docker-support revision 7175
6466N/A# Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7175N/A """HTTPConnection for local UNIX sockets.""" 7175N/A # expect standard success status 7175N/A # expect success and no content 7116N/A # build rootfs, send output to stdout 6466N/A print "Creating container rootfs from host publishers..." 7116N/A print "Creating Docker base image '%s'..." %
tag 7175N/A print "unable to query api for container list: %s" % e
7175N/A print "unable to kill container [%s]: %s" %
(cid, e) 7175N/A print "Shutting down all running container instances..." 7175N/A print "NOTE: unable to gracefully shutdown all containers" 6466N/A help="create a base image from host publisher content", 6524N/A help="use development build options for the package image") 7175N/A help="gracefully kill all running container instances",