3998N/AIn-house patch to add the location of PCRE header files for building the
3998N/AC extension. This patch is specific to Solaris and will not be
3998N/Asubmitted upstream.
6817N/A--- pyScss-1.3.4/setup.py.~1~ 2015-10-06 02:08:05.983360539 -0800
6817N/A+++ pyScss-1.3.4/setup.py 2015-10-06 02:09:00.989466001 -0800
6817N/A@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ speedups = Feature(
3998N/A Extension(
6817N/A 'scss.grammar._scanner',
6817N/A sources=['scss/src/_speedups.c', 'scss/src/block_locator.c', 'scss/src/scanner.c', 'scss/src/hashtable.c'],
3998N/A- libraries=['pcre']
3998N/A+ libraries=['pcre'],
3998N/A+ include_dirs = ['/usr/include/pcre']
3998N/A ),
3998N/A ],
3998N/A )