1276N/AREADME for X11R7.7
1056N/AThe X.Org Foundation
1276N/AApril 2012
1276N/AX11R7.7 is an Open Source version of the X Window System that supports many
1056N/AUNIX® and UNIX-like operating systems (such as Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD,
1276N/Aand Solaris) on a variety of platforms. This version is compatible with X11R7.6
1056N/Aand other X Window System implementations which support the X11 standard.
1056N/ATable of Contents
1276N/AWhat is X11R7.7?
1056N/APointers to additional information
1056N/AThe Public Mailing Lists
1056N/AContributing to the X.Org Foundation's X efforts.
1056N/AHow to get the release
1276N/A X11R7.7
1056N/A The current development tree
1056N/AReporting Bugs
1276N/AWhat is X11R7.7?
1276N/AX11R7.7 is the eighth release in the X11R7 series.
1056N/ASpecific release enhancements can be viewed in the Release Notes.
1056N/AMost modern PC video hardware is supported in this release, and most PC video
1056N/Ahardware that isn't supported explicitly can be used with the "vesa" driver.
1276N/AThe Release Notes has a table showing the drivers provided with X11R7.7, and
1056N/Alinks to related documentation.
1056N/AThe X.Org Foundation X releases are produced by the X.Org Foundation. The X.Org
1056N/AFoundation has been formed as a Delaware corporation organized to operate as a
1056N/Ascientific charity under IRS code 501(c)(3) chartered to develop and execute
1056N/Aeffective strategies which provide world-wide stewardship of the X Window
1056N/ASystem technology and standards. Membership in the X.Org Foundation is free to
1056N/Aall participants. Applications for Membership are now being accepted, and
1056N/Aactive participants in the further development of the X Window Technology are
1276N/Ainvited to complete a membership application. The X11R7.7 release has been
1056N/Aproduced by the many contributors to the X.Org community and members of the
1056N/AX.Org Foundation and includes code from the X Consortium, the Open Group and
1056N/Athe XFree86® Project. This release is dedicated to the greater X community,
1056N/Adevelopers and users alike.
1056N/AX Window System source code is covered by many licenses. All of these licenses
1056N/Ahave in common the fact that they do not impose significant conditions on the
1056N/Amodification or redistribution or either source code or binaries beyond
1056N/Arequiring one or more of the following:
1056N/A 1. Copyright and/or license notices are left intact.
1056N/A 2. Copyright and/or license notices are reproduced verbatim in documentation
1056N/A accompanying binary distributions.
1056N/A 3. Attributions are included with documentation accompanying binaries.
1056N/AMost of these licenses are based on the MIT, X Consortium, or BSD (original and
1056N/Arevised) licenses. All of them are consistent with the Open Source Definition,
1056N/Aand most are consistent with the Free Software Foundation's Free Software
1056N/ACopyright and Licensing information for X, including the reproduction of
1056N/Acopyright and/or license notices and attributions required by some of the
1056N/Alicenses for binary distributions, can be found in the License Document. If you
1056N/Afind any omissions in that document, please contact us with details at <
1276N/Axorg@lists.x.org>. While the current licenses are all open source licenses, the
1276N/AX.Org Foundation is attempting, with time, to bring as much as possible of the
1276N/Acode's licenses in the distribution into compliance with the Debian Free
1276N/ASoftware Guidelines.
1056N/APointers to additional information
1056N/AThe documentation for this release can be found online at the X.Org web site.
1056N/AThe X11 version numbering system (including historical information) can be
1056N/Afound in the Versions Document.
1056N/AAdditional information may be available at the X.Org Foundation Wiki.
1056N/AThe Public Mailing Lists
1056N/ACurrent information about the X.Org Foundation public mailing lists is
1056N/Aavailable on the X.Org mailing list page and related desktop technology mailing
1056N/Alists can be found on Freedesktop.org's mailing list page.
1056N/AContributing to the X.Org Foundation's X efforts.
1056N/AIf you have any new work or enhancements/bug fixes for existing work, please
1056N/Asend them as git format patches to <xorg-devel@lists.freedesktop.org> or to our
1056N/Abug tracking system using the xorg component. This will help ensure that they
1056N/Aare included in future releases. More details on patch submission and review
1056N/Aprocess are available on the SubmittingPatches page of the X.Org wiki.
1056N/AHow to get the release
1276N/AInformation about X11R7.7 can be found from the X.Org Foundation wiki, and at
1056N/Amirrors of this server.
1276N/AThis is the eighth release of the new modular source code tree. The source code
1276N/Ahas been split into nine logical modules: app, data, doc, driver, font, lib.
1276N/Aproto, util and xserver. Each of these modules contain one or more packages
1276N/Athat can be configured, built and installed separately. Please see an X11R7.7
1276N/Arelease site for a complete list of the tarballs.
1056N/AFor information on how to build the modular tree packages see the Modular
1056N/ADeveloper's Guide. This guide also contains information for developers who want
1056N/Ato help improve the modular build system and modular code base.
1056N/AThe current development tree
1056N/AThe X source code for this and all releases/snapshots as well as development
1056N/Aversions can also be accessed via the Freedesktop.org git repository. It's also
1056N/Apossible to browse the freedesktop git repository.
1056N/ATo check out the latest development version, don't specify any tag.
1056N/AReporting Bugs
1056N/ABugs should be reported to freedesktop.org's bug tracking system using the xorg
1056N/Acomponent. Before reporting bugs, please check the server log file, which can
1056N/Abe found at /var/log/Xorg.0.log on most platforms. If you can't resolve the
1056N/Aproblem yourself, send the entire log file with your bug report but not the
1056N/Aoperating system core dump. Do not edit the log file as our developers use it
1056N/Ato reproduce and debug your problem. Please attach it to your bug report.