5559N/AFrom 8888dd830d16fdc8b66a7036cd1303f664d636bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
5559N/AFrom: Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersmith@oracle.com>
5559N/ADate: Sat, 2 Jan 2016 22:48:49 -0800
5559N/ASubject: [PATCH] barcode hack
5398N/AReplace words that may disturb easily-offended users or easily-worried lawyers
5398N/Awith those that may entertain the easily-amused Sun engineer who had to edit
5398N/Athe list.
5398N/ADo not remove unless you've gotten approval to ship with R-rated language
5398N/Arandomly displayed on screen. (While you could argue that out of context
5398N/Asome of these words are, for instance, another name for a rooster or a cat,
5398N/Ait's harder to argue when the context they're displayed in may include words
5398N/Alike "boobies", "vibrator" and "Viagra".)
5398N/AUnlikely to be accepted upstream.
5398N/A hacks/barcode.c | 127 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
5398N/A 1 file changed, 113 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
5398N/Adiff --git a/hacks/barcode.c b/hacks/barcode.c
5398N/Aindex d659216..b883c67 100644
5398N/A--- a/hacks/barcode.c
5398N/A+++ b/hacks/barcode.c
5398N/A@@ -102,44 +102,66 @@ static const char *words[] =
5398N/A "addiction",
5398N/A "alertness",
5398N/A "Algeria",
5398N/A+ "Amber Road",
5398N/A "anxiety",
5398N/A "aorta",
5398N/A "argyle socks",
5398N/A "attrition",
5398N/A+ "automagic",
5398N/A "axis of evil",
5398N/A "bamboo",
5398N/A+ "banana slug",
5398N/A "bangle",
5398N/A "bankruptcy",
5398N/A "baptism",
5398N/A+ "barrelmaker",
5398N/A "beer",
5398N/A "bellicosity",
5398N/A "bells",
5398N/A "belly",
5398N/A+ "Beowawe",
5398N/A+ "Berkeley",
5398N/A+ "BFU",
5398N/A+ "Bleaklow",
5398N/A "bliss",
5398N/A "bogosity",
5398N/A- "boobies",
5398N/A- "boobs",
5398N/A+ "bolthole",
5398N/A+ "Boole House",
5398N/A+ "boomer",
5398N/A "booty",
5398N/A "bread",
5398N/A+ "brickify",
5398N/A+ "browncoat",
5398N/A "bubba",
5398N/A "burrito",
5398N/A+ "caiman",
5398N/A "California",
5398N/A "capybara",
5398N/A "cardinality",
5398N/A "caribou",
5398N/A "carnage",
5398N/A+ "Chicago",
5398N/A "children",
5398N/A+ "chime",
5398N/A "chocolate",
5398N/A+ "chupacabra",
5398N/A+ "cinnabar",
5398N/A+ "Clear View",
5398N/A "CLONE",
5398N/A- "cock",
5398N/A+ "Colorado",
5398N/A+ "Complete.",
5398N/A "constriction",
5398N/A "contrition",
5398N/A "cop",
5398N/A+ "corona",
5398N/A "corpse",
5398N/A "cowboy",
5398N/A "crabapple",
5398N/A "craziness",
5398N/A+ "crossbow",
5398N/A "cthulhu",
5398N/A+ "cuddle",
5398N/A+ "cuddletech",
5398N/A "Death",
5398N/A "decepticon",
5398N/A "deception",
5398N/A@@ -148,22 +170,31 @@ static const char *words[] =
5398N/A "decoy",
5398N/A "defenestration",
5398N/A "democracy",
5398N/A+ "dendrite",
5398N/A "dependency",
5398N/A "despair",
5398N/A "desperation",
5398N/A "disease",
5398N/A "disease",
5398N/A "doberman",
5398N/A+ "dot com",
5398N/A "DOOM",
5398N/A- "dreams",
5398N/A+ "DREAM",
5398N/A "dreams",
5398N/A "drugs",
5398N/A+ "Duckwater",
5398N/A+ "duraflame",
5398N/A "easy",
5398N/A "ebony",
5398N/A+ "ecoresponsibility",
5398N/A "election",
5398N/A "eloquence",
5398N/A+ "Elko",
5398N/A+ "Ely",
5398N/A+ "embiggen",
5398N/A "emergency",
5398N/A "eureka",
5398N/A+ "every city",
5398N/A "excommunication",
5398N/A "fat",
5398N/A "fatherland",
5398N/A@@ -171,18 +202,29 @@ static const char *words[] =
5398N/A "fear",
5398N/A "fever",
5398N/A "filth",
5398N/A+ "fishworks",
5398N/A+ "flask",
5398N/A "flatulence",
5398N/A "fluff",
5398N/A "fnord",
5398N/A+ "FOX",
5398N/A+ "frak",
5398N/A "freedom",
5398N/A "fruit",
5398N/A- "fruit",
5398N/A+ "fugu",
5398N/A "futility",
5398N/A+ "galaxy",
5398N/A+ "genunix",
5398N/A "gerbils",
5398N/A- "GOD",
5398N/A+ "Gerlach",
5398N/A "goggles",
5398N/A "goobers",
5398N/A "gorilla",
5398N/A+ "greenline",
5398N/A+ "green violet",
5398N/A+ "grok",
5398N/A+ "grub",
5398N/A+ "Groom Lake",
5398N/A "halibut",
5398N/A "handmaid",
5398N/A "happiness",
5398N/A@@ -193,23 +235,31 @@ static const char *words[] =
5398N/A "heroin",
5398N/A "heroine",
5398N/A "hope",
5398N/A+ "honeycomb",
5398N/A "hysteria",
5398N/A+ "Ichthyosaur",
5398N/A "icepick",
5398N/A "identity",
5398N/A "ignorance",
5398N/A+ "illumonati",
5398N/A "importance",
5398N/A+ "Indiana",
5398N/A "individuality",
5398N/A "inkling",
5398N/A "insurrection",
5398N/A "intoxicant",
5398N/A "ire",
5398N/A "irritant",
5398N/A+ "iwashi",
5398N/A "jade",
5398N/A "jaundice",
5398N/A+ "Jet",
5398N/A "Joyce",
5398N/A+ "Jupiter",
5398N/A "kidney stone",
5398N/A "kitchenette",
5398N/A "kiwi",
5398N/A+ "Lahontan",
5398N/A "lathe",
5398N/A "lattice",
5398N/A "lawyer",
5398N/A@@ -218,32 +268,49 @@ static const char *words[] =
5398N/A "lobbyist",
5398N/A "love",
5398N/A "lozenge",
5398N/A+ "Lund",
5398N/A+ "Mad Hatter",
5398N/A "magazine",
5398N/A "magnesium",
5398N/A "malfunction",
5398N/A+ "Marrakesh",
5398N/A+ "Mars",
5398N/A "marmot",
5398N/A "marshmallow",
5398N/A+ "McGill",
5398N/A+ "Menlo Park",
5398N/A+ "mercurial",
5398N/A "merit",
5398N/A "merkin",
5398N/A "mescaline",
5398N/A "milk",
5398N/A "mischief",
5398N/A "mistrust",
5398N/A+ "Moapa",
5398N/A "money",
5398N/A "monkey",
5398N/A "monkeybutter",
5398N/A+ "Muskoka",
5398N/A+ "mustang",
5398N/A "nationalism",
5398N/A "nature",
5398N/A+ "Nevada",
5398N/A+ "newt",
5398N/A+ "Niagara",
5398N/A "neuron",
5398N/A "noise",
5398N/A "nomenclature",
5398N/A "nutria",
5398N/A "OBEY",
5398N/A "ocelot",
5398N/A+ "oracle",
5398N/A "offspring",
5398N/A "overseer",
5398N/A+ "Pahrump",
5398N/A "pain",
5398N/A "pajamas",
5398N/A+ "panic",
5398N/A+ "paravon",
5398N/A "passenger",
5398N/A "passion",
5398N/A "Passover",
5398N/A@@ -253,19 +320,21 @@ static const char *words[] =
5398N/A "petticoat",
5398N/A "pharmacist",
5398N/A "PhD",
5398N/A+ "pinenut",
5398N/A+ "Pioche",
5398N/A "pitchfork",
5398N/A "plague",
5398N/A "Poindexter",
5398N/A "politician",
5398N/A "pony",
5398N/A+ "ponytail",
5398N/A "presidency",
5398N/A "prison",
5398N/A "prophecy",
5398N/A- "Prozac",
5398N/A "punishment",
5398N/A "punk rock",
5398N/A "punk",
5398N/A- "pussy",
5398N/A+ "quahog",
5398N/A "quagmire",
5398N/A "quarantine",
5398N/A "quartz",
5398N/A@@ -274,13 +343,18 @@ static const char *words[] =
5398N/A "rage",
5398N/A "readout",
5398N/A "reality",
5398N/A- "rectum",
5398N/A+ "register",
5398N/A "reject",
5398N/A "rejection",
5398N/A+ "Reno",
5398N/A "respect",
5398N/A "revolution",
5398N/A "roadrunner",
5398N/A+ "rock",
5398N/A "rule",
5398N/A+ "sagebrush",
5398N/A+ "Santa Clara",
5398N/A+ "Santa Cruz",
5398N/A "savor",
5398N/A "scab",
5398N/A "scalar",
5398N/A@@ -289,25 +363,36 @@ static const char *words[] =
5398N/A "security",
5398N/A "sediment",
5398N/A "self worth",
5398N/A+ "shiny",
5398N/A "sickness",
5398N/A+ "sierra",
5398N/A "silicone",
5398N/A+ "Sirius",
5398N/A "slack",
5398N/A "slander",
5398N/A "slavery",
5398N/A "sledgehammer",
5398N/A- "smegma",
5398N/A "smelly socks",
5398N/A+ "soda",
5398N/A+ "solder",
5398N/A+ "Sonoma",
5398N/A+ "songbird",
5398N/A "sorrow",
5398N/A "space program",
5398N/A+ "Sparks",
5398N/A "stamen",
5398N/A "standardization",
5398N/A "stench",
5398N/A+ "stilt",
5398N/A "subculture",
5398N/A "subversion",
5398N/A+ "sun",
5398N/A "suffering",
5398N/A "surrender",
5398N/A "surveillance",
5398N/A "synthesis",
5398N/A+ "tamarack",
5398N/A+ "Tahoe",
5398N/A "television",
5398N/A "tenant",
5398N/A "tendril",
5398N/A@@ -315,17 +400,27 @@ static const char *words[] =
5398N/A "terrorism",
5398N/A "terrorist",
5398N/A "the impossible",
5398N/A+ "the possimpible",
5398N/A "the unknown",
5398N/A+ "thumper",
5398N/A+ "tiger",
5398N/A+ "tonic",
5398N/A "toast",
5398N/A+ "Tonopah",
5398N/A "topography",
5398N/A "truism",
5398N/A+ "truthiness",
5398N/A+ "Tsinghua",
5398N/A "turgid",
5398N/A+ "uisce",
5398N/A+ "unbreakable",
5398N/A "underbrush",
5398N/A "underling",
5398N/A "unguent",
5398N/A "unusual",
5398N/A "uplink",
5398N/A "urge",
5398N/A+ "Utah",
5398N/A "valor",
5398N/A "variance",
5398N/A "vaudeville",
5398N/A@@ -333,8 +428,7 @@ static const char *words[] =
5398N/A "vegetarian",
5398N/A "venom",
5398N/A "verifiability",
5398N/A- "viagra",
5398N/A- "vibrator",
5398N/A+ "vermillion",
5398N/A "victim",
5398N/A "vignette",
5398N/A "villainy",
5398N/A@@ -344,25 +438,30 @@ static const char *words[] =
5398N/A "warehouse",
5398N/A "waste",
5398N/A "waveform",
5398N/A+ "Wendover",
5398N/A "whiffle ball",
5398N/A "whorl",
5398N/A "windmill",
5398N/A+ "Winchester",
5398N/A "words",
5398N/A "worm",
5398N/A "worship",
5398N/A "worship",
5398N/A- "Xanax",
5398N/A+ "Wyoming",
5398N/A "Xerxes",
5398N/A "Xhosa",
5398N/A "xylophone",
5398N/A "yellow",
5398N/A+ "Yerington",
5398N/A "yesterday",
5398N/A "your nose",
5398N/A "Zanzibar",
5398N/A "zeal",
5398N/A "zebra",
5398N/A "zest",
5398N/A- "zinc"
5398N/A+ "zettabyte",
5398N/A+ "zinc",
5398N/A+ "Zulu"
5398N/A };
5398N/A #define WORD_COUNT (sizeof(words) / sizeof(char *))