749N/A* $XConsortium: Logo.h,v 1.9 89/05/11 01:05:50 kit Exp $ 749N/ACopyright 1988 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 749N/APermission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this 749N/Asoftware and its documentation for any purpose and without 749N/Afee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright 749N/Anotice appear in all copies and that both that copyright 749N/Anotice and this permission notice appear in supporting 749N/Adocumentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in 749N/Aadvertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the 749N/Asoftware without specific, written prior permission. 749N/AM.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of 749N/Athis software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" 749N/Awithout express or implied warranty. 749N/A Name Class RepType Default Value 749N/A ---- ----- ------- ------------- 749N/A background Background Pixel White 749N/A border BorderColor Pixel XtDefaultForeground 749N/A borderWidth BorderWidth Dimension 1 749N/A destroyCallback Callback Pointer NULL 749N/A foreground Foreground Pixel Black 749N/A height Height Dimension 100 749N/A mappedWhenManaged MappedWhenManaged Boolean True 749N/A reverseVideo ReverseVideo Boolean False 749N/A width Width Dimension 100