02-test.patch revision 7322
7322N/AIn our build environment the test script was failing because lou_checktable
7322N/Awas looking for the passed in pathname under $LOUIS_TABLEPATH and thus all
7322N/Atests failed with a doubled pathname, effectively
7322N/A$(top_srcdir)/tables/$(top_srcdir)/tables/tablename .
7322N/AUpstream has replaced this shell script with a perl script, so we need to see
7322N/Aif it has the same problem before figuring out if we need to submit upstream.
7322N/A--- liblouis-2.1.1/tests/check_all_tables
7322N/A+++ liblouis-2.1.1/tests/check_all_tables
7322N/A@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
7322N/A TABLES=`ls $LOUIS_TABLEPATH/*.[cu]tb $LOUIS_TABLEPATH/*.cti $LOUIS_TABLEPATH/*.dis | grep -v countries.cti | grep -v compress.ctb | grep -v corrections.ctb | grep -v core.[cu]tb`
7322N/A for table in $TABLES; do
7322N/A- if ! lou_checktable $table 2> /dev/null; then
7322N/A+ if ! lou_checktable $(basename $table); then
7322N/A echo "lou_checktable on $table failed";
7322N/A fail=1;
7322N/A fi