;
force_redraw = TRUE;
w->mailbox.last_size = mailboxsize;
if (force_redraw) redraw_mailbox (w);
* get user name for building mailbox
static void GetMailFile (w)
MailboxWidget w;
char *getlogin();
char *username;
username = getlogin ();
if (!username) {
struct passwd *pw = getpwuid (getuid ());
if (!pw) {
fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to find a username for you.\n",
"Mailbox widget");
CloseDown (w, 1);
username = pw->pw_name;
w->mailbox.filename = (String) XtMalloc (strlen (MAILBOX_DIRECTORY) + 1 +
strlen (username) + 1);
strcpy (w->mailbox.filename, MAILBOX_DIRECTORY);
strcat (w->mailbox.filename, "/");
strcat (w->mailbox.filename, username);
static void CloseDown (w, status)
MailboxWidget w;
int status;
Display *dpy = XtDisplay (w);
XtDestroyWidget ((Widget)w);
XCloseDisplay (dpy);
exit (status);
static Boolean SetValues (gcurrent, grequest, gnew)
Widget gcurrent, grequest, gnew;
MailboxWidget current = (MailboxWidget) gcurrent;
MailboxWidget new = (MailboxWidget) gnew;
Boolean redisplay = FALSE;
if (current->mailbox.update != new->mailbox.update) {
if (current->mailbox.interval_id)
XtRemoveTimeOut (current->mailbox.interval_id);
new->mailbox.interval_id = XtAddTimeOut (new->mailbox.update * 1000,
(caddr_t) gnew);
if (current->mailbox.foreground_pixel != new->mailbox.foreground_pixel ||
current->core.background_pixel != new->core.background_pixel) {
XtDestroyGC (current->mailbox.gc);
new->mailbox.gc = get_mailbox_gc (new);
redisplay = TRUE;
return (redisplay);
* drawing code
static void redraw_mailbox (w)
MailboxWidget w;
register Display *dpy = XtDisplay (w);
register Window win = XtWindow (w);
register int x, y;
GC gc = w->mailbox.gc;
Pixel back = w->core.background_pixel;
struct _mbimage *im;
/* center the picture in the window */
if (w->mailbox.flag_up) { /* paint the "up" position */
im = &w->mailbox.full;
if (w->mailbox.flipit) back = w->mailbox.foreground_pixel;
} else { /* paint the "down" position */
im = &w->mailbox.empty;
x = (((int)w->core.width) - im->width) / 2;
y = (((int)w->core.height) - im->height) / 2;
XSetWindowBackground (dpy, win, back);
XClearWindow (dpy, win);
XCopyArea (dpy, im->pixmap, win, gc, 0, 0, im->width, im->height, x, y);
#ifdef SHAPE
* XXX - temporary hack; walk up widget tree to find top most parent (which
* will be a shell) and mash it to have our shape. This will be replaced
* by a special shell widget.
if (w->mailbox.shapeit) {
Widget parent;
for (parent = (Widget) w; XtParent(parent);
parent = XtParent(parent)) {
x += parent->core.x + parent->core.border_width;
y += parent->core.y + parent->core.border_width;
if (im->mask != w->mailbox.shape_cache.mask ||
x != w->mailbox.shape_cache.x || y != w->mailbox.shape_cache.y) {
XShapeCombineMask (XtDisplay(parent), XtWindow(parent),
ShapeBounding, x, y, im->mask, ShapeSet);
w->mailbox.shape_cache.mask = im->mask;
w->mailbox.shape_cache.x = x;
w->mailbox.shape_cache.y = y;
static void beep (w)
MailboxWidget w;
XBell (XtDisplay (w), w->mailbox.volume);