calc-forms.patch revision 4789
3626N/A# Prevent uninterruptible infinite loop. This is the fix for
3626N/A# 20270656 calc: sign change of value puts Emacs into tight loop
3626N/A# See components/emacs/README.
4789N/A--- emacs-24.5.orig/lisp/calc/calc-forms.el 2015-04-02 01:23:06.000000000 -0600
4789N/A+++ emacs-24.5/lisp/calc/calc-forms.el 2015-06-29 11:29:19.191046059 -0600
4789N/A@@ -273,7 +273,10 @@
3626N/A (m (math-normalize (nth 2 a)))
3626N/A (s (let ((calc-internal-prec (max (- calc-internal-prec 4) 3)))
3626N/A (math-normalize (nth 3 a)))))
3626N/A- (if (math-negp h)
3626N/A+ (if (or
3626N/A+ (math-negp h)
3626N/A+ (and (= h 0) (math-negp m))
3626N/A+ (and (= h 0) (= m 0) (math-negp s)))
3626N/A (progn
3626N/A (if (math-posp s)
3626N/A (setq s (math-add s -60)