* Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Functions used for executing the I²C protocol.
* Caller should provide a vector of function calls which can
* be called to perform the following low-level functions:
* set_scl() set SCL line 0 or 1
* set_sda() set SDA line 0 or 1
* get_scl() return SCL line
* get_sda() return SDA line
* ddc_clk() wait for 'n' clock periods. 'n' is usually 1
* and the period is typically 2.5-40 µsec, but this
* value is up to the implementation. One bus cycle
* is four clock periods, so the minimum allowable
* period is 2.5 µsec (100 kHz bus clock).
* clock_interval integer field specifying the clock period in µsec.
* clock_stretch integer field specifying maximum clock stretch
* time in µsec. Typically 10000.
* All functions accept two arbitrary arguments which may be used
* to pass one pointer and one integer value. These might typically
* be used to pass a device softc structure and a unit number.
* All functions which return an int will return 0 on success, error code
* on failure.
* Caller should use mutex locking to ensure that two threads do not
* attempt to simultaneously access the device. The regular device
* mutex should usually not be used for this purpose if avoidable, as this
* protocol can take a considerable amount of time to execute.
#ifndef _EFB_I2C_H
#define _EFB_I2C_H
#include <sys/types.h>
/* Error codes: */
#define EFB_I2C_OK 0 /* No error */
#define EFB_I2C_TIMEOUT 1
#define EFB_I2C_NOACK 2 /* Slave fails to acknowledge a write */
#define EFB_I2C_STRETCH 3 /* Slave fails to release clock stretch */
#define EFB_I2C_READ_NOACK 4 /* Slave fails to release NOACK after read */
typedef struct {
void (*set_scl)(void *priv, int port, int data);
void (*set_sda)(void *priv, int port, int data);
int (*get_scl)(void *priv, int port);
int (*get_sda)(void *priv, int port);
void (*ddc_clk)(void *priv, int port, int n);
int clock_interval;
int clock_stretch;
} efb_i2c_functions_t;
extern void efb_i2c_write_reg(void *, const efb_i2c_functions_t *,
uint_t, uint_t, uint_t, uchar_t);
extern int efb_i2c_write_byte(void *, int, const efb_i2c_functions_t *,
int data);
extern int efb_i2c_check_write_ack(void *, int,
const efb_i2c_functions_t *);
extern int efb_i2c_read_byte(void *, int, const efb_i2c_functions_t *,
uint8_t *);
extern int efb_i2c_read_byte_noack(void *, int,
const efb_i2c_functions_t *, uint8_t *);
extern int efb_i2c_stop(void *, int, const efb_i2c_functions_t *);
extern int efb_i2c_start(void *, int, const efb_i2c_functions_t *);
extern int efb_i2c_clk_stretch(void *, int, const efb_i2c_functions_t *);
#endif /* _EFB_I2C_H */